Trump just complimented Ted Cruz...called him a hell of a competitor...

Trump has acted in a demeaning manner towards all of the other candidates. Why would any of them publicly support him now? I suppose they would if they wanted to look more pathetic than they already do.
Trump has acted in a demeaning manner towards all of the other candidates.
Maybe they shouldn't have attacked him right out of the box then. Do you think they have the right to attack him but he doesn't have the right to attack back.
Trump has acted in a demeaning manner towards all of the other candidates.
Maybe they shouldn't have attacked him right out of the box then. Do you think they have the right to attack him but he doesn't have the right to attack back.
Trump took it to a whole different level that I've never seen before in a Presidential election. Demeaning nicknames for his opponents? When has that happened in your lifetime?
Trump has acted in a demeaning manner towards all of the other candidates.
Maybe they shouldn't have attacked him right out of the box then. Do you think they have the right to attack him but he doesn't have the right to attack back.
Trump took it to a whole different level that I've never seen before in a Presidential election. Demeaning nicknames for his opponents? When has that happened in your lifetime?
Well, let's see. Before they even had a debate they started in on his hair. Then the Hitler comments started. Megyn Kelly began her anti-Trump campaign. He was called a "cancer" before the campaign even got started. But he's supposed to be nice to them?
Trump has acted in a demeaning manner towards all of the other candidates. Why would any of them publicly support him now? I suppose they would if they wanted to look more pathetic than they already do.

Many of the other candidates acted in a demeaning manner towards Trump as did Fox News for that matter. In most of the cased it was Trump hitting back at them he didn't initiated the exchanges.
Just heard this on Fox....Trump complimented all of his rivals, and picked out Ted Cruz by name....

hilary doesn't know what is going to happen to her.....when obama beat her....that will seem like childs play.....
And to think, just a few hours ago Trump was accusing Cruz's dad of conspiring with JFK's killer! :rofl:
Why would that matter? (-:
What else would he Trump do his support among women and minority voters is horrible and he has I would say at best 50 percent support with Republican voters. He is going to have to mend a lot of fences and build lots of bridges in short time to keep from suffering the same type of defeat Mondale did.
Trump has acted in a demeaning manner towards all of the other candidates. Why would any of them publicly support him now? I suppose they would if they wanted to look more pathetic than they already do.

Many of the other candidates acted in a demeaning manner towards Trump as did Fox News for that matter. In most of the cased it was Trump hitting back at them he didn't initiated the exchanges.
Yeah they noted he was flip flopping on every single issue, and spouting misogynist and racist bullshit. That'll enrage a demigod every dman time. LOL
I doubt if Trump would pick Ted after all the underhanded shit he pulled to screw him over.

No...Trump knows it was the way the game is try to that it is over....time to reshuffle the team....and go up against the witch.....
I don't think Cruz would be a good running mate for Trump. Kasich would be a much better pick IMO.

But why would Kasich lower himself to that? For that matter why would anybody? Short of, somebody like, Alex Jones, Hulk Hogan or Mike Tyson?
Kasich would jump at the chance.

I doubt it. I'm thinkin' this guy would be far more appropriate...


Or maybe ---

See, you can't take a running mate who's smarter than you are, and in Rump's case that eliminates most humans. No, you pick some creature who's so bad he makes you look good by comparison. Think Dan Quayle.
Trump has acted in a demeaning manner towards all of the other candidates. Why would any of them publicly support him now? I suppose they would if they wanted to look more pathetic than they already do.

Zackly. How'd that work out for Chris Christie? Or Ben Carson?
Anybody even remember Ben Carson?
Trump has acted in a demeaning manner towards all of the other candidates.
Maybe they shouldn't have attacked him right out of the box then. Do you think they have the right to attack him but he doesn't have the right to attack back.
Trump took it to a whole different level that I've never seen before in a Presidential election. Demeaning nicknames for his opponents? When has that happened in your lifetime?
Well, let's see. Before they even had a debate they started in on his hair. Then the Hitler comments started. Megyn Kelly began her anti-Trump campaign. He was called a "cancer" before the campaign even got started. But he's supposed to be nice to them?
Which candidate started in on his hair or compared him to Hitler? I don't know what Megyn Kelly has to do with the other candidates and will admit that Rubio started on the stupid hands thing.

The discourse during this Election has gone to levels lower than I have ever seen and it is all because of Trump.
Which candidate started in on his hair or compared him to Hitler?
Hair: Bobby Jindal (and every liberal on this board).

Compared to Hitler: John Kasich in one of his first tv ads. Not only does this ad compare Trump to Hitler, it's also full of blatant lies about Trump's positions and comments.

Here's another nutjob doing it. About 30 seconds in.


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