Trump just de-regulated everything

Not in the least, I give Trump credit when he does something good. It does not happen very often so you do not see it much.

Bullshit. I don't ever remember you giving Donald trump credit for anything. How about starting here and now: List the great things he has done for this country.

I bet you can't.

I can think of one...

He made Saturday Night Live great again.


Who the hell watches that shit show? They haven't been funny since the 70's.
They had their best year last season in decades.


Shit, I’m giving trump credit for an accomplishment and you’re trying to take it away from him.


Again: Nobody with an IQ over 80 watches that shitshow.

You can only wish your IQ was as high as the average SNL viewer.

Without a doubt.
moon bat = racist.

i'd ask you to explain that to me but my biggest fear is that you would try.

I did not say moo bat equaled racist. I said the individual who made the post was a racist.

Well yes, When a person proudly displays racist symbols I just assume they are racist. call me crazy

I am a real Gator. Florida was a proud Confederate state.

Being real Southerner is nothing to be ashamed of. Even though I live in the northern land of ice and snow, I'm an Arkansan by birth. Even way up here in Wisconsin, country music is more popular than anything else. I also see quite few people flying the stars and bars in their front yards.

The cemetery here in the small town I live has several grave sites which are marked with bronze Confederate markers, as the people who lie within the graves fought for the Confederacy and moved up here after the war.
Oh, goody! Now we can all look forward to unsafe products, quack cures, tainted food, lies in advertising and labeling, air so think with pollution you can't breathe, and rivers and streams so polluted you can light them on fire. MAGA! Covfefe!

We had that under Obama. So what's going to change?

EPA pollutes Colo. river during mine cleanup
an accident when their side does it.

filthy bastards when the other side does.
How about polluters held accountable with Dems. Like with BP and the Deepwater Horizon.
Polluters allowed to do whatever they want with repugs.

This country was built on abundant cheap energy. You like cheap energy, don't you?

This is very funny.
Cheap energy are natural gas and resusable energy like solar power. Foreign countries like China and others are leading the technology and the industry leaving us behind.
This dude Trump is going the wrong direction.

Coal is more expensive, harder to extract and produce dirty emissions. This is what your idiot Trump promoting just to save a dying industry.

When are you people start waking up?
Oh, goody! Now we can all look forward to unsafe products, quack cures, tainted food, lies in advertising and labeling, air so think with pollution you can't breathe, and rivers and streams so polluted you can light them on fire. MAGA! Covfefe!

We had that under Obama. So what's going to change?

EPA pollutes Colo. river during mine cleanup
an accident when their side does it.

filthy bastards when the other side does.
How about polluters held accountable with Dems. Like with BP and the Deepwater Horizon.
Polluters allowed to do whatever they want with repugs.

This country was built on abundant cheap energy. You like cheap energy, don't you?

This is very funny.
Cheap energy are natural gas and resusable energy like solar power. Foreign countries like China and others are leading the technology and the industry leaving us behind.
This dude Trump is going the wrong direction.

Coal is more expensive, harder to extract and produce dirty emissions. This is what your idiot Trump promoting just to save a dying industry.

When are you people start waking up?

Nonsense. Coal isn't more expensive, it's cheap. The regulations and fines MAKE it expensives...
Bullshit. I don't ever remember you giving Donald trump credit for anything. How about starting here and now: List the great things he has done for this country.

I bet you can't.

I can think of one...

He made Saturday Night Live great again.


Who the hell watches that shit show? They haven't been funny since the 70's.
They had their best year last season in decades.


Shit, I’m giving trump credit for an accomplishment and you’re trying to take it away from him.


Again: Nobody with an IQ over 80 watches that shitshow.
Surprised anyone with an iq over 5 responds to that person. :)
Thanks for letting me know you still haven’t gotten over your butthurt after the last bitchslapping I gave you.
moon bat = racist.

i'd ask you to explain that to me but my biggest fear is that you would try.

I did not say moo bat equaled racist. I said the individual who made the post was a racist.

Well yes, When a person proudly displays racist symbols I just assume they are racist. call me crazy

I am a real Gator. Florida was a proud Confederate state.

Being real Southerner is nothing to be ashamed of. Even though I live in the northern land of ice and snow, I'm an Arkansan by birth. Even way up here in Wisconsin, country music is more popular than anything else. I also see quite few people flying the stars and bars in their front yards.

The cemetery here in the small town I live has several grave sites which are marked with bronze Confederate markers, as the people who lie within the graves fought for the Confederacy and moved up here after the war.

I am a proud Cracker and a member of the Gator Nation but the only reason I have a Confederate flag as an signature graphic is to trigger these stupid Moon Bats. It works most of the time. This Golfing Gator clown took the bait.
Bullshit. I don't ever remember you giving Donald trump credit for anything. How about starting here and now: List the great things he has done for this country.

I bet you can't.

I can think of one...

He made Saturday Night Live great again.


Who the hell watches that shit show? They haven't been funny since the 70's.
They had their best year last season in decades.


Shit, I’m giving trump credit for an accomplishment and you’re trying to take it away from him.


Again: Nobody with an IQ over 80 watches that shitshow.

You can only wish your IQ was as high as the average SNL viewer.


Your average SNL viewer is an idiot. They can't even be trusted to make their own political decisions without blindly following who their peers are going to vote for. They have no critical thinking skills, no discernment, and are so far out of touch with reality, that they don't know shit from shinola.

You could take the entire IQ of every member of the SNL audience and it wouldn't add up to a ninety two.
I did not say moo bat equaled racist. I said the individual who made the post was a racist.

Well yes, When a person proudly displays racist symbols I just assume they are racist. call me crazy

I am a real Gator. Florida was a proud Confederate state.

Being real Southerner is nothing to be ashamed of. Even though I live in the northern land of ice and snow, I'm an Arkansan by birth. Even way up here in Wisconsin, country music is more popular than anything else. I also see quite few people flying the stars and bars in their front yards.

The cemetery here in the small town I live has several grave sites which are marked with bronze Confederate markers, as the people who lie within the graves fought for the Confederacy and moved up here after the war.

I am a proud Cracker and a member of the Gator Nation but the only reason I have a Confederate flag as an signature graphic is to trigger these stupid Moon Bats. It works most of the time. This Golfing Gator clown took the bait.

Like I said... Not racism or all the other shit.

It's FUCK YOU pure and simple.

I can think of one...

He made Saturday Night Live great again.


Who the hell watches that shit show? They haven't been funny since the 70's.
They had their best year last season in decades.


Shit, I’m giving trump credit for an accomplishment and you’re trying to take it away from him.


Again: Nobody with an IQ over 80 watches that shitshow.
Surprised anyone with an iq over 5 responds to that person. :)
Thanks for letting me know you still haven’t gotten over your butthurt after the last bitchslapping I gave you.

Seriously, bubba. You give yourself way more credit than you deserve.
I did not say moo bat equaled racist. I said the individual who made the post was a racist.

Well yes, When a person proudly displays racist symbols I just assume they are racist. call me crazy

I am a real Gator. Florida was a proud Confederate state.

Being real Southerner is nothing to be ashamed of. Even though I live in the northern land of ice and snow, I'm an Arkansan by birth. Even way up here in Wisconsin, country music is more popular than anything else. I also see quite few people flying the stars and bars in their front yards.

The cemetery here in the small town I live has several grave sites which are marked with bronze Confederate markers, as the people who lie within the graves fought for the Confederacy and moved up here after the war.

I am a proud Cracker and a member of the Gator Nation but the only reason I have a Confederate flag as an signature graphic is to trigger these stupid Moon Bats. It works most of the time. This Golfing Gator clown took the bait.

That Golfing Gator goober is a discredit to the entire South. He's either a Yankee transplant, a scalawag, or a carpet bagger.

The Stars & Bars are not only a trigger to the moonbats, they represent defiance to an oppressive federal government. It wasn't called the "War of Northern Aggression" for nothing.

Well yes, When a person proudly displays racist symbols I just assume they are racist. call me crazy

I am a real Gator. Florida was a proud Confederate state.

Being real Southerner is nothing to be ashamed of. Even though I live in the northern land of ice and snow, I'm an Arkansan by birth. Even way up here in Wisconsin, country music is more popular than anything else. I also see quite few people flying the stars and bars in their front yards.

The cemetery here in the small town I live has several grave sites which are marked with bronze Confederate markers, as the people who lie within the graves fought for the Confederacy and moved up here after the war.

I am a proud Cracker and a member of the Gator Nation but the only reason I have a Confederate flag as an signature graphic is to trigger these stupid Moon Bats. It works most of the time. This Golfing Gator clown took the bait.

Like I said... Not racism or all the other shit.

It's FUCK YOU pure and simple.

The Stars and Bars represent Southern American heritage. Not hate. We get plenty of that from the libtards.
We had that under Obama. So what's going to change?

EPA pollutes Colo. river during mine cleanup
an accident when their side does it.

filthy bastards when the other side does.
How about polluters held accountable with Dems. Like with BP and the Deepwater Horizon.
Polluters allowed to do whatever they want with repugs.

This country was built on abundant cheap energy. You like cheap energy, don't you?

This is very funny.
Cheap energy are natural gas and resusable energy like solar power. Foreign countries like China and others are leading the technology and the industry leaving us behind.
This dude Trump is going the wrong direction.

Coal is more expensive, harder to extract and produce dirty emissions. This is what your idiot Trump promoting just to save a dying industry.

When are you people start waking up?

Nonsense. Coal isn't more expensive, it's cheap. The regulations and fines MAKE it expensives...

Really? I mean REALLY? Trump has deregulated coal industry but nobody is jumping the band wagon.
Really? Did you do your homework or just posted because you are a Trump ( rather not say anything).
Extracting coal requires drilling under the ground need physical labor, heavy machinery and conveyors. Cause major health problems for the miners.

Extraction of natural gas required pipes drilled to the ground then pump out to the open. Got it?

Second. Explain to us what regulations that makes coal more expensive to extract. I’ll wait.

I can think of one...

He made Saturday Night Live great again.


Who the hell watches that shit show? They haven't been funny since the 70's.
They had their best year last season in decades.


Shit, I’m giving trump credit for an accomplishment and you’re trying to take it away from him.


Again: Nobody with an IQ over 80 watches that shitshow.

You can only wish your IQ was as high as the average SNL viewer.


Your average SNL viewer is an idiot. They can't even be trusted to make their own political decisions without blindly following who their peers are going to vote for. They have no critical thinking skills, no discernment, and are so far out of touch with reality, that they don't know shit from shinola.

You could take the entire IQ of every member of the SNL audience and it wouldn't add up to a ninety two.
So you say, without an iota of proof of course. But then again, you’re the idiot who said the market was going to go up today because of Trump. And how did that turn out? :badgrin: Now you just sound like a butt hurt snowflake.

Why are Trumpets bragged that deregulation created jobs and help the economy? Like a very big deal.
So I’m asking this same question over and over.
Like what regulations that help created jobs or help the economy?
Any Trump snowflakes take on this question because I’m getting desperate.

Fewer government jobs = more private sector jobs.

You should know by now that government doesn't create wealth, nor does it create jobs.

I’m asking specific dude. Not just blowtard.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
When can I buy whatever drug I want from pharmacy? That's right NEVER because Trumptards wave of NEW REGULATIONS!

Trump has stated that for every new regulation, two have been eliminated. He has beaten that goal! But far be it for me to burst your libtard bubble!

Trump is an idiot.

On the contrary: You're a blooming idiot for not seeing just how our Magnificentt Orange SOB President Donald J. Trump is making this country the greatest country in the world.

Maybe you will eventually figure it all out, or maybe you won't.

Trump is not making this country the greatest. Last 11 months nothing but chaos, embarrassment, groper, child molester supporter, unfit, irresponsible, abusive. Total disgrace and embarrassment to the whole world. It’s a joke.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Who the hell watches that shit show? They haven't been funny since the 70's.
They had their best year last season in decades.


Shit, I’m giving trump credit for an accomplishment and you’re trying to take it away from him.


Again: Nobody with an IQ over 80 watches that shitshow.
Surprised anyone with an iq over 5 responds to that person. :)
Thanks for letting me know you still haven’t gotten over your butthurt after the last bitchslapping I gave you.

Seriously, bubba. You give yourself way more credit than you deserve.
You impress me as an astute poster; so tell me again how the market did today? :lmao:
When can I buy whatever drug I want from pharmacy? That's right NEVER because Trumptards wave of NEW REGULATIONS!

Trump has stated that for every new regulation, two have been eliminated. He has beaten that goal! But far be it for me to burst your libtard bubble!

Trump is an idiot.

On the contrary: You're a blooming idiot for not seeing just how our Magnificentt Orange SOB President Donald J. Trump is making this country the greatest country in the world.

Maybe you will eventually figure it all out, or maybe you won't.

Trump is not making this country the greatest. Last 11 months nothing but chaos, embarrassment, groper, child molester supporter, unfit, irresponsible, abusive. Total disgrace and embarrassment to the whole world. It’s a joke.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Wow. You really do live in a small, dark, and uninformed world. Don't you? If that's how you really see things, you need to find another source of information.

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