Trump just de-regulated everything

You can call me whatever you want, I do not really give a shit what someone so stupid as to think I am a libela thinks about me. You clearly do not have the IQ god gave a head of cabbage, so call me whatever you desire.

Another racist moron that does not understand a dislike of Trump does not make one a liberal.



Without a doubt.
moon bat = racist.

i'd ask you to explain that to me but my biggest fear is that you would try.

I did not say moo bat equaled racist. I said the individual who made the post was a racist.

Well yes, When a person proudly displays racist symbols I just assume they are racist. call me crazy
Watch the stock market jump again today. :laugh:

ABC News (@ABC) | Twitter

"Pres. Trump cuts red tape in front of stack of paper representing current regulations. The president says his administration's goal is to return to the 1960-level regulations."

Doesn't matter. Do you seriously think the market is going to mysteriously crash under Trump? Do you also thing it's not going to reach more record high levels?

That magnificent orange SOB is not yet done making America great again. You ain't seen nothing yet.


It will not mysteriously crash, it will crash because that is what it is designed to do periodically as a method of control. It will happen before the end of Trump's first term if we continue on the pattern of the last 12 crashes.

Obviously you're an economic idiot. The market wasn't designed to crash as a method of control. That's why they're raising the interest rate.
Markets are down due to Iran.
Umm... the market’s down.

Day's not over yet. Even CNN is saying "Please Mr. Trump! We can't stand any more of this winning!"

News flash! U.S. economy already looks strong
Day is over. Markets closed down. Your record of idiocy is safe.
Why are you telling me? JGalt idiotically predicted trump cutting regulations would cause the market’s to rise today. They didn’t despite silly excuses for why they didn’t.

Doesn't matter. Trump is deregulating everything a net neutrality is gone. We'll see more record stock market numbers maybe tomorrow, the next day, or whenever.

I bet when you were living under Obama, you never thought you'd see this country winning so much.
The Dow is up almost 24% under trump, who was handed a good economy. It went up about 200% under Obama, who was hand a horrible recession.

If a 24% increase is “winning so much,” I can only imagine how much winning you think a 200% increase is.

Watch the stock market jump again today. :laugh:

ABC News (@ABC) | Twitter

"Pres. Trump cuts red tape in front of stack of paper representing current regulations. The president says his administration's goal is to return to the 1960-level regulations."

Doesn't matter. Do you seriously think the market is going to mysteriously crash under Trump? Do you also thing it's not going to reach more record high levels?

That magnificent orange SOB is not yet done making America great again. You ain't seen nothing yet.


It will not mysteriously crash, it will crash because that is what it is designed to do periodically as a method of control. It will happen before the end of Trump's first term if we continue on the pattern of the last 12 crashes.

Obviously you're an economic idiot. The market wasn't designed to crash as a method of control. That's why they're raising the interest rate.

Actually yes it was.

Why do you think we have had 12 crashes since the mid 1800s while other countries have never had one ever? Do you really think we keep having systemic economic crises just by accident?

Do yourself a favor and read the book "Fragile by Design". Then you will know the truth...
Markets are down due to Iran.
Day's not over yet. Even CNN is saying "Please Mr. Trump! We can't stand any more of this winning!"

News flash! U.S. economy already looks strong
Day is over. Markets closed down. Your record of idiocy is safe.
Why are you telling me? JGalt idiotically predicted trump cutting regulations would cause the market’s to rise today. They didn’t despite silly excuses for why they didn’t.

Doesn't matter. Trump is deregulating everything a net neutrality is gone. We'll see more record stock market numbers maybe tomorrow, the next day, or whenever.

I bet when you were living under Obama, you never thought you'd see this country winning so much.
The Dow is up almost 24% under trump, who was handed a good economy. It went up about 200% under Obama, who was hand a horrible recession.

If a 24% increase is “winning so much,” I can only imagine how much winning you think a 200% increase is.


To match what the market did since 2010 it will need to be in the 60,000 range when Trump leave office. Does anyone really think that is going to happen?


Without a doubt.
moon bat = racist.

i'd ask you to explain that to me but my biggest fear is that you would try.

I did not say moo bat equaled racist. I said the individual who made the post was a racist.

Well yes, When a person proudly displays racist symbols I just assume they are racist. call me crazy

How ignorant are you, that you consider a symbol of your own American heritage "racist"? Were your American ancestors who were Minutemen fighting off the British at Bunker Hill a bunch of "racists"? Oh, right: You probably came from a long line of Tories and British sympathizers. Better brush up on your British accent. You can leave my country any time now. You won't be missed. Enjoy your tea and crumpets, and your blood pudding, shithead.



Without a doubt.
moon bat = racist.

i'd ask you to explain that to me but my biggest fear is that you would try.

I did not say moo bat equaled racist. I said the individual who made the post was a racist.

Well yes, When a person proudly displays racist symbols I just assume they are racist. call me crazy

How ignorant are you, that you consider a symbol of your own American heritage "racist"? Were your American ancestors who were Minutemen fighting off the British at Bunker Hill a bunch of "racists"? Oh, right: You probably came from a long line of Tories and British sympathizers. Better brush up on your British accent. You can leave my country any time now. You won't be missed. Enjoy your tea and crumpets, and your blood pudding, shithead.

I was not talking about you or your flag you moron. here, take one of this and shove it up your ass :chillpill:
Watch the stock market jump again today. :laugh:

ABC News (@ABC) | Twitter

"Pres. Trump cuts red tape in front of stack of paper representing current regulations. The president says his administration's goal is to return to the 1960-level regulations."

Doesn't matter. Do you seriously think the market is going to mysteriously crash under Trump? Do you also thing it's not going to reach more record high levels?

That magnificent orange SOB is not yet done making America great again. You ain't seen nothing yet.

This is a perfect example of Trump and Obama.

Trump scored a run, but he was born in 3rd base.

Obama scored a run but he didn’t start with the advantages Trump was born into.

Now compare that to the stock market...

Trump was handed the market at a near record high, that’s like being born in 3rd base. The market continues to ascend as Trump takes over for Obama, hitting more record highs because it was already near a record high when he started — Trump scores a run.

Then we have Obama, who had to start at home plate. That is, the market bottomed out on his watch due to Bush’s Great Recession. Obama tripled the market and despite being handed a Dow that crashed under Bush, it hit a record high 122 times under Obama. Obama scored a run.

The difference being .... trump scored from 3rd thanks to Obama’s bull market; whereas Obama hit a grand slam.
Markets are down due to Iran.
Day is over. Markets closed down. Your record of idiocy is safe.
Why are you telling me? JGalt idiotically predicted trump cutting regulations would cause the market’s to rise today. They didn’t despite silly excuses for why they didn’t.

Doesn't matter. Trump is deregulating everything a net neutrality is gone. We'll see more record stock market numbers maybe tomorrow, the next day, or whenever.

I bet when you were living under Obama, you never thought you'd see this country winning so much.
The Dow is up almost 24% under trump, who was handed a good economy. It went up about 200% under Obama, who was hand a horrible recession.

If a 24% increase is “winning so much,” I can only imagine how much winning you think a 200% increase is.


To match what the market did since 2010 it will need to be in the 60,000 range when Trump leave office. Does anyone really think that is going to happen?

Sure as fuck wasn't going to happen under the narcissistic crack-smoking faggot Marxist bastard whose mommie posed for nekked pictures. The only way he got a rise in the market was through artificial means like "quantitative easing".

Everything was bogus under that cocksucker.
the mumbling old derelict damn sure isnt trying to control the national debt ... deregulate $1T you old bitch.

Hey, mang: Deregulate $20 trillion dollars worth of national debt your Marxist cocksucking mango-headed bastard ran up.
Obama ran up $20 trillion in debt?? Damn, are you ever one crazy conservative. :cuckoo:
Sure as fuck wasn't going to happen under the narcissistic crack-smoking faggot Marxist bastard whose mommie posed for nekked pictures. The only way he got a rise in the market was through artificial means like "quantitative easing".

Everything was bogus under that cocksucker.

Is having your mom pose for naked pictures any worse than having your wife do it?

When did QE end?
Markets are down due to Iran.
Day is over. Markets closed down. Your record of idiocy is safe.
Why are you telling me? JGalt idiotically predicted trump cutting regulations would cause the market’s to rise today. They didn’t despite silly excuses for why they didn’t.

Doesn't matter. Trump is deregulating everything a net neutrality is gone. We'll see more record stock market numbers maybe tomorrow, the next day, or whenever.

I bet when you were living under Obama, you never thought you'd see this country winning so much.
The Dow is up almost 24% under trump, who was handed a good economy. It went up about 200% under Obama, who was hand a horrible recession.

If a 24% increase is “winning so much,” I can only imagine how much winning you think a 200% increase is.


To match what the market did since 2010 it will need to be in the 60,000 range when Trump leave office. Does anyone really think that is going to happen?
JGalt might think that — but then again, he also thought trump was going to rally the market to a gain today, but his delusions never did materialize.
moon bat = racist.

i'd ask you to explain that to me but my biggest fear is that you would try.

I did not say moo bat equaled racist. I said the individual who made the post was a racist.

Well yes, When a person proudly displays racist symbols I just assume they are racist. call me crazy

How ignorant are you, that you consider a symbol of your own American heritage "racist"? Were your American ancestors who were Minutemen fighting off the British at Bunker Hill a bunch of "racists"? Oh, right: You probably came from a long line of Tories and British sympathizers. Better brush up on your British accent. You can leave my country any time now. You won't be missed. Enjoy your tea and crumpets, and your blood pudding, shithead.

I was not talking about you or your flag you moron. here, take one of this and shove it up your ass :chillpill:

LOL. you haven't done a single thing to convince me that you aren't a dyed-in-the-wool liberal shithead.

Like they say: "If it walks like a frickin' duck and quacks like a frickin' duck, it must be a frickin' duck."

There's no way in hell that you're going to convince me that you are nothing but a leftist, a progressive, a socialist and a communist. A left-winger. A son of Stalin, Lenin, Mao, and Che Guevara,

Now prove me otherwise.

You ain't with me, therefore you are against me.
I did not say moo bat equaled racist. I said the individual who made the post was a racist.

Well yes, When a person proudly displays racist symbols I just assume they are racist. call me crazy

How ignorant are you, that you consider a symbol of your own American heritage "racist"? Were your American ancestors who were Minutemen fighting off the British at Bunker Hill a bunch of "racists"? Oh, right: You probably came from a long line of Tories and British sympathizers. Better brush up on your British accent. You can leave my country any time now. You won't be missed. Enjoy your tea and crumpets, and your blood pudding, shithead.

I was not talking about you or your flag you moron. here, take one of this and shove it up your ass :chillpill:

LOL. you haven't done a single thing to convince me that you aren't a dyed-in-the-wool liberal shithead.

Like they say: "If it walks like a frickin' duck and quacks like a frickin' duck, it must be a frickin' duck."

There's no way in hell that you're going to convince me that you are nothing but a leftist, a progressive, a socialist and a communist. A left-winger. A son of Stalin, Lenin, Mao, and Che Guevara,

Now prove me otherwise.

You ain't with me, therefore you are against me.

LOL. I do not care if you are moron and want to think I am a liberal, why the fuck would I bother to convince you of anything. you are too stupid to follow a thread and thought I called your flag racist. You are too stupid to know how our economic system is designed. You are too stupid to know that Trump didn't actually cut any regulations today.

If Trump told you the sky was green i would not even be able to conceive you it was not.

Well yes, When a person proudly displays racist symbols I just assume they are racist. call me crazy

How ignorant are you, that you consider a symbol of your own American heritage "racist"? Were your American ancestors who were Minutemen fighting off the British at Bunker Hill a bunch of "racists"? Oh, right: You probably came from a long line of Tories and British sympathizers. Better brush up on your British accent. You can leave my country any time now. You won't be missed. Enjoy your tea and crumpets, and your blood pudding, shithead.

I was not talking about you or your flag you moron. here, take one of this and shove it up your ass :chillpill:

LOL. you haven't done a single thing to convince me that you aren't a dyed-in-the-wool liberal shithead.

Like they say: "If it walks like a frickin' duck and quacks like a frickin' duck, it must be a frickin' duck."

There's no way in hell that you're going to convince me that you are nothing but a leftist, a progressive, a socialist and a communist. A left-winger. A son of Stalin, Lenin, Mao, and Che Guevara,

Now prove me otherwise.

You ain't with me, therefore you are against me.

LOL. I do not care if you are moron and want to think I am a liberal, why the fuck would I bother to convince you of anything. you are too stupid to follow a thread and thought I called your flag racist. You are too stupid to know how our economic system is designed. You are too stupid to know that Trump didn't actually cut any regulations today.

If Trump told you the sky was green i would not even be able to conceive you it was not.

And if Trump told you it was blue you'd deny it.
Well yes, When a person proudly displays racist symbols I just assume they are racist. call me crazy

How ignorant are you, that you consider a symbol of your own American heritage "racist"? Were your American ancestors who were Minutemen fighting off the British at Bunker Hill a bunch of "racists"? Oh, right: You probably came from a long line of Tories and British sympathizers. Better brush up on your British accent. You can leave my country any time now. You won't be missed. Enjoy your tea and crumpets, and your blood pudding, shithead.

I was not talking about you or your flag you moron. here, take one of this and shove it up your ass :chillpill:

LOL. you haven't done a single thing to convince me that you aren't a dyed-in-the-wool liberal shithead.

Like they say: "If it walks like a frickin' duck and quacks like a frickin' duck, it must be a frickin' duck."

There's no way in hell that you're going to convince me that you are nothing but a leftist, a progressive, a socialist and a communist. A left-winger. A son of Stalin, Lenin, Mao, and Che Guevara,

Now prove me otherwise.

You ain't with me, therefore you are against me.

LOL. I do not care if you are moron and want to think I am a liberal, why the fuck would I bother to convince you of anything. you are too stupid to follow a thread and thought I called your flag racist. You are too stupid to know how our economic system is designed. You are too stupid to know that Trump didn't actually cut any regulations today.

If Trump told you the sky was green i would not even be able to conceive you it was not.
And if Trump told you it was blue you'd deny it.

Not in the least, I give Trump credit when he does something good. It does not happen very often so you do not see it much.
How ignorant are you, that you consider a symbol of your own American heritage "racist"? Were your American ancestors who were Minutemen fighting off the British at Bunker Hill a bunch of "racists"? Oh, right: You probably came from a long line of Tories and British sympathizers. Better brush up on your British accent. You can leave my country any time now. You won't be missed. Enjoy your tea and crumpets, and your blood pudding, shithead.

I was not talking about you or your flag you moron. here, take one of this and shove it up your ass :chillpill:

LOL. you haven't done a single thing to convince me that you aren't a dyed-in-the-wool liberal shithead.

Like they say: "If it walks like a frickin' duck and quacks like a frickin' duck, it must be a frickin' duck."

There's no way in hell that you're going to convince me that you are nothing but a leftist, a progressive, a socialist and a communist. A left-winger. A son of Stalin, Lenin, Mao, and Che Guevara,

Now prove me otherwise.

You ain't with me, therefore you are against me.

LOL. I do not care if you are moron and want to think I am a liberal, why the fuck would I bother to convince you of anything. you are too stupid to follow a thread and thought I called your flag racist. You are too stupid to know how our economic system is designed. You are too stupid to know that Trump didn't actually cut any regulations today.

If Trump told you the sky was green i would not even be able to conceive you it was not.
And if Trump told you it was blue you'd deny it.

Not in the least, I give Trump credit when he does something good. It does not happen very often so you do not see it much.
Then by the same token it's idiotic to think anyone has that type of idol worship for Trump or hate to deny base facts.

Yet... Here we are.
Watch the stock market jump again today. :laugh:

ABC News (@ABC) | Twitter

"Pres. Trump cuts red tape in front of stack of paper representing current regulations. The president says his administration's goal is to return to the 1960-level regulations."
You Nit Witted fool! The two piles of regs displayed on Drama Queen tRump TV were alleged to be those from the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR); those current in 1960 in one pile and those current today 57yrs later in the other. They were alleged to be the outline of the ADMINISTRATIVE LAW required by Federal statutes Passed By Congress and reviewed with a period for public comment/input in the Federal Register before finalization.

Would you fly on a commercial plane if the fucking towers were shutdown? The FAA has a butt ton of safety regulations to protect your dumb ass if you do fly, dummy. Would you rather be free from regulations and to fall from 32,000 ft or get home to see your family?! Or how about ripping out the ASME codes from the CFR that do everything from keeping your hot water heater from blowing up or your gas line from splitting or leaking from prolonged corrosion one night and killing you and your whole family while you slept. Would you rather be free from regulations or free to rot in your grave beside your family in your dirt naps?

How about the regs on food processing, highway construction and signage, building and home construction, etc, etc, etc! FYI, progress and the increased complexity in life requires some departures from the status quo of antebellum America, dumbass!

I could go on and on with examples of how the safety regulation in the CFR for the various federal agencies are there to protect your unthinking dumb ass, but why should I bother? You have you head firmly up your ignorant ass. To LAWFULLY void a single regulation in the CFR, it has to go through the same review process and reconciled against the originating statute, fool! tRump got the hook sunk deep in your dumb ass since you obviously bought his bullshit sales pitch!

These nitwits believed every beans spilled by this unfit POTUS.

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