Trump just declared war on Islam


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2014
Trump defends proposed ban on Muslims into U.S., says 'no choice'

"Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Tuesday defended his call to ban Muslims from entering the United States, calling it a temporary measure in a time of war."

Oh good, now the right has finally decided the enemy is Islam, or at least the thickos that support Trump. His rhetoric is getting dangerous and at some point he should be arrested and locked up for inciting violence and hatred.
Trump defends proposed ban on Muslims into U.S., says 'no choice'

"Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Tuesday defended his call to ban Muslims from entering the United States, calling it a temporary measure in a time of war."

Oh good, now the right has finally decided the enemy is Islam, or at least the thickos that support Trump. His rhetoric is getting dangerous and at some point he should be arrested and locked up for inciting violence and hatred.

That's like condemning FDR for declaring war on Japan after Pearl Harbor.

Islam declared war on us a long time ago.
Amazing how many liberals WANT to commit suicide...Ask any of the 14 those muslim terrorist killed IF THEY would go along with Trump....LIBERALISM is proving more and more each day that it truly is a MENTAL DISORDER!
Trump defends proposed ban on Muslims into U.S., says 'no choice'

"Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Tuesday defended his call to ban Muslims from entering the United States, calling it a temporary measure in a time of war."

Oh good, now the right has finally decided the enemy is Islam, or at least the thickos that support Trump. His rhetoric is getting dangerous and at some point he should be arrested and locked up for inciting violence and hatred.

That's like condemning FDR for declaring war on Japan after Pearl Harbor.

Islam declared war on us a long time ago.

No it didn't. Clearly it didn't.

Saudi Arabia is a big US ally, Turkey is also an ally in NATO, Pakistan is an ally, the Afghan govt is an ally,


Kazakhstan, Morocco, Turkmenistan, Pakistan, Indonesia and Somalia have bases used by the US.

It's not Islam that's declared war at all, but it serves the purposes of the right. Bush probably went into Iraq wanting to make Islam the enemy in the first place. And now people like you are falling right in line.
Trump has become the terrorist most valuable recruiting tool. He is now endangering America and Americans.
of for crying out loud. where is it written we can't say ANYTHING about a Muslim?

they are succeeding in taking down our Freedom of speech with this leftwing democrats helping them
of for crying out loud. where is it written we can't say ANYTHING about a Muslim?

they are succeeding in taking down our Freedom of speech with this leftwing democrats helping them

There's a difference between saying stuff about Muslims, which we're all doing, and no one is saying we shouldn't do, and coming out and essentially declaring a private war with the view to making it a permanent war if he becomes president.
the left in this country has become an enemy to the rest of us. Talk about aiding and abetting Muslim Terrorist coming across into our country. wake up people vote out this Democrat party in 2016

Obama and the Media's Muslim "Fear" Meme
Do you think we need to get serious about fighting Islamic terrorism? Stop being so afraid.
December 7, 2015
Daniel Greenfield


Obama and his media allies have responded to the latest Muslim terror attack in America by condescendingly lecturing Americans about their "fear". Fear is their argument to anyone questioning their policies.

Don't want to bring 1,300 Syrian ISIS supporters to America? It's just fear.

Do you think we need to get serious about fighting Islamic terrorism? Stop being so afraid.

Maybe it's time to talk about Islamic terrorism? Stop with the FEAR already!

The message is that law enforcement (in its current crippled politically correct form) has this covered already and anyone who disagrees is speaking out of fear.

The New York Times headlined its editorial, "Fear Ignorance, Not Muslims".

all of it here:
Obama and the Media's Muslim "Fear" Meme
It is about winning elections with the left. Consequences be damned.

Condemn Trump so a lying tool of the 1% wins, but she is a D and that is all that matters.
Trump has become the terrorist most valuable recruiting tool. He is now endangering America and Americans.

You mean these mother fuckers haven't been killing us ENOUGH.... They can't hate us anymore than they do, and NOW the vast majority of American's are going to HATE THEM, especially since they REFUSE to TURN IN or stop these attacks, the FATHER of that scumbag in California KNEW! Not only are muslim's attacking us, but people all around the world. Perhaps we should TRADE YOU SCUM for CHRISTIANS , JEWS and OTHER RELIGIOUS PEOPLE all over the ME for you fucking, suicidal assholes!
It is about winning elections with left. Consequences be damned.

Condemn Trump so a lying tool of the 1% wins.

just unbelievable isn't it? they rail against the 1% unless it's someone in their party.
Saudi Arabia is a big US ally, Turkey is also an ally in NATO, Pakistan is an ally, the Afghan govt is an ally,...

Kazakhstan, Morocco, Turkmenistan, Pakistan, Indonesia and Somalia have bases used by the US.

Turkey is supporting ISIS just as Pakistan has been covertly backing the Taliban, the Afgan government is going to go Taliban as soon as we reduce our forces there enough that they think they can get away with it, all the little shit-hole countries in North Africa hate the West as much as the turds in the Taliban do, but they are too close to Europe to do anything openly. They wait for the right timing and let their emmigrant populations living in Europe speak out for them.
News Flash Bed Wetters!!!

News Flash Bed Wetters!!!

News Flash Bed Wetters!!!

Millions of muzbots declared war on us many years ago. Just because we choose to ignore them doesn't mean they're going away. If the "peaceful" mooselimbs we hear so much about would make even a measurable effort to suppress and contain their jihadists I might believe it's just a "radical fringe". Otherwise these carpet pilot mother fuckers can fly their unhappy asses back to mecca where they belong.
Trump is a big gift to ISIS ....he affirms everything they say about the west

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