
So you can't touch my point that Obama and his people told a blatant lie about something that was going to directly affect 1/6th of the American economy...but want to continue to obsess about Trump's over the top statements about trivial things? That's amusing!

Wait...You're complaining about a "lie" that got us healthcare for tens of millions in what has become a very popular program..

But call "trivial" Trump's lies that he would replace that program with with something better ...after he killed that program. The second part of that was not a lie. The first part was

And this bothers you not at all..

You failed to respond to this.

Try again
So you can't touch my point that Obama and his people told a blatant lie about something that was going to directly affect 1/6th of the American economy...but want to continue to obsess about Trump's over the top statements about trivial things? That's amusing!

Wait...You're complaining about a "lie" that got us healthcare for tens of millions in what has become a very popular program..

But call "trivial" Trump's lies that he would replace that program with with something better ...after he killed that program. The second part of that was not a lie. The first part was

And this bothers you not at all..


Popular program? It was popular for those who got the subsidies that gave them almost free healthcare. It was extremely unpopular with the middle class people who saw their healthcare costs increase to PAY for those subsidies! If you're going to DO a massive wealth transfer like honest about it! Tell the middle class that we think poor people should have healthcare insurance and that YOU should pay for that! You liberals didn't DO that! You lied to the middle class.
Allegedly told by President Obama? Dude, Barry lied his skinny black ASS off about the Affordable Care Act! It's not something that's "alleged"'s something he did!
Nope, he was just exaggerating. Just like Trump does all the time.

Unfortunately for you, Faun...Jonathon of the chief architects of the ACA for the Obama Administration was quite candid about the fact that they did lie about what was in the ACA because quite frankly they didn't think the American people were smart enough to know they were being lied to and they knew that the liberal media wouldn't explain it to them!
Nah, it’s not unfortunate for me. It’s unfortunate trump has driven the crazy bus over the edge and taken the right wing with him. Now that you idiots have declared lies are not lies, they’re exaggerations, that applies to Liberals too. Obama didn’t lie, he exaggerated.

Jonathon Gruber was quite clear that they deliberately lied. It was a "the end justifies the means" moment for liberals and they were quite willing to lie to get what they truly wanted which is government run healthcare.
Jonathan Gruber made statements you call lies. OK.

What was the result. We got a very popular healthcare system that provided healthcare to tens of million who previously didn't have it.

Contrast that with Trump claiming he would destroy that healthcare program and supposedly provide a cheaper , better system that would cover EVERYONE.

There was no such replacement. There WAS the destruction of the existing very popular healthcare program.

Which lie matters more?
Lie. Everyone has access to healthcare. What Obungo did was force others to pay for it.
Republicans actually believe the porn star president is honest and believable even with all his criminality.

And they think Barack Obama was dishonest, a liar and dangerous to the country.

What this shows is that Republicans have no ability at all to discern a man of good character.

Prove it with links. Trumper's cannot be believed here on USMB.

Trump...Just...Lies, and so do his defenders here on USMB.
FLASHBACK: Liberal Media called John McCain white supremacist in 2008
You found a blogger making a claim about a Huffington Post article, but no link to rhe article for review on accuracy or context.
Go do you own research. I proved my claim.
You proved nothing. You provide a lame irrelevant post.
Of course. You're pitiful.
Neither Trump's nor your lies about John McCain will stand, rather, they will represent a sad and disgusting time in American history which highlights the deplorable lack of honesty, character, and class of Trump and his supporters.
So you can't touch my point that Obama and his people told a blatant lie about something that was going to directly affect 1/6th of the American economy...but want to continue to obsess about Trump's over the top statements about trivial things? That's amusing!

Wait...You're complaining about a "lie" that got us healthcare for tens of millions in what has become a very popular program..

But call "trivial" Trump's lies that he would replace that program with with something better ...after he killed that program. The second part of that was not a lie. The first part was

And this bothers you not at all..


Popular program? It was popular for those who got the subsidies that gave them almost free healthcare. It was extremely unpopular with the middle class people who saw their healthcare costs increase to PAY for those subsidies! If you're going to DO a massive wealth transfer like honest about it! Tell the middle class that we think poor people should have healthcare insurance and that YOU should pay for that! You liberals didn't DO that! You lied to the middle class.
A. Healthcare costs ALWAYS increase.

B. There was no massive wealth transfer

C. Trump lied when he claimed he had a better cheaper more inclusive program when the opposite was true
It was popular for those who got the subsidies that gave them almost free healthcare.

New Fox News Poll: Obamacare’s Popularity Is at an All Time High

Fox poll ...ACA at all time high in popularity aT 53%.

That's a hell of a lot more people than those "who got subsidies"

That's people who were able to keep their kids on their plan till they were 25. That's folks who were able to get healthcare despite having pre-existing conditions...and on and on.

You seem to have a lying problem. No wonder Trump's lies don't bother you
So you can't touch my point that Obama and his people told a blatant lie about something that was going to directly affect 1/6th of the American economy...but want to continue to obsess about Trump's over the top statements about trivial things? That's amusing!

Wait...You're complaining about a "lie" that got us healthcare for tens of millions in what has become a very popular program..

But call "trivial" Trump's lies that he would replace that program with with something better ...after he killed that program. The second part of that was not a lie. The first part was

And this bothers you not at all..


Popular program? It was popular for those who got the subsidies that gave them almost free healthcare. It was extremely unpopular with the middle class people who saw their healthcare costs increase to PAY for those subsidies! If you're going to DO a massive wealth transfer like honest about it! Tell the middle class that we think poor people should have healthcare insurance and that YOU should pay for that! You liberals didn't DO that! You lied to the middle class.
A. Healthcare costs ALWAYS increase.

B. There was no massive wealth transfer

C. Trump lied when he claimed he had a better cheaper more inclusive program when the opposite was true

Barry assured middle class voters that THEIR healthcare costs would be $2,500 dollars cheaper on average if the ACA was passed! So which is it, Lesh?
You fail to answer questions.

You fail to respond to your lies when they are pointed out

You move from one bullshit excuse to the next always ignoring the hypocrisy of your position. almost looks like you're not an honest person
You fail to answer questions.

You fail to respond to your lies when they are pointed out

You move from one bullshit excuse to the next always ignoring the hypocrisy of your position. almost looks like you're not an honest person
Oldstyle is trolling to deflect away from the thread topic of Trump lies to an Obama thread. Don't feed the trolls. The only way to defend Trump is by deflecting away from the subject.
You found a blogger making a claim about a Huffington Post article, but no link to rhe article for review on accuracy or context.
Go do you own research. I proved my claim.
You proved nothing. You provide a lame irrelevant post.
Of course. You're pitiful.
Neither Trump's nor your lies about John McCain will stand, rather, they will represent a sad and disgusting time in American history which highlights the deplorable lack of honesty, character, and class of Trump and his supporters.
Oh my god, you've fallen out of your tree. LOL. Talk about a propaganda parrott...……..
You found a blogger making a claim about a Huffington Post article, but no link to rhe article for review on accuracy or context.
Go do you own research. I proved my claim.
You proved nothing. You provide a lame irrelevant post.
Of course. You're pitiful.
Neither Trump's nor your lies about John McCain will stand, rather, they will represent a sad and disgusting time in American history which highlights the deplorable lack of honesty, character, and class of Trump and his supporters.
Oh my god, you've fallen out of your tree. LOL. Talk about a propaganda parrott...……..
Trump is lying his ass off about John McCain. Anyone as hateful and angry as Trump is simply just a sick mentally ill azzhole.
Go do you own research. I proved my claim.
You proved nothing. You provide a lame irrelevant post.
Of course. You're pitiful.
Neither Trump's nor your lies about John McCain will stand, rather, they will represent a sad and disgusting time in American history which highlights the deplorable lack of honesty, character, and class of Trump and his supporters.
Oh my god, you've fallen out of your tree. LOL. Talk about a propaganda parrott...……..
Trump is lying his ass off about John McCain. Anyone as hateful and angry as Trump is simply just a sick mentally ill azzhole.
Whatever. McCain voted to keep Obungocare and now you creatures love the guy. If McCain would have voted to get rid of it you would be calling McCain an old white racist like you were when he ran against Obungo in 2008. You're so predictable and phony.
Let's be honest here, Lesh! The Affordable Care Act was designed to fail by the people who wrote it!
If you are trying to be honest, why are you mindlessly parroting a Russia Limbaugh lie?????
Lying scum DittoTards could never be honest no matter how hard they tried!
Today the liar is promoting more malicious lies about Senator and Vietnam War hero John McCain.

Yeah...this is horrible.

Picking on a war hero is bad enough. Especially when you ducked your service with a medical exemption you got your Daddy to get for you.

But McCain is dead and cannot even defend himself.

Trump has no honor and no courage.
You idiots are so phony. Now McCain is a hero and a saint. 11 years ago he was a, old white racist.

Prove it with links. Trumper's cannot be believed here on USMB.

Trump...Just...Lies, and so do his defenders here on USMB.
FLASHBACK: Liberal Media called John McCain white supremacist in 2008
You found a blogger making a claim about a Huffington Post article, but no link to rhe article for review on accuracy or context.
That's because the HuffPost article didn't say McCain was a white supremacist, and the lying scum Trumpist knew it!
Here is the only mention of a white supremacist in the article, "white supremacist named Richard Quinn, who found himself hired as a political advisor by McCain in 2000."
Yeah...this is horrible.

Picking on a war hero is bad enough. Especially when you ducked your service with a medical exemption you got your Daddy to get for you.

But McCain is dead and cannot even defend himself.

Trump has no honor and no courage.
You idiots are so phony. Now McCain is a hero and a saint. 11 years ago he was a, old white racist.

Prove it with links. Trumper's cannot be believed here on USMB.

Trump...Just...Lies, and so do his defenders here on USMB.
FLASHBACK: Liberal Media called John McCain white supremacist in 2008
You found a blogger making a claim about a Huffington Post article, but no link to rhe article for review on accuracy or context.
Go do you own research. I proved my claim.
You only proved you are worthless lying scum just like The RAT, Russian Agent Tramp.

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