
Today the liar is promoting more malicious lies about Senator and Vietnam War hero John McCain.

Yeah...this is horrible.

Picking on a war hero is bad enough. Especially when you ducked your service with a medical exemption you got your Daddy to get for you.

But McCain is dead and cannot even defend himself.

Trump has no honor and no courage.
You idiots are so phony. Now McCain is a hero and a saint. 11 years ago he was a, old white racist.

Prove it with links. Trumper's cannot be believed here on USMB.

Trump...Just...Lies, and so do his defenders here on USMB.
FLASHBACK: Liberal Media called John McCain white supremacist in 2008
You found a blogger making a claim about a Huffington Post article, but no link to rhe article for review on accuracy or context.
Go do you own research. I proved my claim.
No he didn’t.. re listen moron

yes he did you mindless sheep. It was just a gaff and not a big deal, but he did clearly say it
It was separated with a pause and context .. you are dumb

What fucking pause? Are you deaf? There was no pause between 'Tim' and 'Apple'?

And the hilarious thing is not that he said it...people make mistakes.

The hilarious thing is how he is desperately trying to spin an egotistical 6 year old.

Trump says he called Apple's CEO 'Tim Apple' to save time, reportedly told donors he never said it


Your messiah is a pathetic manchild.
And the fact you obviously look up to him says all we need to know about you.

Have a nice day.

The even more hilarious thing is how desperately his worshipers are trying to spin it. They cannot allow themselves to admit that he made even a tiny mistake.

Yeah...that is the creepy part, for me.

It is staring them right in the face.
This Trumpbot even tries to deny it by saying there was a 'pause and context'. There was ZERO pause.

How can human being's be so incredibly stupid/gullible in 2019? How can they hear something that does not exist (this mysterious 'pause')?

I can't wait until Trump is out of office - if for no reason then his Trumpbots go back to being ignored by the media as just crazy, old ding dong's spewing forth nonsense.

A 'pause and context'?!? It's at 0:19? Where the FUCK is this 'pause'?

Because these conservatives are cult members. They are no different than the folks from the People’s Temple who drank the Kool-aid.
Are you REALLY this stupid?

He literally COULD shoot someone in broad daylight and on video and people like this Southie turd would say

No he didn't...
Trump seems to attract many, many suckers.

I wouldn't call you a "sucker", Camp...just grossly uninformed! :)
Informed enough to know that every time a thread appears about Donald Trump lying one of his supporters here on USMB deflects and diverts the discussion by bringing up one of the handful of lies allegedly told by President Obama as if that gives Trump permission to tell 8,000 lies as President, including lying about an American war hero. Trump, the silver spoon fake bone spur draft evader tells malicious and hateful lies about an American war hero and his supporters like you who continue to lamely defend his sorry ass, seemingly without shame.

Allegedly told by President Obama? Dude, Barry lied his skinny black ASS off about the Affordable Care Act! It's not something that's "alleged"'s something he did!
Nope, he was just exaggerating. Just like Trump does all the time.

Unfortunately for you, Faun...Jonathon of the chief architects of the ACA for the Obama Administration was quite candid about the fact that they did lie about what was in the ACA because quite frankly they didn't think the American people were smart enough to know they were being lied to and they knew that the liberal media wouldn't explain it to them!
Trump is claiming John McCain finished last in his class at Annapolis. Is Trump lying about rhe deceased war hero or not? Yes or no question. there it is


So let me get this are so mentally disturbed and/or auditory processing disorder that you honestly and sincerely hear a pause between 'Tim' and 'Apple'?

Yes or no, please?

Do you smoke a lot of weed?

Nope...makes me rather paranoid.

Now answer my question.

So let me get this are so mentally disturbed and/or auditory processing disorder that you honestly and sincerely hear a pause between 'Tim' and 'Apple'?

Yes or no, please?

You could be having some Side effects it’s called delusion Lol

And again you duck the simple question:

So let me get this are so delusional and/or have such an auditory processing disorder that you honestly and sincerely hear a noticeable pause between 'Tim' and 'Apple'?

Yes or no, please?

I def hear it more profound now
Trump seems to attract many, many suckers.

I wouldn't call you a "sucker", Camp...just grossly uninformed! :)
Informed enough to know that every time a thread appears about Donald Trump lying one of his supporters here on USMB deflects and diverts the discussion by bringing up one of the handful of lies allegedly told by President Obama as if that gives Trump permission to tell 8,000 lies as President, including lying about an American war hero. Trump, the silver spoon fake bone spur draft evader tells malicious and hateful lies about an American war hero and his supporters like you who continue to lamely defend his sorry ass, seemingly without shame.

Allegedly told by President Obama? Dude, Barry lied his skinny black ASS off about the Affordable Care Act! It's not something that's "alleged"'s something he did!
Nope, he was just exaggerating. Just like Trump does all the time.

Unfortunately for you, Faun...Jonathon of the chief architects of the ACA for the Obama Administration was quite candid about the fact that they did lie about what was in the ACA because quite frankly they didn't think the American people were smart enough to know they were being lied to and they knew that the liberal media wouldn't explain it to them!
Deflection. The thread is about Trump lying, not what Jonathon Gruber said.

So let me get this are so mentally disturbed and/or auditory processing disorder that you honestly and sincerely hear a pause between 'Tim' and 'Apple'?

Yes or no, please?

Do you smoke a lot of weed?

Nope...makes me rather paranoid.

Now answer my question.

So let me get this are so mentally disturbed and/or auditory processing disorder that you honestly and sincerely hear a pause between 'Tim' and 'Apple'?

Yes or no, please?

You could be having some Side effects it’s called delusion Lol

And again you duck the simple question:

So let me get this are so delusional and/or have such an auditory processing disorder that you honestly and sincerely hear a noticeable pause between 'Tim' and 'Apple'?

Yes or no, please?

I def hear it more profound now

So...that is a yes.

Jitss617 hears things that do not exist.

So noted.

We are done here.

Have a nice day.
Yeah...this is horrible.

Picking on a war hero is bad enough. Especially when you ducked your service with a medical exemption you got your Daddy to get for you.

But McCain is dead and cannot even defend himself.

Trump has no honor and no courage.
You idiots are so phony. Now McCain is a hero and a saint. 11 years ago he was a, old white racist.

Prove it with links. Trumper's cannot be believed here on USMB.

Trump...Just...Lies, and so do his defenders here on USMB.
FLASHBACK: Liberal Media called John McCain white supremacist in 2008
You found a blogger making a claim about a Huffington Post article, but no link to rhe article for review on accuracy or context.
Go do you own research. I proved my claim.
You proved nothing. You provide a lame irrelevant post.
Trump seems to attract many, many suckers.

I wouldn't call you a "sucker", Camp...just grossly uninformed! :)
Informed enough to know that every time a thread appears about Donald Trump lying one of his supporters here on USMB deflects and diverts the discussion by bringing up one of the handful of lies allegedly told by President Obama as if that gives Trump permission to tell 8,000 lies as President, including lying about an American war hero. Trump, the silver spoon fake bone spur draft evader tells malicious and hateful lies about an American war hero and his supporters like you who continue to lamely defend his sorry ass, seemingly without shame.

Allegedly told by President Obama? Dude, Barry lied his skinny black ASS off about the Affordable Care Act! It's not something that's "alleged"'s something he did!
Nope, he was just exaggerating. Just like Trump does all the time.

Unfortunately for you, Faun...Jonathon of the chief architects of the ACA for the Obama Administration was quite candid about the fact that they did lie about what was in the ACA because quite frankly they didn't think the American people were smart enough to know they were being lied to and they knew that the liberal media wouldn't explain it to them!
Nah, it’s not unfortunate for me. It’s unfortunate trump has driven the crazy bus over the edge and taken the right wing with him. Now that you idiots have declared lies are not lies, they’re exaggerations, that applies to Liberals too. Obama didn’t lie, he exaggerated.
I wouldn't call you a "sucker", Camp...just grossly uninformed! :)
Informed enough to know that every time a thread appears about Donald Trump lying one of his supporters here on USMB deflects and diverts the discussion by bringing up one of the handful of lies allegedly told by President Obama as if that gives Trump permission to tell 8,000 lies as President, including lying about an American war hero. Trump, the silver spoon fake bone spur draft evader tells malicious and hateful lies about an American war hero and his supporters like you who continue to lamely defend his sorry ass, seemingly without shame.

Allegedly told by President Obama? Dude, Barry lied his skinny black ASS off about the Affordable Care Act! It's not something that's "alleged"'s something he did!
Nope, he was just exaggerating. Just like Trump does all the time.

Unfortunately for you, Faun...Jonathon of the chief architects of the ACA for the Obama Administration was quite candid about the fact that they did lie about what was in the ACA because quite frankly they didn't think the American people were smart enough to know they were being lied to and they knew that the liberal media wouldn't explain it to them!
Nah, it’s not unfortunate for me. It’s unfortunate trump has driven the crazy bus over the edge and taken the right wing with him. Now that you idiots have declared lies are not lies, they’re exaggerations, that applies to Liberals too. Obama didn’t lie, he exaggerated.

Jonathon Gruber was quite clear that they deliberately lied. It was a "the end justifies the means" moment for liberals and they were quite willing to lie to get what they truly wanted which is government run healthcare.
I wouldn't call you a "sucker", Camp...just grossly uninformed! :)
Informed enough to know that every time a thread appears about Donald Trump lying one of his supporters here on USMB deflects and diverts the discussion by bringing up one of the handful of lies allegedly told by President Obama as if that gives Trump permission to tell 8,000 lies as President, including lying about an American war hero. Trump, the silver spoon fake bone spur draft evader tells malicious and hateful lies about an American war hero and his supporters like you who continue to lamely defend his sorry ass, seemingly without shame.

Allegedly told by President Obama? Dude, Barry lied his skinny black ASS off about the Affordable Care Act! It's not something that's "alleged"'s something he did!
Nope, he was just exaggerating. Just like Trump does all the time.

Unfortunately for you, Faun...Jonathon of the chief architects of the ACA for the Obama Administration was quite candid about the fact that they did lie about what was in the ACA because quite frankly they didn't think the American people were smart enough to know they were being lied to and they knew that the liberal media wouldn't explain it to them!
Deflection. The thread is about Trump lying, not what Jonathon Gruber said.

So you can't touch my point that Obama and his people told a blatant lie about something that was going to directly affect 1/6th of the American economy...but want to continue to obsess about Trump's over the top statements about trivial things? That's amusing!
Informed enough to know that every time a thread appears about Donald Trump lying one of his supporters here on USMB deflects and diverts the discussion by bringing up one of the handful of lies allegedly told by President Obama as if that gives Trump permission to tell 8,000 lies as President, including lying about an American war hero. Trump, the silver spoon fake bone spur draft evader tells malicious and hateful lies about an American war hero and his supporters like you who continue to lamely defend his sorry ass, seemingly without shame.

Allegedly told by President Obama? Dude, Barry lied his skinny black ASS off about the Affordable Care Act! It's not something that's "alleged"'s something he did!
Nope, he was just exaggerating. Just like Trump does all the time.

Unfortunately for you, Faun...Jonathon of the chief architects of the ACA for the Obama Administration was quite candid about the fact that they did lie about what was in the ACA because quite frankly they didn't think the American people were smart enough to know they were being lied to and they knew that the liberal media wouldn't explain it to them!
Nah, it’s not unfortunate for me. It’s unfortunate trump has driven the crazy bus over the edge and taken the right wing with him. Now that you idiots have declared lies are not lies, they’re exaggerations, that applies to Liberals too. Obama didn’t lie, he exaggerated.

Jonathon Gruber was quite clear that they deliberately lied. It was a "the end justifies the means" moment for liberals and they were quite willing to lie to get what they truly wanted which is government run healthcare.
Jonathan Gruber made statements you call lies. OK.

What was the result. We got a very popular healthcare system that provided healthcare to tens of million who previously didn't have it.

Contrast that with Trump claiming he would destroy that healthcare program and supposedly provide a cheaper , better system that would cover EVERYONE.

There was no such replacement. There WAS the destruction of the existing very popular healthcare program.

Which lie matters more?
Informed enough to know that every time a thread appears about Donald Trump lying one of his supporters here on USMB deflects and diverts the discussion by bringing up one of the handful of lies allegedly told by President Obama as if that gives Trump permission to tell 8,000 lies as President, including lying about an American war hero. Trump, the silver spoon fake bone spur draft evader tells malicious and hateful lies about an American war hero and his supporters like you who continue to lamely defend his sorry ass, seemingly without shame.

Allegedly told by President Obama? Dude, Barry lied his skinny black ASS off about the Affordable Care Act! It's not something that's "alleged"'s something he did!
Nope, he was just exaggerating. Just like Trump does all the time.

Unfortunately for you, Faun...Jonathon of the chief architects of the ACA for the Obama Administration was quite candid about the fact that they did lie about what was in the ACA because quite frankly they didn't think the American people were smart enough to know they were being lied to and they knew that the liberal media wouldn't explain it to them!
Deflection. The thread is about Trump lying, not what Jonathon Gruber said.

So you can't touch my point that Obama and his people told a blatant lie about something that was going to directly affect 1/6th of the American economy...but want to continue to obsess about Trump's over the top statements about trivial things? That's amusing!
You're just trolling with "what abour.." deflections to change the subject and divert attention away from the topic of Trump lying, the subject of this thread.
Allegedly told by President Obama? Dude, Barry lied his skinny black ASS off about the Affordable Care Act! It's not something that's "alleged"'s something he did!
Nope, he was just exaggerating. Just like Trump does all the time.

Unfortunately for you, Faun...Jonathon of the chief architects of the ACA for the Obama Administration was quite candid about the fact that they did lie about what was in the ACA because quite frankly they didn't think the American people were smart enough to know they were being lied to and they knew that the liberal media wouldn't explain it to them!
Nah, it’s not unfortunate for me. It’s unfortunate trump has driven the crazy bus over the edge and taken the right wing with him. Now that you idiots have declared lies are not lies, they’re exaggerations, that applies to Liberals too. Obama didn’t lie, he exaggerated.

Jonathon Gruber was quite clear that they deliberately lied. It was a "the end justifies the means" moment for liberals and they were quite willing to lie to get what they truly wanted which is government run healthcare.
Jonathan Gruber made statements you call lies. OK.

What was the result. We got a very popular healthcare system that provided healthcare to tens of million who previously didn't have it.

Contrast that with Trump claiming he would destroy that healthcare program and supposedly provide a cheaper , better system that would cover EVERYONE.

There was no such replacement. There WAS the destruction of the existing very popular healthcare program.

Which lie matters more?

The only problem with that contention, Lesh is that Jonathon Gruber admitted that the ACA was never designed to work to lower healthcare costs for the average American citizen! It was always designed as a wealth transfer scheme to have middle class Americans foot the bill to pay for the healthcare costs of the poor! It was never designed to work. It was designed to fail but the left was fine with that because they viewed it as a stepping stone to government run healthcare for all.
You idiots are so phony. Now McCain is a hero and a saint. 11 years ago he was a, old white racist.

Prove it with links. Trumper's cannot be believed here on USMB.

Trump...Just...Lies, and so do his defenders here on USMB.
FLASHBACK: Liberal Media called John McCain white supremacist in 2008
You found a blogger making a claim about a Huffington Post article, but no link to rhe article for review on accuracy or context.
Go do you own research. I proved my claim.
You proved nothing. You provide a lame irrelevant post.
Of course. You're pitiful.
So you can't touch my point that Obama and his people told a blatant lie about something that was going to directly affect 1/6th of the American economy...but want to continue to obsess about Trump's over the top statements about trivial things? That's amusing!

Wait...You're complaining about a "lie" that got us healthcare for tens of millions in what has become a very popular program..

But call "trivial" Trump's lies that he would replace that program with with something better ...after he killed that program. The second part of that was not a lie. The first part was

And this bothers you not at all..

Allegedly told by President Obama? Dude, Barry lied his skinny black ASS off about the Affordable Care Act! It's not something that's "alleged"'s something he did!
Nope, he was just exaggerating. Just like Trump does all the time.

Unfortunately for you, Faun...Jonathon of the chief architects of the ACA for the Obama Administration was quite candid about the fact that they did lie about what was in the ACA because quite frankly they didn't think the American people were smart enough to know they were being lied to and they knew that the liberal media wouldn't explain it to them!
Deflection. The thread is about Trump lying, not what Jonathon Gruber said.

So you can't touch my point that Obama and his people told a blatant lie about something that was going to directly affect 1/6th of the American economy...but want to continue to obsess about Trump's over the top statements about trivial things? That's amusing!
You're just trolling with "what abour.." deflections to change the subject and divert attention away from the topic of Trump lying, the subject of this thread.

If it's a "deflection" to point out that Barack Obama told blatant lies about things that negatively affected the finances of millions of middle class Americans...then yes, I'm guilty of deflection! You can't accuse this President of lying like it's an impeachable offense when the President that you adored told one of the biggest political lies EVER and you didn't call him on it!
Informed enough to know that every time a thread appears about Donald Trump lying one of his supporters here on USMB deflects and diverts the discussion by bringing up one of the handful of lies allegedly told by President Obama as if that gives Trump permission to tell 8,000 lies as President, including lying about an American war hero. Trump, the silver spoon fake bone spur draft evader tells malicious and hateful lies about an American war hero and his supporters like you who continue to lamely defend his sorry ass, seemingly without shame.

Allegedly told by President Obama? Dude, Barry lied his skinny black ASS off about the Affordable Care Act! It's not something that's "alleged"'s something he did!
Nope, he was just exaggerating. Just like Trump does all the time.

Unfortunately for you, Faun...Jonathon of the chief architects of the ACA for the Obama Administration was quite candid about the fact that they did lie about what was in the ACA because quite frankly they didn't think the American people were smart enough to know they were being lied to and they knew that the liberal media wouldn't explain it to them!
Nah, it’s not unfortunate for me. It’s unfortunate trump has driven the crazy bus over the edge and taken the right wing with him. Now that you idiots have declared lies are not lies, they’re exaggerations, that applies to Liberals too. Obama didn’t lie, he exaggerated.

Jonathon Gruber was quite clear that they deliberately lied. It was a "the end justifies the means" moment for liberals and they were quite willing to lie to get what they truly wanted which is government run healthcare.
So? Who cares what Gruber said? Lies are no longer likes according to the right. They’re now exaggerations. Obama didn’t lie, he exaggerated, deal with it.
The only problem with that contention, Lesh is that Jonathon Gruber admitted that the ACA was never designed to work to lower healthcare costs for the average American citizen! It was always designed as a wealth transfer scheme to have middle class Americans foot the bill to pay for the healthcare costs of the poor! It was never designed to work. It was designed to fail but the left was fine with that because they viewed it as a stepping stone to government run healthcare for all.

Why lie?

"Jonathon Gruber admitted that the ACA was never designed to work to lower healthcare costs for the average American citizen! "

He said he didn't think that the ACA would significantly lower costs. He wasn't saying that it was intentional or a wealth transfer. Those are your lies

The goal of the ACA was to provide affordable healthcare to people who had none. It has done that accounting for its popularity

He NEVER said it was designed to fail.

Another lie on YOUR part

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