
Again you miss the point. It was a gaff. And stupid as it was, it’s pretty much not a big deal.

What IS a big deal is that fact that he would lie about something so small and easily shown to be a lie. He just doesn’t care. Truth means ZERO to him and less to his followers
i can point to a million lies i'm sure you don't care about.
the point is we as a culture are now calling what we don't like a lie and what we do like anything we want to. we're a bunch of spoiled shits who demand we get our way or we throw a fit and have scream at the sky parties.
The point is, Republicans spent 8 years screaming about “lies” that weren’t lies... and then elected Trump who can’t tell the truth about anything... ever
You can keep your doctor wasn’t a lie?

I kept mine, as did the vast majority of the nation.
Thousands lost there doctor because of Obama care
Many millions were able to obtain health insurance they couldn’t previously.

“The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few” ~ Mr. Spock
This was three years ago. California.

What insurance plan

Blue Shield.
Blue Shield only left parts of California and Anthem Blue Cross picked up most if not all of the folks who lost that coverage. So you were part (subset) of 480,000 ACA participants who had Blue Shield at all...and only a subset of those folks lived in counties that Blue Shield left. Anthem Blue Cross picked those folks up and offers near identical coverage through a near identical network of doctors and hospitals...but you claim that you lost your doctor. Interesting since he also lost you and all the other Blue Shield members. I wonder how he made a living without any patients...

By the way...what chronic illnesses are you being treated for that only He could treat you?
This was three years ago. California.

What insurance plan

Blue Shield.
Blue Shield only left parts of California and Anthem Blue Cross picked up most if not all of the folks who lost that coverage. So you were part (subset) of 480,000 ACA participants who had Blue Shield at all...and only a subset of those folks lived in counties that Blue Shield left. Anthem Blue Cross picked those folks up and offers near identical coverage through a near identical network of doctors and hospitals...but you claim that you lost your doctor. Interesting since he also lost you and all the other Blue Shield members. I wonder how he made a living without any patients...

By the way...what chronic illnesses are you being treated for that only He could treat you?
Terrific, well you wonder away. Meanwhile it doesn't change the fact that I lost my insurance and my doctor...dumbass.
i can point to a million lies i'm sure you don't care about.
the point is we as a culture are now calling what we don't like a lie and what we do like anything we want to. we're a bunch of spoiled shits who demand we get our way or we throw a fit and have scream at the sky parties.
The point is, Republicans spent 8 years screaming about “lies” that weren’t lies... and then elected Trump who can’t tell the truth about anything... ever
You can keep your doctor wasn’t a lie?

I kept mine, as did the vast majority of the nation.
Thousands lost there doctor because of Obama care
Many millions were able to obtain health insurance they couldn’t previously.

“The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few” ~ Mr. Spock
And can’t use it! Lol premiums are sky rocketing ha
Poor people have to pay 500-1000 if they opted out .. government mandated.. absolutely scary times
Trump hasn't hired any white supremacists, yet he's accused of being one.

Steven Miller
Seb Gorka

And that’s just the ones we know of

Ok. Does hiring a white supremacist make Trump a white supremacist? Because if it does, then McCain is a white supremacist. You just made my case.

You caught...and moved the goal posts...on a thread about lying
Trump is a white supremacist because he hired white supremacists. That makes John McCain a white supremacist because he did the same thing. Where's the lie?
Terrific, well you wonder away. Meanwhile it doesn't change the fact that I lost my insurance and my doctor...dumbass.

Still curious to know how that doctor made a living since he wasn't treating patients from the one remaining healthcare provider in the area.

And what chronic illness were you being treated for again?
Trump is a white supremacist because he hired white supremacists. That makes John McCain a white supremacist because he did the same thing. Where's the lie?

I never said that showed him to be a white supremacist although he certainly has surrounded himself with more than one of those kindsof folks. He HAS admitted to being a white nationalist. The difference in minimal

YOU however lied...on a thread about lying
Trump is a white supremacist because he hired white supremacists. That makes John McCain a white supremacist because he did the same thing. Where's the lie?

I never said that showed him to be a white supremacist although he certainly has surrounded himself with more than one of those kindsof folks. He HAS admitted to being a white nationalist. The difference in minimal

YOU however lied...on a thread about lying
You still haven't shown us my supposed lie. Where is it?
So you can't touch my point that Obama and his people told a blatant lie about something that was going to directly affect 1/6th of the American economy...but want to continue to obsess about Trump's over the top statements about trivial things? That's amusing!

Wait...You're complaining about a "lie" that got us healthcare for tens of millions in what has become a very popular program..

But call "trivial" Trump's lies that he would replace that program with with something better ...after he killed that program. The second part of that was not a lie. The first part was

And this bothers you not at all..

You failed to respond to this.

Try again
well you failed at just about everything. go figure.
cyniscysm= surrender. the whole history of america is testament that you can achieve impossible thing if you have hope. i HOPE Trump goes down in flames!
Trump just told a load of lies on live television.
Name one.
I’ll name three in one tweet alone from just a few days ago...

”So it was indeed (just proven in court papers) “last in his class” (Annapolis) John McCain that sent the Fake Dossier to the FBI and Media hoping to have it printed BEFORE the Election. He & the Dems, working together, failed (as usual). Even the Fake News refused this garbage!” ~ Crazy Donald

1. McCain finished fifth from last in his class.

2. McCain was not aware of the dossier until after the election.

3. There is no evidence that McCain gave the dossier to the media.
Trump just told a load of lies on live television.
Name one.
I’ll name three in one tweet alone from just a few days ago...

”So it was indeed (just proven in court papers) “last in his class” (Annapolis) John McCain that sent the Fake Dossier to the FBI and Media hoping to have it printed BEFORE the Election. He & the Dems, working together, failed (as usual). Even the Fake News refused this garbage!” ~ Crazy Donald

1. McCain finished fifth from last in his class.

2. McCain was not aware of the dossier until after the election.

3. There is no evidence that McCain gave the dossier to the media.
There were 899 graduates in his class and he finished 894th. Are you really going to defend that?
Trump just told a load of lies on live television.
Name one.
I’ll name three in one tweet alone from just a few days ago...

”So it was indeed (just proven in court papers) “last in his class” (Annapolis) John McCain that sent the Fake Dossier to the FBI and Media hoping to have it printed BEFORE the Election. He & the Dems, working together, failed (as usual). Even the Fake News refused this garbage!” ~ Crazy Donald

1. McCain finished fifth from last in his class.

2. McCain was not aware of the dossier until after the election.

3. There is no evidence that McCain gave the dossier to the media.
Trump just told a load of lies on live television.
Name one.
He is still lying about winning the 2016 electoral vote by historically large margins, the largest margins in memory. Trump won by a 77 electoral vote margin. Obama won with a 172 vote margin in 2008 and Clinton won with a 202 vote margin in 1992. So, Trump just tells the same lie over and over
Trump just told a load of lies on live television.
Name one.
I’ll name three in one tweet alone from just a few days ago...

”So it was indeed (just proven in court papers) “last in his class” (Annapolis) John McCain that sent the Fake Dossier to the FBI and Media hoping to have it printed BEFORE the Election. He & the Dems, working together, failed (as usual). Even the Fake News refused this garbage!” ~ Crazy Donald

1. McCain finished fifth from last in his class.

2. McCain was not aware of the dossier until after the election.

3. There is no evidence that McCain gave the dossier to the media.
There were 899 graduates in his class and he finished 894th. Are you really going to defend that?
Words have meaning, you should learn them.

after all others

And Trump’s lie that McCain sent the dossier to the FBI to influence the election when McCain didn’t see it himself until after the election?

And Trump’s lie that McCain also gave the dossier to the news when there’s no evidence of that?
You idiots are so phony. Now McCain is a hero and a saint. 11 years ago he was a, old white racist.

Prove it with links. Trumper's cannot be believed here on USMB.

Trump...Just...Lies, and so do his defenders here on USMB.
FLASHBACK: Liberal Media called John McCain white supremacist in 2008
You found a blogger making a claim about a Huffington Post article, but no link to rhe article for review on accuracy or context.
That's because the HuffPost article didn't say McCain was a white supremacist, and the lying scum Trumpist knew it!
Here is the only mention of a white supremacist in the article, "white supremacist named Richard Quinn, who found himself hired as a political advisor by McCain in 2000."
Trump hasn't hired any white supremacists, yet he's accused of being one. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
Steven Miller

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