Trump just suggested Total War Theory and killing Islamic radical's families/wives on Hannity!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Watching Hannity. Trump just outlined his updated strategy against Radical Islam. Go after wives and families of radical Muslims. He pointed out the wives of 9-11 hijackers who all flew back to Saudi Arabia on 9-10. He said "they don't care about their own lives but they care about their families. I say take em out."

He basically just proposed the same Total War Theory that General Sherman used against the Confederacy....which destroyed them.

I agree. It's time. Total War against radical Islam. Bomb them all. Drop the largest non-nuclear bomb we have on Mecca. When they make the Hajj pilgrimage....carpet bomb it. Take out all of it. The monuments. The mosques. Total War. If they don't want it....they better stop fleeing ISIS and fight them, take back their countries themselves and bring peace. Otherwise....they're pushing a superpower whose people are getting angry.

It worked when Sherman used it against the Confederacy. It worked against Japan. It's horrible and ugly but it worked.

America is slowly drifting towards accepting this reality. SOME are seeking out nationalism. Trump is offering it.
We have to fight their holy war. They don't care about death. We must fight it like that.

Hit us? We drop 100 bombs on Mecca. Hit us again? Take fucking crop dusters and spray pig fat and pork grease over the Hajj pilgrimage. Ruin those motherfuckers afterlife....or make them think that.

We can't out kill them unless we nuke em all. We must shame them and make them fear that an attack on us will ruin their afterlife or their family's.
Watching Hannity. Trump just outlined his updated strategy against Radical Islam. Go after wives and families of radical Muslims. He pointed out the wives of 9-11 hijackers who all flew back to Saudi Arabia on 9-10. He said "they don't care about their own lives but they care about their families. I say take em out."

He basically just proposed the same Total War Theory that General Sherman used against the Confederacy....which destroyed them.

I agree. It's time. Total War against radical Islam. Bomb them all. Drop the largest non-nuclear bomb we have on Mecca. When they make the Hajj pilgrimage....carpet bomb it. Take out all of it. The monuments. The mosques. Total War. If they don't want it....they better stop fleeing ISIS and fight them, take back their countries themselves and bring peace. Otherwise....they're pushing a superpower whose people are getting angry.

It worked when Sherman used it against the Confederacy. It worked against Japan. It's horrible and ugly but it worked.

America is slowly drifting towards accepting this reality. SOME are seeking out nationalism. Trump is offering it.

Yeah, but you just called for a Race War like 4 days ago. So your perspective really isn't the best for gleaning the future, StormFront.
I'm voting for Trump.
I heard the entire interview.
You can't pull off acts of terror that require massive expenditures and the family doesn't know about it.
I once had a client in for addiction, he was forced to murder some families in the war. How does someone ever get over doing something like that. War is ugly~

So lets nuke them...:lmao:
Watching Hannity. Trump just outlined his updated strategy against Radical Islam. Go after wives and families of radical Muslims. He pointed out the wives of 9-11 hijackers who all flew back to Saudi Arabia on 9-10. He said "they don't care about their own lives but they care about their families. I say take em out."

He basically just proposed the same Total War Theory that General Sherman used against the Confederacy....which destroyed them.

I agree. It's time. Total War against radical Islam. Bomb them all. Drop the largest non-nuclear bomb we have on Mecca. When they make the Hajj pilgrimage....carpet bomb it. Take out all of it. The monuments. The mosques. Total War. If they don't want it....they better stop fleeing ISIS and fight them, take back their countries themselves and bring peace. Otherwise....they're pushing a superpower whose people are getting angry.

It worked when Sherman used it against the Confederacy. It worked against Japan. It's horrible and ugly but it worked.

America is slowly drifting towards accepting this reality. SOME are seeking out nationalism. Trump is offering it.

Stick a fork in him, he's toast.
I'm voting for Trump.
I heard the entire interview.
You can't pull off acts of terror that require massive expenditures and the family doesn't know about it.

So we definitely need to go get Mildred and William McVeigh then?
You really don't have to kill all of Islam.....YET! Do this and see where it goes from there..... Medina 48 hours later?

...Stick a fork in him, he's toast.
Interestingly enough, people have been saying this since September, but his numbers keep going up...

Oh, among republicans that kind of hateful, racist, fascist shit finds fertile ground.

But in the *general* election?
After 8 years of The Magic Negro and Rule by Imperial Decree, the Pubs could probably nominate a hamster, and it would win.
Sherman burned crops and killed livestock, he didn't slaughter civilians.

You guys are being more and more unhinged each day.
How bout rounding up those communicating with ISIS inside our border ,,if we are at war shouldnt they be in POW camp
hunting down families is over the top, but Don likes to say over the top shit

that being said

we cannot win wars doing it the way leftist want us to.

how do I know this?

on and on

wars fought with the idea of sparing peoples lives is just fucking ignorant.

War is hell, so make it hell on earth
What we need is The Usual Suspects Keyser Söze.
Hunt down and exterminate every blood relative of the infiltrator and those who we suspect fund them, then sit back and see if anybody else fucks with us.
I really hope Trump does not become your next president. He seems crazy enough to start world war three.
Even Putin has not attacked Turkey for shooting down a Russian jet. Undoubtedly because he does not want a war with Nato. But I can see Trump causing a confrontation with Russia.

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