Trump just suggested Total War Theory and killing Islamic radical's families/wives on Hannity!

Watching Hannity. Trump just outlined his updated strategy against Radical Islam. Go after wives and families of radical Muslims. He pointed out the wives of 9-11 hijackers who all flew back to Saudi Arabia on 9-10. He said "they don't care about their own lives but they care about their families. I say take em out."

He basically just proposed the same Total War Theory that General Sherman used against the Confederacy....which destroyed them.

I agree. It's time. Total War against radical Islam. Bomb them all. Drop the largest non-nuclear bomb we have on Mecca. When they make the Hajj pilgrimage....carpet bomb it. Take out all of it. The monuments. The mosques. Total War. If they don't want it....they better stop fleeing ISIS and fight them, take back their countries themselves and bring peace. Otherwise....they're pushing a superpower whose people are getting angry.

It worked when Sherman used it against the Confederacy. It worked against Japan. It's horrible and ugly but it worked.

America is slowly drifting towards accepting this reality. SOME are seeking out nationalism. Trump is offering it.
You don't have to lower yourself to their level. Rather than kill, kill, kill, just get them out of the west. Are you sure of what Trump meant by 'take them out'.
...Stick a fork in him, he's toast.
Interestingly enough, people have been saying this since September, but his numbers keep going up...

Oh, among republicans that kind of hateful, racist, fascist shit finds fertile ground.

But in the *general* election?
After 8 years of The Magic Negro and Rule by Imperial Decree, the Pubs could probably nominate a hamster, and it would win.
Liked that one, didja?

I'm afraid it exposed you as a Liimblobian. :eusa_shifty:
Interestingly enough, people have been saying this since September, but his numbers keep going up...

Oh, among republicans that kind of hateful, racist, fascist shit finds fertile ground.

But in the *general* election?
After 8 years of The Magic Negro and Rule by Imperial Decree, the Pubs could probably nominate a hamster, and it would win.
Liked that one, didja?

I'm afraid it exposed you as a Liimblobian. :eusa_shifty:
Mostly during morning and evening commutes, I oftentimes listen to a mixture of both Liberal and Conservative Talk-Radio.

I am rarely, if ever, on the road at a time of day (mid-day) when Limbaugh is on the air, and, when I happen upon him during a frequency-scan, and stop on that station, I rarely hang around longer than a few minutes, realizing that he's as much a tool - and a fool - as the carpet-muncher on MSNBC.

My Magic Negro and Rule-by-Imperial-Decree observations were made from the vantage point of both conviction and pure personal enjoyment.

Just goes to show you... not everyone who disses the Magic Negro is a Rush listener, eh?

Some of us do it because your side's slavish deference to your Failed Messiah in 2008 made folks want to retch, and it's been fun watching your boy go from Hero to Zero.

The Barack Obama Cult of 2008 was every bit as dangerous to the Republic and its People as the Donald Trump Cult might prove to be in 2016.

Slickster-Crackers and Magic Negros simply don't mix.


"This was an Equal Opportunity Bashing, and I approve of this message." - Kondor3
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Just goes to show you... not everyone who disses the Magic Negro is a Rush listener, eh?

Ackchooly.......... nnnnno. "Magic Negro" (one also notes uppercase proper name denoting a specific artistic work) is a parody, the term "magic" being essential to connect that parody to the original. IOW there's no other way to come up with it than via the Limblob color-obsessed parody tune.

Must be really weird to live in that world. :itsok:
Just goes to show you... not everyone who disses the Magic Negro is a Rush listener, eh?

Ackchooly.......... nnnnno. "Magic Negro" (one also notes uppercase proper name denoting a specific artistic work) is a parody, the term "magic" being essential to connect that parody to the original. IOW there's no other way to come up with it than via the Limblob color-obsessed parody tune.

Must be really weird to live in that world. :itsok:
Nice try, Pogo, but No Sale.

Hope you liked the Magic Negro bit, though... always enjoy irritating Obama Minions...
Just goes to show you... not everyone who disses the Magic Negro is a Rush listener, eh?

Ackchooly.......... nnnnno. "Magic Negro" (one also notes uppercase proper name denoting a specific artistic work) is a parody, the term "magic" being essential to connect that parody to the original. IOW there's no other way to come up with it than via the Limblob color-obsessed parody tune.

Must be really weird to live in that world. :itsok:
Nice try, Pogo, but No Sale.

Hope you liked the Magic Negro bit, though... always enjoy irritating Obama Minions...

Sorry but I laid out my reasoning. I believe that trumps "no sale" without breaking a sweat.

Busted like a Jayne Mansfield.

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