Trump just suggested Total War Theory and killing Islamic radical's families/wives on Hannity!

Watching Hannity. Trump just outlined his updated strategy against Radical Islam. Go after wives and families of radical Muslims. He pointed out the wives of 9-11 hijackers who all flew back to Saudi Arabia on 9-10. He said "they don't care about their own lives but they care about their families. I say take em out."

He basically just proposed the same Total War Theory that General Sherman used against the Confederacy....which destroyed them.

I agree. It's time. Total War against radical Islam. Bomb them all. Drop the largest non-nuclear bomb we have on Mecca. When they make the Hajj pilgrimage....carpet bomb it. Take out all of it. The monuments. The mosques. Total War. If they don't want it....they better stop fleeing ISIS and fight them, take back their countries themselves and bring peace. Otherwise....they're pushing a superpower whose people are getting angry.

It worked when Sherman used it against the Confederacy. It worked against Japan. It's horrible and ugly but it worked.

America is slowly drifting towards accepting this reality. SOME are seeking out nationalism. Trump is offering it.
No, it's time for you to seek out the mental health treatment you so clearly need.
You really don't have to kill all of Islam.....YET! Do this and see where it goes from there..... Medina 48 hours later?

Obviously you're beyond any sort of help.
Should the majority of Islam get on the bandwagon our present 'Conservatives' are on, one might well see a world wide religious war. But I don't see that happening. What I do see happening is more attacks like this where a fruitloop or two or three takes advantage of the ease with which one can purchase weapons and ammo here. And I see that if Trump actually gets the nomination, a blowout for the Democrats. And, perhaps, a shattering of the GOP. Certainly a major change in it.
...Stick a fork in him, he's toast.
Interestingly enough, people have been saying this since September, but his numbers keep going up...

Oh, among republicans that kind of hateful, racist, fascist shit finds fertile ground.

But in the *general* election?
Protecting ones country from an invasion is racist according to democrats. The general public is fed up with Obama, sKerry, and Reid and want a change. Democrats are going to lose a fantastic number of seats and the Presidency.
I'm voting for Trump.
I heard the entire interview.
You can't pull off acts of terror that require massive expenditures and the family doesn't know about it.

I agree and Trump is right.

Time to waste them all. Families know what their men are doing and don't care. Time to remove the family as a support group for the terrorists.

Time to take off the gloves and turn our military loose with orders to win at all costs. Remove those ridiculous ROE's they have to fight using.

If every country did this then the Islamic terrorists would all be dead in no time.

Unfortunately it will never happen.
Watching Hannity. Trump just outlined his updated strategy against Radical Islam. Go after wives and families of radical Muslims. He pointed out the wives of 9-11 hijackers who all flew back to Saudi Arabia on 9-10. He said "they don't care about their own lives but they care about their families. I say take em out."

He basically just proposed the same Total War Theory that General Sherman used against the Confederacy....which destroyed them.

I agree. It's time. Total War against radical Islam. Bomb them all. Drop the largest non-nuclear bomb we have on Mecca. When they make the Hajj pilgrimage....carpet bomb it. Take out all of it. The monuments. The mosques. Total War. If they don't want it....they better stop fleeing ISIS and fight them, take back their countries themselves and bring peace. Otherwise....they're pushing a superpower whose people are getting angry.

It worked when Sherman used it against the Confederacy. It worked against Japan. It's horrible and ugly but it worked.

America is slowly drifting towards accepting this reality. SOME are seeking out nationalism. Trump is offering it.

Have advocated this myself a number of times. A suicide bomber may wish to martyr themselves, but how's their conviction when they know their family will be punished in their absence?

Israel used to destroy the homes of suicide bombers after attacks. But I say go all the way and kill the families including their baby, grandparents, relatives-in-law, everyone. Not prune the family tree so much and yank it out by the roots until it's dead.

I have no problem whatsoever with it.
But I say go all the way and kill the families including their baby, grandparents, relatives-in-law, everyone. Not prune the family tree so much and yank it out by the roots until it's dead.
That's because you are murderous bloodthirsty loon who lacks all morals and supports collective punishment. In sum, worse than your enemies, much.
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I'm voting for Trump.
I heard the entire interview.
You can't pull off acts of terror that require massive expenditures and the family doesn't know about it.

So we definitely need to go get Mildred and William McVeigh then?
If you did the potential future Timothy's might think twice. They do this in Israel and suicide bombing have gone way down.

Even murderers love their families.
But I say go all the way and kill the families including their baby, grandparents, relatives-in-law, everyone. Not prune the family tree so much and yank it out by the roots until it's dead.
That's because you are murderous bloodthirsty loon who lacks all morals and supports collective punishment. In sum, worse than your enemies, much.
You sound like you sympathize for the enemy.

Maybe we do this a couple times and terrorists attacks stop?

Maybe you don't kill them maybe we just send them back to what ever country they came from.

As a visitor to my home you may not spit in my home. I may spit in my home but that doesn't mean you can.

Sometimes it doesn't pay to be nice.
What we need is The Usual Suspects Keyser Söze.
Hunt down and exterminate every blood relative of the infiltrator and those who we suspect fund them, then sit back and see if anybody else fucks with us.
America is not an evil crime organization.

but if you want to murder a criminals children, there is a recruiting station near you.

sign up or send your kids
I really hope Trump does not become your next president. He seems crazy enough to start world war three.
Even Putin has not attacked Turkey for shooting down a Russian jet. Undoubtedly because he does not want a war with Nato. But I can see Trump causing a confrontation with Russia.
you mean like another Cold War?

ya know we won that war..
But I say go all the way and kill the families including their baby, grandparents, relatives-in-law, everyone. Not prune the family tree so much and yank it out by the roots until it's dead.
That's because you are murderous bloodthirsty loon who lacks all morals and supports collective punishment. In sum, worse than your enemies, much.

No, I just understand the theory of war. Point of any war is to scare people into not having another one. But if you half-ass it, make it all PC all you're doing it ensuring more to come. But if you make it horrible, and scare the hell out of people you give them an excellent reason to avoid war next time the thought comes up. Making wars more PC and thus acceptable is why we've had over 14 years of continuous war. No reason to oppose it any more. It's conducted by our volunteer professional soldiers, precision bombing has reduced the number of civilians killed, and drones are making it even safer for our own side. Nothing objectionable about it vs past wars. Of course if you start stomping on 6 month old babies and putting bullets into th eheads of relatives for their kids' sins not only does war become the horrible objectionable thing it is again, but you also make the civilians in countries that are our enemy have a good reason to rise up and overthrow their despotic leaders picking a fight with the 'crazy bloodthirsty murderous Americans.'
But I say go all the way and kill the families including their baby, grandparents, relatives-in-law, everyone. Not prune the family tree so much and yank it out by the roots until it's dead.
That's because you are murderous bloodthirsty loon who lacks all morals and supports collective punishment. In sum, worse than your enemies, much.
You sound like you sympathize for the enemy.
Nope, and you two loons sound like Nazis, which is what the Zionists are.
But I say go all the way and kill the families including their baby, grandparents, relatives-in-law, everyone. Not prune the family tree so much and yank it out by the roots until it's dead.
That's because you are murderous bloodthirsty loon who lacks all morals and supports collective punishment. In sum, worse than your enemies, much.

No, I just understand the theory of war. Point of any war is to scare people into not having another one. But if you half-ass it, make it all PC all you're doing it ensuring more to come. But if you make it horrible, and scare the hell out of people you give them an excellent reason to avoid war next time the thought comes up. Making wars more PC and thus acceptable is why we've had over 14 years of continuous war. No reason to oppose it any more. It's conducted by our volunteer professional soldiers, precision bombing has reduced the number of civilians killed, and drones are making it even safer for our own side. Nothing objectionable about it vs past wars. Of course if you start stomping on 6 month old babies and putting bullets into th eheads of relatives for their kids' sins not only does war become the horrible objectionable thing it is again, but you also make the civilians in countries that are our enemy have a good reason to rise up and overthrow their despotic leaders picking a fight with the 'crazy bloodthirsty murderous Americans.'
I will let ISIS know that you fully approve of using terror. Oddly enough, so do they.

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