Trump just suggested Total War Theory and killing Islamic radical's families/wives on Hannity!

Trump is a Nazi, playing to the Hitler-youth.
did you say something?
I said, remember to press your uniform, Trump needs you.
I asked you for your flag and you finally posted it. Holy crap son, you have problems.
I really hope Trump does not become your next president. He seems crazy enough to start world war three.
Even Putin has not attacked Turkey for shooting down a Russian jet. Undoubtedly because he does not want a war with Nato. But I can see Trump causing a confrontation with Russia.
Exactly. The Right keeps saying we are afraid of him because he might win the presidency (it's not likely, btw), but what we are afraid of is him as a president and the havoc he would cause, the continuous source of humiliation he would be for the US, and the danger he would be to international issues---you are right: he very well could start WWIII. That's what's frightening about him.
How bout rounding up those communicating with ISIS inside our border ,,if we are at war shouldnt they be in POW camp

How would we go about "rounding" those people up?
why do you supposed we have special forces?

I meant figuring out who they are, not the physical act of "rounding them up".
how do you suppose the special forces do it if they don't know where they are. They utilize their resources and find them. come on man, it isn't that difficult is it?
How bout rounding up those communicating with ISIS inside our border ,,if we are at war shouldnt they be in POW camp

How would we go about "rounding" those people up?
why do you supposed we have special forces?
Funny, you aren't allowed to use the US military on US soil. They are strictly for killing foreigners.
who said they were on US soil?
"How bout rounding up those communicating with ISIS inside our border ,,if we are at war shouldnt they be in POW camp"

Do you not read the fucking threads??
I really hope Trump does not become your next president. He seems crazy enough to start world war three.
Even Putin has not attacked Turkey for shooting down a Russian jet. Undoubtedly because he does not want a war with Nato. But I can see Trump causing a confrontation with Russia.
Exactly. The Right keeps saying we are afraid of him because he might win the presidency (it's not likely, btw), but what we are afraid of is him as a president and the havoc he would cause, the continuous source of humiliation he would be for the US, and the danger he would be to international issues---you are right: he very well could start WWIII. That's what's frightening about him.
And you voted for the idiot we have in office today. funny you are now worried about that.
How bout rounding up those communicating with ISIS inside our border ,,if we are at war shouldnt they be in POW camp

How would we go about "rounding" those people up?
why do you supposed we have special forces?

I meant figuring out who they are, not the physical act of "rounding them up".
how do you suppose the special forces do it if they don't know where they are. They utilize their resources and find them. come on man, it isn't that difficult is it?

I'm thinking that you're not quite following the context of my posts. Perhaps you should go back and reread the thread.
How bout rounding up those communicating with ISIS inside our border ,,if we are at war shouldnt they be in POW camp

How would we go about "rounding" those people up?
why do you supposed we have special forces?
Funny, you aren't allowed to use the US military on US soil. They are strictly for killing foreigners.
who said they were on US soil?
"How bout rounding up those communicating with ISIS inside our border ,,if we are at war shouldnt they be in POW camp"

Do you not read the fucking threads??
yeah I missed that one didn't I. That would make me a dumb fk for that miss. DOH!!!!
How bout rounding up those communicating with ISIS inside our border ,,if we are at war shouldnt they be in POW camp

How would we go about "rounding" those people up?
why do you supposed we have special forces?

I meant figuring out who they are, not the physical act of "rounding them up".
how do you suppose the special forces do it if they don't know where they are. They utilize their resources and find them. come on man, it isn't that difficult is it?

I'm thinking that you're not quite following the context of my posts. Perhaps you should go back and reread the thread.
yeah I missed the important post, my bad, admitted it already. It would be the FBI in country.
Trump is a Nazi, playing to the Hitler-youth.
did you say something?
I said, remember to press your uniform, Trump needs you.
I asked you for your flag and you finally posted it. Holy crap son, you have problems.
That's the Trump flag. Religions don't have flags.
no, that isn't, you're showing us all your radical status, that's why you have it handy.
How would we go about "rounding" those people up?
why do you supposed we have special forces?

I meant figuring out who they are, not the physical act of "rounding them up".
how do you suppose the special forces do it if they don't know where they are. They utilize their resources and find them. come on man, it isn't that difficult is it?

I'm thinking that you're not quite following the context of my posts. Perhaps you should go back and reread the thread.
yeah I missed the important post, my bad, admitted it already. It would be the FBI in country.

It happens to everyone. My point was that the FBI is already investigating people for communicating with ISIS, and that it's not as simple as declaring they should all be "rounded up".
Trump is a Nazi, playing to the Hitler-youth.
did you say something?
I said, remember to press your uniform, Trump needs you.
I asked you for your flag and you finally posted it. Holy crap son, you have problems.
That's the Trump flag. Religions don't have flags.
no, that isn't, you're showing us all your radical status, that's why you have it handy.
Yeah, Hitler Youth images are so difficult to find...hitler youth - Google Search
did you say something?
I said, remember to press your uniform, Trump needs you.
I asked you for your flag and you finally posted it. Holy crap son, you have problems.
That's the Trump flag. Religions don't have flags.
no, that isn't, you're showing us all your radical status, that's why you have it handy.
Yeah, Hitler Youth images are so difficult to find...hitler youth - Google Search
good thing you kept them then, no one know you're real beliefs.
why do you supposed we have special forces?

I meant figuring out who they are, not the physical act of "rounding them up".
how do you suppose the special forces do it if they don't know where they are. They utilize their resources and find them. come on man, it isn't that difficult is it?

I'm thinking that you're not quite following the context of my posts. Perhaps you should go back and reread the thread.
yeah I missed the important post, my bad, admitted it already. It would be the FBI in country.

It happens to everyone. My point was that the FBI is already investigating people for communicating with ISIS, and that it's not as simple as declaring they should all be "rounded up".
yep, the day before the San Bernidino incident they claimed they had no threats. Then bodda boom.
...Stick a fork in him, he's toast.
Interestingly enough, people have been saying this since September, but his numbers keep going up...

Oh, among republicans that kind of hateful, racist, fascist shit finds fertile ground.

But in the *general* election?
After 8 years of The Magic Negro and Rule by Imperial Decree, the Pubs could probably nominate a hamster, and it would win.
Liked that one, didja?
Watching Hannity. Trump just outlined his updated strategy against Radical Islam. Go after wives and families of radical Muslims. He pointed out the wives of 9-11 hijackers who all flew back to Saudi Arabia on 9-10. He said "they don't care about their own lives but they care about their families. I say take em out."

He basically just proposed the same Total War Theory that General Sherman used against the Confederacy....which destroyed them.

I agree. It's time. Total War against radical Islam. Bomb them all. Drop the largest non-nuclear bomb we have on Mecca. When they make the Hajj pilgrimage....carpet bomb it. Take out all of it. The monuments. The mosques. Total War. If they don't want it....they better stop fleeing ISIS and fight them, take back their countries themselves and bring peace. Otherwise....they're pushing a superpower whose people are getting angry.

It worked when Sherman used it against the Confederacy. It worked against Japan. It's horrible and ugly but it worked.

America is slowly drifting towards accepting this reality. SOME are seeking out nationalism. Trump is offering it.

Have advocated this myself a number of times. A suicide bomber may wish to martyr themselves, but how's their conviction when they know their family will be punished in their absence?

Israel used to destroy the homes of suicide bombers after attacks. But I say go all the way and kill the families including their baby, grandparents, relatives-in-law, everyone. Not prune the family tree so much and yank it out by the roots until it's dead.

I have no problem whatsoever with it.
That is just sick.
I heard Trump talking to Hannity on the way home from work. They talked about his statement of killing the wives of Terrorist. Saying they are part of the crime and should be held accountable................In this country, if you aid or abet a crime you can do time. Even if all you did was stay in the car while your husband robbed a bank. The terrorist wives are abetting whether or not you like it by not turning them in.

Not once did Trump mention Killing babies or small children when I heard it.

If you aid mass get no sympathy from me.............and no loss of sleep if they take you out. A little child is hardly in that group.
I heard Trump talking to Hannity on the way home from work. They talked about his statement of killing the wives of Terrorist. Saying they are part of the crime and should be held accountable................In this country, if you aid or abet a crime you can do time. Even if all you did was stay in the car while your husband robbed a bank. The terrorist wives are abetting whether or not you like it by not turning them in.

Not once did Trump mention Killing babies or small children when I heard it.

If you aid mass get no sympathy from me.............and no loss of sleep if they take you out. A little child is hardly in that group.
I suspected as much. Thanks for clearing up that he didn't mention children. I agree that family members who know what's going on are abettors and should be prosecuted, and deported if they come from elsewhere. There are many things one can do other than killing, and aLl this talk of killing children is utterly is sickening.

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