Trump just yanked the Russia card right out of Democrats’ hands

This is getting hilarious, the Trump haters heads are spinning

Op-Ed: Trump just yanked the Russia card right out of Democrats’ hands

Trump just yanked the Russia card right out of Democrats’ hands
Jake Novak
Fri, Apr 7 10:35 AM PDT
What a difference 24 hours and 59 Tomahawk missiles can make.

Yesterday if you mentioned the words "Russia and Trump," you were probably having a conversation about the enduring allegations that the Russians somehow colluded with the Trump campaign and that they somehow tipped the 2016 election.

But now those words are likely a part of a conversation about how PresidentDonald Trump broke with Russia in his decision to respond to the alleged Syrian nerve gas assault on its own people with Thursday night's missile strike.

That's a dramatic flipping of the script in Washington, Moscow, and beyond. It's not exactly an example of a totally negative story turning into a totally positive one for President Trump, but it's close. Because from now on, the narrative that the president is some kind of puppet of Russian President Vladimir Putin is going to be much harder to promote. An independent President Trump is harder to completely tear down than a man supposedly being remote-controlled by the Kremlin... no matter what he does.


So are the Trumpers admitting that's what the missile strike was all about?
It appears to be so.

Like I always say Jesus Christ would need immunity to testify in a room full of liberals...

Uhm did you notice what world leader was with Trump when he bombed Syria? Do you remember what Trump said about China regrading little Kim?


Last time recorded that Jesus was called to testify in a court He was crucified. Literally
bear513, post: 16985218
This is getting hilarious, the Trump haters heads are spinning

Why Trump hater's numbers are increased.

Ann Coulter even hates the Pony Humping Clown now.

And the next time anti-Assad rebels show photos of their beautiful dead babies on TV the average American will wonder what the hell launching $1 million worth of missiles on an air base still being used accomplished?

Trump ran on praising Putin and Assad. His 24 hour turn around is the best admission that he was absolutely wrong during the entire campaign including his first 10 weeks in office.

The pony humping clown was wrong and now the clown launches some missile. That's just more pony humping if you ask me.

You can't take your eye off the show can you?

Not only that, but Trump's MOST YUUUUGGEST supporter of all Michael Savage has turned on Trump--and actually apologized for promoting Trump to his audience.

I think they've seen the writing on the wall (with the worst Presidential approval ratings in history) and are trying to cover their own ass's at this time. Those radio buttons must be getting TURNED off--LOL
Gallup: Trump Approval Rating Plummets to Historic Low | Democracy Now!


Michael Savage now--LOL
Last edited:
This is getting hilarious, the Trump haters heads are spinning

Op-Ed: Trump just yanked the Russia card right out of Democrats’ hands

Trump just yanked the Russia card right out of Democrats’ hands
Jake Novak
Fri, Apr 7 10:35 AM PDT
What a difference 24 hours and 59 Tomahawk missiles can make.

Yesterday if you mentioned the words "Russia and Trump," you were probably having a conversation about the enduring allegations that the Russians somehow colluded with the Trump campaign and that they somehow tipped the 2016 election.

But now those words are likely a part of a conversation about how PresidentDonald Trump broke with Russia in his decision to respond to the alleged Syrian nerve gas assault on its own people with Thursday night's missile strike.

That's a dramatic flipping of the script in Washington, Moscow, and beyond. It's not exactly an example of a totally negative story turning into a totally positive one for President Trump, but it's close. Because from now on, the narrative that the president is some kind of puppet of Russian President Vladimir Putin is going to be much harder to promote. An independent President Trump is harder to completely tear down than a man supposedly being remote-controlled by the Kremlin... no matter what he does.

WTF? Are you suggesting Trump didn't collude with Russians last year to help him win the election because he bombed Syria the other day??

/---- Still can't offer any proof can you Spanky. Bwhahaha bwhahaha bwhahaha
I already did, keep reading...
This is getting hilarious, the Trump haters heads are spinning

Op-Ed: Trump just yanked the Russia card right out of Democrats’ hands

Trump just yanked the Russia card right out of Democrats’ hands
Jake Novak
Fri, Apr 7 10:35 AM PDT
What a difference 24 hours and 59 Tomahawk missiles can make.

Yesterday if you mentioned the words "Russia and Trump," you were probably having a conversation about the enduring allegations that the Russians somehow colluded with the Trump campaign and that they somehow tipped the 2016 election.

But now those words are likely a part of a conversation about how PresidentDonald Trump broke with Russia in his decision to respond to the alleged Syrian nerve gas assault on its own people with Thursday night's missile strike.

That's a dramatic flipping of the script in Washington, Moscow, and beyond. It's not exactly an example of a totally negative story turning into a totally positive one for President Trump, but it's close. Because from now on, the narrative that the president is some kind of puppet of Russian President Vladimir Putin is going to be much harder to promote. An independent President Trump is harder to completely tear down than a man supposedly being remote-controlled by the Kremlin... no matter what he does.

WTF? Are you suggesting Trump didn't collude with Russians last year to help him win the election because he bombed Syria the other day??

Are you suggesting that bombing Syria helps your Putin helper trump win and is his puppet narrative?
No, I'm saying the two are not connected.

No. Of course not. Why wouldn't putins puppet be encouraged yo bomb the heck out of putins actual puppet? Makes total sense.
diversionary tactic, plain as day

Comey continues

Comey continues what? He has already testified under oath that after 9 months of investigating there is no evidence of collusion. Why on earth should we expect that to change? Especially after the Syria attack the other night?
By REBECCA SHABAD CBS NEWS March 20, 2017, 8:02 AM
James Comey confirms FBI investigation into possible Trump-Russia connection
Last Updated Mar 20, 2017 3:47 PM EDT

FBI Director James Comey confirmed Monday that his agency is running an investigation into possible connections or coordination between President Trump’s associates and the Russian government.

Comey confirmed it in testimony before the House Intelligence Committee alongside National Security Agency (NSA) Director Admiral Mike Rogers. Comey, however, declined to say whether Mr. Trump himself is part of that investigation.

As far as Mr. Trump’s unsubstantiated allegation that President Obama ordered the wiretapping of Trump Tower during the election, Comey said, “I have no information that supports those tweets and we have looked carefully within the FBI,” Comey said, adding that the “[Department of Justice] has no information that supports those tweets.”

Comey says FBI investigating Russia interference

On the Russia probe, Comey said it’s “impossible to say” how long it will take to conduct the counterintelligence investigation. Comey said that congressional leaders were briefed only recently for the first time about the probe, even though it was launched last July.

Asked why they weren’t notified until recently, Comey said, “It was a matter of such sensitivty that we wouldn’t include it in the quarterly briefings.”

Comey said that the FBI never obtaiend direct access to the hacked machines at the Democratic National Committee.

“We never got direct access to the machines themselves,” Comey said, adding that the firm the DNC hired to review the forensics, handed over that information to the FBI around June of last year.

Comey appeared to express regret over how the situation was handled and he said knowing what the FBI knows now, he would have “sent up a much larger flare” and he said “I may have walked over there myself.”

Comey and Rogers reiterated the intelligence community’s assessment that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered a campaign involving covert intelligence operations and overt propaganda to undermine faith in the 2016 U.S. election, disparage Hillary Clinton and help Mr. Trump’s election chances. In addition to hacking the DNC, and waging a propaganda campaign of disinformation, Comey said that Russia’s efforts were “aimed at voter registration systems in various states” during the election.
This is getting hilarious, the Trump haters heads are spinning

Op-Ed: Trump just yanked the Russia card right out of Democrats’ hands

Trump just yanked the Russia card right out of Democrats’ hands
Jake Novak
Fri, Apr 7 10:35 AM PDT
What a difference 24 hours and 59 Tomahawk missiles can make.

Yesterday if you mentioned the words "Russia and Trump," you were probably having a conversation about the enduring allegations that the Russians somehow colluded with the Trump campaign and that they somehow tipped the 2016 election.

But now those words are likely a part of a conversation about how PresidentDonald Trump broke with Russia in his decision to respond to the alleged Syrian nerve gas assault on its own people with Thursday night's missile strike.

That's a dramatic flipping of the script in Washington, Moscow, and beyond. It's not exactly an example of a totally negative story turning into a totally positive one for President Trump, but it's close. Because from now on, the narrative that the president is some kind of puppet of Russian President Vladimir Putin is going to be much harder to promote. An independent President Trump is harder to completely tear down than a man supposedly being remote-controlled by the Kremlin... no matter what he does.

WTF? Are you suggesting Trump didn't collude with Russians last year to help him win the election because he bombed Syria the other day??
Trump never colluded with the Russians.
Suuure, uh-huh. :rolleyes:

It was just coincidence that Stone was discussing Podesta's upcoming problems with the hacker.


Seems more likely podestas connections with Russia.
Thanks, but I didn't really need more evidence you're senile.

In other words you never actually thought about it and now that you look stupid for assuming its what you wanted it to be you are going to throw out insults to dodge confronting the truth that podesta has yuuuuge connections with russia
WTF? Are you suggesting Trump didn't collude with Russians last year to help him win the election because he bombed Syria the other day??
Trump never colluded with the Russians.

If he did I am glad, we have gorsuch as a Supreme Court judge, he pissed off every liberal in the United States, he can stay at Mar-A-lago for the rest of his term and let Ivanka run the show for all I care.
Sure. You should call up the Director of the FBI and tell him to call off his investigation into Trump/Russia collusion because you've got it all figured out.


Funny because there isn't an investigation into collusion. That's what's so funny about it.
MARCH 20, 2017, 7:40 A.M.
FBI director confirms investigation of possible collusion between Trump campaign and Russia
David S. Cloud
Yes. I'm aware that is what the media is spinning but that isn't what comey actually said.

What he actually said is no evidence of collusion
This is getting hilarious, the Trump haters heads are spinning

Op-Ed: Trump just yanked the Russia card right out of Democrats’ hands

Trump just yanked the Russia card right out of Democrats’ hands
Jake Novak
Fri, Apr 7 10:35 AM PDT
What a difference 24 hours and 59 Tomahawk missiles can make.

Yesterday if you mentioned the words "Russia and Trump," you were probably having a conversation about the enduring allegations that the Russians somehow colluded with the Trump campaign and that they somehow tipped the 2016 election.

But now those words are likely a part of a conversation about how PresidentDonald Trump broke with Russia in his decision to respond to the alleged Syrian nerve gas assault on its own people with Thursday night's missile strike.

That's a dramatic flipping of the script in Washington, Moscow, and beyond. It's not exactly an example of a totally negative story turning into a totally positive one for President Trump, but it's close. Because from now on, the narrative that the president is some kind of puppet of Russian President Vladimir Putin is going to be much harder to promote. An independent President Trump is harder to completely tear down than a man supposedly being remote-controlled by the Kremlin... no matter what he does.

WTF? Are you suggesting Trump didn't collude with Russians last year to help him win the election because he bombed Syria the other day??

Are you suggesting that bombing Syria helps your Putin helper trump win and is his puppet narrative?
No, I'm saying the two are not connected.

No. Of course not. Why wouldn't putins puppet be encouraged yo bomb the heck out of putins actual puppet? Makes total sense.
He didn't "bomb the heck" out of Assad. He bombed a mostly vacant air base and he warned Russia before doing so.
WTF? Are you suggesting Trump didn't collude with Russians last year to help him win the election because he bombed Syria the other day??
Trump never colluded with the Russians.
Suuure, uh-huh. :rolleyes:

It was just coincidence that Stone was discussing Podesta's upcoming problems with the hacker.


Seems more likely podestas connections with Russia.
Thanks, but I didn't really need more evidence you're senile.

In other words you never actually thought about it and now that you look stupid for assuming its what you wanted it to be you are going to throw out insults to dodge confronting the truth that podesta has yuuuuge connections with russia

You're such an idiot. Let me know when, like Trump, Podesta is under investigation for colluding with Russians.
Trump never colluded with the Russians.

If he did I am glad, we have gorsuch as a Supreme Court judge, he pissed off every liberal in the United States, he can stay at Mar-A-lago for the rest of his term and let Ivanka run the show for all I care.
Sure. You should call up the Director of the FBI and tell him to call off his investigation into Trump/Russia collusion because you've got it all figured out.


Funny because there isn't an investigation into collusion. That's what's so funny about it.
MARCH 20, 2017, 7:40 A.M.
FBI director confirms investigation of possible collusion between Trump campaign and Russia
David S. Cloud
Yes. I'm aware that is what the media is spinning but that isn't what comey actually said.

What he actually said is no evidence of collusion
Moron, I quoted Comey verbatim as he said the FBI was investigating, "whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts."

Here it is again... tell me which part leaves your brain like mush...

“I’ve been authorized by the Department of Justice to confirm that the FBI, as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. That includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts. As with any counterintelligence investigation, this will also include an assessment if whether any crimes were committed” ~ James Comey, FBI Director
The Russia card was a joker anyway. A big lie dreamed up by a sick and bad guy. The absent with out leave Obama. Where is that pecker wood anyway?
This is getting hilarious, the Trump haters heads are spinning

Op-Ed: Trump just yanked the Russia card right out of Democrats’ hands

Trump just yanked the Russia card right out of Democrats’ hands
Jake Novak
Fri, Apr 7 10:35 AM PDT
What a difference 24 hours and 59 Tomahawk missiles can make.

Yesterday if you mentioned the words "Russia and Trump," you were probably having a conversation about the enduring allegations that the Russians somehow colluded with the Trump campaign and that they somehow tipped the 2016 election.

But now those words are likely a part of a conversation about how PresidentDonald Trump broke with Russia in his decision to respond to the alleged Syrian nerve gas assault on its own people with Thursday night's missile strike.

That's a dramatic flipping of the script in Washington, Moscow, and beyond. It's not exactly an example of a totally negative story turning into a totally positive one for President Trump, but it's close. Because from now on, the narrative that the president is some kind of puppet of Russian President Vladimir Putin is going to be much harder to promote. An independent President Trump is harder to completely tear down than a man supposedly being remote-controlled by the Kremlin... no matter what he does.


Trump has been right about everything. The left has been wrong about everything. I love it!
This is getting hilarious, the Trump haters heads are spinning

Op-Ed: Trump just yanked the Russia card right out of Democrats’ hands

Trump just yanked the Russia card right out of Democrats’ hands
Jake Novak
Fri, Apr 7 10:35 AM PDT
What a difference 24 hours and 59 Tomahawk missiles can make.

Yesterday if you mentioned the words "Russia and Trump," you were probably having a conversation about the enduring allegations that the Russians somehow colluded with the Trump campaign and that they somehow tipped the 2016 election.

But now those words are likely a part of a conversation about how PresidentDonald Trump broke with Russia in his decision to respond to the alleged Syrian nerve gas assault on its own people with Thursday night's missile strike.

That's a dramatic flipping of the script in Washington, Moscow, and beyond. It's not exactly an example of a totally negative story turning into a totally positive one for President Trump, but it's close. Because from now on, the narrative that the president is some kind of puppet of Russian President Vladimir Putin is going to be much harder to promote. An independent President Trump is harder to completely tear down than a man supposedly being remote-controlled by the Kremlin... no matter what he does.


So are the Trumpers admitting that's what the missile strike was all about?
It appears to be so.

Like I always say Jesus Christ would need immunity to testify in a room full of liberals...

Uhm did you notice what world leader was with Trump when he bombed Syria? Do you remember what Trump said about China regrading little Kim?


Last time recorded that Jesus was called to testify in a court He was crucified. Literally


The Russia card was a joker anyway. A big lie dreamed up by a sick and bad guy. The absent with out leave Obama. Where is that pecker wood anyway?
somewhere laughing his ass off at the moron drump and how he keeps making his cesspool bigger
somewhere laughing his ass off at the moron drump and how he keeps making his cesspool bigger
You may have been in class the other day and didn't hear. Trump made red line Obama look like a scared child. It's not your fault 5th grade teachers today are a bit slow and maybe didn't get the info to you.
This is getting hilarious, the Trump haters heads are spinning

Op-Ed: Trump just yanked the Russia card right out of Democrats’ hands

Trump just yanked the Russia card right out of Democrats’ hands
Jake Novak
Fri, Apr 7 10:35 AM PDT
What a difference 24 hours and 59 Tomahawk missiles can make.

Yesterday if you mentioned the words "Russia and Trump," you were probably having a conversation about the enduring allegations that the Russians somehow colluded with the Trump campaign and that they somehow tipped the 2016 election.

But now those words are likely a part of a conversation about how PresidentDonald Trump broke with Russia in his decision to respond to the alleged Syrian nerve gas assault on its own people with Thursday night's missile strike.

That's a dramatic flipping of the script in Washington, Moscow, and beyond. It's not exactly an example of a totally negative story turning into a totally positive one for President Trump, but it's close. Because from now on, the narrative that the president is some kind of puppet of Russian President Vladimir Putin is going to be much harder to promote. An independent President Trump is harder to completely tear down than a man supposedly being remote-controlled by the Kremlin... no matter what he does.

The story from some of the far left is Trump and Putin worked together on the gas attack and missile strike.
Obviously, the comment in January has been updated on March 20th...they are also investigating any coordination by the Trump team with the Russians, it's an on going counter intelligence investigation and it could go on for months...

That Fat Lady is no where near close to singing...
somewhere laughing his ass off at the moron drump and how he keeps making his cesspool bigger
You may have been in class the other day and didn't hear. Trump made red line Obama look like a scared child. It's not your fault 5th grade teachers today are a bit slow and maybe didn't get the info to you.
like the elections were fixed the bs attack that did nothing was fixed ,,,assad was back in business the next day in case you can't read yet
Trump never colluded with the Russians.

If he did I am glad, we have gorsuch as a Supreme Court judge, he pissed off every liberal in the United States, he can stay at Mar-A-lago for the rest of his term and let Ivanka run the show for all I care.
Sure. You should call up the Director of the FBI and tell him to call off his investigation into Trump/Russia collusion because you've got it all figured out.


Funny because there isn't an investigation into collusion. That's what's so funny about it.
MARCH 20, 2017, 7:40 A.M.
FBI director confirms investigation of possible collusion between Trump campaign and Russia
David S. Cloud
Yes. I'm aware that is what the media is spinning but that isn't what comey actually said.

What he actually said is no evidence of collusion

That's not what Comey said at all. He said the investigation is ongoing.
I'm waiting for the left to conjure up some sob, whiney story now of the tens of thousands of innocent children who just happened to be on the airfield the night of the air it comes......

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