Trump just yanked the Russia card right out of Democrats’ hands

I'm waiting for the left to conjure up some sob, whiney story now of the tens of thousands of innocent children who just happened to be on the airfield the night of the air it comes......
only republicans spin that kind of bs basic ,,,,,,those 1000's of innocent beautiful babies and dump puts a few holes in the ground for revenge?? but let them into the country??oh no
WTF? Are you suggesting Trump didn't collude with Russians last year to help him win the election because he bombed Syria the other day??

I LOVE this video of Trump mocking a LIBERAL reporter. The disability being "liberalism" of course. He is SPOT ON as usual.
We should all going around mocking them....actually they do a fine job making a mockery of themselves on second thought.
This is getting hilarious, the Trump haters heads are spinning

Op-Ed: Trump just yanked the Russia card right out of Democrats’ hands

Trump just yanked the Russia card right out of Democrats’ hands
Jake Novak
Fri, Apr 7 10:35 AM PDT
What a difference 24 hours and 59 Tomahawk missiles can make.

Yesterday if you mentioned the words "Russia and Trump," you were probably having a conversation about the enduring allegations that the Russians somehow colluded with the Trump campaign and that they somehow tipped the 2016 election.

But now those words are likely a part of a conversation about how PresidentDonald Trump broke with Russia in his decision to respond to the alleged Syrian nerve gas assault on its own people with Thursday night's missile strike.

That's a dramatic flipping of the script in Washington, Moscow, and beyond. It's not exactly an example of a totally negative story turning into a totally positive one for President Trump, but it's close. Because from now on, the narrative that the president is some kind of puppet of Russian President Vladimir Putin is going to be much harder to promote. An independent President Trump is harder to completely tear down than a man supposedly being remote-controlled by the Kremlin... no matter what he does.

WTF? Are you suggesting Trump didn't collude with Russians last year to help him win the election because he bombed Syria the other day??

Don't play stupid you know all about Joanie loves chachi / Trump loves Putin

How did Trump conclude and what did Russia do to meddle in the election?

Why don't you answer the question?

Are you suggesting Trump didn't collude with Russians last year to help him win the election because he bombed Syria the other day??
Oddly enough there is no physical evidence of any collusion.. The FBI, CIA, and NSA have all said there is none.. They said that all they have is very fringe conjecture.. AFTER TEN MONTHS..

Now what evidence do you have that they do not?
Last edited:
Did they use chemicals?

A simple yes or no will do...


Why are you deviating from your own O/P and link? That's not the point of either.


Say what?


Maybe you should read your articles before you link to them.

I did read it, that doesn't mean I believe it.

you post things you believe are not true??

The irony of this is stunning ... So much for what you know as being truthful.. but yet you spew it.. ARE YOU AN INTENTIONAL LIAR?
No. Of course not. Why wouldn't putins puppet be encouraged yo bomb the heck out of putins actual puppet? Makes total sense.

Obviously Trump didn't know Assad murders beautiful babies until sometime Wednesday.

That's pretty shallow for someone who got himself elected president based on staying out of Putin and Assad's business in Syria because they were such great leaders.

Who in the hell supports such a dumbass?
Trump never colluded with the Russians.

If he did I am glad, we have gorsuch as a Supreme Court judge, he pissed off every liberal in the United States, he can stay at Mar-A-lago for the rest of his term and let Ivanka run the show for all I care.
Sure. You should call up the Director of the FBI and tell him to call off his investigation into Trump/Russia collusion because you've got it all figured out.


Funny because there isn't an investigation into collusion. That's what's so funny about it.
MARCH 20, 2017, 7:40 A.M.
FBI director confirms investigation of possible collusion between Trump campaign and Russia
David S. Cloud
Yes. I'm aware that is what the media is spinning but that isn't what comey actually said.

What he actually said is no evidence of collusion
nope! he said nothing of the kind....that's simply another right wing lie being passed around.....if you really want to KNOW THE TRUTH, listen to his testimony or read the transcripts....

below is the video and transcripts
This is getting hilarious, the Trump haters heads are spinning

Op-Ed: Trump just yanked the Russia card right out of Democrats’ hands

Trump just yanked the Russia card right out of Democrats’ hands
Jake Novak
Fri, Apr 7 10:35 AM PDT
What a difference 24 hours and 59 Tomahawk missiles can make.

Yesterday if you mentioned the words "Russia and Trump," you were probably having a conversation about the enduring allegations that the Russians somehow colluded with the Trump campaign and that they somehow tipped the 2016 election.

But now those words are likely a part of a conversation about how PresidentDonald Trump broke with Russia in his decision to respond to the alleged Syrian nerve gas assault on its own people with Thursday night's missile strike.

That's a dramatic flipping of the script in Washington, Moscow, and beyond. It's not exactly an example of a totally negative story turning into a totally positive one for President Trump, but it's close. Because from now on, the narrative that the president is some kind of puppet of Russian President Vladimir Putin is going to be much harder to promote. An independent President Trump is harder to completely tear down than a man supposedly being remote-controlled by the Kremlin... no matter what he does.

WTF? Are you suggesting Trump didn't collude with Russians last year to help him win the election because he bombed Syria the other day??

Obviously Trump didn't know Assad murders beautiful babies until sometime Wednesday.

That's pretty shallow for someone who got himself elected president based on staying out of Putin and Assad's business in Syria because they were such great leaders.

Who in the hell supports such a dumbass?

People voted for Trump to make america great again, not for his views on foreign policy. Remember the Clinton that won the election famously had James Carville constantly reminding him 'it's the economy stupid' With Trump it was 'make america great again' If the voters were concerned with foreign policy they would have voted for Hillary.
This is getting hilarious, the Trump haters heads are spinning

Op-Ed: Trump just yanked the Russia card right out of Democrats’ hands

Trump just yanked the Russia card right out of Democrats’ hands
Jake Novak
Fri, Apr 7 10:35 AM PDT
What a difference 24 hours and 59 Tomahawk missiles can make.

Yesterday if you mentioned the words "Russia and Trump," you were probably having a conversation about the enduring allegations that the Russians somehow colluded with the Trump campaign and that they somehow tipped the 2016 election.

But now those words are likely a part of a conversation about how PresidentDonald Trump broke with Russia in his decision to respond to the alleged Syrian nerve gas assault on its own people with Thursday night's missile strike.

That's a dramatic flipping of the script in Washington, Moscow, and beyond. It's not exactly an example of a totally negative story turning into a totally positive one for President Trump, but it's close. Because from now on, the narrative that the president is some kind of puppet of Russian President Vladimir Putin is going to be much harder to promote. An independent President Trump is harder to completely tear down than a man supposedly being remote-controlled by the Kremlin... no matter what he does.

WTF? Are you suggesting Trump didn't collude with Russians last year to help him win the election because he bombed Syria the other day??

Don't play stupid you know all about Joanie loves chachi / Trump loves Putin

How did Trump conclude and what did Russia do to meddle in the election?

Why don't you answer the question?

Are you suggesting Trump didn't collude with Russians last year to help him win the election because he bombed Syria the other day??
How do you know you actually voted for Hillary? Maybe Putin made you BELIEVE you voted for her
This is getting hilarious, the Trump haters heads are spinning

Op-Ed: Trump just yanked the Russia card right out of Democrats’ hands

Trump just yanked the Russia card right out of Democrats’ hands
Jake Novak
Fri, Apr 7 10:35 AM PDT
What a difference 24 hours and 59 Tomahawk missiles can make.

Yesterday if you mentioned the words "Russia and Trump," you were probably having a conversation about the enduring allegations that the Russians somehow colluded with the Trump campaign and that they somehow tipped the 2016 election.

But now those words are likely a part of a conversation about how PresidentDonald Trump broke with Russia in his decision to respond to the alleged Syrian nerve gas assault on its own people with Thursday night's missile strike.

That's a dramatic flipping of the script in Washington, Moscow, and beyond. It's not exactly an example of a totally negative story turning into a totally positive one for President Trump, but it's close. Because from now on, the narrative that the president is some kind of puppet of Russian President Vladimir Putin is going to be much harder to promote. An independent President Trump is harder to completely tear down than a man supposedly being remote-controlled by the Kremlin... no matter what he does.

I heard today they're spinning it to be some coop. between Trump and Russia. I don't remember what or why, because it has no meaning other than.........................................................Butt hurt liberals. Libs. are butt hurt. In fact, they're really not libs. anymore. There's no proper description other than butt pain and nonsense.
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new team of 20 counterintelligence being brought to Washington

© Getty April 2, 2017 by: David J Lynch in Washington The FBI is planning to create a special section based at its Washington headquarters to co-ordinate its investigation of Russian activities designed to influence the 2016 presidential election, according to a person familiar with the plan. Sample the FT’s top stories for a week You select the topic, we deliver the news. Select topic Enter email address Invalid email By signing up you confirm that you have read and agree to the terms and conditions, cookie policy and privacy policy. The move, a sign of how seriously the bureau is taking allegations of Russian meddling in American politics, is also aimed at giving FBI director James Comey greater visibility into the investigation’s granular details. “It’s meant to surge resources,” said one FBI agent. Creation of the temporary unit mirrors the bureau’s approach to other sensitive investigations, including the WikiLeaks disclosure of classified US government documents and Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while secretary of state. The FBI generally prefers to run investigations from one of its 56 field offices, but the high-profile nature of the sprawling Russia inquiry is seen as requiring a central manager, according to current and former officials. “It’s getting unwieldy,” said one person briefed on the plan. “It’s too big and it’s on the front page of the newspaper every day.”
Frank is the Putin lover, always has been.

True Americans are anti-Putin and anti-fascist.

Trump has bombed ISIS, Al-quada, and the Syrians. Hot damn.
No. Of course not. Why wouldn't putins puppet be encouraged yo bomb the heck out of putins actual puppet? Makes total sense.

Obviously Trump didn't know Assad murders beautiful babies until sometime Wednesday.

That's pretty shallow for someone who got himself elected president based on staying out of Putin and Assad's business in Syria because they were such great leaders.

Who in the hell supports such a dumbass?
Sassy and the rest of the no nothings here
Obviously Trump didn't know Assad murders beautiful babies until sometime Wednesday.

That's pretty shallow for someone who got himself elected president based on staying out of Putin and Assad's business in Syria because they were such great leaders.

Who in the hell supports such a dumbass?

People voted for Trump to make america great again, not for his views on foreign policy. Remember the Clinton that won the election famously had James Carville constantly reminding him 'it's the economy stupid' With Trump it was 'make america great again' If the voters were concerned with foreign policy they would have voted for Hillary.
WAG the GD DOG a bs attack achieving nothing as assad is back in business What's the dump going to do now ?? Cry some more?
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new team of 20 counterintelligence being brought to Washington

© Getty April 2, 2017 by: David J Lynch in Washington The FBI is planning to create a special section based at its Washington headquarters to co-ordinate its investigation of Russian activities designed to influence the 2016 presidential election, according to a person familiar with the plan. Sample the FT’s top stories for a week You select the topic, we deliver the news. Select topic Enter email address Invalid email By signing up you confirm that you have read and agree to the terms and conditions, cookie policy and privacy policy. The move, a sign of how seriously the bureau is taking allegations of Russian meddling in American politics, is also aimed at giving FBI director James Comey greater visibility into the investigation’s granular details. “It’s meant to surge resources,” said one FBI agent. Creation of the temporary unit mirrors the bureau’s approach to other sensitive investigations, including the WikiLeaks disclosure of classified US government documents and Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while secretary of state. The FBI generally prefers to run investigations from one of its 56 field offices, but the high-profile nature of the sprawling Russia inquiry is seen as requiring a central manager, according to current and former officials. “It’s getting unwieldy,” said one person briefed on the plan. “It’s too big and it’s on the front page of the newspaper every day.”

All that to say that Russia leaked to the press that Hillary is/was a corrupt lying bitch???

So in your world how did Trump conclude?

Obviously Trump didn't know Assad murders beautiful babies until sometime Wednesday.

That's pretty shallow for someone who got himself elected president based on staying out of Putin and Assad's business in Syria because they were such great leaders.

Who in the hell supports such a dumbass?

People voted for Trump to make america great again, not for his views on foreign policy. Remember the Clinton that won the election famously had James Carville constantly reminding him 'it's the economy stupid' With Trump it was 'make america great again' If the voters were concerned with foreign policy they would have voted for Hillary.
WAG the GD DOG a bs attack achieving nothing as assad is back in business What's the dump going to do now ?? Cry some more?

Trump learned from the best... Obama, all he did was try to put his fuck ups out of the news,

Obviously Trump didn't know Assad murders beautiful babies until sometime Wednesday.

That's pretty shallow for someone who got himself elected president based on staying out of Putin and Assad's business in Syria because they were such great leaders.

Who in the hell supports such a dumbass?

People voted for Trump to make america great again, not for his views on foreign policy. Remember the Clinton that won the election famously had James Carville constantly reminding him 'it's the economy stupid' With Trump it was 'make america great again' If the voters were concerned with foreign policy they would have voted for Hillary.
WAG the GD DOG a bs attack achieving nothing as assad is back in business What's the dump going to do now ?? Cry some more?

Eddy is a dyslexic atheist. He doesn't believe in DOG!!!!
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new team of 20 counterintelligence being brought to Washington

© Getty April 2, 2017 by: David J Lynch in Washington The FBI is planning to create a special section based at its Washington headquarters to co-ordinate its investigation of Russian activities designed to influence the 2016 presidential election, according to a person familiar with the plan. Sample the FT’s top stories for a week You select the topic, we deliver the news. Select topic Enter email address Invalid email By signing up you confirm that you have read and agree to the terms and conditions, cookie policy and privacy policy. The move, a sign of how seriously the bureau is taking allegations of Russian meddling in American politics, is also aimed at giving FBI director James Comey greater visibility into the investigation’s granular details. “It’s meant to surge resources,” said one FBI agent. Creation of the temporary unit mirrors the bureau’s approach to other sensitive investigations, including the WikiLeaks disclosure of classified US government documents and Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while secretary of state. The FBI generally prefers to run investigations from one of its 56 field offices, but the high-profile nature of the sprawling Russia inquiry is seen as requiring a central manager, according to current and former officials. “It’s getting unwieldy,” said one person briefed on the plan. “It’s too big and it’s on the front page of the newspaper every day.”

All that to say that Russia leaked to the press that Hillary is/was a corrupt lying bitch???

So in your world how did Trump conclude?

I believe what was said in the second Senate intelligence hearing was the Trump team coordinated with the Russians to spread the false news the Russians created off of the wikileaks the Russians selectively chose to focus on within minutes of their release.....and may have viewed the stolen emails ahead of their releases and even directed wiki leaks on the timing of when the emails were the week before the DNC Convention and podesta`s when the access Hollywood tapes were released....they worked together like a well greased machine.

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