Trump Knocks Israel Days after Worst Terror Attack in Country’s History

Blame is just a word. The reality is this was the most catastrophic intelligence failure in Israeli history. Fixing that needs to happen yesterday, not after the same failure could be exploited again.

The liberal response seems pretty typical. Only after the left was slammed for their pro-terrorist views they find a new focus for their hate, Trump. Pathetic.
Dude, Trumpy is blaming Israel for not supporting HIM. give it a fucking break, loser
Do you think hardcore democrats that post stuff like this...

Would warn Israel if they knew an attack was coming? The Biden admin is filled with Democrats like this ^^^
Whoever posted that is wrong wrong wrong.
You are just whining about Trump while ignoring everything else. Typical.
If you need to avoid selected documented words from the Cry Baby Loser, that's a promising if meager start in cult deprogramming.

Trump lashed out at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, telling a crowd of Florida supporters that the countries' intelligence failed, and its enemies were ''very smart."

Screen Shot 2023-08-19 at 12.26.56 PM.png

"I'll never forget that Bibi Netanyahu let us down," Trump told a group of supporters Wednesday in West Palm Beach, Fla. "That was a very terrible thing!"
The sexual abuser enthusiastically endorsing the sexual abuse enabler for House Speaker continues the Loser's long list of defeats at the polls and in the courts.
There is no way such a large attack escaped intel.

Democrats are in bed with Iran.

Behind the scenes Democrats provide Iran intel and hold intel back from Israel, who Democrats believe is evil.
Just like Pearl Harbor...the Maine...the Lusitania...they completely let it happen.

What's a couple thousand citizens if the ultimate goal is moved closer?


No matter where you live, no matter the flag you live under....governments are fuggin EVIL.
If you need to avoid selected documented words from the Cry Baby Loser, that's a promising if meager start in cult deprogramming.

Trump lashed out at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, telling a crowd of Florida supporters that the countries' intelligence failed, and its enemies were ''very smart."

"I'll never forget that Bibi Netanyahu let us down," Trump told a group of supporters Wednesday in West Palm Beach, Fla. "That was a very terrible thing!"
The sexual abuser enthusiastically endorsing the sexual abuse enabler for House Speaker continues the Loser's long list of defeats at the polls and in the courts.
Is Trump wrong? No, he isn't. You should stick to supporting your terrorist and nazi friends. Whining about Trump isn't really effective.
You don't know my politics.

And when one of our "major" parties has turned into a cult, we have to pay attention to the behaviors and actions of the cult leader.

A child would understand that.
I'm glad that's not happening. That would be bad.
Right, now Israel and it's leader are great because Trump criticized Netanyahu for his failure to protect his people.

I wonder what kind of name a doctor would give this psychosis you loons have about anything Trump. Trump Derangement Syndrome just doesn't sound sciency enough.
Yeah, but it's pretty accurate because they are deranged and it is connected to Trump.
Bibi is just as corrupt as Trump by the way. Even Bibi's wife is corrupt. But besides that. Trump was not right to do this

The classified intelligence that President Trump disclosed in a meeting last week with Russian officials at the White House was provided by Israel, according to a current and a former American official familiar with how the United States obtained the information. The revelation adds a potential diplomatic complication to an episode that has renewed questions about how the White House handles sensitive intelligence.

Israel is one of the United States’ most important allies and runs one of the most active espionage networks in the Middle East. Mr. Trump’s boasting about some of Israel’s most sensitive information to the Russians could damage the relationship between the two countries and raises the possibility that the information could be passed to Iran, Russia’s close ally and Israel’s main threat in the region.
NYT "anonymous sources say".
MAY 15, 2017

Fuck right the hell off with those bullshit lies. :slap:

Like the intelligence apparatus hasn't changed in 6 years, ya retard. :rolleyes-41:
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Maybe we should talk about how Matt Gaetz, Tommy Tumbleville, and Rand Paul were helping Hamas.
If anyone was helping Hamas, it was Biden to the tune of $235 million dollars that he restarted giving to them

in April of his 1st year after Trump had stopped it.

$75 million directly to the Palestinians.

Which is why you are attacking Trump, you lack the honesty or courage to attack the real problem.
i was just reporting that Trump faults Netanyahu and that Trump calls hezbollah very smart.
If you think thats attacking trump, then ok, but i'm just reporting on it.
Is Trump wrong? No, he isn't. You should stick to supporting your terrorist and nazi friends. Whining about Trump isn't really effective.
Even the most abject, self-debasing member of the Trump bum-kissing cult must recognize that the Cry Baby Loser's now adding his praise for Hezbollah and pissy, petty sniping at Israel's Prime Minister to his compliments for Putin and his invasion of Ukraine are a particularly disgusting perversion of American values.

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