Trump: Largest Debt per year by any President

President Trump on the other hand was handed an economy that was growing. In 2017, his first year in office the deficit grew to $666 billion, was $984 billion last year and is projected to be over $1 trillion in 2020 at $1.02 trillion. This would be a 74% increase in just four years and going forward the Federal deficit could escalate to $1.7 trillion in 2030.

When you compare the last three years of Obama’s Presidency vs. Trump’s first three years, Trump’s deficits will be almost $1 trillion greater at $2.47 trillion to $1.51 trillion for Obama. It doesn’t look like Trump’s tax cuts will pay for themselves.

Unprecedented deficits when the economy is growing

The Federal deficit is forecast to be 4.6% of GDP in fiscal 2020 while the economy’s real growth rate is a projected to be 2.2%. This growth rate is in-line with the economy growing at essentially 2.1% the last three quarters.

As shown in the two graphs below, since 1970 the only times, until now, that the deficit has been above 4% of GDP is when there has been a recession.
Every single article is pro Obama and anti Trump.

No bias there folks....
Numbers aren’t biased. It’s clear trump policy drastically increased deficits.
Right and our revenues have increased annually. You admit we have an expense problem. Thank you for that.
Yes trump tax cuts decreased the rate of revenue growth adding to deficits.

In the end, Jones admits that “the tax cuts gave the economy an initial boost.” Why did that happen?

Because tax cuts allow more growth dollars to remain in the private sector (aka “the economy”).

Similarly, spending increase put more dollars into the private sector.
We have had no more growth than Obama with a huge increase in deficits.
We have the same growth but lower taxes? GREAT. Don't forget the trade war and entitlements. We are only in inning 5 of a 9 inning game.
Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Real GDP in 2016 was +1.6%.
Trillion dollar deficits got us nothing.

Facts don’t care about your feelings
Trump promised greater growth and got less than Obama .
Less than 1.6? Can you not read?

Enjoy talking to yourself
Love it. I broke Another Leftist on this board. On to the next one.

President Trump on the other hand was handed an economy that was growing. In 2017, his first year in office the deficit grew to $666 billion, was $984 billion last year and is projected to be over $1 trillion in 2020 at $1.02 trillion. This would be a 74% increase in just four years and going forward the Federal deficit could escalate to $1.7 trillion in 2030.

When you compare the last three years of Obama’s Presidency vs. Trump’s first three years, Trump’s deficits will be almost $1 trillion greater at $2.47 trillion to $1.51 trillion for Obama. It doesn’t look like Trump’s tax cuts will pay for themselves.

Unprecedented deficits when the economy is growing

The Federal deficit is forecast to be 4.6% of GDP in fiscal 2020 while the economy’s real growth rate is a projected to be 2.2%. This growth rate is in-line with the economy growing at essentially 2.1% the last three quarters.

As shown in the two graphs below, since 1970 the only times, until now, that the deficit has been above 4% of GDP is when there has been a recession.
Every single article is pro Obama and anti Trump.

No bias there folks....
Numbers aren’t biased. It’s clear trump policy drastically increased deficits.
Right and our revenues have increased annually. You admit we have an expense problem. Thank you for that.
Yes trump tax cuts decreased the rate of revenue growth adding to deficits.

In the end, Jones admits that “the tax cuts gave the economy an initial boost.” Why did that happen?

Because tax cuts allow more growth dollars to remain in the private sector (aka “the economy”).

Similarly, spending increase put more dollars into the private sector.
We have had no more growth than Obama with a huge increase in deficits.
We have the same growth but lower taxes? GREAT. Don't forget the trade war and entitlements. We are only in inning 5 of a 9 inning game.
Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Real GDP in 2016 was +1.6%.
Trillion dollar deficits got us nothing.

Facts don’t care about your feelings
Trump promised greater growth and got less than Obama .
Less than 1.6? Can you not read?

Enjoy talking to yourself
Love it. I broke Another Leftist on this board. On to the next one.

President Trump on the other hand was handed an economy that was growing. In 2017, his first year in office the deficit grew to $666 billion, was $984 billion last year and is projected to be over $1 trillion in 2020 at $1.02 trillion. This would be a 74% increase in just four years and going forward the Federal deficit could escalate to $1.7 trillion in 2030.

When you compare the last three years of Obama’s Presidency vs. Trump’s first three years, Trump’s deficits will be almost $1 trillion greater at $2.47 trillion to $1.51 trillion for Obama. It doesn’t look like Trump’s tax cuts will pay for themselves.

Unprecedented deficits when the economy is growing

The Federal deficit is forecast to be 4.6% of GDP in fiscal 2020 while the economy’s real growth rate is a projected to be 2.2%. This growth rate is in-line with the economy growing at essentially 2.1% the last three quarters.

As shown in the two graphs below, since 1970 the only times, until now, that the deficit has been above 4% of GDP is when there has been a recession.
Every single article is pro Obama and anti Trump.

No bias there folks....
Numbers aren’t biased. It’s clear trump policy drastically increased deficits.
Right and our revenues have increased annually. You admit we have an expense problem. Thank you for that.
Yes trump tax cuts decreased the rate of revenue growth adding to deficits.

In the end, Jones admits that “the tax cuts gave the economy an initial boost.” Why did that happen?

Because tax cuts allow more growth dollars to remain in the private sector (aka “the economy”).

Similarly, spending increase put more dollars into the private sector.
We have had no more growth than Obama with a huge increase in deficits.
We have the same growth but lower taxes? GREAT. Don't forget the trade war and entitlements. We are only in inning 5 of a 9 inning game.
Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Real GDP in 2016 was +1.6%.
Trillion dollar deficits got us nothing.

You said he failed to increase growth.
Clearly you were mistaken.
Nope, Obama growth was better, and he did it without trillion dollar deficits.

Nope, Obama growth was better

Obama's 2016 was +1.6%.

Trump had
2017 +2.4%
2018 +2.9%
2019 +2.3%

President Trump on the other hand was handed an economy that was growing. In 2017, his first year in office the deficit grew to $666 billion, was $984 billion last year and is projected to be over $1 trillion in 2020 at $1.02 trillion. This would be a 74% increase in just four years and going forward the Federal deficit could escalate to $1.7 trillion in 2030.

When you compare the last three years of Obama’s Presidency vs. Trump’s first three years, Trump’s deficits will be almost $1 trillion greater at $2.47 trillion to $1.51 trillion for Obama. It doesn’t look like Trump’s tax cuts will pay for themselves.

Unprecedented deficits when the economy is growing

The Federal deficit is forecast to be 4.6% of GDP in fiscal 2020 while the economy’s real growth rate is a projected to be 2.2%. This growth rate is in-line with the economy growing at essentially 2.1% the last three quarters.

As shown in the two graphs below, since 1970 the only times, until now, that the deficit has been above 4% of GDP is when there has been a recession.
Every single article is pro Obama and anti Trump.

No bias there folks....
Numbers aren’t biased. It’s clear trump policy drastically increased deficits.
Right and our revenues have increased annually. You admit we have an expense problem. Thank you for that.
Yes trump tax cuts decreased the rate of revenue growth adding to deficits.

In the end, Jones admits that “the tax cuts gave the economy an initial boost.” Why did that happen?

Because tax cuts allow more growth dollars to remain in the private sector (aka “the economy”).

Similarly, spending increase put more dollars into the private sector.
We have had no more growth than Obama with a huge increase in deficits.
We have the same growth but lower taxes? GREAT. Don't forget the trade war and entitlements. We are only in inning 5 of a 9 inning game.
Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Real GDP in 2016 was +1.6%.
Trillion dollar deficits got us nothing.

You said he failed to increase growth.
Clearly you were mistaken.
Nope, Obama growth was better, and he did it without trillion dollar deficits.

Nope, Obama growth was better

Obama's 2016 was +1.6%.

Trump had
2017 +2.4%
2018 +2.9%
2019 +2.3%

President Trump on the other hand was handed an economy that was growing. In 2017, his first year in office the deficit grew to $666 billion, was $984 billion last year and is projected to be over $1 trillion in 2020 at $1.02 trillion. This would be a 74% increase in just four years and going forward the Federal deficit could escalate to $1.7 trillion in 2030.

When you compare the last three years of Obama’s Presidency vs. Trump’s first three years, Trump’s deficits will be almost $1 trillion greater at $2.47 trillion to $1.51 trillion for Obama. It doesn’t look like Trump’s tax cuts will pay for themselves.

Unprecedented deficits when the economy is growing

The Federal deficit is forecast to be 4.6% of GDP in fiscal 2020 while the economy’s real growth rate is a projected to be 2.2%. This growth rate is in-line with the economy growing at essentially 2.1% the last three quarters.

As shown in the two graphs below, since 1970 the only times, until now, that the deficit has been above 4% of GDP is when there has been a recession.
Every single article is pro Obama and anti Trump.

No bias there folks....
Numbers aren’t biased. It’s clear trump policy drastically increased deficits.
Right and our revenues have increased annually. You admit we have an expense problem. Thank you for that.
Yes trump tax cuts decreased the rate of revenue growth adding to deficits.

In the end, Jones admits that “the tax cuts gave the economy an initial boost.” Why did that happen?

Because tax cuts allow more growth dollars to remain in the private sector (aka “the economy”).

Similarly, spending increase put more dollars into the private sector.
We have had no more growth than Obama with a huge increase in deficits.
We have the same growth but lower taxes? GREAT. Don't forget the trade war and entitlements. We are only in inning 5 of a 9 inning game.
Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Real GDP in 2016 was +1.6%.
Trillion dollar deficits got us nothing.

Facts don’t care about your feelings
Trump promised greater growth and got less than Obama .


When you're calculating GDP, why the fuck would you adjust for three parts of GDP?

Oh, right, because Obama's numbers were lower than Trump's. DURR
Holy shit, how much abject DELUSION does it take to say that Obama inherited ANYTHING but a fucking DISASTER.

I realize talk radio avoids obvious stuff like that, but for fuck's sake, you COULDN'T have MISSED it.


Obama inherited a falling stock market brought about by bad mortgage policy put in place by democrats. Giving mortgages to people who could never make the payments was the height of stupidity and was the direct cause of the 08 market drop.

BTW, it was not a "great depression" as many idiot liberals have labeled it.
That is a myth
It wasn’t poor people instigating the worst recession in 70 years. It was rich people speculating on a real estate bubble, banks giving loans on a speculated market.

When it went bust, it was the poor people who caught the worst of it. The rich were bailed out
And even that was just beginning, as these shit loans were packaged into shit CDOs and CMOs, magically received AAA ratings from the ratings agencies, were sold with virtually ZERO regulations, were wiped clean of risk for all concerned with credit default swaps that had NOTHING in reserve if needed, and were BET AGAINST by the very banks that were fucking SELLING them. And much more, of course.

But the Trumpsters don't know any of that, because those facts aren't allowed in the Trumpiverse and are kept from them. Or they're "fake news".

and who was president when all this happened???? hint: initials are BHO.
Lying freak, Obama wasn't president when Bush's Great Recession began.

Holy shit, how much abject DELUSION does it take to say that Obama inherited ANYTHING but a fucking DISASTER.

I realize talk radio avoids obvious stuff like that, but for fuck's sake, you COULDN'T have MISSED it.


Obama inherited a falling stock market brought about by bad mortgage policy put in place by democrats. Giving mortgages to people who could never make the payments was the height of stupidity and was the direct cause of the 08 market drop.

BTW, it was not a "great depression" as many idiot liberals have labeled it.
That is a myth
It wasn’t poor people instigating the worst recession in 70 years. It was rich people speculating on a real estate bubble, banks giving loans on a speculated market.

When it went bust, it was the poor people who caught the worst of it. The rich were bailed out

no it was not poor people, it was democrats trying to buy the votes of poor people by giving them mortgages that they could never make the payments on. and Yes, obama bailed out his rich friends and the UAW as payback for funding his campaign.

Dumbfuck, you idiots blame the CRA which started under Carter. According to your delusions, poor folks were paying their mortgages that "they could never make the payments on" for as long as 30 years.

The Trumpsters are trying to blame the Meltdown on Obama.

You can't fucking make this up.

We're not making it up. Go back and do your homework. Democrats and Barney Frank we're primarily responsible for the meltdown that both Bush and McCain warned about.

Republicans controlled Congress for 12 years leading up to the Great Recession. Why didn't they do anything to prevent it during all those years? And his the fuck is it the fault of one Congressman who was in the minority party during those 12 years??

The Trumpsters are trying to blame the Meltdown on Obama.

You can't fucking make this up.

We're not making it up. Go back and do your homework. Democrats and Barney Frank we're primarily responsible for the meltdown that both Bush and McCain warned about.
I realize how much has been kept from you. But YOU, and you alone, are responsible for your ignorance.

Let's see you and Redfish provide us with SPECIFIC, INFORMED, CLEAR answers to these CLEAR and SPECIFIC questions. You'd be the first Trumpster to do so:
  1. How did the Democrats force the banks to create shitty, opaque CMOs packed with shit loans with massive balloon payments and damn near zero lender standards?
  2. How did the Democrats force the banks to create and sell the even MORE hideous CDOs that didn't even fully INCLUDE the above-mentioned shit mortgages?
  3. How did the Democrats force banks like Bear and Lehman to lever up to THIRTY FREAKING PERCENT to load up on securities they knew where essentially hollow?
  4. How did the Democrats force mortgage companies to SELL OFF those shit mortgages to the banks to be put in those CMO's, often by the very next day?
  5. How did the Democrats force the ratings agencies to SELL AAA (TREASURY-level) ratings on those shit securities, making them highly attractive to buy?
  6. How did the Democrats force mortgage companies to write no-doc loans with insane balloons, knowing they'd be sold off in 12 hours into a shit CMO at NO risk?
  7. How did the Democrats force the banks to threaten the ratings agencies with lost business if they didn't give them AAA ratings on shit securities?
  8. How did the Democrats force Alan Greenspan to REFUSE to regulate derivatives while CFTC Chairwoman Brooksley Borns was PUBLICLY BEGGING him to?
  9. How did the Democrats force Greenspan to admit to CONGRESS after the Meltdown happened that he BLEW it, that markets had FAILED to regulate themselves?
  10. How did the Democrats force the banks to drop their standards far below what was required when they needed more shit CMO's and CDO's to SELL OFF for huge fees?
  11. How did the Democrats force the banks to SHORT the VERY SAME shit securities THEY WERE SELLING TO THEIR CLIENTS, WHILE the whole fucking THING was COLLAPSING?
  12. How did the Democrats force GS & John Paulson to create shit CMO's that were SPECIFICALLY EXPECTED to FAIL so they could buy swaps on them, making Paulson $2 BILLION?
  13. How did the Democrats force banks to spin off companies that sold insane synthetic CDOs that had NOTHING to do with mortgages, but FLOODED them with fees & leverage?
  14. How did the Democrats force AIG to write zillions in credit default swaps with ZERO fucking reserves - REQUIRED for ANY OTHER insurance product - to back them up?

The forum's ignorant partisan hack has spoken. LOL Go do your own research. It's not my job to educate you.
Dayum, Mac1958 smoked you!

Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
Saying "Obama: Added $8.588 trillion" does not take in to account how much of that amount was due to factors out of his control, like inheriting a deep recession. One we could have recovered faster from if not for Repub sabotage.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!

You're so stupid.

U.S. recession, officially lasting from December 2007 to June 2009. When Did Obama take Office?

Do your own math.
He inherited a good economy and took credit for it.
Obama inherited a disaster. Trump inherited a good economy and drastically increased deficits our children will have to pay for.

neither is true. you are a victim of the lying media
They are both true.

Obama inherited an economy that was working, then in 08 we had a market correction driven by bad democrat mortgage policy.

Trump inherited an economy that was working slowly, then his policies caused it to boom.

Then the Chinese virus hit-------------no one in the USA is responsible for that, the Chinese caused it and the entire world should make them pay
Obama inherited a shitstorm. Forbes magazine said that Trumps' success was a carry over from the Obama administration.
You admit Trump was successful? That’s a good first step.
We did well until trump policy started kicking in.

yeah, the lowest unemployment rate in history and the highest stock market and the cancellation of bad trade deals was just terrible for the country. and to meet face to face with Kim of NK, how awful. to put the most sanctions ever on Russia and Iran, destroyed our country, right?

This country has needed a business approach for many years, we finally have it and will have it for at least another 4 years. Hopefully by 2024 the entire country will realize what a failure the dem/lib policies have been and will forever reject the dem commies.
"the lowest unemployment rate in history"

Lying freak, it's not the lowest unemployment rate in history -- it's been lower...


President Trump on the other hand was handed an economy that was growing. In 2017, his first year in office the deficit grew to $666 billion, was $984 billion last year and is projected to be over $1 trillion in 2020 at $1.02 trillion. This would be a 74% increase in just four years and going forward the Federal deficit could escalate to $1.7 trillion in 2030.

When you compare the last three years of Obama’s Presidency vs. Trump’s first three years, Trump’s deficits will be almost $1 trillion greater at $2.47 trillion to $1.51 trillion for Obama. It doesn’t look like Trump’s tax cuts will pay for themselves.

Unprecedented deficits when the economy is growing

The Federal deficit is forecast to be 4.6% of GDP in fiscal 2020 while the economy’s real growth rate is a projected to be 2.2%. This growth rate is in-line with the economy growing at essentially 2.1% the last three quarters.

As shown in the two graphs below, since 1970 the only times, until now, that the deficit has been above 4% of GDP is when there has been a recession.
Every single article is pro Obama and anti Trump.

No bias there folks....
Numbers aren’t biased. It’s clear trump policy drastically increased deficits.
Right and our revenues have increased annually. You admit we have an expense problem. Thank you for that.
Yes trump tax cuts decreased the rate of revenue growth adding to deficits.

In the end, Jones admits that “the tax cuts gave the economy an initial boost.” Why did that happen?

Because tax cuts allow more growth dollars to remain in the private sector (aka “the economy”).

Similarly, spending increase put more dollars into the private sector.

Simply not true because of income levels and how the money is spent. Wealthy people get more of the money and don't spend it, rather they keep it.

For lower income earners the benefits are small to society.

trump's tax giveaway didn't provide any long ,lasting benefit to the economy as corporations bought their stock back or paided CEO bonuses. Wealthy people played the stock market.
Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
Saying "Obama: Added $8.588 trillion" does not take in to account how much of that amount was due to factors out of his control, like inheriting a deep recession. One we could have recovered faster from if not for Repub sabotage.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!

You're so stupid.

U.S. recession, officially lasting from December 2007 to June 2009. When Did Obama take Office?

Do your own math.
He inherited a good economy and took credit for it.
Obama inherited a disaster. Trump inherited a good economy and drastically increased deficits our children will have to pay for.

neither is true. you are a victim of the lying media
They are both true.

Obama inherited an economy that was working, then in 08 we had a market correction driven by bad democrat mortgage policy.

Trump inherited an economy that was working slowly, then his policies caused it to boom.

Then the Chinese virus hit-------------no one in the USA is responsible for that, the Chinese caused it and the entire world should make them pay
Obama inherited a shitstorm. Forbes magazine said that Trumps' success was a carry over from the Obama administration.
You admit Trump was successful? That’s a good first step.
We did well until trump policy started kicking in.

yeah, the lowest unemployment rate in history and the highest stock market and the cancellation of bad trade deals was just terrible for the country. and to meet face to face with Kim of NK, how awful. to put the most sanctions ever on Russia and Iran, destroyed our country, right?

This country has needed a business approach for many years, we finally have it and will have it for at least another 4 years. Hopefully by 2024 the entire country will realize what a failure the dem/lib policies have been and will forever reject the dem commies.
Unemployment rate was going down for years before trump. What did we get from trump policy? Trillion dollar deficits.
It was at record lows? No. Wages were rising? No.

Much better under Trump. He is a much better president than BHO. If BHO was so strong, Clinton would have won as he said "she was the most qualified candidate in history"....people laughed out loud and voted for someone who never held political office.
Black unemployment when from 16.8% to 7.5% and dropping under Obama. The previous record low was 7.0% and by June, 2017, was one tenth of one percent above that. Hispanic unemployment went from 13% to 5.8% and dropping under Obama. The previous record low was 4.8% and by June, 2017, was one tenth of one percent above that.

This would be yet another shiny example of how Impeached Trump was born on third base and you idiotically think he hit a home run.
Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
Saying "Obama: Added $8.588 trillion" does not take in to account how much of that amount was due to factors out of his control, like inheriting a deep recession. One we could have recovered faster from if not for Repub sabotage.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!

You're so stupid.

U.S. recession, officially lasting from December 2007 to June 2009. When Did Obama take Office?

Do your own math.
He inherited a good economy and took credit for it.
Obama inherited a disaster. Trump inherited a good economy and drastically increased deficits our children will have to pay for.

neither is true. you are a victim of the lying media
They are both true.

Obama inherited an economy that was working, then in 08 we had a market correction driven by bad democrat mortgage policy.

Trump inherited an economy that was working slowly, then his policies caused it to boom.

Then the Chinese virus hit-------------no one in the USA is responsible for that, the Chinese caused it and the entire world should make them pay
Obama inherited a shitstorm. Forbes magazine said that Trumps' success was a carry over from the Obama administration.
You admit Trump was successful? That’s a good first step.
We did well until trump policy started kicking in.

yeah, the lowest unemployment rate in history and the highest stock market and the cancellation of bad trade deals was just terrible for the country. and to meet face to face with Kim of NK, how awful. to put the most sanctions ever on Russia and Iran, destroyed our country, right?

This country has needed a business approach for many years, we finally have it and will have it for at least another 4 years. Hopefully by 2024 the entire country will realize what a failure the dem/lib policies have been and will forever reject the dem commies.
Unemployment rate was going down for years before trump. What did we get from trump policy? Trillion dollar deficits.
It was at record lows? No. Wages were rising? No.

Much better under Trump. He is a much better president than BHO. If BHO was so strong, Clinton would have won as he said "she was the most qualified candidate in history"....people laughed out loud and voted for someone who never held political office.
You live in fantasy land. The little wage growth is from min wage increases. That isn’t trump policy. Trillion dollar deficits are trump policy,
Trillion dollar deficits are due to entitlements. No President can cure that without attacking them or jacking up tax rates by 50%.
What new entitlements we have with trump? Didn’t realize we got a bunch of new ones that drastically increased deficits. Please share.
Not new. Never said new. You're making stuff up now. I know you're elderly but learn to read. We spend too much on SS, Medicare and Medicaid.
So there is no new ones but deficits went from $600 billion to over a trillion. Gee I guess it must be something else then. Like maybe hurting revenue with tax cuts and huge increase in military spending.
Duh. Our population is aging. 10,000 people turn 62 daily. Baby Boomers are old. Like you. We are also living longer.

And people are dying. Funny how deficits were so much lower till we got trump policy.
Not at the same rate as those moving to our entitlement programs. What would you do? Raise taxes? We have a spend problem not a revenue problem. So before Trump we didn't have deficits? Do you blame Congress at all? I agree with you that deficits suck.
How did Obama keep them lower? We probably should raise some taxes. I blame the whole government. But the huge increase is trump policy. He hurt revenue with tax cuts and increased military spending. Gdp didn’t increase and deficits did.
He spent a lot less on the military and there were fewer people on entitlements. Again, population is aging rapidly and eclipsing those dying. So you blame the House as well. Excellent. Is the House Democrat or Republican?
Most the damage was done when the government was all repub. Again the huge gains are clearly from the tax cuts hurting revenue and trumps huge increase in military spending. You are a number jockey, it’s easy math.
When was the most recent budget passed? Was the House Republican or Democrat? If we didn't lower corp tax rates we would have had more corporate inversions. What you're ignoring is the trade war. Let's see how that plays out.
The damage was done before the most recent. Funny how hard you try to dodge the real cause. We got nothing from the Corp tax cuts, they were a failure. Trade war is more failed trump policy. It hurt manufacturing, nothing more.
I disagree they were a failure. You cannot comprehend that we have an expense problem not a revenue problem. Show me our revenue before and after tax cuts.
Fiscal YearRevenue
FY 2021$3.86 (estimated)
FY 2020$3.71 trillion (estimated)
FY 2019$3.46 trillion (actual)
FY 2018$3.33 trillion
FY 2017$3.32 trillion
FY 2016$3.27 trillion

So why isn't revenue lower?

Thanks for demonstrating tax cuts don't increase increase revenue.

President Trump on the other hand was handed an economy that was growing. In 2017, his first year in office the deficit grew to $666 billion, was $984 billion last year and is projected to be over $1 trillion in 2020 at $1.02 trillion. This would be a 74% increase in just four years and going forward the Federal deficit could escalate to $1.7 trillion in 2030.

When you compare the last three years of Obama’s Presidency vs. Trump’s first three years, Trump’s deficits will be almost $1 trillion greater at $2.47 trillion to $1.51 trillion for Obama. It doesn’t look like Trump’s tax cuts will pay for themselves.

Unprecedented deficits when the economy is growing

The Federal deficit is forecast to be 4.6% of GDP in fiscal 2020 while the economy’s real growth rate is a projected to be 2.2%. This growth rate is in-line with the economy growing at essentially 2.1% the last three quarters.

As shown in the two graphs below, since 1970 the only times, until now, that the deficit has been above 4% of GDP is when there has been a recession.
Every single article is pro Obama and anti Trump.

No bias there folks....
Numbers aren’t biased. It’s clear trump policy drastically increased deficits.
Right and our revenues have increased annually. You admit we have an expense problem. Thank you for that.
Yes trump tax cuts decreased the rate of revenue growth adding to deficits.

In the end, Jones admits that “the tax cuts gave the economy an initial boost.” Why did that happen?

Because tax cuts allow more growth dollars to remain in the private sector (aka “the economy”).

Similarly, spending increase put more dollars into the private sector.
We have had no more growth than Obama with a huge increase in deficits.
We have the same growth but lower taxes? GREAT. Don't forget the trade war and entitlements. We are only in inning 5 of a 9 inning game.
Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Real GDP in 2016 was +1.6%.
Trillion dollar deficits got us nothing.

You said he failed to increase growth.
Clearly you were mistaken.
Nope, Obama growth was better, and he did it without trillion dollar deficits.

Nope, Obama growth was better

Obama's 2016 was +1.6%.

Trump had
2017 +2.4%
2018 +2.9%
2019 +2.3%
Real GDP under Obama since the Great Recession... 2.4%

Real GDP under Impeached Trump... 2.6%

“We're bringing it [GDP] from 1 percent up to 4 percent. And I actually think we can go higher than 4 percent. I think you can go to 5 percent or 6 percent.” ~ Impeached Trump

Meanwhile, Impeached Trump is the only president recorded to not have a single quarter of real GDP exceed 3.5% growth.

President Trump on the other hand was handed an economy that was growing. In 2017, his first year in office the deficit grew to $666 billion, was $984 billion last year and is projected to be over $1 trillion in 2020 at $1.02 trillion. This would be a 74% increase in just four years and going forward the Federal deficit could escalate to $1.7 trillion in 2030.

When you compare the last three years of Obama’s Presidency vs. Trump’s first three years, Trump’s deficits will be almost $1 trillion greater at $2.47 trillion to $1.51 trillion for Obama. It doesn’t look like Trump’s tax cuts will pay for themselves.

Unprecedented deficits when the economy is growing

The Federal deficit is forecast to be 4.6% of GDP in fiscal 2020 while the economy’s real growth rate is a projected to be 2.2%. This growth rate is in-line with the economy growing at essentially 2.1% the last three quarters.

As shown in the two graphs below, since 1970 the only times, until now, that the deficit has been above 4% of GDP is when there has been a recession.
Every single article is pro Obama and anti Trump.

No bias there folks....
Numbers aren’t biased. It’s clear trump policy drastically increased deficits.
Right and our revenues have increased annually. You admit we have an expense problem. Thank you for that.
Yes trump tax cuts decreased the rate of revenue growth adding to deficits.

In the end, Jones admits that “the tax cuts gave the economy an initial boost.” Why did that happen?

Because tax cuts allow more growth dollars to remain in the private sector (aka “the economy”).

Similarly, spending increase put more dollars into the private sector.
We have had no more growth than Obama with a huge increase in deficits.
We have the same growth but lower taxes? GREAT. Don't forget the trade war and entitlements. We are only in inning 5 of a 9 inning game.
Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Real GDP in 2016 was +1.6%.
Trillion dollar deficits got us nothing.

You said he failed to increase growth.
Clearly you were mistaken.
Nope, Obama growth was better, and he did it without trillion dollar deficits.

Nope, Obama growth was better

Obama's 2016 was +1.6%.

Trump had
2017 +2.4%
2018 +2.9%
2019 +2.3%
Real GDP under Obama since the Great Recession... 2.4%

Real GDP under Impeached Trump... 2.6%

“We're bringing it [GDP] from 1 percent up to 4 percent. And I actually think we can go higher than 4 percent. I think you can go to 5 percent or 6 percent.” ~ Impeached Trump

Meanwhile, Impeached Trump is the only president recorded to not have a single quarter of real GDP exceed 3.5% growth.

President Trump on the other hand was handed an economy that was growing. In 2017, his first year in office the deficit grew to $666 billion, was $984 billion last year and is projected to be over $1 trillion in 2020 at $1.02 trillion. This would be a 74% increase in just four years and going forward the Federal deficit could escalate to $1.7 trillion in 2030.

When you compare the last three years of Obama’s Presidency vs. Trump’s first three years, Trump’s deficits will be almost $1 trillion greater at $2.47 trillion to $1.51 trillion for Obama. It doesn’t look like Trump’s tax cuts will pay for themselves.

Unprecedented deficits when the economy is growing

The Federal deficit is forecast to be 4.6% of GDP in fiscal 2020 while the economy’s real growth rate is a projected to be 2.2%. This growth rate is in-line with the economy growing at essentially 2.1% the last three quarters.

As shown in the two graphs below, since 1970 the only times, until now, that the deficit has been above 4% of GDP is when there has been a recession.
Every single article is pro Obama and anti Trump.

No bias there folks....
Numbers aren’t biased. It’s clear trump policy drastically increased deficits.
Right and our revenues have increased annually. You admit we have an expense problem. Thank you for that.
Yes trump tax cuts decreased the rate of revenue growth adding to deficits.

In the end, Jones admits that “the tax cuts gave the economy an initial boost.” Why did that happen?

Because tax cuts allow more growth dollars to remain in the private sector (aka “the economy”).

Similarly, spending increase put more dollars into the private sector.
We have had no more growth than Obama with a huge increase in deficits.
We have the same growth but lower taxes? GREAT. Don't forget the trade war and entitlements. We are only in inning 5 of a 9 inning game.
Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Real GDP in 2016 was +1.6%.
Trillion dollar deficits got us nothing.

You said he failed to increase growth.
Clearly you were mistaken.
Nope, Obama growth was better, and he did it without trillion dollar deficits.

Nope, Obama growth was better

Obama's 2016 was +1.6%.

Trump had
2017 +2.4%
2018 +2.9%
2019 +2.3%
Real GDP under Obama since the Great Recession... 2.4%

Real GDP under Impeached Trump... 2.6%

“We're bringing it [GDP] from 1 percent up to 4 percent. And I actually think we can go higher than 4 percent. I think you can go to 5 percent or 6 percent.” ~ Impeached Trump

Meanwhile, Impeached Trump is the only president recorded to not have a single quarter of real GDP exceed 3.5% growth.
Deranged lunatic, what about COVID-19??


President Trump on the other hand was handed an economy that was growing. In 2017, his first year in office the deficit grew to $666 billion, was $984 billion last year and is projected to be over $1 trillion in 2020 at $1.02 trillion. This would be a 74% increase in just four years and going forward the Federal deficit could escalate to $1.7 trillion in 2030.

When you compare the last three years of Obama’s Presidency vs. Trump’s first three years, Trump’s deficits will be almost $1 trillion greater at $2.47 trillion to $1.51 trillion for Obama. It doesn’t look like Trump’s tax cuts will pay for themselves.

Unprecedented deficits when the economy is growing

The Federal deficit is forecast to be 4.6% of GDP in fiscal 2020 while the economy’s real growth rate is a projected to be 2.2%. This growth rate is in-line with the economy growing at essentially 2.1% the last three quarters.

As shown in the two graphs below, since 1970 the only times, until now, that the deficit has been above 4% of GDP is when there has been a recession.
Every single article is pro Obama and anti Trump.

No bias there folks....
Numbers aren’t biased. It’s clear trump policy drastically increased deficits.
Right and our revenues have increased annually. You admit we have an expense problem. Thank you for that.
Yes trump tax cuts decreased the rate of revenue growth adding to deficits.

In the end, Jones admits that “the tax cuts gave the economy an initial boost.” Why did that happen?

Because tax cuts allow more growth dollars to remain in the private sector (aka “the economy”).

Similarly, spending increase put more dollars into the private sector.
We have had no more growth than Obama with a huge increase in deficits.
We have the same growth but lower taxes? GREAT. Don't forget the trade war and entitlements. We are only in inning 5 of a 9 inning game.
Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Real GDP in 2016 was +1.6%.
Trillion dollar deficits got us nothing.

You said he failed to increase growth.
Clearly you were mistaken.
Nope, Obama growth was better, and he did it without trillion dollar deficits.

Nope, Obama growth was better

Obama's 2016 was +1.6%.

Trump had
2017 +2.4%
2018 +2.9%
2019 +2.3%
Real GDP under Obama since the Great Recession... 2.4%

Real GDP under Impeached Trump... 2.6%

“We're bringing it [GDP] from 1 percent up to 4 percent. And I actually think we can go higher than 4 percent. I think you can go to 5 percent or 6 percent.” ~ Impeached Trump

Meanwhile, Impeached Trump is the only president recorded to not have a single quarter of real GDP exceed 3.5% growth.
Deranged lunatic, what about COVID-19??

Impeached Trump had to deal with COVID-19. He was only impeached in January? Before that he was just Trump. Not following your logic.

President Trump on the other hand was handed an economy that was growing. In 2017, his first year in office the deficit grew to $666 billion, was $984 billion last year and is projected to be over $1 trillion in 2020 at $1.02 trillion. This would be a 74% increase in just four years and going forward the Federal deficit could escalate to $1.7 trillion in 2030.

When you compare the last three years of Obama’s Presidency vs. Trump’s first three years, Trump’s deficits will be almost $1 trillion greater at $2.47 trillion to $1.51 trillion for Obama. It doesn’t look like Trump’s tax cuts will pay for themselves.

Unprecedented deficits when the economy is growing

The Federal deficit is forecast to be 4.6% of GDP in fiscal 2020 while the economy’s real growth rate is a projected to be 2.2%. This growth rate is in-line with the economy growing at essentially 2.1% the last three quarters.

As shown in the two graphs below, since 1970 the only times, until now, that the deficit has been above 4% of GDP is when there has been a recession.
Every single article is pro Obama and anti Trump.

No bias there folks....
Numbers aren’t biased. It’s clear trump policy drastically increased deficits.
Right and our revenues have increased annually. You admit we have an expense problem. Thank you for that.
Yes trump tax cuts decreased the rate of revenue growth adding to deficits.

In the end, Jones admits that “the tax cuts gave the economy an initial boost.” Why did that happen?

Because tax cuts allow more growth dollars to remain in the private sector (aka “the economy”).

Similarly, spending increase put more dollars into the private sector.
We have had no more growth than Obama with a huge increase in deficits.
We have the same growth but lower taxes? GREAT. Don't forget the trade war and entitlements. We are only in inning 5 of a 9 inning game.
Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Real GDP in 2016 was +1.6%.
Trillion dollar deficits got us nothing.

You said he failed to increase growth.
Clearly you were mistaken.
Nope, Obama growth was better, and he did it without trillion dollar deficits.

Nope, Obama growth was better

Obama's 2016 was +1.6%.

Trump had
2017 +2.4%
2018 +2.9%
2019 +2.3%
Real GDP under Obama since the Great Recession... 2.4%

Real GDP under Impeached Trump... 2.6%

“We're bringing it [GDP] from 1 percent up to 4 percent. And I actually think we can go higher than 4 percent. I think you can go to 5 percent or 6 percent.” ~ Impeached Trump

Meanwhile, Impeached Trump is the only president recorded to not have a single quarter of real GDP exceed 3.5% growth.
Deranged lunatic, what about COVID-19??

Impeached Trump had to deal with COVID-19. He was only impeached in January? Before that he was just Trump. Not following your logic.
Deranged lunatic, what does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??


President Trump on the other hand was handed an economy that was growing. In 2017, his first year in office the deficit grew to $666 billion, was $984 billion last year and is projected to be over $1 trillion in 2020 at $1.02 trillion. This would be a 74% increase in just four years and going forward the Federal deficit could escalate to $1.7 trillion in 2030.

When you compare the last three years of Obama’s Presidency vs. Trump’s first three years, Trump’s deficits will be almost $1 trillion greater at $2.47 trillion to $1.51 trillion for Obama. It doesn’t look like Trump’s tax cuts will pay for themselves.

Unprecedented deficits when the economy is growing

The Federal deficit is forecast to be 4.6% of GDP in fiscal 2020 while the economy’s real growth rate is a projected to be 2.2%. This growth rate is in-line with the economy growing at essentially 2.1% the last three quarters.

As shown in the two graphs below, since 1970 the only times, until now, that the deficit has been above 4% of GDP is when there has been a recession.
Every single article is pro Obama and anti Trump.

No bias there folks....
Numbers aren’t biased. It’s clear trump policy drastically increased deficits.
Right and our revenues have increased annually. You admit we have an expense problem. Thank you for that.
Yes trump tax cuts decreased the rate of revenue growth adding to deficits.

In the end, Jones admits that “the tax cuts gave the economy an initial boost.” Why did that happen?

Because tax cuts allow more growth dollars to remain in the private sector (aka “the economy”).

Similarly, spending increase put more dollars into the private sector.
We have had no more growth than Obama with a huge increase in deficits.
We have the same growth but lower taxes? GREAT. Don't forget the trade war and entitlements. We are only in inning 5 of a 9 inning game.
Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Real GDP in 2016 was +1.6%.
Trillion dollar deficits got us nothing.

You said he failed to increase growth.
Clearly you were mistaken.
Nope, Obama growth was better, and he did it without trillion dollar deficits.

Nope, Obama growth was better

Obama's 2016 was +1.6%.

Trump had
2017 +2.4%
2018 +2.9%
2019 +2.3%
Real GDP under Obama since the Great Recession... 2.4%

Real GDP under Impeached Trump... 2.6%

“We're bringing it [GDP] from 1 percent up to 4 percent. And I actually think we can go higher than 4 percent. I think you can go to 5 percent or 6 percent.” ~ Impeached Trump

Meanwhile, Impeached Trump is the only president recorded to not have a single quarter of real GDP exceed 3.5% growth.
Deranged lunatic, what about COVID-19??

Impeached Trump had to deal with COVID-19. He was only impeached in January? Before that he was just Trump. Not following your logic.
Deranged lunatic, what does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??

When did he have 2.6% GDP?

President Trump on the other hand was handed an economy that was growing. In 2017, his first year in office the deficit grew to $666 billion, was $984 billion last year and is projected to be over $1 trillion in 2020 at $1.02 trillion. This would be a 74% increase in just four years and going forward the Federal deficit could escalate to $1.7 trillion in 2030.

When you compare the last three years of Obama’s Presidency vs. Trump’s first three years, Trump’s deficits will be almost $1 trillion greater at $2.47 trillion to $1.51 trillion for Obama. It doesn’t look like Trump’s tax cuts will pay for themselves.

Unprecedented deficits when the economy is growing

The Federal deficit is forecast to be 4.6% of GDP in fiscal 2020 while the economy’s real growth rate is a projected to be 2.2%. This growth rate is in-line with the economy growing at essentially 2.1% the last three quarters.

As shown in the two graphs below, since 1970 the only times, until now, that the deficit has been above 4% of GDP is when there has been a recession.
Every single article is pro Obama and anti Trump.

No bias there folks....
Numbers aren’t biased. It’s clear trump policy drastically increased deficits.
Right and our revenues have increased annually. You admit we have an expense problem. Thank you for that.
Yes trump tax cuts decreased the rate of revenue growth adding to deficits.

In the end, Jones admits that “the tax cuts gave the economy an initial boost.” Why did that happen?

Because tax cuts allow more growth dollars to remain in the private sector (aka “the economy”).

Similarly, spending increase put more dollars into the private sector.
We have had no more growth than Obama with a huge increase in deficits.
We have the same growth but lower taxes? GREAT. Don't forget the trade war and entitlements. We are only in inning 5 of a 9 inning game.
Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Yes trump policy failed to increase growth as he promised.

Real GDP in 2016 was +1.6%.
Trillion dollar deficits got us nothing.

You said he failed to increase growth.
Clearly you were mistaken.
Nope, Obama growth was better, and he did it without trillion dollar deficits.

Nope, Obama growth was better

Obama's 2016 was +1.6%.

Trump had
2017 +2.4%
2018 +2.9%
2019 +2.3%
Real GDP under Obama since the Great Recession... 2.4%

Real GDP under Impeached Trump... 2.6%

“We're bringing it [GDP] from 1 percent up to 4 percent. And I actually think we can go higher than 4 percent. I think you can go to 5 percent or 6 percent.” ~ Impeached Trump

Meanwhile, Impeached Trump is the only president recorded to not have a single quarter of real GDP exceed 3.5% growth.
Deranged lunatic, what about COVID-19??

Impeached Trump had to deal with COVID-19. He was only impeached in January? Before that he was just Trump. Not following your logic.
Deranged lunatic, what does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??

When did he have 2.6% GDP?

Deranged lunatic, if you don't even know what the fuck I'm talking about, why the fuck are you injecting COVID-19 into a discussion about GDP??

Not to mention, I already said where the 2.6% GDP comes from.

So answer the question, what does COVID-19 have to do with Impeached Trump's 2.6% GDP??

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