Trump: Largest Debt per year by any President

Not one word from these clowns when Obama was racking up debt.....
Many complained of debt including you. Some of us aren’t hypocrites and still complain. Put your country before party.
Debt is not exactly top of mind these days
And what is? I see nothing going well.
You mean you do not see anything doing well? Economy was great until the virus. Troll somewhere else, loser.
Less than 3% growth is a failure according to trump. It certainly is when running deficits over a trillion...
I am living the economy and until March 1st it was fantastic!
Growth was weak and debt high. You seem to love losing. Loser.
Not one word from these clowns when Obama was racking up debt.....
Many complained of debt including you. Some of us aren’t hypocrites and still complain. Put your country before party.
Debt is not exactly top of mind these days
And what is? I see nothing going well.
You mean you do not see anything doing well? Economy was great until the virus. Troll somewhere else, loser.
Less than 3% growth is a failure according to trump. It certainly is when running deficits over a trillion...
I am living the economy and until March 1st it was fantastic!
Growth was weak and debt high. You seem to love losing. Loser.
For me personally it was great. Low unemployment, a lot of M&A activity, high consumer and corporate confidence, stock market near 30k. What did you hate about that, loser?
All the filthy Democrats in the Senate voted for the debt package and the filthy Democrat controlled House passed the debt package.

The Democrats own that debt shit sandwich just as much as anybody else.
Who do you think put his sig on that bill? STFU

Who do you think voted for the bill you nitwit?
That sig. Same as a vote you moron.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The bill would have never got to his desk had not the filthy Democrats in the Senate had voted for it or the filthy Democrats in the House had not voted for it.

If you are bitching about Trump you also have to bitch about the filthy Democrats.

Take your stupid TDS bullshit and shove it up your ass.
You should get some help for supporting that filth... the fat one.
Not one word from these clowns when Obama was racking up debt.....
Many complained of debt including you. Some of us aren’t hypocrites and still complain. Put your country before party.
Debt is not exactly top of mind these days
And what is? I see nothing going well.
You mean you do not see anything doing well? Economy was great until the virus. Troll somewhere else, loser.
Less than 3% growth is a failure according to trump. It certainly is when running deficits over a trillion...
I am living the economy and until March 1st it was fantastic!
Growth was weak and debt high. You seem to love losing. Loser.
For me personally it was great. Low unemployment, a lot of M&A activity, high consumer and corporate confidence, stock market near 30k. What did you hate about that, loser?
Trillion dollar deficits. And how quickly did that stock market disappear? But the debt stayed. Weak growth and high debt. Only a loser would applaud that.
Not one word from these clowns when Obama was racking up debt.....
Many complained of debt including you. Some of us aren’t hypocrites and still complain. Put your country before party.
Debt is not exactly top of mind these days
And what is? I see nothing going well.
You mean you do not see anything doing well? Economy was great until the virus. Troll somewhere else, loser.
Less than 3% growth is a failure according to trump. It certainly is when running deficits over a trillion...
I am living the economy and until March 1st it was fantastic!
Growth was weak and debt high. You seem to love losing. Loser.
For me personally it was great. Low unemployment, a lot of M&A activity, high consumer and corporate confidence, stock market near 30k. What did you hate about that, loser?
Trillion dollar deficits. And how quickly did that stock market disappear? But the debt stayed. Weak growth and high debt. Only a loser would applaud that.
Market crashed due to the virus. Duh....
Trump pledged to eliminate the deficit and reduce our national debt if elected. Instead, he has accumulated debt at a record pace. Doesn’t even include his recent borrowing of $2.2 trillion

Bush 43: $.725 trillion

Obama: $ 1.075 trillion

Trump: $1.2 trillion

Debt and deficits only matter when a Democrat is in the White House. :rolleyes-41:
The only time the blind idiots in the duopoly care about our crushing debt and tremendous deficit is when their party masters are not occupying the West Wing.
Not one word from these clowns when Obama was racking up debt.....
Many complained of debt including you. Some of us aren’t hypocrites and still complain. Put your country before party.
Debt is not exactly top of mind these days
And what is? I see nothing going well.
You mean you do not see anything doing well? Economy was great until the virus. Troll somewhere else, loser.
Less than 3% growth is a failure according to trump. It certainly is when running deficits over a trillion...
I am living the economy and until March 1st it was fantastic!
Growth was weak and debt high. You seem to love losing. Loser.
For me personally it was great. Low unemployment, a lot of M&A activity, high consumer and corporate confidence, stock market near 30k. What did you hate about that, loser?
Trillion dollar deficits. And how quickly did that stock market disappear? But the debt stayed. Weak growth and high debt. Only a loser would applaud that.
Market crashed due to the virus. Duh....
And showed how quickly that win disappears. But the debt is here for us still and our children.
Donald Trump: Trump plans to add $4.832 trillion to the debt in his first term.8 That's a 24% increase from the $20.245 trillion debt at the end of Obama's last budget for FY 2017. If he remains in office for a second term, he plans to add $8.3 trillion for both terms. Trump had promised to eliminate the debt during his campaign.

Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.

  • FY 2017 - $671 billion
  • FY 2016 - $1.423 trillion
  • FY 2015 - $327 billion
  • FY 2014 - $1.086 trillion
  • FY 2013 - $672 billion
  • FY 2012 - $1.276 trillion
  • FY 2011 - $1.229 trillion
  • FY 2010 - $1.652 trillion
  • FY 2009 - $253 billion. Congress passed the Economic Stimulus Act, which spent $253 billion in FY 2009.9 This rare occurrence should be added to President Obama's contribution to the debt.

George W. Bush: Added $5.849 trillion, a 101% increase from the $5.8 trillion debt at the end of Clinton's last budget, FY 2001.

  • FY 2009 - $1.632 trillion. This was Bush's deficit without the impact of the Economic Stimulus Act.
  • FY 2008 - $1.017 trillion
  • FY 2007 - $501 billion
  • FY 2006 - $574 billion
  • FY 2005 - $554 billion
  • FY 2004 - $596 billion
  • FY 2003 - $555 billion
  • FY 2002 - $421 billion

Should open the eyes of those who read and comprehend our deficits and debt's, what we paid for in our taxes and what was given to the already wealthy citizens and corporate America.
how can one claim lowering the deficit while increasing debt???

thats just dirty book keeping only governments can get away with,,,
Trump pledged to eliminate the deficit and reduce our national debt if elected. Instead, he has accumulated debt at a record pace. Doesn’t even include his recent borrowing of $2.2 trillion

Bush 43



Correct. He was on track to eclipse indebtedness of the Obama Administration even before this crisis started.
Weird....never a complaint from the left while they were busy establishing a base-line budget that created all of the excess spending in the first place.
Not to mention all of the landmines Obama put in place to trip Trump up before he left office.

Democrats only skill seems to be sabotage and blaming other's for their criminal activities.
Not one word from these clowns when Obama was racking up debt.....
Many complained of debt including you. Some of us aren’t hypocrites and still complain. Put your country before party.
Debt is not exactly top of mind these days
And what is? I see nothing going well.
You mean you do not see anything doing well? Economy was great until the virus. Troll somewhere else, loser.
Less than 3% growth is a failure according to trump. It certainly is when running deficits over a trillion...
I am living the economy and until March 1st it was fantastic!
Growth was weak and debt high. You seem to love losing. Loser.
For me personally it was great. Low unemployment, a lot of M&A activity, high consumer and corporate confidence, stock market near 30k. What did you hate about that, loser?
Trillion dollar deficits. And how quickly did that stock market disappear? But the debt stayed. Weak growth and high debt. Only a loser would applaud that.
Market crashed due to the virus. Duh....
And showed how quickly that win disappears. But the debt is here for us still and our children.
You are illogical. No one predicted the virus. Stop trolling. I agree The debt sucks.
The only time the blind idiots in the duopoly care about our crushing debt and tremendous deficit is when their party masters are not occupying the West Wing.

Half-truth. The D's spent to benefit the nation's people, and the R's spent to increase the wealth of the already wealthy, the special interests (Pharmaceutical and private Medical Complex, the Military Industrial Complex) and Corporate America.
Auto workers accepted a huge pay cut in the bailout
GM stock went down to 75 cents a share. They would not have survived if Obama hadn’t saved them
I wouldn't call the pay cuts "huge" and more importantly Obama did not touch UAW pensions
which were the poison apple that kept GM in the red.

GM should not have survived and they should have declared bankruptcy, as Ford did, reorganize, cut back and come back strong, as Ford did. But Obama simply put a bandaid over a gashing head wound.

The US taxpayer still wound up holding the bag on the Obama engineered deal. In the five years since GM's bankruptcy it made $22.6 billion. But taxpayers lost $10.6 billion on bailout that saved the company.
That means absolutely nothing. Our national debt grew 9 trillion under O. All you're doing is shuffling chairs on the titanic. Its still gonna sink.
Look up the phrase correlation without causation. Just saying "Our national debt grew 9 trillion under O" without noting the context of the extra spending being necessary to keep us out of a depression is disingenuous.

The increase in deficit spending caused by unemployment insurance payments, food stamps, the stimulus package, and the related decrease in tax receipts due to depressed economic activity and stimulative tax cuts, were all due to economic conditions Obama inherited.

Add the fact that the recession was global in nature and you have a recipe for a prolonged period of high deficits. Something Obama kept deficit spending under control compared to Trump's profligate spending while the economy was growing at 2%+.
No no. The fed was pumping qe 123 forever 4 years into O's debacle. Thats all the context. That and the trillion dollars he lied about calling shovel ready and then greased his buddies pockets solyndra, road signs. Thats YOUR buffoon.
Not one word from these clowns when Obama was racking up debt.....
Many complained of debt including you. Some of us aren’t hypocrites and still complain. Put your country before party.
Debt is not exactly top of mind these days
And what is? I see nothing going well.
You mean you do not see anything doing well? Economy was great until the virus. Troll somewhere else, loser.
Less than 3% growth is a failure according to trump. It certainly is when running deficits over a trillion...
I am living the economy and until March 1st it was fantastic!
Growth was weak and debt high. You seem to love losing. Loser.
For me personally it was great. Low unemployment, a lot of M&A activity, high consumer and corporate confidence, stock market near 30k. What did you hate about that, loser?
Trillion dollar deficits. And how quickly did that stock market disappear? But the debt stayed. Weak growth and high debt. Only a loser would applaud that.
Market crashed due to the virus. Duh....
And showed how quickly that win disappears. But the debt is here for us still and our children.
You are illogical. No one predicted the virus. Stop trolling. I agree The debt sucks.

Everyone with an open mind and a knowledge of history has been aware of the Black Death and the Spanish Flu, and the recent H1N1 pandemic. The measles recent epidemic should have been a wake up call to Covid 19, and Dr. Fauci warned of a pandemic in Jan 2017**

**Fauci: ‘No doubt’ Trump will face surprise infectious disease outbreak

Trump is unfit to make any comment on Covid 19 and make promises that he has the power to open up America.

The only time the blind idiots in the duopoly care about our crushing debt and tremendous deficit is when their party masters are not occupying the West Wing.

Half-truth. The D's spent to benefit the nation's people, and the R's spent to increase the wealth of the already wealthy, the special interests (Pharmaceutical and private Medical Complex, the Military Industrial Complex) and Corporate America.

The Democrats make it rain to their special interests and corporate cronies as well. The duopoly doesn’t give a flying fig about Main Street b/c their real masters reside on another- mainly Wall and K.
how can one claim lowering the deficit while increasing debt???

What’s so hard to understand? Debt and deficits are different numbers calculated in different ways.
if you didnt edit my comment out of context your response would just be ignorant,,,

now its flat out dishonest,,,

like I said its dishonest book keeping that only governments get away with,,,

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