Trump Lashes Out at Georgia Prosecutor

Fulton County Superior Court Judge Robert McBurney contrasted District Attorney Willis's professional conduct with the “stream of personal invective" being spewed by Trump and his fart catchers. “Put differently, the District Attorney’s Office has been doing a fairly routine – and legally unobjectionable – job of public relations in a case that is anything but routine."

Republicans Kemp and Rafensperger will be leading a rousing chorus of "The Devil Went Down to Georgia" that will be sure to keep the Goober State on Trump's (alleged) mind, as the Fulton County District Attorney presents a mountain of damning evidence to a grand jury this week.

Trump's hysterical, racist raving and tantrums (e.g.,“lunatic Marxist!”) calculated to arouse his lickspittles are of no consequence in the substantive realm of the legal process. They merely signal yet another overdue diaper change.

After President Biden's victory in Georgia in 2020 had been confirmed by two recounts and certified by Gov. Brian Kemp and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, the sore loser launched a multi-pronged effort to deny Georgians their votes, including a pressure campaign targeting key state officials.

The lying tub o' goo mewled, “So look. All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have!"

When the Secretary of State blew off the Loser, Trump pleaded with Republican lawmakers to overturn Biden’s victory. Trump's addled consigliere Rudy Giuliani regaled the Georgia statehouse with bogus fraud claims.

Trump lawyers filed meritless lawsuits that tried to overturn the Georgia results.

Trumphumps impersonated Georgia electors (16 Trumpers, including the state chair of the Georgia Republican Party) as part of a seven-state scheme to sabotage the Electoral College.

The Loser tried to cajole top Justice Department officials and federal prosecutors in Atlanta into falsely announcing that the election was “corrupt,” and that there had been "massive fraud!" despite there being no evidence of that whatever.

Trumpers tried to breach a voting system.

Trumpers tried to intimidate a Fulton County election worker into falsely admitting she was part of a massive anti-Trump fraud.

Trump and a long list of his co-conspirators will have some 'splainin' to do, and vilifying officers of the court is not countenanced under our system of jurisprudence.

It'll be fun.


Now, given what was posted in the O.P., was there a point you were trying to make here ?

Just wondering.
Who cares? When he was president, his policies enabled energy independence, a healthy stock market for retirees, lower-middle class who could afford groceries and gas, a low inflation rate, the first real wage growth in decades for the lower-income, and record unemployment for minorities.

Lol. Trump is a liar. We have never been energy independent.
Who cares about racism? Is that Trump’s 2024 slogan? :auiqs.jpg:
Huh? We weren’t talking about racism, but as long as you bring it up, this could be Biden’s slogan: “I don’t want my kids going to school in a racial jungle!”
Do you really think the Democrats are that Nazi-like and depraved?

How does that apply to my response ?

So you think the world should revolve around what you find acceptable?

I was answering your question. You asked, I answered. I love it when you answer a question (and make no assertions in the process) and yet someone wants to dispute or argue over it.

I think we’ve established that you believe it revolves around you, yes.

This has to be the weakest thing I've seen in a while. My comment was added to let you know that your initial question over my concerns (which was just a way of saying you thought my priorities were out of line) was nothing more than a left-wing attempt at thought control.

While it probably went over your head, there is nothing in my post that supports your conclusion.

What's the matter.....your girlfriend read your post and laugh at you ?
Huh? We weren’t talking about racism, but as long as you bring it up, this could be Biden’s slogan: “I don’t want my kids going to school in a racial jungle!”

That was 50 years ago. Don't you think people grow and change? Many people were fearful about school integration and bussing. Many people didn't support same sex marriage. Use your brain.
Really? You are more concerned about mean tweets than being able to afford groceries and gas? Than having to worry about diseases like leprosy and malaria? Than having unaltered flow of criminals and fatal drugs into our country?
Yeah, screw that.
That’s Trumpista spin, creating a distraction from the real issues and then claiming those issues aren’t being addressed.
Gas was $2, and we didn’t have to buy it from our enemies.

Now look where your demented god has us.

We were importing 7-9 million barrels a day. Trump is just a liar. We use 20 million bpd and produce about 11 million bpd.
That was 50 years ago. Don't you think people grow and change? Many people were fearful about school integration and bussing. Many people didn't support same sex marriage. Use your brain.
And 15 years ago he said that Obama was a “clean black.”
We were importing 7-9 million barrels a day. Trump is just a liar. We use 20 million bpd and produce about 11 million bpd.
People could afford to fill their tank when Trump was president. Now Biden is driving the lower-middle class into the poorhouse - where he wants them.
Trump’s whole speech was racist! What are YOU talking about?
What are you talking about? And why are we back to racism? Are you Dems so scared that we might focus on your disastrous policies that you’re screaming racist at everyone?

Blacks were doing much better under Trump, thanks to his policies.
We were importing 7-9 million barrels a day. Trump is just a liar. We use 20 million bpd and produce about 11 million bpd.
Generalizing and specificizing has its propaganda ways. We exported oil. Quality differences. We imported oil Quality differences. We have corrupted people involved in all of this who make it worse than it should be. We have corrupted politstop pipelines so corrupted billionaires can make money transporting the same by trains.
Generalizing and specificizing has its propaganda ways. We exported oil. Quality differences. We imported oil Quality differences. We have corrupted people involved in all of this who make it worse than it should be. We have corrupted politstop pipelines so corrupted billionaires can make money transporting the same by trains.

And you notice there’s a liberal on this thread flailing so badly in his inability to defend destructive Dem policies that he reverts to the usual: Trump is racist!
Your Honor, He said mean things about me.....Get
The Cry Baby Loser's spewing his vile invectives is of no legal consequence.

The District Attorney has conducted herself as an adult and completely ignored his tantrums.

Now, given what was posted in the O.P., was there a point you were trying to make here ?

Just wondering.
The timely progress report notes that we are now about to enter a substantive phase in which credible evidence and sworn testimony will be the focus rather than vapid, scurrilous invective.
The timely progress report notes that we are now about to enter a substantive phase in which credible evidence and sworn testimony will be the focus rather than vapid, scurrilous invective.

That isn't my interest.

I don't follow this very closely.

What I do follow (or focus on) is Trump's ugliness and the general promotion of personal destruction.

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