Trump lauds Colonial Airports

If I were Trump, I would totally address this with with tweet like, "Sorry about the mistake in today's speech. That's what happens when you rely on @AOC for facts."
As he said "I could shoot someone on 5 th ave and my uneducated followers wouldn't mind"
Doesn't matter what he says to the cult
Yeah except he didn't say that. Close, but no cigar.
We see today, on this forum in several threads, but worse on supposed "news" outlets a fine example of TDS... Trump Derangement Syndrome.
CNN, MSNBC, NYT the Washington Post and others... portraying this obvious teleprompt blunder as a "bizarre claim"... "mental lapse by the President".... really you dumbasses? Are you that pathetic in your hatred that you honestly believe he thinks there were airports in 1775?

I remember when Obama made a similar gaffe and claimed he would visit all 57 states in his campaign.
No one seriously made a claim that he honestly believed there are 57 states. a few idiots.
When in Honolulu, Obama, after a particularly long day, not to mention jet leg, mistakenly referred to Hawaii as being part of Asia... no one reported it as he actually thinks Hawaii is in Asia.
When making a speech on Memorial Day, paying tribute to fallen heroes... Obama accidently said "I can see them right here in this audience"... when he was meant to say "I see the surviving families in the audience.
One could go on for some time on his and other Presidents quite humorous misstatements.

But in today's hyper sensitive Trump outrage.... we are to believe these idiots that our President wasn't making a mistake. He thought jets were flying around in the revolutionary war.

You are all idiots.
What word do you think he misread? I think he was alluding to the bombing of Shayrat Airbase in 2017.

What word did Obama misread when he started talking about the Austrian language?
What word did he misread when, in 2011, signed the guest book at Abbey Hall and dated it 2008?
What word did he misread when he said 10,000 people died in a Kansas tornado, when it was actually 12?

Presidents are recorded and scrutinized 24/7. Every move they make is looked at through a microscope.
They are people, they get tired. They work relentless hours and are charged with awesome powers.
But they are still people. And all people, including you and I, occasionally have our WTF moments.

But again, it is obviously committing intellectual dishonesty to go on as if you believe Trump thinks there were jets flying around in 1775. Just as stupid when people tried to claim Obama thinks there are 57 states.
Would you PLEASE read my posts before replying? Is that really too much?

I think he was alluding to the bombing of Shayrat Airbase in 2017.

He was talking about the Continental Army of 1775 and also mistakenly said they beat Wallace, you can see the stutter in his speech and pause that the teleprompter glitched and he simply said the wrong thing.

He wasn't at all talking about a modern attack.

Thanks. I hadn't listened to it, obviously. I was imagining him waxing proud about all that our armed forces have done. "Airport" obviously was supposed to be something else--armories, maybe? Did you also notice how much he was squinting? Did he lose a contact lens on his way to the podium?

It's clear he's reading a prepared speech and I'm pretty surprised that the Fort McHenry stuff is in there--someone wrote that speech for him, and that person is in trouble.

It was a clear fuddle of words, as the video shows.
But the left media is portraying this as if he really believes there were airports in 1775.
And you bet, the Fort McHenry blurb was a mistake of the writer.
Trump mocks people all the time. Now he is being mocked for his silly mistake. If he dishes it out he should be able to take it. There is a reason for the baby Trump balloon. He is a crybaby.

There is a difference when Trump uses sarcasm ( that Liberals can't recognize as sarcasm) or makes a joke, compared to a News media trying to portray as serious news that the President really believed airports existed in 1776. Now you can understand why the term Fake News gets tossed around.
We see today, on this forum in several threads, but worse on supposed "news" outlets a fine example of TDS... Trump Derangement Syndrome.
CNN, MSNBC, NYT the Washington Post and others... portraying this obvious teleprompt blunder as a "bizarre claim"... "mental lapse by the President".... really you dumbasses? Are you that pathetic in your hatred that you honestly believe he thinks there were airports in 1775?

I remember when Obama made a similar gaffe and claimed he would visit all 57 states in his campaign.
No one seriously made a claim that he honestly believed there are 57 states. a few idiots.
When in Honolulu, Obama, after a particularly long day, not to mention jet leg, mistakenly referred to Hawaii as being part of Asia... no one reported it as he actually thinks Hawaii is in Asia.
When making a speech on Memorial Day, paying tribute to fallen heroes... Obama accidently said "I can see them right here in this audience"... when he was meant to say "I see the surviving families in the audience.
One could go on for some time on his and other Presidents quite humorous misstatements.

But in today's hyper sensitive Trump outrage.... we are to believe these idiots that our President wasn't making a mistake. He thought jets were flying around in the revolutionary war.

You are all idiots.
You poor saps. All you have for the hundreds of Trump gaffes is the single "57 states" gaffe. :lol:

Did you know the Continental Army was named after George Washington? Did you know they fought at Fort McHenry?

Did you know they took over airports?

How unbelievably retarded do you have to be to claim the Continental Army took over the airports? :lol:

This is the same guy who doesn't know what the nuclear triad is.


Someone needs to prescribe Aricept for the dotard before he forgets how to tie his shoes.
We see today, on this forum in several threads, but worse on supposed "news" outlets a fine example of TDS... Trump Derangement Syndrome.
CNN, MSNBC, NYT the Washington Post and others... portraying this obvious teleprompt blunder as a "bizarre claim"... "mental lapse by the President".... really you dumbasses? Are you that pathetic in your hatred that you honestly believe he thinks there were airports in 1775?

I remember when Obama made a similar gaffe and claimed he would visit all 57 states in his campaign.
No one seriously made a claim that he honestly believed there are 57 states. a few idiots.
When in Honolulu, Obama, after a particularly long day, not to mention jet leg, mistakenly referred to Hawaii as being part of Asia... no one reported it as he actually thinks Hawaii is in Asia.
When making a speech on Memorial Day, paying tribute to fallen heroes... Obama accidently said "I can see them right here in this audience"... when he was meant to say "I see the surviving families in the audience.
One could go on for some time on his and other Presidents quite humorous misstatements.

But in today's hyper sensitive Trump outrage.... we are to believe these idiots that our President wasn't making a mistake. He thought jets were flying around in the revolutionary war.

You are all idiots.
You poor saps. All you have for the hundreds of Trump gaffes is the single "57 states" gaffe. :lol:

Did you know the Continental Army was named after George Washington? Did you know they fought at Fort McHenry?

Did you know they took over airports?

How unbelievably retarded do you have to be to claim the Continental Army took over the airports? :lol:

This is the same guy who doesn't know what the nuclear triad is.


Someone needs to prescribe Aricept for the dotard before he forgets how to tie his shoes.
Actually if you read the OP and my other posts I gave..what...5 or 6 examples of Obama's gaffes?
Like how, in front of a crowd of people IN Hawaii ... said Hawaii was a part of Asia... how in 2011 he signed his name at Abbey Hall and dated it 2008.
Among others.
No one actually believes Obama thought there were 57 states, or that he believed 10,000 people died in a Kansas tornado when it was only 12 when he stated that in his radio show.
But, of course, the leftist nutty talking heads want us to believe Trump actually thinks there were planes flying around in 1775.
We see today, on this forum in several threads, but worse on supposed "news" outlets a fine example of TDS... Trump Derangement Syndrome.
CNN, MSNBC, NYT the Washington Post and others... portraying this obvious teleprompt blunder as a "bizarre claim"... "mental lapse by the President".... really you dumbasses? Are you that pathetic in your hatred that you honestly believe he thinks there were airports in 1775?

I remember when Obama made a similar gaffe and claimed he would visit all 57 states in his campaign.
No one seriously made a claim that he honestly believed there are 57 states. a few idiots.
When in Honolulu, Obama, after a particularly long day, not to mention jet leg, mistakenly referred to Hawaii as being part of Asia... no one reported it as he actually thinks Hawaii is in Asia.
When making a speech on Memorial Day, paying tribute to fallen heroes... Obama accidently said "I can see them right here in this audience"... when he was meant to say "I see the surviving families in the audience.
One could go on for some time on his and other Presidents quite humorous misstatements.

But in today's hyper sensitive Trump outrage.... we are to believe these idiots that our President wasn't making a mistake. He thought jets were flying around in the revolutionary war.

You are all idiots.
What word do you think he misread? I think he was alluding to the bombing of Shayrat Airbase in 2017.

I think he took the word "port" and said "airport" by mistake.
We see today, on this forum in several threads, but worse on supposed "news" outlets a fine example of TDS... Trump Derangement Syndrome.
CNN, MSNBC, NYT the Washington Post and others... portraying this obvious teleprompt blunder as a "bizarre claim"... "mental lapse by the President".... really you dumbasses? Are you that pathetic in your hatred that you honestly believe he thinks there were airports in 1775?

I remember when Obama made a similar gaffe and claimed he would visit all 57 states in his campaign.
No one seriously made a claim that he honestly believed there are 57 states. a few idiots.
When in Honolulu, Obama, after a particularly long day, not to mention jet leg, mistakenly referred to Hawaii as being part of Asia... no one reported it as he actually thinks Hawaii is in Asia.
When making a speech on Memorial Day, paying tribute to fallen heroes... Obama accidently said "I can see them right here in this audience"... when he was meant to say "I see the surviving families in the audience.
One could go on for some time on his and other Presidents quite humorous misstatements.

But in today's hyper sensitive Trump outrage.... we are to believe these idiots that our President wasn't making a mistake. He thought jets were flying around in the revolutionary war.

You are all idiots.
Dude I'm not an Obama fan but trump is stupid and makes stupid comments and do stupid things. Even his facial expressions are stupid.
You can brag about how rich he claim he is, how cute his gold digger is....but when it comes to stupid stuff he says , no one comes close.
We see today, on this forum in several threads, but worse on supposed "news" outlets a fine example of TDS... Trump Derangement Syndrome.
CNN, MSNBC, NYT the Washington Post and others... portraying this obvious teleprompt blunder as a "bizarre claim"... "mental lapse by the President".... really you dumbasses? Are you that pathetic in your hatred that you honestly believe he thinks there were airports in 1775?

I remember when Obama made a similar gaffe and claimed he would visit all 57 states in his campaign.
No one seriously made a claim that he honestly believed there are 57 states. a few idiots.
When in Honolulu, Obama, after a particularly long day, not to mention jet leg, mistakenly referred to Hawaii as being part of Asia... no one reported it as he actually thinks Hawaii is in Asia.
When making a speech on Memorial Day, paying tribute to fallen heroes... Obama accidently said "I can see them right here in this audience"... when he was meant to say "I see the surviving families in the audience.
One could go on for some time on his and other Presidents quite humorous misstatements.

But in today's hyper sensitive Trump outrage.... we are to believe these idiots that our President wasn't making a mistake. He thought jets were flying around in the revolutionary war.

You are all idiots.
What word do you think he misread? I think he was alluding to the bombing of Shayrat Airbase in 2017.

I think he took the word "port" and said "airport" by mistake. is hard to tell. But whatever he meant to say, it is clear in the video the teleprompter malfunctioned and he goofed it.
It happens.
Youtube must have 50,000 videos of officials at all levels saying something way out there by mistake.
But noooo.... CNN wants us to believe he really believes it.
We see today, on this forum in several threads, but worse on supposed "news" outlets a fine example of TDS... Trump Derangement Syndrome.
CNN, MSNBC, NYT the Washington Post and others... portraying this obvious teleprompt blunder as a "bizarre claim"... "mental lapse by the President".... really you dumbasses? Are you that pathetic in your hatred that you honestly believe he thinks there were airports in 1775?

I remember when Obama made a similar gaffe and claimed he would visit all 57 states in his campaign.
No one seriously made a claim that he honestly believed there are 57 states. a few idiots.
When in Honolulu, Obama, after a particularly long day, not to mention jet leg, mistakenly referred to Hawaii as being part of Asia... no one reported it as he actually thinks Hawaii is in Asia.
When making a speech on Memorial Day, paying tribute to fallen heroes... Obama accidently said "I can see them right here in this audience"... when he was meant to say "I see the surviving families in the audience.
One could go on for some time on his and other Presidents quite humorous misstatements.

But in today's hyper sensitive Trump outrage.... we are to believe these idiots that our President wasn't making a mistake. He thought jets were flying around in the revolutionary war.

You are all idiots.
Dude I'm not an Obama fan but trump is stupid and makes stupid comments and so stupid things. Even his facial expressions are stupid.
You can brag about how rich he claim he is, how cute his gold digger is....but when it comes to stupid stuff he says , no one comes close.

I don't think you want to go there.
Indeed, if the race is between Biden and Trump...and the deciding vote is who has said the dumbest things... Trump wins all 50 states.
Biden has so many gaffes he makes 'W" look like Maya Angelou.
This thread is a microcosm of politics in the US today.

All the people that made fun of Obama without end for every gaff are now whining about people being mean to Trump.

And the same people that defended Obama when he made his gaffs are attacking Trump like a dog in heat.

Can you people really not see how alike you all are?

You all are mirror images of each other.
We see today, on this forum in several threads, but worse on supposed "news" outlets a fine example of TDS... Trump Derangement Syndrome.
CNN, MSNBC, NYT the Washington Post and others... portraying this obvious teleprompt blunder as a "bizarre claim"... "mental lapse by the President".... really you dumbasses? Are you that pathetic in your hatred that you honestly believe he thinks there were airports in 1775?

I remember when Obama made a similar gaffe and claimed he would visit all 57 states in his campaign.
No one seriously made a claim that he honestly believed there are 57 states. a few idiots.
When in Honolulu, Obama, after a particularly long day, not to mention jet leg, mistakenly referred to Hawaii as being part of Asia... no one reported it as he actually thinks Hawaii is in Asia.
When making a speech on Memorial Day, paying tribute to fallen heroes... Obama accidently said "I can see them right here in this audience"... when he was meant to say "I see the surviving families in the audience.
One could go on for some time on his and other Presidents quite humorous misstatements.

But in today's hyper sensitive Trump outrage.... we are to believe these idiots that our President wasn't making a mistake. He thought jets were flying around in the revolutionary war.

You are all idiots.
You poor saps. All you have for the hundreds of Trump gaffes is the single "57 states" gaffe. :lol:

Did you know the Continental Army was named after George Washington? Did you know they fought at Fort McHenry?

Did you know they took over airports?

How unbelievably retarded do you have to be to claim the Continental Army took over the airports? :lol:

This is the same guy who doesn't know what the nuclear triad is.


Someone needs to prescribe Aricept for the dotard before he forgets how to tie his shoes.
Actually if you read the OP and my other posts I gave..what...5 or 6 examples of Obama's gaffes?
Like how, in front of a crowd of people IN Hawaii ... said Hawaii was a part of Asia... how in 2011 he signed his name at Abbey Hall and dated it 2008.
Among others.
No one actually believes Obama thought there were 57 states, or that he believed 10,000 people died in a Kansas tornado when it was only 12 when he stated that in his radio show.
But, of course, the leftist nutty talking heads want us to believe Trump actually thinks there were planes flying around in 1775.

Trump's 6 biggest history fails since entering the White House
We see today, on this forum in several threads, but worse on supposed "news" outlets a fine example of TDS... Trump Derangement Syndrome.
CNN, MSNBC, NYT the Washington Post and others... portraying this obvious teleprompt blunder as a "bizarre claim"... "mental lapse by the President".... really you dumbasses? Are you that pathetic in your hatred that you honestly believe he thinks there were airports in 1775?

I remember when Obama made a similar gaffe and claimed he would visit all 57 states in his campaign.
No one seriously made a claim that he honestly believed there are 57 states. a few idiots.
When in Honolulu, Obama, after a particularly long day, not to mention jet leg, mistakenly referred to Hawaii as being part of Asia... no one reported it as he actually thinks Hawaii is in Asia.
When making a speech on Memorial Day, paying tribute to fallen heroes... Obama accidently said "I can see them right here in this audience"... when he was meant to say "I see the surviving families in the audience.
One could go on for some time on his and other Presidents quite humorous misstatements.

But in today's hyper sensitive Trump outrage.... we are to believe these idiots that our President wasn't making a mistake. He thought jets were flying around in the revolutionary war.

You are all idiots.
What word do you think he misread? I think he was alluding to the bombing of Shayrat Airbase in 2017.

I think he took the word "port" and said "airport" by mistake. is hard to tell. But whatever he meant to say, it is clear in the video the teleprompter malfunctioned and he goofed it.
It happens.
Youtube must have 50,000 videos of officials at all levels saying something way out there by mistake.
But noooo.... CNN wants us to believe he really believes it.

There is a reason I would never turn on CNN.
This thread is a microcosm of politics in the US today.

All the people that made fun of Obama without end for every gaff are now whining about people being mean to Trump.

And the same people that defended Obama when he made his gaffs are attacking Trump like a dog in heat.

Can you people really not see how alike you all are?

You all are mirror images of each other.

My point entirely.
As I stated only morons believed Obama really though there was 57 states, or that Hawaii is in Asia and all the other Presidential gaffes.
They ALL make them.
But I honestly DO believe this is the first time a slew of supposed national "news" agencies ran articles and statements acting like it was real. Calling it "bizarre" and questioning his sanity.
What word do you think he misread? I think he was alluding to the bombing of Shayrat Airbase in 2017.

It stands to reason the word he misread was actually "ports" considering the significance of the naval operations in the Revolutionary War. Control of the ports provided a decisive military, strategic and logistical advantage. When the French fleet arrived, Washington coordinated our military operations with the French fleet to take and defend Newport, and later, Chesapeake Bay, which was of critical importance to our victory.

Also, because the British Royal Navy had a significant Naval superiority advantage over the Continental Navy, Congress helped our cause by issuing what's known as "letters of marque" to colonial privateers (civilians who privately owned boats that were armed, authorizing them to attack/capture enemy vessels), which resulted in over 2,000 British ships being captured and taken to ports that were not under British control, valued at over $60 million dollars.

These Naval operations, and the fight for control of the major colonial ports (which had been blockaded by the British Royal Navy relatively early), concluding with the French fleet taking control over Chesapeake Bay and providing naval support for the siege of Yorktown and the consequent surrender of General Cornwallis, were, in no uncertain terms, the major turning points of the war.

This Wikipedia article provides an overview of the Naval operations and their role in the outcome of the War, if you're interested:

Naval battles of the American Revolutionary War - Wikipedia
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