Trump lauds Colonial Airports

If I were Trump, I would totally address this with with tweet like, "Sorry about the mistake in today's speech. That's what happens when you rely on @AOC for facts."
As he said "I could shoot someone on 5 th ave and my uneducated followers wouldn't mind"
Doesn't matter what he says to the cult
Others are laughing at those who take Trump's hyperbole seriously.

It's clear he does it just to trigger our snowflakes and he does it so well.
George Washington learned early in the war that British AirPower must be negated. Those Spitfires raised havoc with the Continental forces.
So he seized all the airports so they had no place to take off or land
He was a tactical genius

History according to a Stable Genius
If I were Trump, I would totally address this with with tweet like, "Sorry about the mistake in today's speech. That's what happens when you rely on @AOC for facts."
As he said "I could shoot someone on 5 th ave and my uneducated followers wouldn't mind"
Doesn't matter what he says to the cult

Blaming it in a wet teleprompter was weak sauce on his part.
Another question. The Army Rammed the Ramparts.

What U.S. Army Unit Rammed the Ramparts and when and where for that matter.

Why would the need Ram the Ramparts if Army Units took British Air Fields.
The British army has rammed the rampart by the use of canons. So it says that they were defenseless, but the flag was still waving above. everything was in crumble, except for the flag.
Not there...there nowhere
I can certainly agree with your last sentence, 100%
I appreciate you owning up...thanx

Yes, I agree that Commander in Chief, Trump, is way above his pay grade.
Obama obviously simply misspoke.
It’s not like you actually believe he thought what he said was true. Don’t pretend otherwise.

Of course Obama misspoke, so did trump, it's not like you actually believed trump [or your own excuse for that matter] don't pretend otherwise...see how that works?

More importantly, Trump says stupid things on a daily basis and Obama didn’t even come close to his level of stupidity.
Obama was/is a great president and great man, trump is an unapologetic patriot with many flaws...but he is also more successful at everything else outside the presidency...the one thing both have in common is that they are proof anyone can be president.

Well, I will admit that no other man alive has managed to lose $10 billion in 9 years.

Dunno about that, Obama managed to flush $9 Trillion in 8 years.

Aren't we lucky to have frugal Trump spending our money on parades, golf, and his country club accommodations for his staff and Secret Service?
Not quite as extravagant as 2 million dollar Hawaiian vacations...

You want to walk that dog back?

Trump's $56 Million in Golf Trips, Cost by Extravagant Cost
As long as you're wetting your pants over it I'm good.

He's out there celebrating our country and you're whining about some word salad.
Daily word salad from an idiot with control of nuclear weapons.
Well, he HAS visited all 57 states, ansd attended a ball game at Cominsky Field!

Did Trump figure out who is the president of Puerto Rico? As for me, I am looking forward to the US going to Mars, which is where the moon came from.
Another question. The Army Rammed the Ramparts.

What U.S. Army Unit Rammed the Ramparts and when and where for that matter.

Why would the need Ram the Ramparts if Army Units took British Air Fields.
The British army has rammed the rampart by the use of canons. So it says that they were defenseless, but the flag was still waving above. everything was in crumble, except for the flag.
They did not use cannons in the attack on Ft McHenry, they used mortars and rockets

That is not ramming, that is bombing. Ramming means ramming into the ramparts in an attempt to knock them down. The fort was not in crumble.

The Brits never got that close. What was our President talking about?
Does he have no concept of our great history?

The Continental Army was named after George Washington?
We see today, on this forum in several threads, but worse on supposed "news" outlets a fine example of TDS... Trump Derangement Syndrome.
CNN, MSNBC, NYT the Washington Post and others... portraying this obvious teleprompt blunder as a "bizarre claim"... "mental lapse by the President".... really you dumbasses? Are you that pathetic in your hatred that you honestly believe he thinks there were airports in 1775?

I remember when Obama made a similar gaffe and claimed he would visit all 57 states in his campaign.
No one seriously made a claim that he honestly believed there are 57 states. a few idiots.
When in Honolulu, Obama, after a particularly long day, not to mention jet leg, mistakenly referred to Hawaii as being part of Asia... no one reported it as he actually thinks Hawaii is in Asia.
When making a speech on Memorial Day, paying tribute to fallen heroes... Obama accidently said "I can see them right here in this audience"... when he was meant to say "I see the surviving families in the audience.
One could go on for some time on his and other Presidents quite humorous misstatements.

But in today's hyper sensitive Trump outrage.... we are to believe these idiots that our President wasn't making a mistake. He thought jets were flying around in the revolutionary war.

You are all idiots.
Dude I'm not an Obama fan but trump is stupid and makes stupid comments and so stupid things. Even his facial expressions are stupid.
You can brag about how rich he claim he is, how cute his gold digger is....but when it comes to stupid stuff he says , no one comes close.

I don't think you want to go there.
Indeed, if the race is between Biden and Trump...and the deciding vote is who has said the dumbest things... Trump wins all 50 states.
Biden has so many gaffes he makes 'W" look like Maya Angelou.
Once again we talking about trump....and no one tops him. Stupidest and the dumbest of all politicians...the only one that I can was a bit worse was Gaddafi.
As long as you're wetting your pants over it I'm good.

He's out there celebrating our country and you're whining about some word salad.
Daily word salad from an idiot with control of nuclear weapons.

Good, keeps Russia, China, North Korea, and all the other lunatics scared shitless, just like you.

Just what this country needs. A lose cannon with his finger on the nuclear football, scaring the hell out of all the other countries with nuclear footballs. I can not think of a clearer example of why democrats think that you Trumpettes have lost your minds.
Call him whatever you like, but in the real world, the one those of us that have an IQ above room temperature, live in, it has become clear that making nations with such different values "like us" is a ridiculous pursuit. Real world diplomacy dictates that other nations either respect the United States or fear us.
If, say, Iran or North Korea fear Trump because he has the football, I say that's a good thing.

N. Korea plays Trump like a violin. It is downright embarrassing. It is worse than when Dennis Rodman used to suck Kim's ass. Even insiders in the trump administration are starting to talk about just dropping the whole issue of N. Korea having nucks, because there isn't a damn thing they can do about it that they have not tried.
It is bad enough that Trump talks about revolutionary War airplanes, but he didn't even know that the Fort McHenry siege was in the War of 1812. If someone is going to praise our military, at least a 6th grade military history level should have been mastered.
It is bad enough that Trump talks about revolutionary War airplanes, but he didn't even know that the Fort McHenry siege was in the War of 1812. If someone is going to praise our military, at least a 6th grade military history level should have been mastered.
He claims to be a big fan of Andrew Jackson, he should be familiar with the War of 1812


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