Trump Launches The ‘War On Christmas’ In July

The cat has been dragged out of the bag in all of this war that the left had been waging with it's many factions upon this nation. Time to fight back with God given talents, and stop letting the left win these little skirmishes that the nation keeps having.

Is it that time of year already?

President Donald Trump caused the name of a holiday to trend on social media over the weekend ― just not the one most Americans are about to celebrate.

Speaking at an event to honor veterans and celebrate faith just days ahead ofIndependence Day, Trump brought up Christmas.

“I remind you that we’re going to start staying ‘Merry Christmas’ again,” the president said at the “Celebrate Freedom” event at the Kennedy Center on Saturday night.

Trump was speaking about the role of faith in American politics, including the First Amendment’s guarantee of religious freedom, when he fired off what might be the earliest-ever salvo in the so-called “war on Christmas.”

While many of his followers were filled with the holiday spirit ― in July ― others were mystified by the random shoutout to a holiday still nearly six months off, causing #MerryChristmas to rise like Santa’s sleigh through Twitter’s list of trending topics:

More: Trump Launches The 'War On Christmas' In July

Wow, firecrackers and Merry Christmas at the same time? I'm a little confused...

What exactly is turd-blossom going to do? Order stores to put Merry Christmas on their signs rather than Happy Holidays? I don't think so blow-hard-cowardly-lion.

You watch this and wonder "when, when are conservatives EVER going to escape from this nonexistent fantasy world they live in that has never existed?" These weirdos see an enemy in every shadow, around every corner, on Mars, in helicopters, in Starbucks who make RED CUPS WITHOUT GODDAMN SNOWFLAKES for the conservative snowflakes!!

I'm thinking drumpf will soon appoint a Czar of Social Harmony and Jesus Stuff, and their job will be to go around to stores with a list of slogans that they have to put on signs, cups, shirts, posters, billboards, tv ads, and hats of course.

People in the insane asylums who watch tv must watch Trump and think "I could do that. Why am I here?"

I'm still curious as to what would cause a little baby Jesus nativity in a store window to bring a hostile offense to a liberal and involve the ACLU? If those on the left want to say that everyone is free to say, demonstrate, and practice what they believe during the Christmas holidays then you can start by dropping the lawsuits against those who only want to demonstrate what they want to believe during the Christmas season. We don't need a bunch of extra sensitive liberals with tolerance issues, dictating how Christians or Jews ought to express their own faith during that time of the year. If you don't happen to believe in their particular religion... that's fine, but you have no right to keep those of faith from choosing how they wish to run their business or express their faith.

Kristians in the US have some weird need to piss crosses on public buildings. You are free to build churches shaped like crosses, build your house in the shape of a trinity whatever that would look like or be, build a skyscraper that looks like someone kneeling in front of a gigantic cross.

Stop pushing your beliefs out onto the rest of the population. I don't see Jews demanding the star of David be posted above every doorway at every business or candy canes in the shape of a crescent moon.

Jesus himself said go into your closet and don't let anyone see you worship. See that way he knows why you are doing it. Pissing your religion onto a public building has zero to do with your religion and everything to do with you liking to piss your beliefs onto public buildings.

You have just proven my point that there is no freedom of religious expression of those who run a business who decide how they wish to decorate for the holiday season and express their own beliefs. Also, I don't recall Jesus having visiting hours between 9am til noon, when the people most likely sought their time to worship. Jesus didn't send a business card to the blind man or the Roman centurion who had a concern for his dying servant saying "call me when I'm available". If you knew the Bible, or spoke with anyone who believed in the Christian faith, you would know feeding loaves and fish to the 5000 happened in an open field, and that the Christian messiah traveled everywhere from town to town seeking all who had a need. You would also know that Jesus spoke telling His decouples "go out to all the world preaching AND teaching", not simply just in synagogues, as the disciples conveyed their faith OPENLY of what they had heard. The Christian Messiah even spoke with the Samaritan woman at the well while she was working retrieving water, He never missed an opportunity and He never handed a business card when it was to become more convenient.

Show me the verse where Christians are only instructed to go to the synagogues, sit, and wait, as opposed to going out INTO the world.

If you are free to express what you do or don't believe, then freedom of religion means everyone (regardless of their faith ... or if they don't have one) have the same right to openly express what they believe.

If religious symbols like a cross and nativity scenes you feel are pushing religious views that you find can be offensive.... then close down some porn shops and strip clubs for those who likewise take offense to them being in public.
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Is it that time of year already?

President Donald Trump caused the name of a holiday to trend on social media over the weekend ― just not the one most Americans are about to celebrate.

Speaking at an event to honor veterans and celebrate faith just days ahead ofIndependence Day, Trump brought up Christmas.

“I remind you that we’re going to start staying ‘Merry Christmas’ again,” the president said at the “Celebrate Freedom” event at the Kennedy Center on Saturday night.

Trump was speaking about the role of faith in American politics, including the First Amendment’s guarantee of religious freedom, when he fired off what might be the earliest-ever salvo in the so-called “war on Christmas.”

While many of his followers were filled with the holiday spirit ― in July ― others were mystified by the random shoutout to a holiday still nearly six months off, causing #MerryChristmas to rise like Santa’s sleigh through Twitter’s list of trending topics:

More: Trump Launches The 'War On Christmas' In July

Wow, firecrackers and Merry Christmas at the same time? I'm a little confused...

What exactly is turd-blossom going to do? Order stores to put Merry Christmas on their signs rather than Happy Holidays? I don't think so blow-hard-cowardly-lion.

You watch this and wonder "when, when are conservatives EVER going to escape from this nonexistent fantasy world they live in that has never existed?" These weirdos see an enemy in every shadow, around every corner, on Mars, in helicopters, in Starbucks who make RED CUPS WITHOUT GODDAMN SNOWFLAKES for the conservative snowflakes!!

I'm thinking drumpf will soon appoint a Czar of Social Harmony and Jesus Stuff, and their job will be to go around to stores with a list of slogans that they have to put on signs, cups, shirts, posters, billboards, tv ads, and hats of course.

People in the insane asylums who watch tv must watch Trump and think "I could do that. Why am I here?"

I'm still curious as to what would cause a little baby Jesus nativity in a store window to bring a hostile offense to a liberal and involve the ACLU? If those on the left want to say that everyone is free to say, demonstrate, and practice what they believe during the Christmas holidays then you can start by dropping the lawsuits against those who only want to demonstrate what they want to believe during the Christmas season. We don't need a bunch of extra sensitive liberals with tolerance issues, dictating how Christians or Jews ought to express their own faith during that time of the year. If you don't happen to believe in their particular religion... that's fine, but you have no right to keep those of faith from choosing how they wish to run their business or express their faith.

Kristians in the US have some weird need to piss crosses on public buildings. You are free to build churches shaped like crosses, build your house in the shape of a trinity whatever that would look like or be, build a skyscraper that looks like someone kneeling in front of a gigantic cross.

Stop pushing your beliefs out onto the rest of the population. I don't see Jews demanding the star of David be posted above every doorway at every business or candy canes in the shape of a crescent moon.

Jesus himself said go into your closet and don't let anyone see you worship. See that way he knows why you are doing it. Pissing your religion onto a public building has zero to do with your religion and everything to do with you liking to piss your beliefs onto public buildings.

You have just proven my point that there is no freedom of religious expression of those who run a business who decide how they wish to decorate for the holiday season and express their own beliefs. Also, I don't recall Jesus having visiting hours between 9am til noon, when the people most likely sought their time to worship. Jesus didn't send a business card to the blind man or the Roman centurion who had a concern for his dying servant saying "call me when I'm available". If you knew the Bible, or spoke with anyone who believed in the Christian faith, you would know feeding loaves and fish to the 5000 happened in an open field, and that the Christian messiah traveled everywhere from town to town seeking all who had a need. You would also know that Jesus spoke telling His decouples "go out to all the world preaching AND teaching, not only in synagogues, as the decouples conveyed their faith OPENLY of what they had heard. The Christian Messiah even spoke with the Samaritan woman at the well while she was working retrieving water, He never missed an opportunity and He never handed a business card when it was to become more convenient.

Show me the verse where Christians are only instructed to go to the synagogues, sit, and wait, as opposed to going out INTO the world.

If you are free to express what you do or don't believe, then freedom of religion means everyone (regardless of their faith ... or if they don't have one) have the same right to openly express what they believe.

If religious symbols like a cross and nativity scenes you feel are pushing religious views that you find can be offensive.... then close down some porn shops and strip clubs for those who likewise take offense to them being in public.

Yes you love the ubiquitous 'go out into the world and proclaim' jargon. Religious people gravitate to general statements like this because it gives them free reign to do whatever they like. Burning people as witches was legitimized with quotes from the bible.

Where does it say 'go out into the world and mark your religion on every public building, in every public square, on every car and bus, on the sidewalk and the street?

Stop lying, to yourself and everyone else. You want the Christian religion to be the only religion and for there to be only Christian symbols and sayings chiseled into public buildings. Yet you lie about this because it isn't PC these days is it. It used to be, and that is what your end goal is. To take the culture back to the 1950s or 1850s when Christianity was defacto stamped on American culture and all other religions were forced into hiding.

The world has changed Cubby. Don't like the changes outside your door? Then don't open it.

Is it that time of year already?

President Donald Trump caused the name of a holiday to trend on social media over the weekend ― just not the one most Americans are about to celebrate.

Speaking at an event to honor veterans and celebrate faith just days ahead ofIndependence Day, Trump brought up Christmas.

“I remind you that we’re going to start staying ‘Merry Christmas’ again,” the president said at the “Celebrate Freedom” event at the Kennedy Center on Saturday night.

Trump was speaking about the role of faith in American politics, including the First Amendment’s guarantee of religious freedom, when he fired off what might be the earliest-ever salvo in the so-called “war on Christmas.”

While many of his followers were filled with the holiday spirit ― in July ― others were mystified by the random shoutout to a holiday still nearly six months off, causing #MerryChristmas to rise like Santa’s sleigh through Twitter’s list of trending topics:

More: Trump Launches The 'War On Christmas' In July

Wow, firecrackers and Merry Christmas at the same time? I'm a little confused...

It’s always the right time to appease social conservatives with the ‘war on Christmas’ lie.

Is it that time of year already?

President Donald Trump caused the name of a holiday to trend on social media over the weekend ― just not the one most Americans are about to celebrate.

Speaking at an event to honor veterans and celebrate faith just days ahead ofIndependence Day, Trump brought up Christmas.

“I remind you that we’re going to start staying ‘Merry Christmas’ again,” the president said at the “Celebrate Freedom” event at the Kennedy Center on Saturday night.

Trump was speaking about the role of faith in American politics, including the First Amendment’s guarantee of religious freedom, when he fired off what might be the earliest-ever salvo in the so-called “war on Christmas.”

While many of his followers were filled with the holiday spirit ― in July ― others were mystified by the random shoutout to a holiday still nearly six months off, causing #MerryChristmas to rise like Santa’s sleigh through Twitter’s list of trending topics:

More: Trump Launches The 'War On Christmas' In July

Wow, firecrackers and Merry Christmas at the same time? I'm a little confused...

What exactly is turd-blossom going to do? Order stores to put Merry Christmas on their signs rather than Happy Holidays? I don't think so blow-hard-cowardly-lion.

You watch this and wonder "when, when are conservatives EVER going to escape from this nonexistent fantasy world they live in that has never existed?" These weirdos see an enemy in every shadow, around every corner, on Mars, in helicopters, in Starbucks who make RED CUPS WITHOUT GODDAMN SNOWFLAKES for the conservative snowflakes!!

I'm thinking drumpf will soon appoint a Czar of Social Harmony and Jesus Stuff, and their job will be to go around to stores with a list of slogans that they have to put on signs, cups, shirts, posters, billboards, tv ads, and hats of course.

People in the insane asylums who watch tv must watch Trump and think "I could do that. Why am I here?"

I'm still curious as to what would cause a little baby Jesus nativity in a store window to bring a hostile offense to a liberal and involve the ACLU? If those on the left want to say that everyone is free to say, demonstrate, and practice what they believe during the Christmas holidays then you can start by dropping the lawsuits against those who only want to demonstrate what they want to believe during the Christmas season. We don't need a bunch of extra sensitive liberals with tolerance issues, dictating how Christians or Jews ought to express their own faith during that time of the year. If you don't happen to believe in their particular religion... that's fine, but you have no right to keep those of faith from choosing how they wish to run their business or express their faith.


No one is stopping a privately owned store from putting a nativity scene in their window. No is stopping anyone from celebrating holiday.

In fact, taxpayers foot the bill for your holidays. In fact, the country caters to your delusions but you always have your hand out for more.

The one thing that is required is that keep it out of government and schools.

Quit whining and lying.


Sent from my iPad using
. Yeah, keep it out of the public and schools so you leftist can push your own brand of religion or belief in the form of brainwashing in these areas that had Christianity mixed in to these areas ever since the founding. You gotta destroy Christianity don't you Luddite ?

Most Democrats are Christian so this type of hyperbole is simply what the con bubble tells them every day. It isn't real.

Democrats generally though understand what the founders meant with a separation of church and state. Which is meant to protect both from the other. Cons of course see nothing wrong with a theocracy, one of the most dangerous forms of government every devised by man.

Unfortunately there has never been an establishment of religion in this country. In fact the Democrats don't believe religion has its place in public. thus the lawsuits of where they are found being displayed, EXCEPT in areas like the Muslim refugees issue where they poorly attempt to "play" and use religion where it benefits them. This, "shouldn't Christians be more compassionate of allowing suffering Muslim refugees to enter" doesn't carry any weight at all when you spend the majority of your time pushing the liberal interpretation of "separation of church and state", as opposed to the actual wording of establishment. Big difference.

Oh and Jefferson was overseas at the time, not at all involved in the debate when the decision came to the view and wording of religion under the Constitution

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