Trump Launches The ‘War On Christmas’ In July

“I remind you that we’re going to start staying ‘Merry Christmas’ again,” the president said
Our apprentice President parrots fake memes as much as his Chumps do! He is the stupidest, most gullible, most easily manipulated holder of the office ever.

Hell, with his money, tell me, where is the front of the line for stupid people?


You've been in the line for some time, rube! :lol:

Trump made his money by bilking gullible rubes like you. And you keep getting back in line to be suckered over and over.

I've never known a huckster who wasn't as dumb as his marks. Ever.

"“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.” ~ donald j. drumpf from ' the art of the deal '.
“I remind you that we’re going to start staying ‘Merry Christmas’ again,” the president said
Our apprentice President parrots fake memes as much as his Chumps do! He is the stupidest, most gullible, most easily manipulated holder of the office ever.

Hell, with his money, tell me, where is the front of the line for stupid people?


You've been in the line for some time, rube! :lol:

Trump made his money by bilking gullible rubes like you. And you keep getting back in line to be suckered over and over.

I've never known a huckster who wasn't as dumb as his marks. Ever.

"“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.” ~ donald j. drumpf from ' the art of the deal '.

Yep, that is one of the many reasons he was elected POTUS

“I remind you that we’re going to start staying ‘Merry Christmas’ again,” the president said
Our apprentice President parrots fake memes as much as his Chumps do! He is the stupidest, most gullible, most easily manipulated holder of the office ever.

. And by this, the Obama's we're the weakest leaders this country ever took to be serious or genuine in their speakings. Because during these speakings the demons were out there undermining the very President "Obama" in which they claimed to support. So undoubtedly the far left knew of this weakness in Obama, and that is the reason they had gotten him elected in the first place. They knew he would speak one thing to the people, and yet do for the demons another thing that would be against the people. The far left or anti-Americans saw this in Hillary Clinton as well, and that is why they wanted her so badly.
“I remind you that we’re going to start staying ‘Merry Christmas’ again,” the president said
Our apprentice President parrots fake memes as much as his Chumps do! He is the stupidest, most gullible, most easily manipulated holder of the office ever.

Hell, with his money, tell me, where is the front of the line for stupid people?


You've been in the line for some time, rube! :lol:

Trump made his money by bilking gullible rubes like you. And you keep getting back in line to be suckered over and over.

I've never known a huckster who wasn't as dumb as his marks. Ever.
. You people say this same thing about any Republican or conservative, and it's old now. Try something new sometimes, and maybe you'll look to be more original.
I don't know whether to wish my fellow posters Happy Fourth of July or Merry Christmas? Will we be setting off firecrackers on Christmas - in December?
. Both were celebrations of being liberated, so light a candle or bottle rocket for both. Just don't be lazy and bake one cake instead of two. LOL
I don't have a problem with christmas as it is a time to be with family and care for one another...But, religion promotes a lot of hatred and I don't wish for that to be promoted.
. Depends on what people do to draw a correction in their life, and if deserve that correction then so be it. Should we ban the justice system for disagreeing with people who want to be bad in life, I mean if all of a sudden people start thinking that bad is somehow now good ?? Should we as a people be forced by radical minded people to except their new notions of idiocy in life ?

Is it that time of year already?

President Donald Trump caused the name of a holiday to trend on social media over the weekend ― just not the one most Americans are about to celebrate.

Speaking at an event to honor veterans and celebrate faith just days ahead ofIndependence Day, Trump brought up Christmas.

“I remind you that we’re going to start staying ‘Merry Christmas’ again,” the president said at the “Celebrate Freedom” event at the Kennedy Center on Saturday night.

Trump was speaking about the role of faith in American politics, including the First Amendment’s guarantee of religious freedom, when he fired off what might be the earliest-ever salvo in the so-called “war on Christmas.”

While many of his followers were filled with the holiday spirit ― in July ― others were mystified by the random shoutout to a holiday still nearly six months off, causing #MerryChristmas to rise like Santa’s sleigh through Twitter’s list of trending topics:

More: Trump Launches The 'War On Christmas' In July

Wow, firecrackers and Merry Christmas at the same time? I'm a little confused...

What exactly is turd-blossom going to do? Order stores to put Merry Christmas on their signs rather than Happy Holidays? I don't think so blow-hard-cowardly-lion.

You watch this and wonder "when, when are conservatives EVER going to escape from this nonexistent fantasy world they live in that has never existed?" These weirdos see an enemy in every shadow, around every corner, on Mars, in helicopters, in Starbucks who make RED CUPS WITHOUT GODDAMN SNOWFLAKES for the conservative snowflakes!!

I'm thinking drumpf will soon appoint a Czar of Social Harmony and Jesus Stuff, and their job will be to go around to stores with a list of slogans that they have to put on signs, cups, shirts, posters, billboards, tv ads, and hats of course.

People in the insane asylums who watch tv must watch Trump and think "I could do that. Why am I here?"

I thought the same way when Obama was fighting hard, to put men in girls locker rooms. With your blessings.

Is it that time of year already?

President Donald Trump caused the name of a holiday to trend on social media over the weekend ― just not the one most Americans are about to celebrate.

Speaking at an event to honor veterans and celebrate faith just days ahead ofIndependence Day, Trump brought up Christmas.

“I remind you that we’re going to start staying ‘Merry Christmas’ again,” the president said at the “Celebrate Freedom” event at the Kennedy Center on Saturday night.

Trump was speaking about the role of faith in American politics, including the First Amendment’s guarantee of religious freedom, when he fired off what might be the earliest-ever salvo in the so-called “war on Christmas.”

While many of his followers were filled with the holiday spirit ― in July ― others were mystified by the random shoutout to a holiday still nearly six months off, causing #MerryChristmas to rise like Santa’s sleigh through Twitter’s list of trending topics:

More: Trump Launches The 'War On Christmas' In July

Wow, firecrackers and Merry Christmas at the same time? I'm a little confused...

What exactly is turd-blossom going to do? Order stores to put Merry Christmas on their signs rather than Happy Holidays? I don't think so blow-hard-cowardly-lion.

You watch this and wonder "when, when are conservatives EVER going to escape from this nonexistent fantasy world they live in that has never existed?" These weirdos see an enemy in every shadow, around every corner, on Mars, in helicopters, in Starbucks who make RED CUPS WITHOUT GODDAMN SNOWFLAKES for the conservative snowflakes!!

I'm thinking drumpf will soon appoint a Czar of Social Harmony and Jesus Stuff, and their job will be to go around to stores with a list of slogans that they have to put on signs, cups, shirts, posters, billboards, tv ads, and hats of course.

People in the insane asylums who watch tv must watch Trump and think "I could do that. Why am I here?"

I thought the same way when Obama was fighting hard, to put men in girls locker rooms. With your blessings.

You know what other people's blessings are.

Well aren't you just the supernatural being in your mind. Conservatism = project your weird beliefs out onto other people so you can put them in a tidy little box that constantly reinforces the us vs them paradigm.

Is it that time of year already?

President Donald Trump caused the name of a holiday to trend on social media over the weekend ― just not the one most Americans are about to celebrate.

Speaking at an event to honor veterans and celebrate faith just days ahead ofIndependence Day, Trump brought up Christmas.

“I remind you that we’re going to start staying ‘Merry Christmas’ again,” the president said at the “Celebrate Freedom” event at the Kennedy Center on Saturday night.

Trump was speaking about the role of faith in American politics, including the First Amendment’s guarantee of religious freedom, when he fired off what might be the earliest-ever salvo in the so-called “war on Christmas.”

While many of his followers were filled with the holiday spirit ― in July ― others were mystified by the random shoutout to a holiday still nearly six months off, causing #MerryChristmas to rise like Santa’s sleigh through Twitter’s list of trending topics:

More: Trump Launches The 'War On Christmas' In July

Wow, firecrackers and Merry Christmas at the same time? I'm a little confused...

What exactly is turd-blossom going to do? Order stores to put Merry Christmas on their signs rather than Happy Holidays? I don't think so blow-hard-cowardly-lion.

You watch this and wonder "when, when are conservatives EVER going to escape from this nonexistent fantasy world they live in that has never existed?" These weirdos see an enemy in every shadow, around every corner, on Mars, in helicopters, in Starbucks who make RED CUPS WITHOUT GODDAMN SNOWFLAKES for the conservative snowflakes!!

I'm thinking drumpf will soon appoint a Czar of Social Harmony and Jesus Stuff, and their job will be to go around to stores with a list of slogans that they have to put on signs, cups, shirts, posters, billboards, tv ads, and hats of course.

People in the insane asylums who watch tv must watch Trump and think "I could do that. Why am I here?"

I thought the same way when Obama was fighting hard, to put men in girls locker rooms. With your blessings.

You know what other people's blessings are.

Well aren't you just the supernatural being in your mind. Conservatism = project your weird beliefs out onto other people so you can put them in a tidy little box that constantly reinforces the us vs them paradigm.

Lol, being a Christian doesn't have anything to do with the case that a man shouldn't share a locker room with a girl. It's common sense, something you loons don't have.

Is it that time of year already?

President Donald Trump caused the name of a holiday to trend on social media over the weekend ― just not the one most Americans are about to celebrate.

Speaking at an event to honor veterans and celebrate faith just days ahead ofIndependence Day, Trump brought up Christmas.

“I remind you that we’re going to start staying ‘Merry Christmas’ again,” the president said at the “Celebrate Freedom” event at the Kennedy Center on Saturday night.

Trump was speaking about the role of faith in American politics, including the First Amendment’s guarantee of religious freedom, when he fired off what might be the earliest-ever salvo in the so-called “war on Christmas.”

While many of his followers were filled with the holiday spirit ― in July ― others were mystified by the random shoutout to a holiday still nearly six months off, causing #MerryChristmas to rise like Santa’s sleigh through Twitter’s list of trending topics:

More: Trump Launches The 'War On Christmas' In July

Wow, firecrackers and Merry Christmas at the same time? I'm a little confused...

What exactly is turd-blossom going to do? Order stores to put Merry Christmas on their signs rather than Happy Holidays? I don't think so blow-hard-cowardly-lion.

You watch this and wonder "when, when are conservatives EVER going to escape from this nonexistent fantasy world they live in that has never existed?" These weirdos see an enemy in every shadow, around every corner, on Mars, in helicopters, in Starbucks who make RED CUPS WITHOUT GODDAMN SNOWFLAKES for the conservative snowflakes!!

I'm thinking drumpf will soon appoint a Czar of Social Harmony and Jesus Stuff, and their job will be to go around to stores with a list of slogans that they have to put on signs, cups, shirts, posters, billboards, tv ads, and hats of course.

People in the insane asylums who watch tv must watch Trump and think "I could do that. Why am I here?"

I thought the same way when Obama was fighting hard, to put men in girls locker rooms. With your blessings.

You know what other people's blessings are.

Well aren't you just the supernatural being in your mind. Conservatism = project your weird beliefs out onto other people so you can put them in a tidy little box that constantly reinforces the us vs them paradigm.

Lol, being a Christian doesn't have anything to do with the case that a man shouldn't share a locker room with a girl. It's common sense, something you loons don't have.

You aren't a Christian, the point is moot.

Is it that time of year already?

President Donald Trump caused the name of a holiday to trend on social media over the weekend ― just not the one most Americans are about to celebrate.

Speaking at an event to honor veterans and celebrate faith just days ahead ofIndependence Day, Trump brought up Christmas.

“I remind you that we’re going to start staying ‘Merry Christmas’ again,” the president said at the “Celebrate Freedom” event at the Kennedy Center on Saturday night.

Trump was speaking about the role of faith in American politics, including the First Amendment’s guarantee of religious freedom, when he fired off what might be the earliest-ever salvo in the so-called “war on Christmas.”

While many of his followers were filled with the holiday spirit ― in July ― others were mystified by the random shoutout to a holiday still nearly six months off, causing #MerryChristmas to rise like Santa’s sleigh through Twitter’s list of trending topics:

More: Trump Launches The 'War On Christmas' In July

Wow, firecrackers and Merry Christmas at the same time? I'm a little confused...

What exactly is turd-blossom going to do? Order stores to put Merry Christmas on their signs rather than Happy Holidays? I don't think so blow-hard-cowardly-lion.

You watch this and wonder "when, when are conservatives EVER going to escape from this nonexistent fantasy world they live in that has never existed?" These weirdos see an enemy in every shadow, around every corner, on Mars, in helicopters, in Starbucks who make RED CUPS WITHOUT GODDAMN SNOWFLAKES for the conservative snowflakes!!

I'm thinking drumpf will soon appoint a Czar of Social Harmony and Jesus Stuff, and their job will be to go around to stores with a list of slogans that they have to put on signs, cups, shirts, posters, billboards, tv ads, and hats of course.

People in the insane asylums who watch tv must watch Trump and think "I could do that. Why am I here?"

I thought the same way when Obama was fighting hard, to put men in girls locker rooms. With your blessings.

You know what other people's blessings are.

Well aren't you just the supernatural being in your mind. Conservatism = project your weird beliefs out onto other people so you can put them in a tidy little box that constantly reinforces the us vs them paradigm.

Lol, being a Christian doesn't have anything to do with the case that a man shouldn't share a locker room with a girl. It's common sense, something you loons don't have.

You aren't a Christian, the point is moot.

Awe, you really don't know anything.
The use of government bullyism against Americans when ever a liberal got offended, had been taken to the extreme in this country. It had gotten so bad that the backlash or push back is apparently now responsible for the fears echoed in these threads by the leftist (who were empowered once upon a time by the government offices in which they controlled), and in which they used and abused specifically in hopes to crush any and all Christianity from engaging equally within the so called public square. Trump is going to roll the bullcrap back, and we are all going to watch the left go bonkers while it gets done... YESSSSS !!!!!

The orange emperor said he would or wanted to force US citizens to say merry christmas and you brainless knuckleheads are so damn dumb, you think that's a good idea.

Will RWNJs ever wake up?


Sent from my iPad using

Is it that time of year already?

President Donald Trump caused the name of a holiday to trend on social media over the weekend ― just not the one most Americans are about to celebrate.

Speaking at an event to honor veterans and celebrate faith just days ahead ofIndependence Day, Trump brought up Christmas.

“I remind you that we’re going to start staying ‘Merry Christmas’ again,” the president said at the “Celebrate Freedom” event at the Kennedy Center on Saturday night.

Trump was speaking about the role of faith in American politics, including the First Amendment’s guarantee of religious freedom, when he fired off what might be the earliest-ever salvo in the so-called “war on Christmas.”

While many of his followers were filled with the holiday spirit ― in July ― others were mystified by the random shoutout to a holiday still nearly six months off, causing #MerryChristmas to rise like Santa’s sleigh through Twitter’s list of trending topics:

More: Trump Launches The 'War On Christmas' In July

Wow, firecrackers and Merry Christmas at the same time? I'm a little confused...

What exactly is turd-blossom going to do? Order stores to put Merry Christmas on their signs rather than Happy Holidays? I don't think so blow-hard-cowardly-lion.

You watch this and wonder "when, when are conservatives EVER going to escape from this nonexistent fantasy world they live in that has never existed?" These weirdos see an enemy in every shadow, around every corner, on Mars, in helicopters, in Starbucks who make RED CUPS WITHOUT GODDAMN SNOWFLAKES for the conservative snowflakes!!

I'm thinking drumpf will soon appoint a Czar of Social Harmony and Jesus Stuff, and their job will be to go around to stores with a list of slogans that they have to put on signs, cups, shirts, posters, billboards, tv ads, and hats of course.

People in the insane asylums who watch tv must watch Trump and think "I could do that. Why am I here?"

I'm still curious as to what would cause a little baby Jesus nativity in a store window to bring a hostile offense to a liberal and involve the ACLU? If those on the left want to say that everyone is free to say, demonstrate, and practice what they believe during the Christmas holidays then you can start by dropping the lawsuits against those who only want to demonstrate what they want to believe during the Christmas season. We don't need a bunch of extra sensitive liberals with tolerance issues, dictating how Christians or Jews ought to express their own faith during that time of the year. If you don't happen to believe in their particular religion... that's fine, but you have no right to keep those of faith from choosing how they wish to run their business or express their faith.


No one is stopping a privately owned store from putting a nativity scene in their window. No is stopping anyone from celebrating holiday.

In fact, taxpayers foot the bill for your holidays. In fact, the country caters to your delusions but you always have your hand out for more.

The one thing that is required is that keep it out of government and schools.

Quit whining and lying.


Sent from my iPad using
The use of government bullyism against Americans when ever a liberal got offended, had been taken to the extreme in this country. It had gotten so bad that the backlash or push back is apparently now responsible for the fears echoed in these threads by the leftist (who were empowered once upon a time by the government offices in which they controlled), and in which they used and abused specifically in hopes to crush any and all Christianity from engaging equally within the so called public square. Trump is going to roll the bullcrap back, and we are all going to watch the left go bonkers while it gets done... YESSSSS !!!!!

The orange emperor said he would or wanted to force US citizens to say merry christmas and you brainless knuckleheads are so damn dumb, you think that's a good idea.

Will RWNJs ever wake up?


Sent from my iPad using
. No, he is not going to force anyone to say Merry Christmas you fake news pusher, but instead he's not going to allow the left to force Christian's out of the public domain or out of the public square. Got anymore fake news to push ?

Is it that time of year already?

President Donald Trump caused the name of a holiday to trend on social media over the weekend ― just not the one most Americans are about to celebrate.

Speaking at an event to honor veterans and celebrate faith just days ahead ofIndependence Day, Trump brought up Christmas.

“I remind you that we’re going to start staying ‘Merry Christmas’ again,” the president said at the “Celebrate Freedom” event at the Kennedy Center on Saturday night.

Trump was speaking about the role of faith in American politics, including the First Amendment’s guarantee of religious freedom, when he fired off what might be the earliest-ever salvo in the so-called “war on Christmas.”

While many of his followers were filled with the holiday spirit ― in July ― others were mystified by the random shoutout to a holiday still nearly six months off, causing #MerryChristmas to rise like Santa’s sleigh through Twitter’s list of trending topics:

More: Trump Launches The 'War On Christmas' In July

Wow, firecrackers and Merry Christmas at the same time? I'm a little confused...

What exactly is turd-blossom going to do? Order stores to put Merry Christmas on their signs rather than Happy Holidays? I don't think so blow-hard-cowardly-lion.

You watch this and wonder "when, when are conservatives EVER going to escape from this nonexistent fantasy world they live in that has never existed?" These weirdos see an enemy in every shadow, around every corner, on Mars, in helicopters, in Starbucks who make RED CUPS WITHOUT GODDAMN SNOWFLAKES for the conservative snowflakes!!

I'm thinking drumpf will soon appoint a Czar of Social Harmony and Jesus Stuff, and their job will be to go around to stores with a list of slogans that they have to put on signs, cups, shirts, posters, billboards, tv ads, and hats of course.

People in the insane asylums who watch tv must watch Trump and think "I could do that. Why am I here?"

I'm still curious as to what would cause a little baby Jesus nativity in a store window to bring a hostile offense to a liberal and involve the ACLU? If those on the left want to say that everyone is free to say, demonstrate, and practice what they believe during the Christmas holidays then you can start by dropping the lawsuits against those who only want to demonstrate what they want to believe during the Christmas season. We don't need a bunch of extra sensitive liberals with tolerance issues, dictating how Christians or Jews ought to express their own faith during that time of the year. If you don't happen to believe in their particular religion... that's fine, but you have no right to keep those of faith from choosing how they wish to run their business or express their faith.


No one is stopping a privately owned store from putting a nativity scene in their window. No is stopping anyone from celebrating holiday.

In fact, taxpayers foot the bill for your holidays. In fact, the country caters to your delusions but you always have your hand out for more.

The one thing that is required is that keep it out of government and schools.

Quit whining and lying.


Sent from my iPad using
. Yeah, keep it out of the public and schools so you leftist can push your own brand of religion or belief in the form of brainwashing in these areas that had Christianity mixed in to these areas ever since the founding. You gotta destroy Christianity don't you Luddite ?

Is it that time of year already?

President Donald Trump caused the name of a holiday to trend on social media over the weekend ― just not the one most Americans are about to celebrate.

Speaking at an event to honor veterans and celebrate faith just days ahead ofIndependence Day, Trump brought up Christmas.

“I remind you that we’re going to start staying ‘Merry Christmas’ again,” the president said at the “Celebrate Freedom” event at the Kennedy Center on Saturday night.

Trump was speaking about the role of faith in American politics, including the First Amendment’s guarantee of religious freedom, when he fired off what might be the earliest-ever salvo in the so-called “war on Christmas.”

While many of his followers were filled with the holiday spirit ― in July ― others were mystified by the random shoutout to a holiday still nearly six months off, causing #MerryChristmas to rise like Santa’s sleigh through Twitter’s list of trending topics:

More: Trump Launches The 'War On Christmas' In July

Wow, firecrackers and Merry Christmas at the same time? I'm a little confused...

What exactly is turd-blossom going to do? Order stores to put Merry Christmas on their signs rather than Happy Holidays? I don't think so blow-hard-cowardly-lion.

You watch this and wonder "when, when are conservatives EVER going to escape from this nonexistent fantasy world they live in that has never existed?" These weirdos see an enemy in every shadow, around every corner, on Mars, in helicopters, in Starbucks who make RED CUPS WITHOUT GODDAMN SNOWFLAKES for the conservative snowflakes!!

I'm thinking drumpf will soon appoint a Czar of Social Harmony and Jesus Stuff, and their job will be to go around to stores with a list of slogans that they have to put on signs, cups, shirts, posters, billboards, tv ads, and hats of course.

People in the insane asylums who watch tv must watch Trump and think "I could do that. Why am I here?"

I'm still curious as to what would cause a little baby Jesus nativity in a store window to bring a hostile offense to a liberal and involve the ACLU? If those on the left want to say that everyone is free to say, demonstrate, and practice what they believe during the Christmas holidays then you can start by dropping the lawsuits against those who only want to demonstrate what they want to believe during the Christmas season. We don't need a bunch of extra sensitive liberals with tolerance issues, dictating how Christians or Jews ought to express their own faith during that time of the year. If you don't happen to believe in their particular religion... that's fine, but you have no right to keep those of faith from choosing how they wish to run their business or express their faith.


No one is stopping a privately owned store from putting a nativity scene in their window. No is stopping anyone from celebrating holiday.

In fact, taxpayers foot the bill for your holidays. In fact, the country caters to your delusions but you always have your hand out for more.

The one thing that is required is that keep it out of government and schools.

Quit whining and lying.


Sent from my iPad using
. Yeah, keep it out of the public and schools so you leftist can push your own brand of religion or belief in the form of brainwashing in these areas that had Christianity mixed in to these areas ever since the founding. You gotta destroy Christianity don't you Luddite ?

Most Democrats are Christian so this type of hyperbole is simply what the con bubble tells them every day. It isn't real.

Democrats generally though understand what the founders meant with a separation of church and state. Which is meant to protect both from the other. Cons of course see nothing wrong with a theocracy, one of the most dangerous forms of government every devised by man.
Compared to the far leftists, who wage war on Christmas and Christians all year long, an improvement. Even if it wasn't completely fake.

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