Trump lawyer says she's told him all litigation involving the former president 'will stop' if he announces he's not running for office in 2024

This is not about removing documents to take to the Presidents residence in the White House
You do not have to Declassify Documents to take them upstairs

This is about storing documents that are still classified as Top Secret in your basement
Right. That was while he was President. The article does state that he was not in office for the past 18 months, so he did not have the right to take anything without the proper process as he left the WH.
I would give it more credibility if it was coming from AG Garland

I really don’t think he cares if Trump runs or not
The process has started, it will run through completion
You'd really have to ask whoever is in charge of "AG Garland."

Someday someone will write an insider book, maybe anonymously, that tells who on the committee I call "Team Biden" actually runs what parts of the presidency.

I have to figure that Biden himself is either run by Dr. Jill, or by his Chief of Staff. But I would assume that different aspects are managed by different staffers, each with their own experts on current liberal dogma.

Whoever it may be, they would not stop the attacks on Trump because Trump announced that he would not run. They are too obsessed, and Trump would keep living rent free in their (and your) heads, probably even after he dies.
Unfortunately it doesn’t work like that

Trump must not only declassify documents in his possession but the Top Secret information they contain

EVERY person who has a document with that TS information must be informed that that information is no longer classified
Poor logic. Really poor logic.

Suppose Trump declassified a document containing the names of intelligence sources, so he would work with it outside the Oval Office. He certainly does not have to inform everyone who also knows the names of those sources, such as their case officers, that the names are unclassified, because they are not. The names are absolutely still classified. Only the document in Trump's possession is unclassified.

Suppose Trump accidentally mails it to his fan club. He can be accused of gross negligence in handling classified information, but not of mishandling a classified document, because it is an unclassified document. And since the bar has been set that gross negligence never gets prosecuted, this is a dry hole.

Can't even give you a "nice try" with that one.

Not just you, but we sure have a lot of wishful guessing from TDS folks about the requirements for de-classifying documents.
You'd really have to ask whoever is in charge of "AG Garland."

Someday someone will write an insider book, maybe anonymously, that tells who on the committee I call "Team Biden" actually runs what parts of the presidency.

I have to figure that Biden himself is either run by Dr. Jill, or by his Chief of Staff. But I would assume that different aspects are managed by different staffers, each with their own experts on current liberal dogma.

Whoever it may be, they would not stop the attacks on Trump because Trump announced that he would not run. They are too obsessed, and Trump would keep living rent free in their (and your) heads, probably even after he dies.
You are delusional

Amusing though
Poor logic. Really poor logic.

Suppose Trump declassified a document containing the names of intelligence sources, so he would work with it outside the Oval Office. He certainly does not have to inform everyone who also knows the names of those sources, such as their case officers, that the names are unclassified, because they are not. The names are absolutely still classified. Only the document in Trump's possession is unclassified.

Suppose Trump accidentally mails it to his fan club. He can be accused of gross negligence in handling classified information, but not of mishandling a classified document, because it is an unclassified document. And since the bar has been set that gross negligence never gets prosecuted, this is a dry hole.

Can't even give you a "nice try" with that one.

Not just you, but we sure have a lot of wishful guessing from TDS folks about the requirements for de-classifying documents.
You don’t understand security classification

Once Trump declassifies information it is declassified….PERIOD
Not just for his document but the information across the board

What you are proposing is that Trump can declassify things just so he doesn’t have to secure them
Ummm, whaaaat?
Oh boy, talk about 'dung tests'.

Lemme mansplain to you poster 'whitehall'.....the gal, a lawyer paid by and working for Trump's interests was on a rightwing media outlet. She said she told Trump if he quit his problems would go away.

And you, poster 'whitehall' are trying to link her statement to permission from the DOJ? And blackmail?
No disrespect intended, but there are posters on this venue that sometimes come across like they've been mule-kicked.

Not that I'm complainin' about those types. They are, after all, rather entertaining and affirming.
I mean by 'affirming' they give us great examples of bad examples.
Sure glad I ain't like that.


Lemme ask the poster easyt65 --- when he says DonT 'had been cooperating'....does he mean that in sort of the past tense, as in...he was, and then he quit?
And by him quitting his cooperation could that have triggered the subpoena to get him to cooperate again?

Help us understand your standards for 'had-been-cooperating'.

ps......don't make too much about the precedent of the search warrant and that it had never been done before in US history.
After all, the US has never had a fired president who had been impeached ...... twice.
Ask Trump's lawyer or the DEMOCRATS who said a raid was unnecessary.
The technique of litigation to drive someone out of office with frivolous lawsuits. Roy Moore just won over 8 million dollars because of lies that caused him to lose. This is what democrats do. It's why they need to be crushed, mopped up and sent down the sewer.
That is Roy Moore. Trump is another issue.
Of course, who disagrees with this assessment?

It's difficult to make a self described narcissist billionaire a sympathetic figure, but, his enemies have done so.

lawyer for Donald Trump said all investigations into the former president would stop if he were to announce he won't run for president in 2024.

"If he's not leading in the polls – I've sat across from him, every time he gets frustrated, I say to him: 'Mr. President, if you would like me to resolve all your litigation, you should announce that you are not running for office, and all of this will stop,'" Trump attorney Alina Habba said on Real America's Voice on Friday. "That's what they want."

She added that Trump was "honestly not surprised" after the Department of Justice executed an FBI raid of Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate, seeking classified documents taken from the White House.

I think she’s wrong. I think the Democrats will continue to go at him regardless of what he plans to do in 2024. As is typical, the Democrats need something to run against vs. what they have accomplished.
This stolen and rotten Administration has become worse than the Mafia.

The level of intimidation towards Trump knows no bounds.......what next? are they going to send him a dead horse head, like in the movie the Godfather???

These are very sick people:mad-61: very very sick!
[Trump took the documents with him AFTER he was not the President anymore. He did not go through any process to declassify all he took ]

Classified information is the kind of material that the U.S. government or an agency deems sensitive enough to national security that access to it must be controlled and restricted.

There are several degrees of classification. Documents related to nuclear weapons will have different classification levels depending on the sensitivity of the information contained. Documents containing information related to nuclear weapons design or their location would be highly classified. Other information may still be highly classified but deemed not as sensitive. For example, in 2010 President Barack Obama declassified the number of nuclear weapons in the U.S. stockpile.

In general, classified documents must be handled in a way that protects the integrity and confidentiality of the information they contain. This includes securing documents in a safe or other authorized storage container when the documents are not being used by staff. If staff needs to move them from one place to another, they must follow security protocols to do so.

Though classified information can be taken off the premises in the course of official duties, taking classified documents home is prohibited by executive order.
Authority to take certain information – say, the existence of a weapons program – and classify it top secret is given only to specific individuals, including the president and vice president and certain agency heads.

Procedures for declassification of materials are complicated. However, the president has ultimate declassification authority and may declassify anything at any time, subject to certain provisions of the Atomic Energy Act.

Deciding what information is classified is subjective. Some things clearly need to be kept secret, like the identity of covert operatives or battle plans. Other issues are not so obvious. Should the mere fact that the secretary of state had a conversation with a counterpart be classified? Different agencies disagree about questions like this all the time.

Mishandling classified information, especially if it is accidental, is usually handled as an administrative matter. However, more serious violations can incur criminal charges and penalties. Federal law (18 U.S. Code § 1924) states that anyone who “knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both.”
Authority to take certain information – say, the existence of a weapons program – and classify it top secret is given only to specific individuals, including the president and vice president and certain agency heads.

Procedures for declassification of materials are complicated. However, the president has ultimate declassification authority and may declassify anything at any time, subject to certain provisions of the Atomic Energy Act.

Deciding what information is classified is subjective. Some things clearly need to be kept secret, like the identity of covert operatives or battle plans. Other issues are not so obvious. Should the mere fact that the secretary of state had a conversation with a counterpart be classified? Different agencies disagree about questions like this all the time.

Mishandling classified information, especially if it is accidental, is usually handled as an administrative matter. However, more serious violations can incur criminal charges and penalties. Federal law (18 U.S. Code § 1924) states that anyone who “knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both.”
Authority to take certain information – say, the existence of a weapons program – and classify it top secret is given only to specific individuals, including the president and vice president and certain agency heads.

Procedures for declassification of materials are complicated. However, the president has ultimate declassification authority and may declassify anything at any time, subject to certain provisions of the Atomic Energy Act.

Deciding what information is classified is subjective. Some things clearly need to be kept secret, like the identity of covert operatives or battle plans. Other issues are not so obvious. Should the mere fact that the secretary of state had a conversation with a counterpart be classified? Different agencies disagree about questions like this all the time.

Mishandling classified information, especially if it is accidental, is usually handled as an administrative matter. However, more serious violations can incur criminal charges and penalties. Federal law (18 U.S. Code § 1924) states that anyone who “knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both.”
Authority to take certain information – say, the existence of a weapons program – and classify it top secret is given only to specific individuals, including the president and vice president and certain agency heads.

Procedures for declassification of materials are complicated. However, the president has ultimate declassification authority and may declassify anything at any time, subject to certain provisions of the Atomic Energy Act.

Deciding what information is classified is subjective. Some things clearly need to be kept secret, like the identity of covert operatives or battle plans. Other issues are not so obvious. Should the mere fact that the secretary of state had a conversation with a counterpart be classified? Different agencies disagree about questions like this all the time.

Mishandling classified information, especially if it is accidental, is usually handled as an administrative matter. However, more serious violations can incur criminal charges and penalties. Federal law (18 U.S. Code § 1924) states that anyone who “knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both.”

(full article online)

I think she’s wrong. I think the Democrats will continue to go at him regardless of what he plans to do in 2024. As is typical, the Democrats need something to run against vs. what they have accomplished.
[ No Accomplishments? Lets see ]

President Biden and Vice President Harris delivered results for the American people in their first year in office. The President and Vice President made history growing our economy, addressing the climate crisis, and building a judiciary and government that represents America. Despite unprecedented challenges, 2021 was a year of record progress for working families.

Jobs: President Biden’s first year was the greatest year of job creation in American history, with more than 6 million jobs created.

Unemployment Rate: The unemployment rate dropped from 6.2% when Biden took office to 3.9%, the biggest single year drop in American history.

Unemployment Claims: The average number of Americans filing for unemployment has been near its lowest level since 1969. When the President took office, over 18 million were receiving unemployment benefits, today only 2 million are—also the biggest single year drop in history.

Economic Legislation Passed: Most significant by economic impact of any first-year president.

Child Poverty: Experts estimate the lowest child poverty rate ever in 2021.

Expanded Access to Health Care: Nearly 5 million Americans have newly gained health insurance coverage.

Reduced Hunger: The number of households reporting that they sometimes or often did not have enough food to eat dropped by 32%.

Judges Confirmed: More judges confirmed to lower federal courts than any president since President Kennedy.

Judges That Reflect Our Nation: More Black women appointed to the U.S. Court of Appeals than any president – even over 8 years – in history.

Cabinet: First majority non-white Cabinet in history, with most women in the Cabinet, including first woman Treasury Secretary, first LGBTQ+ and Native American Cabinet officials, and first woman Director of National Intelligence.

Climate Investments: Largest investments ever in the power grid, electric vehicle chargers, and climate resilience.

Clean Water: Largest investment and national, bipartisan plan to get safe and clean drinking water to all Americans.

Cleaner Cars: Strongest vehicle emissions standards ever to save drivers money at the pump and reduce pollution.

Wind: First-ever approvals of large-scale offshore wind projects.

Personnel: Most diverse Administration in history – most women, people of color, disability, LGBTQ+, first generation American, and first-generation college graduates.

[ No Accomplishments? Lets see ]

President Biden and Vice President Harris delivered results for the American people in their first year in office. The President and Vice President made history growing our economy, addressing the climate crisis, and building a judiciary and government that represents America. Despite unprecedented challenges, 2021 was a year of record progress for working families.

Jobs: President Biden’s first year was the greatest year of job creation in American history, with more than 6 million jobs created.

Unemployment Rate: The unemployment rate dropped from 6.2% when Biden took office to 3.9%, the biggest single year drop in American history.

Unemployment Claims: The average number of Americans filing for unemployment has been near its lowest level since 1969. When the President took office, over 18 million were receiving unemployment benefits, today only 2 million are—also the biggest single year drop in history.

Economic Legislation Passed: Most significant by economic impact of any first-year president.

Child Poverty: Experts estimate the lowest child poverty rate ever in 2021.

Expanded Access to Health Care: Nearly 5 million Americans have newly gained health insurance coverage.

Reduced Hunger: The number of households reporting that they sometimes or often did not have enough food to eat dropped by 32%.

Judges Confirmed: More judges confirmed to lower federal courts than any president since President Kennedy.

Judges That Reflect Our Nation: More Black women appointed to the U.S. Court of Appeals than any president – even over 8 years – in history.

Cabinet: First majority non-white Cabinet in history, with most women in the Cabinet, including first woman Treasury Secretary, first LGBTQ+ and Native American Cabinet officials, and first woman Director of National Intelligence.

Climate Investments: Largest investments ever in the power grid, electric vehicle chargers, and climate resilience.

Clean Water: Largest investment and national, bipartisan plan to get safe and clean drinking water to all Americans.

Cleaner Cars: Strongest vehicle emissions standards ever to save drivers money at the pump and reduce pollution.

Wind: First-ever approvals of large-scale offshore wind projects.

Personnel: Most diverse Administration in history – most women, people of color, disability, LGBTQ+, first generation American, and first-generation college graduates.

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