Trump lawyer says she's told him all litigation involving the former president 'will stop' if he announces he's not running for office in 2024

Where did you read that the Democrats declared the search warrant unwarranted? Which Democrats said that?
Posted articles on it days ago. It's still in the media, MSM, CNN even reported it, as did Fox News. Keep up.
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That investigation is ongoing. When it is over, and the DA comes out empty, then it will mean that it led nowhere.
I wish I were the DA or on his staff...Free lunch, free dinner, free laundering, get laid while the wife's at home.
If only I knew when I was 18 and starting college.
You just don't get it.
Posted articles on it days ago. It's still in the media, MSM, CNN even reported it, as did Fox News. Keep up.
You may be confusing the Democrats with the Republicans this time. No such articles appeared on my search.

Post one.
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I wish I were the DA or on his staff...Free lunch, free dinner, free laundering, get laid while the wife's at home.
If only I knew when I was 18 and starting college.
You just don't get it.
I have the right to not get it.
I have the right to wait and see what is going to happen, when the conclusion of this investigation comes one day.
One of the lawyers working for Former President Donald Trump signed a written statement in June confirming that all classified material had been returned to the government.
The declaration was given to the Department of Justice on June 3 after a visit to Mar-a-Lago by top counterintelligence official Jay I. Bratt - two months before the FBI raid.
Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home this week was raided by the FBI after authorities claim that the former president held onto a trove of classified documents after leaving office.
Four people with knowledge of the document told the New York Times that it is possible Trump and his team were not fully forthcoming with investigators about the material.
He is currently under investigation for obstruction of justice and violating the Espionage Act, according to the newly unsealed search warrant showing the FBI retrieved 11 sets of classified documents from Mar-a-Lago.
The former president insisted Friday that everything was 'declassified' and agents 'didn't need to seize anything.'
Some of the documents were marked 'top secret' and are meant to be kept in specialized government facilities, according to a copy of the warrant.
Of course, who disagrees with this assessment?

It's difficult to make a self described narcissist billionaire a sympathetic figure, but, his enemies have done so.

lawyer for Donald Trump said all investigations into the former president would stop if he were to announce he won't run for president in 2024.

"If he's not leading in the polls – I've sat across from him, every time he gets frustrated, I say to him: 'Mr. President, if you would like me to resolve all your litigation, you should announce that you are not running for office, and all of this will stop,'" Trump attorney Alina Habba said on Real America's Voice on Friday. "That's what they want."

She added that Trump was "honestly not surprised" after the Department of Justice executed an FBI raid of Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate, seeking classified documents taken from the White House.
She must have got her law degree from Trump University. Hopefully she'll be defending him when he goes to trial for espionage.

He may as well pack his toothbrush now.
Al Capone would be proud of this rotten stolen Administration!

Time for the scum to go to jail for a very long time!
why not

it's not over till its over.
Until the House and Senate have a minority they will continue to throw shit at Trump.
The Ds will lose their campaign contributions if Trump is allowed to run for President.
If Trump thinks the process will end if only he withdraws he is sadly mistaken

If he proposes it, the Justice Department will laugh at him

The process has started, too late to stop it now
This “process” you speak of….didn’t this witch-hunt process begin in 2015?
The trump Nazis cannot comprehend why “the process has started,” or why “it will run through completion.” In the same manner, the trump Nazis cannot comprehend the lawlessness and corruption of their beloved cult leader. In their addled minds, he can do no wrong and is being persecuted by his enemies. (Even though many of his crimes were [and are] committed openly and admittedly, the trump Nazis' denial of reality blinds them to all his illegal actions.)

The trump Nazis believe that he should be made the nation's führer as soon as possible and to grant him unlimited power. The trump Nazis would expect their führer to intern the approximately 200 million citizens (mostly people of color) whose very existence is keeping the U. S. from achieving its destiny as a white, Christian conservative, fascist state as decreed by God. The Fourth Reich they’ve longed to create, where their führer will have the authority of life or death over those who offend him.

Georgia’s devoted trump Nazi, Marjorie Taylor Greene on Friday said she would soon introduce articles of impeachment against U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland. Other loyal trump Nazis in Congress have promised to impeach Biden and Harris shortly after the next congressional session begins in January. If trump is made House Speaker by the expected GOP House majority, he will be in the line of presidential succession and returned to the White House as soon as Biden and Harris are removed from office.

Nazis are better than democrats.
Of course, who disagrees with this assessment?

It's difficult to make a self described narcissist billionaire a sympathetic figure, but, his enemies have done so.

lawyer for Donald Trump said all investigations into the former president would stop if he were to announce he won't run for president in 2024.

"If he's not leading in the polls – I've sat across from him, every time he gets frustrated, I say to him: 'Mr. President, if you would like me to resolve all your litigation, you should announce that you are not running for office, and all of this will stop,'" Trump attorney Alina Habba said on Real America's Voice on Friday. "That's what they want."

She added that Trump was "honestly not surprised" after the Department of Justice executed an FBI raid of Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate, seeking classified documents taken from the White House.

I strongly disagree with that assessment. Trump's behaviour has been so egregiously and brazenly lllegal, that the nation is basically in the position of HAVING to prosecute him, in order to prove that no man is above the law.

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