Trump Lawyers Argue He Cannot Be Criminally Investigated

Asking another country to investigate whether a previous Administration abuse their office to enrich themselves or their family isn't illegal. If Joe Biden did was is alleged then he should be investigated. This Democratic narrative that because Joe Biden is running for President he should somehow be "shielded" from criminal investigation of his past actions is absurd.

Lying con tool, how else do you determine viability if not by how many people vote for a candidate?

By the only measure that counts...Electoral College votes? Duh?

I notice you didn't want to touch my questions about how the election would have gone down if Hillary hadn't been able to smear Trump the week before the election or her plot to do so had been exposed before people went to the polls! Why is that, Faun? Don't want to admit that people's votes were swayed by what they'd been told by the main stream media?
Lying con tool, states do not determine viability. States are dirt. People determine viability.

And I didn't answer your questions because they have nothing to do with Hillary's viability.

Hillary's "plot" was to obtain opposition research. There's nothing wrong with that, so that wouldn't have affected her votes. And trump would have gained less votes than Hillary would have gotten had the FBI not publicly announced they were re-opening the investigation into Hillary's emails, two weeks before the election.

I love how you on the left refer to Clinton's plot to smear her political opponent as "opposition research" if labeling it THAT somehow excuses what she did! Hillary Clinton paid large sums of money to some very sleazy people so that they would come out with phony dossiers right before the election. Those are the actions of a corrupt person...a person who isn't running on the truth about her opponent but on lies that she's had made up about that person!

As for Hillary? The real question you should be asking is why the FBI didn't bring charges against Hillary Clinton MONTHS before the election!
Lying con tool, there is nothing wrong with a candidate gathering opposition research on other candidates as long as they do so legally. Hillary hired a U.S. firm to perform that function for her. TFB for you that's legal. Trump sought that research from a foreign national. TFB for you that's illegal.

Oh, so if Hillary hires a "US firm" who hire foreigners to compile phony "dossiers" and leak them to a compliant media...that's OK with you? Nothing wrong with that...right, Faun! Trump didn't ask anyone to make up stuff about anyone! That's EXACTLY what Clinton did! That isn't "opposition research" that's dirty politics at it's worst! That's a deliberate attempt to mislead the American public. What makes it even worse is that they brought high level members of our intelligence agencies into their grand plot.

As for what's illegal? I never claimed Hillary paying for that smear job on Trump was illegal! I claimed it was sleazy and corrupt. What's illegal was running the State Department through private servers so you can avoid scrutiny of your little pay for play scheme and then lying to Congressional investigators about what you did.
Lying con tool ... again, because you're slow.... Hillary hired a U.S. firm -- legal; Trump solicited a foreign national -- illegal.
Asking another country to investigate whether a previous Administration abuse their office to enrich themselves or their family isn't illegal. If Joe Biden did was is alleged then he should be investigated. This Democratic narrative that because Joe Biden is running for President he should somehow be "shielded" from criminal investigation of his past actions is absurd.
Lying con tool, no one is saying Biden should be shielded.
By the only measure that counts...Electoral College votes? Duh?

I notice you didn't want to touch my questions about how the election would have gone down if Hillary hadn't been able to smear Trump the week before the election or her plot to do so had been exposed before people went to the polls! Why is that, Faun? Don't want to admit that people's votes were swayed by what they'd been told by the main stream media?
Lying con tool, states do not determine viability. States are dirt. People determine viability.

And I didn't answer your questions because they have nothing to do with Hillary's viability.

Hillary's "plot" was to obtain opposition research. There's nothing wrong with that, so that wouldn't have affected her votes. And trump would have gained less votes than Hillary would have gotten had the FBI not publicly announced they were re-opening the investigation into Hillary's emails, two weeks before the election.

I love how you on the left refer to Clinton's plot to smear her political opponent as "opposition research" if labeling it THAT somehow excuses what she did! Hillary Clinton paid large sums of money to some very sleazy people so that they would come out with phony dossiers right before the election. Those are the actions of a corrupt person...a person who isn't running on the truth about her opponent but on lies that she's had made up about that person!

As for Hillary? The real question you should be asking is why the FBI didn't bring charges against Hillary Clinton MONTHS before the election!
Lying con tool, there is nothing wrong with a candidate gathering opposition research on other candidates as long as they do so legally. Hillary hired a U.S. firm to perform that function for her. TFB for you that's legal. Trump sought that research from a foreign national. TFB for you that's illegal.

Oh, so if Hillary hires a "US firm" who hire foreigners to compile phony "dossiers" and leak them to a compliant media...that's OK with you? Nothing wrong with that...right, Faun! Trump didn't ask anyone to make up stuff about anyone! That's EXACTLY what Clinton did! That isn't "opposition research" that's dirty politics at it's worst! That's a deliberate attempt to mislead the American public. What makes it even worse is that they brought high level members of our intelligence agencies into their grand plot.

As for what's illegal? I never claimed Hillary paying for that smear job on Trump was illegal! I claimed it was sleazy and corrupt. What's illegal was running the State Department through private servers so you can avoid scrutiny of your little pay for play scheme and then lying to Congressional investigators about what you did.
Lying con tool ... again, because you're slow.... Hillary hired a U.S. firm -- legal; Trump solicited a foreign national -- illegal.

And what did Hillary hire that US firm to DO, Faun? Set up a smear campaign using foreign agents that they paid to create and then leak a series of dossiers? So is it your contention that because Hillary used a law firm as cover to hire Fusion GPS who then hired Richard Steele...that she's not responsible for the dossiers? Why do you think she hid what she was doing behind that law firm cut out? She didn't want anyone to figure out who paid for the dossiers until AFTER the election took place if it ever came out at all!

And once again...I've never claimed that what Hillary did was illegal...once's the epitome of dirty politics done by some really sleazy people to trick the American people.

Trump asking a foreign nation to investigate possible corruption by a US politician isn't illegal! You on the left are trying to make it appear that way because Joe Biden is running for President but that's laughable! Biden doesn't get a get out of jail free card because he's running for office!
I notice that you once again ducked the question of Hillary's guilt as far as the servers and her emails goes! You know as well as I do that she's guilty as sin on that count!
Lying con tool, states do not determine viability. States are dirt. People determine viability.

And I didn't answer your questions because they have nothing to do with Hillary's viability.

Hillary's "plot" was to obtain opposition research. There's nothing wrong with that, so that wouldn't have affected her votes. And trump would have gained less votes than Hillary would have gotten had the FBI not publicly announced they were re-opening the investigation into Hillary's emails, two weeks before the election.

I love how you on the left refer to Clinton's plot to smear her political opponent as "opposition research" if labeling it THAT somehow excuses what she did! Hillary Clinton paid large sums of money to some very sleazy people so that they would come out with phony dossiers right before the election. Those are the actions of a corrupt person...a person who isn't running on the truth about her opponent but on lies that she's had made up about that person!

As for Hillary? The real question you should be asking is why the FBI didn't bring charges against Hillary Clinton MONTHS before the election!
Lying con tool, there is nothing wrong with a candidate gathering opposition research on other candidates as long as they do so legally. Hillary hired a U.S. firm to perform that function for her. TFB for you that's legal. Trump sought that research from a foreign national. TFB for you that's illegal.

Oh, so if Hillary hires a "US firm" who hire foreigners to compile phony "dossiers" and leak them to a compliant media...that's OK with you? Nothing wrong with that...right, Faun! Trump didn't ask anyone to make up stuff about anyone! That's EXACTLY what Clinton did! That isn't "opposition research" that's dirty politics at it's worst! That's a deliberate attempt to mislead the American public. What makes it even worse is that they brought high level members of our intelligence agencies into their grand plot.

As for what's illegal? I never claimed Hillary paying for that smear job on Trump was illegal! I claimed it was sleazy and corrupt. What's illegal was running the State Department through private servers so you can avoid scrutiny of your little pay for play scheme and then lying to Congressional investigators about what you did.
Lying con tool ... again, because you're slow.... Hillary hired a U.S. firm -- legal; Trump solicited a foreign national -- illegal.

And what did Hillary hire that US firm to DO, Faun? Set up a smear campaign using foreign agents that they paid to create and then leak a series of dossiers? So is it your contention that because Hillary used a law firm as cover to hire Fusion GPS who then hired Richard Steele...that she's not responsible for the dossiers? Why do you think she hid what she was doing behind that law firm cut out? She didn't want anyone to figure out who paid for the dossiers until AFTER the election took place if it ever came out at all!

And once again...I've never claimed that what Hillary did was illegal...once's the epitome of dirty politics done by some really sleazy people to trick the American people.

Trump asking a foreign nation to investigate possible corruption by a US politician isn't illegal! You on the left are trying to make it appear that way because Joe Biden is running for President but that's laughable! Biden doesn't get a get out of jail free card because he's running for office!
"And what did Hillary hire that US firm to DO, Faun?"

To look for dirt on Trump. There's nothing wrong with that as long as it's done legally.

"that she's not responsible for the dossiers?"

She's not responsible for hiring Steele. Fusion GPS did that.

"Why do you think she hid what she was doing behind that law firm cut out?"

She didn't hide anything. It was known that she hired Fusion GPS and that Fusion GPS hired Steele and that Steele went to the FBI.

"Trump asking a foreign nation to investigate possible corruption by a US politician isn't illegal!"

Of course it is. Campaign laws are very clear. It's illegal for Trump to solicit a foreign national to help with his campaign; which investigating a political rival does.

"Biden doesn't get a get out of jail free card because he's running for office!"

No one said he does. Only that Trump can't solicit a foreign national to hunt for dirt on Biden.
I notice that you once again ducked the question of Hillary's guilt as far as the servers and her emails goes! You know as well as I do that she's guilty as sin on that count!
Sorry, ya lyin' con tool, I'm not entertaining your off-topic whataboutisms. Get someone else to follow you down that rabbit hole or start a new thread about that.
I love how you on the left refer to Clinton's plot to smear her political opponent as "opposition research" if labeling it THAT somehow excuses what she did! Hillary Clinton paid large sums of money to some very sleazy people so that they would come out with phony dossiers right before the election. Those are the actions of a corrupt person...a person who isn't running on the truth about her opponent but on lies that she's had made up about that person!

As for Hillary? The real question you should be asking is why the FBI didn't bring charges against Hillary Clinton MONTHS before the election!
Lying con tool, there is nothing wrong with a candidate gathering opposition research on other candidates as long as they do so legally. Hillary hired a U.S. firm to perform that function for her. TFB for you that's legal. Trump sought that research from a foreign national. TFB for you that's illegal.

Oh, so if Hillary hires a "US firm" who hire foreigners to compile phony "dossiers" and leak them to a compliant media...that's OK with you? Nothing wrong with that...right, Faun! Trump didn't ask anyone to make up stuff about anyone! That's EXACTLY what Clinton did! That isn't "opposition research" that's dirty politics at it's worst! That's a deliberate attempt to mislead the American public. What makes it even worse is that they brought high level members of our intelligence agencies into their grand plot.

As for what's illegal? I never claimed Hillary paying for that smear job on Trump was illegal! I claimed it was sleazy and corrupt. What's illegal was running the State Department through private servers so you can avoid scrutiny of your little pay for play scheme and then lying to Congressional investigators about what you did.
Lying con tool ... again, because you're slow.... Hillary hired a U.S. firm -- legal; Trump solicited a foreign national -- illegal.

And what did Hillary hire that US firm to DO, Faun? Set up a smear campaign using foreign agents that they paid to create and then leak a series of dossiers? So is it your contention that because Hillary used a law firm as cover to hire Fusion GPS who then hired Richard Steele...that she's not responsible for the dossiers? Why do you think she hid what she was doing behind that law firm cut out? She didn't want anyone to figure out who paid for the dossiers until AFTER the election took place if it ever came out at all!

And once again...I've never claimed that what Hillary did was illegal...once's the epitome of dirty politics done by some really sleazy people to trick the American people.

Trump asking a foreign nation to investigate possible corruption by a US politician isn't illegal! You on the left are trying to make it appear that way because Joe Biden is running for President but that's laughable! Biden doesn't get a get out of jail free card because he's running for office!
"And what did Hillary hire that US firm to DO, Faun?"

To look for dirt on Trump. There's nothing wrong with that as long as it's done legally.

"that she's not responsible for the dossiers?"

She's not responsible for hiring Steele. Fusion GPS did that.

"Why do you think she hid what she was doing behind that law firm cut out?"

She didn't hide anything. It was known that she hired Fusion GPS and that Fusion GPS hired Steele and that Steele went to the FBI.

"Trump asking a foreign nation to investigate possible corruption by a US politician isn't illegal!"

Of course it is. Campaign laws are very clear. It's illegal for Trump to solicit a foreign national to help with his campaign; which investigating a political rival does.

"Biden doesn't get a get out of jail free card because he's running for office!"

No one said he does. Only that Trump can't solicit a foreign national to hunt for dirt on Biden.

You're defining the asking of another country to investigate possible corruption as asking them to help with a campaign! In effect you're saying that no politician could ever call for an investigation of another politician or political party because that would "help" their own political future! Which is laughable because it's something that's been done by politicians of all persuasions for hundreds of years!
Hillary Clinton HID what she was doing! She used a law firm and attorney client privilege to shield her identity as the person providing the money to Fusion that was then paid to Richard Steele to fabricate his "dossiers" and leak them to compliant sources in the main stream media right before the election!

Kindly explain why anyone would go to all that trouble simply for "opposition research"?
I notice that you once again ducked the question of Hillary's guilt as far as the servers and her emails goes! You know as well as I do that she's guilty as sin on that count!
Sorry, ya lyin' con tool, I'm not entertaining your off-topic whataboutisms. Get someone else to follow you down that rabbit hole or start a new thread about that.

Don't have an answer to that ya', Faun! LOL
Lying con tool, there is nothing wrong with a candidate gathering opposition research on other candidates as long as they do so legally. Hillary hired a U.S. firm to perform that function for her. TFB for you that's legal. Trump sought that research from a foreign national. TFB for you that's illegal.

Oh, so if Hillary hires a "US firm" who hire foreigners to compile phony "dossiers" and leak them to a compliant media...that's OK with you? Nothing wrong with that...right, Faun! Trump didn't ask anyone to make up stuff about anyone! That's EXACTLY what Clinton did! That isn't "opposition research" that's dirty politics at it's worst! That's a deliberate attempt to mislead the American public. What makes it even worse is that they brought high level members of our intelligence agencies into their grand plot.

As for what's illegal? I never claimed Hillary paying for that smear job on Trump was illegal! I claimed it was sleazy and corrupt. What's illegal was running the State Department through private servers so you can avoid scrutiny of your little pay for play scheme and then lying to Congressional investigators about what you did.
Lying con tool ... again, because you're slow.... Hillary hired a U.S. firm -- legal; Trump solicited a foreign national -- illegal.

And what did Hillary hire that US firm to DO, Faun? Set up a smear campaign using foreign agents that they paid to create and then leak a series of dossiers? So is it your contention that because Hillary used a law firm as cover to hire Fusion GPS who then hired Richard Steele...that she's not responsible for the dossiers? Why do you think she hid what she was doing behind that law firm cut out? She didn't want anyone to figure out who paid for the dossiers until AFTER the election took place if it ever came out at all!

And once again...I've never claimed that what Hillary did was illegal...once's the epitome of dirty politics done by some really sleazy people to trick the American people.

Trump asking a foreign nation to investigate possible corruption by a US politician isn't illegal! You on the left are trying to make it appear that way because Joe Biden is running for President but that's laughable! Biden doesn't get a get out of jail free card because he's running for office!
"And what did Hillary hire that US firm to DO, Faun?"

To look for dirt on Trump. There's nothing wrong with that as long as it's done legally.

"that she's not responsible for the dossiers?"

She's not responsible for hiring Steele. Fusion GPS did that.

"Why do you think she hid what she was doing behind that law firm cut out?"

She didn't hide anything. It was known that she hired Fusion GPS and that Fusion GPS hired Steele and that Steele went to the FBI.

"Trump asking a foreign nation to investigate possible corruption by a US politician isn't illegal!"

Of course it is. Campaign laws are very clear. It's illegal for Trump to solicit a foreign national to help with his campaign; which investigating a political rival does.

"Biden doesn't get a get out of jail free card because he's running for office!"

No one said he does. Only that Trump can't solicit a foreign national to hunt for dirt on Biden.

You're defining the asking of another country to investigate possible corruption as asking them to help with a campaign! In effect you're saying that no politician could ever call for an investigation of another politician or political party because that would "help" their own political future! Which is laughable because it's something that's been done by politicians of all persuasions for hundreds of years!
I'm defining nothing. The law defines it.

Giuliani associates arrested while trying to board international flight with one-way tickets, prosecutors say

Political contributors linked to Giuliani probe in Ukraine arrested on campaign finance violations
I notice that you once again ducked the question of Hillary's guilt as far as the servers and her emails goes! You know as well as I do that she's guilty as sin on that count!
Sorry, ya lyin' con tool, I'm not entertaining your off-topic whataboutisms. Get someone else to follow you down that rabbit hole or start a new thread about that.

Don't have an answer to that ya', Faun! LOL
Lying con tool, stop lying.
Oh, so if Hillary hires a "US firm" who hire foreigners to compile phony "dossiers" and leak them to a compliant media...that's OK with you? Nothing wrong with that...right, Faun! Trump didn't ask anyone to make up stuff about anyone! That's EXACTLY what Clinton did! That isn't "opposition research" that's dirty politics at it's worst! That's a deliberate attempt to mislead the American public. What makes it even worse is that they brought high level members of our intelligence agencies into their grand plot.

As for what's illegal? I never claimed Hillary paying for that smear job on Trump was illegal! I claimed it was sleazy and corrupt. What's illegal was running the State Department through private servers so you can avoid scrutiny of your little pay for play scheme and then lying to Congressional investigators about what you did.
Lying con tool ... again, because you're slow.... Hillary hired a U.S. firm -- legal; Trump solicited a foreign national -- illegal.

And what did Hillary hire that US firm to DO, Faun? Set up a smear campaign using foreign agents that they paid to create and then leak a series of dossiers? So is it your contention that because Hillary used a law firm as cover to hire Fusion GPS who then hired Richard Steele...that she's not responsible for the dossiers? Why do you think she hid what she was doing behind that law firm cut out? She didn't want anyone to figure out who paid for the dossiers until AFTER the election took place if it ever came out at all!

And once again...I've never claimed that what Hillary did was illegal...once's the epitome of dirty politics done by some really sleazy people to trick the American people.

Trump asking a foreign nation to investigate possible corruption by a US politician isn't illegal! You on the left are trying to make it appear that way because Joe Biden is running for President but that's laughable! Biden doesn't get a get out of jail free card because he's running for office!
"And what did Hillary hire that US firm to DO, Faun?"

To look for dirt on Trump. There's nothing wrong with that as long as it's done legally.

"that she's not responsible for the dossiers?"

She's not responsible for hiring Steele. Fusion GPS did that.

"Why do you think she hid what she was doing behind that law firm cut out?"

She didn't hide anything. It was known that she hired Fusion GPS and that Fusion GPS hired Steele and that Steele went to the FBI.

"Trump asking a foreign nation to investigate possible corruption by a US politician isn't illegal!"

Of course it is. Campaign laws are very clear. It's illegal for Trump to solicit a foreign national to help with his campaign; which investigating a political rival does.

"Biden doesn't get a get out of jail free card because he's running for office!"

No one said he does. Only that Trump can't solicit a foreign national to hunt for dirt on Biden.

You're defining the asking of another country to investigate possible corruption as asking them to help with a campaign! In effect you're saying that no politician could ever call for an investigation of another politician or political party because that would "help" their own political future! Which is laughable because it's something that's been done by politicians of all persuasions for hundreds of years!
I'm defining nothing. The law defines it.

Giuliani associates arrested while trying to board international flight with one-way tickets, prosecutors say

Political contributors linked to Giuliani probe in Ukraine arrested on campaign finance violations

Where does the law say that it's illegal to ask another country to help investigate possible corruption by an American politician in said country? Show me that statute!
I notice that you once again ducked the question of Hillary's guilt as far as the servers and her emails goes! You know as well as I do that she's guilty as sin on that count!
Sorry, ya lyin' con tool, I'm not entertaining your off-topic whataboutisms. Get someone else to follow you down that rabbit hole or start a new thread about that.

Don't have an answer to that ya', Faun! LOL
Lying con tool, stop lying.

I ask you to address Hillary Clinton's breaking of the law with her illegal use of private servers...destruction of evidence...and lying to Congress!

Your response is to claim that I'm "off topic"? Then that I'm lying? I'm not off topic...nor am I lying! What I am doing is asking you a question that you don't want to answer because you know that I'm right when I state that Hillary Clinton was guilty of criminal activity!
Lying con tool ... again, because you're slow.... Hillary hired a U.S. firm -- legal; Trump solicited a foreign national -- illegal.

And what did Hillary hire that US firm to DO, Faun? Set up a smear campaign using foreign agents that they paid to create and then leak a series of dossiers? So is it your contention that because Hillary used a law firm as cover to hire Fusion GPS who then hired Richard Steele...that she's not responsible for the dossiers? Why do you think she hid what she was doing behind that law firm cut out? She didn't want anyone to figure out who paid for the dossiers until AFTER the election took place if it ever came out at all!

And once again...I've never claimed that what Hillary did was illegal...once's the epitome of dirty politics done by some really sleazy people to trick the American people.

Trump asking a foreign nation to investigate possible corruption by a US politician isn't illegal! You on the left are trying to make it appear that way because Joe Biden is running for President but that's laughable! Biden doesn't get a get out of jail free card because he's running for office!
"And what did Hillary hire that US firm to DO, Faun?"

To look for dirt on Trump. There's nothing wrong with that as long as it's done legally.

"that she's not responsible for the dossiers?"

She's not responsible for hiring Steele. Fusion GPS did that.

"Why do you think she hid what she was doing behind that law firm cut out?"

She didn't hide anything. It was known that she hired Fusion GPS and that Fusion GPS hired Steele and that Steele went to the FBI.

"Trump asking a foreign nation to investigate possible corruption by a US politician isn't illegal!"

Of course it is. Campaign laws are very clear. It's illegal for Trump to solicit a foreign national to help with his campaign; which investigating a political rival does.

"Biden doesn't get a get out of jail free card because he's running for office!"

No one said he does. Only that Trump can't solicit a foreign national to hunt for dirt on Biden.

You're defining the asking of another country to investigate possible corruption as asking them to help with a campaign! In effect you're saying that no politician could ever call for an investigation of another politician or political party because that would "help" their own political future! Which is laughable because it's something that's been done by politicians of all persuasions for hundreds of years!
I'm defining nothing. The law defines it.

Giuliani associates arrested while trying to board international flight with one-way tickets, prosecutors say

Political contributors linked to Giuliani probe in Ukraine arrested on campaign finance violations

Where does the law say that it's illegal to ask another country to help investigate possible corruption by an American politician in said country? Show me that statute!
How many times do I have to post this...?

§30121 Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

(a) Prohibition

It shall be unlawful for-

(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make-

(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or

(C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or
(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.
I notice that you once again ducked the question of Hillary's guilt as far as the servers and her emails goes! You know as well as I do that she's guilty as sin on that count!
Sorry, ya lyin' con tool, I'm not entertaining your off-topic whataboutisms. Get someone else to follow you down that rabbit hole or start a new thread about that.

Don't have an answer to that ya', Faun! LOL
Lying con tool, stop lying.

I ask you to address Hillary Clinton's breaking of the law with her illegal use of private servers...destruction of evidence...and lying to Congress!

Your response is to claim that I'm "off topic"? Then that I'm lying? I'm not off topic...nor am I lying! What I am doing is asking you a question that you don't want to answer because you know that I'm right when I state that Hillary Clinton was guilty of criminal activity!
Lying con tool, you were lying when you falsely claimed I don't have an answer even though the reason I gave was because you're off topic.

Do you ever stop lying?

And what did Hillary hire that US firm to DO, Faun? Set up a smear campaign using foreign agents that they paid to create and then leak a series of dossiers? So is it your contention that because Hillary used a law firm as cover to hire Fusion GPS who then hired Richard Steele...that she's not responsible for the dossiers? Why do you think she hid what she was doing behind that law firm cut out? She didn't want anyone to figure out who paid for the dossiers until AFTER the election took place if it ever came out at all!

And once again...I've never claimed that what Hillary did was illegal...once's the epitome of dirty politics done by some really sleazy people to trick the American people.

Trump asking a foreign nation to investigate possible corruption by a US politician isn't illegal! You on the left are trying to make it appear that way because Joe Biden is running for President but that's laughable! Biden doesn't get a get out of jail free card because he's running for office!
"And what did Hillary hire that US firm to DO, Faun?"

To look for dirt on Trump. There's nothing wrong with that as long as it's done legally.

"that she's not responsible for the dossiers?"

She's not responsible for hiring Steele. Fusion GPS did that.

"Why do you think she hid what she was doing behind that law firm cut out?"

She didn't hide anything. It was known that she hired Fusion GPS and that Fusion GPS hired Steele and that Steele went to the FBI.

"Trump asking a foreign nation to investigate possible corruption by a US politician isn't illegal!"

Of course it is. Campaign laws are very clear. It's illegal for Trump to solicit a foreign national to help with his campaign; which investigating a political rival does.

"Biden doesn't get a get out of jail free card because he's running for office!"

No one said he does. Only that Trump can't solicit a foreign national to hunt for dirt on Biden.

You're defining the asking of another country to investigate possible corruption as asking them to help with a campaign! In effect you're saying that no politician could ever call for an investigation of another politician or political party because that would "help" their own political future! Which is laughable because it's something that's been done by politicians of all persuasions for hundreds of years!
I'm defining nothing. The law defines it.

Giuliani associates arrested while trying to board international flight with one-way tickets, prosecutors say

Political contributors linked to Giuliani probe in Ukraine arrested on campaign finance violations

Where does the law say that it's illegal to ask another country to help investigate possible corruption by an American politician in said country? Show me that statute!
How many times do I have to post this...?

§30121 Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

(a) Prohibition

It shall be unlawful for-

(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make-

(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or

(C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or
(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.

What does any of THAT have to do with a President of the United States asking another nation to look into allegations that a US Vice President was abusing the power of his office?
I notice that you once again ducked the question of Hillary's guilt as far as the servers and her emails goes! You know as well as I do that she's guilty as sin on that count!
Sorry, ya lyin' con tool, I'm not entertaining your off-topic whataboutisms. Get someone else to follow you down that rabbit hole or start a new thread about that.

Don't have an answer to that ya', Faun! LOL
Lying con tool, stop lying.

I ask you to address Hillary Clinton's breaking of the law with her illegal use of private servers...destruction of evidence...and lying to Congress!

Your response is to claim that I'm "off topic"? Then that I'm lying? I'm not off topic...nor am I lying! What I am doing is asking you a question that you don't want to answer because you know that I'm right when I state that Hillary Clinton was guilty of criminal activity!
Lying con tool, you were lying when you falsely claimed I don't have an answer even though the reason I gave was because you're off topic.

Do you ever stop lying?

You didn't have an answer! You "punted". Accusing someone of being off topic isn't answering a's AVOIDING the question!

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