Trump Lawyers given 24 hours to find an alibi


Will we find out today or later in the week. Did Donny mention it in Ohio ?

TDS owns you.
TDS owns trump cultists (trump d*ck sucking)

Why always with the ghey queer man homo talk?
Agreed, Ray. Truth is that for those who actually follow the details, it isn't even known yet if Trump will even face any charges. The democrats and MSM have Trump already in jail doing life, meantime, in the real world, they are still trying to figure out if any crime was even committed yet they can even charge with!

I highlighted the section of the link in the OP that stated even if they don't charge him, it will help screw up his chances of running again. It's their main goal.

They have nothing on Trump. NYC is commieville, and they've been talking about going after him in NY the entire time he was President. Well.....if there was something there, why didn't they find it in the four years he spent as President and have a case prepared when he left office?

It's just like the national guard at the Capital. Those poor people will be forced to stay there to help the commies cast a negative light on Trump until at least the next election. It's the only reason they are there, and that's why I call them Nazis. They are using government power to try and stop a political opponent.
Or Trump is led away in handcuffs
Your feelings fantasy finally fruits
Hooray for your happy day!!
This Time. THIS TIME. You Got Him!!!!!!!!!
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Agreed, Ray. Truth is that for those who actually follow the details, it isn't even known yet if Trump will even face any charges. The democrats and MSM have Trump already in jail doing life, meantime, in the real world, they are still trying to figure out if any crime was even committed yet they can even charge with!

I highlighted the section of the link in the OP that stated even if they don't charge him, it will help screw up his chances of running again. It's their main goal.

They have nothing on Trump. NYC is commieville, and they've been talking about going after him in NY the entire time he was President. Well.....if there was something there, why didn't they find it in the four years he spent as President and have a case prepared when he left office?

It's just like the national guard at the Capital. Those poor people will be forced to stay there to help the commies cast a negative light on Trump until at least the next election. It's the only reason they are there, and that's why I call them Nazis. They are using government power to try and stop a political opponent.

You mean the NG are STILL in DC? Amazing. What do they do there? What if I wanted to visit the Smithsonian? Would I need to get clearance and permission from the WH first? Will I need to bring my Covid papers? Where the hell are the GOP? Do those bastards do anything worthwhile? They seemed far more interested in obstructing Trump during his time in office than they ever do stopping Biddum.

The entire time Trump was in office and since has been one long, big election schmear aimed at destroying Trump's electibility if not actually stopping him outright. In my book, that amounts to election fraud. Normally, politicians smear a candidate to destroy his public image, that is the normal election fraud; now that doesn't seem to be enough to stop Trump, they are out to destroy him financially so he can't even run.

I wonder how all the leftards cheering this on will feel the first time it is done to their candidate? Once you legitimize political witch hunts to effect national office then skew the elections themselves to permit open-ended rampant ballot fraud, you no longer have elections, just a banana republic, but none of the democrats seem to mind!
Agreed, Ray. Truth is that for those who actually follow the details, it isn't even known yet if Trump will even face any charges. The democrats and MSM have Trump already in jail doing life, meantime, in the real world, they are still trying to figure out if any crime was even committed yet they can even charge with!

I highlighted the section of the link in the OP that stated even if they don't charge him, it will help screw up his chances of running again. It's their main goal.

They have nothing on Trump. NYC is commieville, and they've been talking about going after him in NY the entire time he was President. Well.....if there was something there, why didn't they find it in the four years he spent as President and have a case prepared when he left office?

It's just like the national guard at the Capital. Those poor people will be forced to stay there to help the commies cast a negative light on Trump until at least the next election. It's the only reason they are there, and that's why I call them Nazis. They are using government power to try and stop a political opponent.

You mean the NG are STILL in DC? Amazing. What do they do there? What if I wanted to visit the Smithsonian? Would I need to get clearance and permission from the WH first? Will I need to bring my Covid papers? Where the hell are the GOP? Do those bastards do anything worthwhile? They seemed far more interested in obstructing Trump during his time in office than they ever do stopping Biddum.

The entire time Trump was in office and since has been one long, big election schmear aimed at destroying Trump's electibility if not actually stopping him outright. In my book, that amounts to election fraud. Normally, politicians smear a candidate to destroy his public image, that is the normal election fraud; now that doesn't seem to be enough to stop Trump, they are out to destroy him financially so he can't even run.

I wonder how all the leftards cheering this on will feel the first time it is done to their candidate? Once you legitimize political witch hunts to effect national office then skew the elections themselves to permit open-ended rampant ballot fraud, you no longer have elections, just a banana republic, but none of the democrats seem to mind!

There is very little the Republicans can do because the National Guard is under control of the Speaker. Once we takeover that branch in 2022 we can send them home, and they better look for any excuse in the world to impeach Dementia just like they did with Trump.......twice.

After that's accomplished, go after Fauci next. Organize a 911 style commission for an investigation as to the money the NIH sent to Wuhan and what it was used for. I would like to see every dollar accounted for. I want to know if one penny was used in Gain Of Function research that started this entire worldwide pandemic.
I don't know how this isn't a waste of time, if it's going to a trial.

Like a Mafia trial, there's no way there won't be at least a couple of Trumpsters in the jury.

I'd be shocked to see any convictions in any cases that come up.
So you are now against a trial of your peers?

How patriotic of you comrade
This is how the Nazis operate. From your article:

Vance’s office has said it was investigating “possibly extensive and protracted criminal conduct” at the Trump Organization, including tax and insurance fraud and falsification of business records.

Even if no charges were brought, Vance’s investigation could complicate any return to politics by Trump, who has lost some of his ability to communicate publicly after being permanently banned from Twitter and suspended for two years by Facebook.

So it has nothing to do with any criminal activity, it's just an excuse to try and keep Trump from killing them in 24.
Nazis tend not to follow due process. They do stuff like storm the Capitol and similar.
The real insurrectionists are on TV everyday on many channels. They are allover the nation and go to area after area inciting people. Making things seem a lot worse they they really are.
Agreed, Ray. Truth is that for those who actually follow the details, it isn't even known yet if Trump will even face any charges. The democrats and MSM have Trump already in jail doing life, meantime, in the real world, they are still trying to figure out if any crime was even committed yet they can even charge with!

I highlighted the section of the link in the OP that stated even if they don't charge him, it will help screw up his chances of running again. It's their main goal.

They have nothing on Trump. NYC is commieville, and they've been talking about going after him in NY the entire time he was President. Well.....if there was something there, why didn't they find it in the four years he spent as President and have a case prepared when he left office?

It's just like the national guard at the Capital. Those poor people will be forced to stay there to help the commies cast a negative light on Trump until at least the next election. It's the only reason they are there, and that's why I call them Nazis. They are using government power to try and stop a political opponent.

You mean the NG are STILL in DC? Amazing. What do they do there? What if I wanted to visit the Smithsonian? Would I need to get clearance and permission from the WH first? Will I need to bring my Covid papers? Where the hell are the GOP? Do those bastards do anything worthwhile? They seemed far more interested in obstructing Trump during his time in office than they ever do stopping Biddum.

The entire time Trump was in office and since has been one long, big election schmear aimed at destroying Trump's electibility if not actually stopping him outright. In my book, that amounts to election fraud. Normally, politicians smear a candidate to destroy his public image, that is the normal election fraud; now that doesn't seem to be enough to stop Trump, they are out to destroy him financially so he can't even run.

I wonder how all the leftards cheering this on will feel the first time it is done to their candidate? Once you legitimize political witch hunts to effect national office then skew the elections themselves to permit open-ended rampant ballot fraud, you no longer have elections, just a banana republic, but none of the democrats seem to mind!

There is very little the Republicans can do because the National Guard is under control of the Speaker. Once we takeover that branch in 2022 we can send them home, and they better look for any excuse in the world to impeach Dementia just like they did with Trump.......twice.

After that's accomplished, go after Fauci next. Organize a 911 style commission for an investigation as to the money the NIH sent to Wuhan and what it was used for. I would like to see every dollar accounted for. I want to know if one penny was used in Gain Of Function research that started this entire worldwide pandemic.

Sorry, Ray, I don't believe there is a snowballs chance in hell of that happening. The GOP will do NOTHING. 90% of the GOP are only concerned with their careers and are little different from the Left in that they achieve the same things, albeit more slowly.

That leaves us about 10 senators and maybe 40 Reps who genuinely see the dangers for this country and are willing to fight for them.
Thats a bit overblown. A few localised rowdy nights doesnt compare to an attempt to overthrow an election and string up elected representatives. Trumpy should be on trial for that as well.

You fucking moron. The Armed Occupation of the US city for two weeks vs a protest against election tampering.

What clowns you Nazis are. The Reichstag fire is a fucking joke.
Tommy Tainant it’s been 24 hours since sunday...

and since when did lawyers make legal arguments to the prosecutors not to bring charges? you save those for a court.

Oh look. A person exercising his 2nd amendment rights. That is who right wingers and the NRA is fighting for, isn't it?

You hate the bill of rights.

Except when it's insurrection overthrowing an American city.
It' makes it easier for you to just make shit up and demonize anyone you disagree with, doesn't? None of that pesky having to resolve reality with your opinion.
It' makes it easier for you to just make shit up and demonize anyone you disagree with, doesn't? None of that pesky having to resolve reality with your opinion.

Make what shit up?

You hate the bill of rights - you are one of the most vocal opponents to freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the right to defend oneself, the right to be secure in our person and papers, etc.

You are a typical anti-civil liberties Nazi - a democrat.
It' makes it easier for you to just make shit up and demonize anyone you disagree with, doesn't? None of that pesky having to resolve reality with your opinion.

Make what shit up?

You hate the bill of rights - you are one of the most vocal opponents to freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the right to defend oneself, the right to be secure in our person and papers, etc.

You are a typical anti-civil liberties Nazi - a democrat.
See? That's exactly what I said. You make shit up.
So Trump’s lawyer needs to find a reason why employees didn’t claim every trip in a company car, or any tuition assistance they received on their taxes. Years of you idiots crowing about New York coming through and THIS is all you get. You were warned Vance and James would fail to get Trump.

Every word is true.

You are a Nazi, through and through.
I have no doubt that you actually think all that shit is true., but here is no reason for a sane person to believe any of it. You are just another victim of the hyperbolic claims of the right wing. I don't know whether to pity you or to be disgusted by your willingness to accept such a long line of conspiracy theories. Actually, it's a little of both.
Nazis tend not to follow due process. They do stuff like storm the Capitol and similar.

You mean like the armed insurrection and occupation of America cities, Ahmed?
View attachment 506490
View attachment 506489
Thats a bit overblown. A few localised rowdy nights doesnt compare to an attempt to overthrow an election and string up elected representatives. Trumpy should be on trial for that as well.
Yes, I have heard the “insurrection” described as worse than 9/11 or Pearl Harbor.

Democrats love to exaggerate.


Moderators should put an end to these untruthful repeat threads about Trumps demise being imminent
They are speculative opinions yet thread titled as fact. That’s wrong.

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