Trump Lawyers given 24 hours to find an alibi

think that a lot of these fraud trials are too complex for a lay jury. Depends how sophisticated his operation is and how loyal his people are.

There is no fraud. You don't spend a lifetime as a successful businessman by your companies committing fraud. Trump and his businesses are under constant IRS audits. They may have their battles as who who owes what, but one thing for sure, they never even hinted that Trump nor his companies did anything illegal.
I don't know how this isn't a waste of time, if it's going to a trial.

Like a Mafia trial, there's no way there won't be at least a couple of Trumpsters in the jury.

I'd be shocked to see any convictions in any cases that come up.
I think that a lot of these fraud trials are too complex for a lay jury. Depends how sophisticated his operation is and how loyal his people are.
This whole thing could pretty easily backfire, and I'll just assume they know that.
You would expect that they could weed out jurors with a low education standard. That would rule out most trumpers.
Are these mutants “Trumpers”?
View attachment 506502
That is one of the most disturbing pictures I have ever seen. Yikes!!!!
Thats a bit overblown. A few localised rowdy nights doesnt compare to an attempt to overthrow an election and string up elected representatives. Trumpy should be on trial for that as well.
On trial for what? Why do you participate in a message board of another country that you obviously know little about? In order to have a trial, you had to have broken a law.
This is how the Nazis operate. From your article:

Vance’s office has said it was investigating “possibly extensive and protracted criminal conduct” at the Trump Organization, including tax and insurance fraud and falsification of business records.

Even if no charges were brought, Vance’s investigation could complicate any return to politics by Trump, who has lost some of his ability to communicate publicly after being permanently banned from Twitter and suspended for two years by Facebook.

So it has nothing to do with any criminal activity, it's just an excuse to try and keep Trump from killing them in 24.

Desantis is on a collision course with Trump.. Trump will soon turn on him too.
Is that right, Islamist? You have ESP now? LOL

Wait and see .. Desantis is already campaigning.. Trump will be rabid.


Will we find out today or later in the week. Did Donny mention it in Ohio ?
Nah. He just played the classics. The one about how he is not a loser and everyone is picking on him. You know the golden oldies.

think that a lot of these fraud trials are too complex for a lay jury. Depends how sophisticated his operation is and how loyal his people are.

There is no fraud. You don't spend a lifetime as a successful businessman by your companies committing fraud. Trump and his businesses are under constant IRS audits. They may have their battles as who who owes what, but one thing for sure, they never even hinted that Trump nor his companies did anything illegal.
The DA seems to disagree. Im also mindful that Trump U was a fraudulent operation and his charity foundation was also shut down. I believe that they spent all their donations on a painting of ............Trump.
This is how the Nazis operate. From your article:

Vance’s office has said it was investigating “possibly extensive and protracted criminal conduct” at the Trump Organization, including tax and insurance fraud and falsification of business records.

Even if no charges were brought, Vance’s investigation could complicate any return to politics by Trump, who has lost some of his ability to communicate publicly after being permanently banned from Twitter and suspended for two years by Facebook.

So it has nothing to do with any criminal activity, it's just an excuse to try and keep Trump from killing them in 24.

Desantis is on a collision course with Trump.. Trump will soon turn on him too.
Is that right, Islamist? You have ESP now? LOL

Wait and see .. Desantis is already campaigning.. Trump will be rabid.

So this is your opinion. Correct? Not a fact.
The DA seems to disagree. Im also mindful that Trump U was a fraudulent operation and his charity foundation was also shut down. I believe that they spent all their donations on a painting of ............Trump.

There was nothing fraudulent about his college and the only reason he didn't fight the scammers is because a President doesn't have time for petty lawsuits. The charity issue was settled already so there is nothing even the Communists can do about that.

Will we find out today or later in the week. Did Donny mention it in Ohio ?

Yes.....fascists like you love to persecute people.......

One of the golden rules of the American justice system is that the powers-that-be are supposed to investigate crimes rather than to investigate people. “That guy may have stolen a car” is a good reason to open a case. So is “that guy works a minimum wage job at a 7/11 but owns six Ferraris.” “That guy seems like the sort of guy we dislike,” is not.

Far too much of the legal activity against President Trump has fallen into the lattermost category.

Into what? Into, er, this:

The Manhattan district attorney’s office has informed Donald J. Trump’s lawyers that it is considering criminal charges against his family business, the Trump Organization, in connection with fringe benefits the company awarded a top executive, according to several people with knowledge of the matter.
If the case moves ahead, the district attorney, Cyrus R. Vance Jr., could announce charges against the Trump Organization and its chief financial officer, Allen H. Weisselberg, as soon as next week, the people said.
That’s a big problem is it? The sort of thing that the Manhattan district attorney’s office would usually focus on? The sort of thing they were looking for here?

It’s not, no:

It would be highly unusual to indict a company just for failing to pay taxes on fringe benefits, said several lawyers who specialize in tax rules. None of them could cite any recent example, noting that many companies provide their employees with perks like company cars.
So why do it?

Still, an indictment of Mr. Trump’s company could deal a significant blow to the former president just as he has flirted with a return to politics.

This should alarm everyone — yes, even people like myself, who wish that Donald Trump would just go away. This is a totally unhealthy way to run a justice system. Once upon a time, the people who call themselves “liberals” would have understood that instinctively.

of course, that targeting people because they are unpopular, rather than targeting crimes and then prosecuting the people you can prove committed them, is a bad thing for prosecutors to do. It is, alas, not an unusual thing. Systems in which prosecutors are elected rather than appointed logically lend themselves to that sort of abuse. We see it empirically, as with New York State attorney general Letitia James, who unabashedly campaigned on a get-Trump platform and was elected by a mile.

I write only to add that the specific situation Charlie outlines is probably even worse than it appears to be.

According to the Times’ report, the target is Allen H. Weisselberg, the Trump organization’s CFO. The news that he is in the prosecutorial crosshairs is not new. As the Washington Post reported in early March, Manhattan DA Cy Vance’s minions have been squeezing Weisselberg for a long time. He has been Trump’s top financial exec for over 20 years, and two of his sons are also entangled — one works for the Trump organization, the other has extended it credit. The elder Weisselberg has described himself as Donald Trump’s “eyes and ears . . . from an economic standpoint,” and he is said to be intimately familiar with all the organization’s most important transactions.

Will we find out today or later in the week. Did Donny mention it in Ohio ?

No. Donny just brought up about how you like to suck on assholes. Truth is that no one even yet knows if there will even be any charges yet, bogus as they might be, much less any prosecution for make-believe crimes. All of this is just designed to try to cancel Trump Enterprises, one more lame attempt by the desperate Left to try to cancel out their competition they can't beat at the voting booth.
The DA seems to disagree. Im also mindful that Trump U was a fraudulent operation and his charity foundation was also shut down. I believe that they spent all their donations on a painting of ............Trump.

There was nothing fraudulent about his college and the only reason he didn't fight the scammers is because a President doesn't have time for petty lawsuits. The charity issue was settled already so there is nothing even the Communists can do about that.

A $25m settlement is hardly a petty lawsuit. He promised something, pocketed the cash and then didnt deliver.
What do you call that ?
No. Donny just brought up about how you like to suck on assholes. Truth is that no one even yet knows if there will even be any charges yet, bogus as they might be, much less any prosecution for make-believe crimes. All of this is just designed to try to cancel Trump Enterprises, one more lame attempt by the desperate Left to try to cancel out their competition they can't beat at the voting booth.

I've been following politics for about 35 years. Never in my life have I ever seen a political party so scared of one man. Two fake impeachments, this little stunt, suggesting we make law that all presidential candidates must show 10 years of tax returns because they know Trump would never do it. I mean, they must not sleep at night with Trump still alive, healthy and well.
Nazis tend not to follow due process. They do stuff like storm the Capitol and similar.

You mean like the armed insurrection and occupation of America cities, Ahmed?
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Thats a bit overblown. A few localised rowdy nights doesnt compare to an attempt to overthrow an election and string up elected representatives. Trumpy should be on trial for that as well.
You mean the rowdy nights where people were killed, attacked, buildings set on fire, and others attempting to burn police stations with people still inside them? Those rowdy nights? And are you counting the autonomous zones too or are they left out in this equation? I'm just curious to see how more deaths, attempted murder, millions more in property damage, and more violence is on a lower scale then what happened January 6.
After all the Trump construction empire did for the Big Apple they want to punish him for being a republican. Anybody who knows anything about politics (outside of the Brits) knows that the announcement is complete bullshit designed to take the focus off the whispering president. The Trump organization's little army of lawyers has had an ongoing dialog with the NY radicals since this tax stuff started. Bye the way, when are they going to get around to investigating the Governor for his criminal negligence in the deaths of over 10,000 nursing home residents not to mention credible allegations of sexual abuse?
No. Donny just brought up about how you like to suck on assholes. Truth is that no one even yet knows if there will even be any charges yet, bogus as they might be, much less any prosecution for make-believe crimes. All of this is just designed to try to cancel Trump Enterprises, one more lame attempt by the desperate Left to try to cancel out their competition they can't beat at the voting booth.

I've been following politics for about 35 years. Never in my life have I ever seen a political party so scared of one man. Two fake impeachments, this little stunt, suggesting we make law that all presidential candidates must show 10 years of tax returns because they know Trump would never do it. I mean, they must not sleep at night with Trump still alive, healthy and well.

Agreed, Ray. Truth is that for those who actually follow the details, it isn't even known yet if Trump will even face any charges. The democrats and MSM have Trump already in jail doing life, meantime, in the real world, they are still trying to figure out if any crime was even committed yet they can even charge with!

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