Trump Lawyers given 24 hours to find an alibi

Moderators should put an end to these untruthful repeat threads about Trumps demise being imminent
They are speculative opinions yet thread titled as fact. That’s wrong.
So that it doesn’t die a death at bottom of the page
They have nothing on Trump. NYC is commieville, and they've been talking about going after him in NY the entire time he was President. Well.....if there was something there, why didn't they find it in the four years he spent as President and have a case prepared when he left office?

Post 42. Did I call it or what?

"I know liberals like I know every inch of my glorious naked body."
Rush Limbaugh
How did that particular brand of U.K. propaganda work out for y'all lefties? Today's report seems to indicate that NY lawyers have no intention of pursuing charges against the Trump organization.
This is how the Nazis operate. From your article:

Vance’s office has said it was investigating “possibly extensive and protracted criminal conduct” at the Trump Organization, including tax and insurance fraud and falsification of business records.

Even if no charges were brought, Vance’s investigation could complicate any return to politics by Trump, who has lost some of his ability to communicate publicly after being permanently banned from Twitter and suspended for two years by Facebook.

So it has nothing to do with any criminal activity, it's just an excuse to try and keep Trump from killing them in 24.
Your comment says it all.
I have no doubt that you actually think all that shit is true., but here is no reason for a sane person to believe any of it. You are just another victim of the hyperbolic claims of the right wing. I don't know whether to pity you or to be disgusted by your willingness to accept such a long line of conspiracy theories. Actually, it's a little of both.

This is a message board, Bulldyke. You are what you post.

Based on your posts, you are a Nazi with deep hatred of civil rights.

Tell me and the board Bulldyke, Derick Chauvin was convicted in state court of second degree murder of George Floyd. Should he be tried for the same crime in federal court? Do you support the Constitutional protection against double jeopardy?

Of course not.

Critical Race Theory holds that the civil rights movement was a lie and that MLK was a fool or a huckster, that equity, not equality is the goal, that Der Juden, the Whites, must be punished and degraded to pay for sins of their ancestors. The Constitution guarantees equal protection under the law, but your Reich holds itself above the law and demands that Der Juden face far different application of justice that the superior colored people (POC). Do you support the 14th Amendment?

Of course not.
How did that particular brand of U.K. propaganda work out for y'all lefties? Today's report seems to indicate that NY lawyers have no intention of pursuing charges against the Trump organization.

How do you pursue something you never had? That's why I said at the beginning of this thread; all they have is bullshit. This is how works:

Some leftist in authority makes a claim or talks about some dog and pony show. It gets to CNN, MSNBC, the usual crowd. They report it wall to wall and the sheep never question or look into it. Then it gets on all the blogs by sheep like Tommy, and it reverberates again.

Now to leftists, it's still the truth, and that's because the MSM will never tell them their claims were a complete lie. I see posters here still stating that Bush robbed SS to fund the Iraq war, that FactCheck proved was a lie. That Bush knew Saddam didn't have WMD's, again, proven a lie by Woodward. That Diebold rigged their voting machines so that GW got a second term. Again, proven lie. That Commie Care was a Republican idea. Another lie. Now they are trying to make claim that it's the Republicans who are de-funding the police, which of course is a lie since police are funded locally and not federally.

You can't keep people on the plantation by telling the truth. You can only keep them there by lying to them.
I have no doubt that you actually think all that shit is true., but here is no reason for a sane person to believe any of it. You are just another victim of the hyperbolic claims of the right wing. I don't know whether to pity you or to be disgusted by your willingness to accept such a long line of conspiracy theories. Actually, it's a little of both.

This is a message board, Bulldyke. You are what you post.

Based on your posts, you are a Nazi with deep hatred of civil rights.

Tell me and the board Bulldyke, Derick Chauvin was convicted in state court of second degree murder of George Floyd. Should he be tried for the same crime in federal court? Do you support the Constitutional protection against double jeopardy?

Of course not.

Critical Race Theory holds that the civil rights movement was a lie and that MLK was a fool or a huckster, that equity, not equality is the goal, that Der Juden, the Whites, must be punished and degraded to pay for sins of their ancestors. The Constitution guarantees equal protection under the law, but your Reich holds itself above the law and demands that Der Juden face far different application of justice that the superior colored people (POC). Do you support the 14th Amendment?

Of course not.
I have no need or desire to justify myself to you other than saying you are wrong on every count, and your twisted belief about CRT is nothing more a pathetic attempt at blatant misrepresentation given to you by the same liars that have fed you so many other conspiracy theories.
I have no need or desire to justify myself to you other than saying you are wrong on every count, and your twisted belief about CRT is nothing more a pathetic attempt at blatant misrepresentation given to you by the same liars that have fed you so many other conspiracy theories.

Anyone who has read your posts knows I'm not wrong.

You are avidly anti-civil rights. You are a Nazi - fact.
I have no need or desire to justify myself to you other than saying you are wrong on every count, and your twisted belief about CRT is nothing more a pathetic attempt at blatant misrepresentation given to you by the same liars that have fed you so many other conspiracy theories.

Anyone who has read your posts knows I'm not wrong.

You are avidly anti-civil rights. You are a Nazi - fact.
You've just demonstrated how twisted and disconnected to reality, right wingers have become.
You've just demonstrated how twisted and disconnected to reality, right wingers have become.




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