Trump lies yet again blaming Obama about GITMO

You poor thing. You're going to have a looooong 8 years going forward. :itsok:

8 years???? Trump will be lucky to last until August at this pace. He's up all hours, flying into daily rages over his press, while Bannon dismantled the government. Either Republicans will say "Enough", or his obesity, odd sleeping habits, fast food addiction and the most stressful job in the world will do him in, but something's going to give.
That is not proof. That's the kind of carp third graders believe. Taking a web link to court as proof will quickly end the proceedings with the verdict against you.
There are official statistics, asshole. Statistics the President has access to,.

We know we are in deep shit when your orange buddy gets his into from Breitbart instead of his own administration.
You don't know where he gets his info.
He got it from Levin via Breitbart.
He didn't get it from the military, State department, Homeland Security, ETC

He didn't get it from the major real news networks.

What's left? Where do you think he got it? Other than his fast ass?
Today, Agent Orange, the smartest man in the world tweeted that 122 release Gitmo prisons have returned to the battlefield blaming Obama.

Well well well. Trump is fucking crazy.

All but 9 were released under Bush,.

My God people.

Is not it time to get that crazy fuck out of the White House? It has to be nuts to keep saying this shit.

You would be bored with this. The man for whom you voted has completely destroyed the credibility of the President of the United States and has made us the laughing stock of the world.

He lied about the Gitmo release. He lied about the wiretapping. He lies about every thing & you worship him for it. Just how pathetic can you get.
That is not proof. That's the kind of carp third graders believe. Taking a web link to court as proof will quickly end the proceedings with the verdict against you.
There are official statistics, asshole. Statistics the President has access to,.

We know we are in deep shit when your orange buddy gets his into from Breitbart instead of his own administration.
You don't know where he gets his info.
He got it from Levin via Breitbart.
He didn't get it from the military, State department, Homeland Security, ETC

He didn't get it from the major real news networks.

What's left? Where do you think he got it? Other than his fast ass?
Just like you, I do not know where he got it.
There are official statistics, asshole. Statistics the President has access to,.

We know we are in deep shit when your orange buddy gets his into from Breitbart instead of his own administration.
You don't know where he gets his info.
He got it from Levin via Breitbart.
He didn't get it from the military, State department, Homeland Security, ETC

He didn't get it from the major real news networks.

What's left? Where do you think he got it? Other than his fast ass?
Just like you, I do not know where he got it.
Don't you think he should have found out the truth before he tweeted?
Or do you approve of him lying to the American public?
Today, Agent Orange, the smartest man in the world tweeted that 122 release Gitmo prisons have returned to the battlefield blaming Obama.

Well well well. Trump is fucking crazy.

All but 9 were released under Bush,.

My God people.

Is not it time to get that crazy fuck out of the White House? It has to be nuts to keep saying this shit.

You would be bored with this. The man for whom you voted has completely destroyed the credibility of the President of the United States and has made us the laughing stock of the world.

He lied about the Gitmo release. He lied about the wiretapping. He lies about every thing & you worship him for it. Just how pathetic can you get.
Speaking of credibility. Did Trump get in front of the cameras and lie about a terrorist attack in which our ambassador got killed, blaming it on an anti Islam video? Or did he promise Americans almost 40 times "if ya like yer doctor and health care plan, you can keep yer Doctor, period". Or who was it that said,m "I did on send or receive classified emails on my illegal secret sever, period".

Trump got elected because people were sick I and tired of crooked, lying politicians like Obama and Hillary.
Today, Agent Orange, the smartest man in the world tweeted that 122 release Gitmo prisons have returned to the battlefield blaming Obama.

Well well well. Trump is fucking crazy.

All but 9 were released under Bush,.

My God people.

Is not it time to get that crazy fuck out of the White House? It has to be nuts to keep saying this shit.

You would be bored with this. The man for whom you voted has completely destroyed the credibility of the President of the United States and has made us the laughing stock of the world.

He lied about the Gitmo release. He lied about the wiretapping. He lies about every thing & you worship him for it. Just how pathetic can you get.
Speaking of credibility. Did Trump get in front of the cameras and lie about a terrorist attack in which our ambassador got killed, blaming it on an anti Islam video? Or did he promise Americans almost 40 times "if ya like yer doctor and health care plan, you can keep yer Doctor, period". Or who was it that said,m "I did on send or receive classified emails on my illegal secret sever, period".

Trump got elected because people were sick I and tired of crooked, lying politicians like Obama and Hillary.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You idiots never learn. <smh>

During the first couple of weeks following the attack, our intelligence community believed the video inspired it. when the administration spoke of the video, they weren't lying. They were conveying the intel at the time.
Today, Agent Orange, the smartest man in the world tweeted that 122 release Gitmo prisons have returned to the battlefield blaming Obama.

Well well well. Trump is fucking crazy.

All but 9 were released under Bush,.

My God people.

Is not it time to get that crazy fuck out of the White House? It has to be nuts to keep saying this shit.

You would be bored with this. The man for whom you voted has completely destroyed the credibility of the President of the United States and has made us the laughing stock of the world.

He lied about the Gitmo release. He lied about the wiretapping. He lies about every thing & you worship him for it. Just how pathetic can you get.
Speaking of credibility. Did Trump get in front of the cameras and lie about a terrorist attack in which our ambassador got killed, blaming it on an anti Islam video? Or did he promise Americans almost 40 times "if ya like yer doctor and health care plan, you can keep yer Doctor, period". Or who was it that said,m "I did on send or receive classified emails on my illegal secret sever, period".

Trump got elected because people were sick I and tired of crooked, lying politicians like Obama and Hillary.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You idiots never learn. <smh>

During the first couple of weeks following the attack, our intelligence community believed the video inspired it. when the administration spoke of the video, they weren't lying. They were conveying the intel at the time.
You've been smoking too much hashish. Obama and Hillary already admitted that they knew it was a terrorist attack, but decided to promote the video narrative because it was right before the elections, and they would look kinda foolish if they kept repeating "Al Queda is on the run" if our ambassador was just brutally murdered. The Dems will do and say just about anything to stay in power, including treason. We are seeing that now.
Today, Agent Orange, the smartest man in the world tweeted that 122 release Gitmo prisons have returned to the battlefield blaming Obama.

Well well well. Trump is fucking crazy.

All but 9 were released under Bush,.

My God people.

Is not it time to get that crazy fuck out of the White House? It has to be nuts to keep saying this shit.

You would be bored with this. The man for whom you voted has completely destroyed the credibility of the President of the United States and has made us the laughing stock of the world.

He lied about the Gitmo release. He lied about the wiretapping. He lies about every thing & you worship him for it. Just how pathetic can you get.
Speaking of credibility. Did Trump get in front of the cameras and lie about a terrorist attack in which our ambassador got killed, blaming it on an anti Islam video? Or did he promise Americans almost 40 times "if ya like yer doctor and health care plan, you can keep yer Doctor, period". Or who was it that said,m "I did on send or receive classified emails on my illegal secret sever, period".

Trump got elected because people were sick I and tired of crooked, lying politicians like Obama and Hillary.
There was no lie. Immediately following the Benghazi attack a cause was stated as current thinking with an investigation ti follow. Within days,the video was no longer cited. Somehow, the FACT that this video caused rioting in several Muslim cities just bypasses your poor excuse for a brain.

But I see you are still pissing on the graves of those killed in Benghazi to somehow make excusers for your orange butt buddy's lie. How disgusting can you get.
Today, Agent Orange, the smartest man in the world tweeted that 122 release Gitmo prisons have returned to the battlefield blaming Obama.

Well well well. Trump is fucking crazy.

All but 9 were released under Bush,.

My God people.

Is not it time to get that crazy fuck out of the White House? It has to be nuts to keep saying this shit.

You would be bored with this. The man for whom you voted has completely destroyed the credibility of the President of the United States and has made us the laughing stock of the world.

He lied about the Gitmo release. He lied about the wiretapping. He lies about every thing & you worship him for it. Just how pathetic can you get.
Speaking of credibility. Did Trump get in front of the cameras and lie about a terrorist attack in which our ambassador got killed, blaming it on an anti Islam video? Or did he promise Americans almost 40 times "if ya like yer doctor and health care plan, you can keep yer Doctor, period". Or who was it that said,m "I did on send or receive classified emails on my illegal secret sever, period".

Trump got elected because people were sick I and tired of crooked, lying politicians like Obama and Hillary.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You idiots never learn. <smh>

During the first couple of weeks following the attack, our intelligence community believed the video inspired it. when the administration spoke of the video, they weren't lying. They were conveying the intel at the time.
You've been smoking too much hashish. Obama and Hillary already admitted that they knew it was a terrorist attack, but decided to promote the video narrative because it was right before the elections, and they would look kinda foolish if they kept repeating "Al Queda is on the run" if our ambassador was just brutally murdered. The Dems will do and say just about anything to stay in power, including treason. We are seeing that now.
You know you rightards are fucking deranged, right?

Fourth, the Committee concludes that after the attacks, the early intelligence assessments and the Administration's initial public narrative on the causes and motivations for the attacks were not fully accurate. There was a stream of contradictory and conflicting intelligence that came in after the attacks. The Committee found intelligence to support CIA's initial assessment that the attacks had evolved out of a protest in Benghazi; but it also found contrary intelligence, which ultimately proved to be the correct intelligence. There was no protest. The CIA only changed its initial assessment about a protest on September 24, 2012, when closed caption television footage became available on September 18, 2012 (two days after Ambassador Susan Rice spoke), and after the FBI began publishing its interviews with U.S. officials on the ground on September 22, 2012. Report.pdf

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