Trump looked really bad at his rally.

Slurred words, no real connection to reality, 2.5 hours late.

Trump just pursed his lips and repeated all his old lies, conspiracy theories and brags..

Trump let people know the election was stolen and that the illegitimate administration is destroying this country. He just told the truth.

MrPillow, Sidney and Rudy got nothin’ on you Lasty! :lol:

View attachment 497980

The Kraken has little to do with forensic audits.

Which is one of the reasons we laugh at your silly fraudit.

Laughing while doing anything to stop or discredit the audits? Sure thing, dumbass.

Ooooooo! Triggered?
At least slurring beats this crazy pedo racist crap from Xiden

At least, Biden knows how to put on a pair of pants.

I don't think they're pants.
I think they're pullups.
Like little kids and old people use when they can't work a zipper
I mean, dumb as he is Trump or the people helping him wipe could figure out the pants are on backward
What's the other explanation?

With the pull up Depends underneath to prevent accidents like this one:
At least slurring beats this crazy pedo racist crap from Xiden

At least, Biden knows how to put on a pair of pants.

I don't think they're pants.
I think they're pullups.
Like little kids and old people use when they can't work a zipper
I mean, dumb as he is Trump or the people helping him wipe could figure out the pants are on backward
What's the other explanation?

It was photoshopped. Not the creases--the flylessness.

SNOPES didn't say it was photoshopped.
You do believe SNOPES don't you?

I didn't read snoops.

I looked at the photo.

I've been using Photoshop since it's first version. There isn't much about that program I don't know. I'm an expert with that program.

The photo looks fine when it's small. However when enlarged even a little, the obvious alteration popped out. It's unmistakable.

Someone put the shot through photoshop. They used the eyedropper tool to copy color but they didn't do it close to the zipper to get an exact color match. The color they used is just slightly lighter than the color on the pants where the zipper is supposed to be. Then they used the paint brush tool to paint over the zipper.

Yes to an untrained eye in the small version, the alteration can't be seen.

My opinion is that whoever did this did a very bad job and if they were one of my students would have failed the assignment. Seriously, it was a really bad photoshop job. They even painted over some of the wrinkles in his pants.

I enlarged it and the alteration popped right out as you can see below.

I'm not a trump fan but I hate lies and deception. I will call out any and all lies and deception I see. This one is just so bad it's sad.

Slurred words, no real connection to reality, 2.5 hours late.

Your party in one picture, you have no credibility to say anything. View attachment 497919

Nope, that's not Trump because that person knows how to apply make up that's not orange.

Thanks for making my point.

You think that Trump's make up is hideous also?

No I think Trump lives in your head rent free, 24/7. Also you're an idiot if you criticize anyone else about their mental health. After you claim Biden doesn't have dementia.

Not really, that is your condition, this is a thread about Trump is it not?

Questioning Trump's mental capacity, when your choice of president doesn't have any. Like I said, you loons stick together. Lol

Trump has far more mental health issues than his low IQ or dyslexia.

Trump's IQ is higher than Obama's.

Slurred words, no real connection to reality, 2.5 hours late.

Your party in one picture, you have no credibility to say anything. View attachment 497919

Nope, that's not Trump because that person knows how to apply make up that's not orange.

Thanks for making my point.

You think that Trump's make up is hideous also?

No I think Trump lives in your head rent free, 24/7. Also you're an idiot if you criticize anyone else about their mental health. After you claim Biden doesn't have dementia.

Not really, that is your condition, this is a thread about Trump is it not?

Questioning Trump's mental capacity, when your choice of president doesn't have any. Like I said, you loons stick together. Lol

Trump has far more mental health issues than his low IQ or dyslexia.

Trump's IQ is higher than Obama's.

Don't be stupid. Both of the Obamas are attorneys.

IQ does not make you a lawyer. Law school does. They also have a PHD in race baiting.

Yeah and they both have both - a higher IQ than trump as well as a law degree. There is no such thing as a PhD in "race baiting".

Shhhhh! According to the trump cult there is. No convincing them otherwise.
Slurred words, no real connection to reality, 2.5 hours late.

Your party in one picture, you have no credibility to say anything. View attachment 497919

Nope, that's not Trump because that person knows how to apply make up that's not orange.

Thanks for making my point.

You think that Trump's make up is hideous also?

No I think Trump lives in your head rent free, 24/7. Also you're an idiot if you criticize anyone else about their mental health. After you claim Biden doesn't have dementia.

Not really, that is your condition, this is a thread about Trump is it not?

Questioning Trump's mental capacity, when your choice of president doesn't have any. Like I said, you loons stick together. Lol

Trump has far more mental health issues than his low IQ or dyslexia.

Trump's IQ is higher than Obama's.

Lol, maybe he leaves the papers on a tall shelf.... That's gonna be the only way his IQ is higher that President Obama's.

Remember Obama did not outsmart the intelligence agencies, he corrupted them.

Trump sold out our intelligence agencies and sided with Putin

Putin told him the truth. Our intelligence agencies are anti-American just the way Obama left them.

"Putin told him the truth"...
Slurred words, no real connection to reality, 2.5 hours late.

Your party in one picture, you have no credibility to say anything. View attachment 497919

Nope, that's not Trump because that person knows how to apply make up that's not orange.

Thanks for making my point.

You think that Trump's make up is hideous also?

No I think Trump lives in your head rent free, 24/7. Also you're an idiot if you criticize anyone else about their mental health. After you claim Biden doesn't have dementia.

Not really, that is your condition, this is a thread about Trump is it not?

Questioning Trump's mental capacity, when your choice of president doesn't have any. Like I said, you loons stick together. Lol

Trump has far more mental health issues than his low IQ or dyslexia.

Trump's IQ is higher than Obama's.

Lol, maybe he leaves the papers on a tall shelf.... That's gonna be the only way his IQ is higher that President Obama's.

Remember Obama did not outsmart the intelligence agencies, he corrupted them.

Trump sold out our intelligence agencies and sided with Putin

Putin told him the truth. Our intelligence agencies are anti-American just the way Obama left them.

Are you actually a Russian? Nothing else makes sense given your nonsensical posts

My posts are not nonsensical. You are to stupid to discuss them. All you do is troll.

"You are to stupid..."
At least slurring beats this crazy pedo racist crap from Xiden

At least, Biden knows how to put on a pair of pants.

I don't think they're pants.
I think they're pullups.
Like little kids and old people use when they can't work a zipper
I mean, dumb as he is Trump or the people helping him wipe could figure out the pants are on backward
What's the other explanation?

It was photoshopped. Not the creases--the flylessness.

Oh yes. I couldn't see it in the small photo but when I enlarged it, the photoshop paint over that part of his pants is very obvious to someone like me who has been using photoshop since it's first version in the 80s.

They didn't match the color of the rest of his pants. They didn't put the eye dropper tool in the right area of the pants to get an exact color match.

The color is close and to the untrained eye it looks fine but I have way too many decades of using Photoshop to not see it's been altered.

Whoever did that should be held accountable for what they did.

Sure it wasn't leakage past his Big Boy Pampers?
Snopes didn't say it was photoshopped.
You do believe Snopes don't you?

I didn't read snoops.

I am a professional photographer with literally decades of experience using photoshop.

Along with the color not matching, the paint brush they used was made too big. All they did was take a swipe over the area. They covered too much area also.

They painted over the wrinkles in the pants. The wrinkles should have continued up the crotch. They also painted over part of one of the wrinkles so there's a part in the middle of the wrinkle that's smooth and no wrinkle.

You don't have to believe me. I don't care.

That is a very bad photoshop job.
Slurred words, no real connection to reality, 2.5 hours late.

Your party in one picture, you have no credibility to say anything. View attachment 497919

Nope, that's not Trump because that person knows how to apply make up that's not orange.

Thanks for making my point.

You think that Trump's make up is hideous also?

No I think Trump lives in your head rent free, 24/7. Also you're an idiot if you criticize anyone else about their mental health. After you claim Biden doesn't have dementia.

Not really, that is your condition, this is a thread about Trump is it not?

Questioning Trump's mental capacity, when your choice of president doesn't have any. Like I said, you loons stick together. Lol

Trump has far more mental health issues than his low IQ or dyslexia.

Trump's IQ is higher than Obama's.

Lol, maybe he leaves the papers on a tall shelf.... That's gonna be the only way his IQ is higher that President Obama's.

Remember Obama did not outsmart the intelligence agencies, he corrupted them.

Trump sold out our intelligence agencies and sided with Putin

Lol, Hunter got 3.5 million from russia and Biden gave Putin a pipeline. Biden is an Russian asset.

How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business​

After his financial disasters two decades ago, no U.S. bank would touch him. Then foreign money began flowing in.​

Hunter just got 3.5 million and Putin got his pipeline while we get ours cut. Biden looking out for Russia not us.
View attachment 498238

When has oil never been imported to the USA? The Keystone XL is NOT an American oil pipline it is a Canadian pipeline-duh. Americans have 200,000 miles of oil and gas pipelines and it is always epanding, so go tell yer lies to someone dumb enough to believe them like another Trump supporter.

That's funny coming from someone who doesn't think pedo joe doesn't have dementia.

Are you a pedophile? Do people speculate that you are and make accusations?

Actually that is a well known fact. Plenty of pictures of him fondling little girls.

Oh really? Then post them with the complaints because surely people file complaints when someone "fondles little girls".
Slurred words, no real connection to reality, 2.5 hours late.

Your party in one picture, you have no credibility to say anything. View attachment 497919

Nope, that's not Trump because that person knows how to apply make up that's not orange.

Thanks for making my point.

You think that Trump's make up is hideous also?

No I think Trump lives in your head rent free, 24/7. Also you're an idiot if you criticize anyone else about their mental health. After you claim Biden doesn't have dementia.

Not really, that is your condition, this is a thread about Trump is it not?

Questioning Trump's mental capacity, when your choice of president doesn't have any. Like I said, you loons stick together. Lol

Trump has far more mental health issues than his low IQ or dyslexia.

Trump's IQ is higher than Obama's.

Lol, maybe he leaves the papers on a tall shelf.... That's gonna be the only way his IQ is higher that President Obama's.

Remember Obama did not outsmart the intelligence agencies, he corrupted them.

Trump sold out our intelligence agencies and sided with Putin

Lol, Hunter got 3.5 million from russia and Biden gave Putin a pipeline. Biden is an Russian asset.

How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business​

After his financial disasters two decades ago, no U.S. bank would touch him. Then foreign money began flowing in.​

Hunter just got 3.5 million and Putin got his pipeline while we get ours cut. Biden looking out for Russia not us.
View attachment 498238

When has oil never been imported to the USA? The Keystone XL is NOT an American oil pipline it is a Canadian pipeline-duh. Americans have 200,000 miles of oil and gas pipelines and it is always epanding, so go tell yer lies to someone dumb enough to believe them like another Trump supporter.

That's funny coming from someone who doesn't think pedo joe doesn't have dementia.

Are you a pedophile? Do people speculate that you are and make accusations?

Actually that is a well known fact. Plenty of pictures of him fondling little girls.

You mean hugging children? Maybe YOU are the dirty old man.

But I bet he's cool with this:
Slurred words, no real connection to reality, 2.5 hours late.

Your party in one picture, you have no credibility to say anything. View attachment 497919

Nope, that's not Trump because that person knows how to apply make up that's not orange.

Thanks for making my point.

You think that Trump's make up is hideous also?

No I think Trump lives in your head rent free, 24/7. Also you're an idiot if you criticize anyone else about their mental health. After you claim Biden doesn't have dementia.

Not really, that is your condition, this is a thread about Trump is it not?

Questioning Trump's mental capacity, when your choice of president doesn't have any. Like I said, you loons stick together. Lol

Trump has far more mental health issues than his low IQ or dyslexia.

Trump's IQ is higher than Obama's.

Lol, maybe he leaves the papers on a tall shelf.... That's gonna be the only way his IQ is higher that President Obama's.

Remember Obama did not outsmart the intelligence agencies, he corrupted them.

Trump sold out our intelligence agencies and sided with Putin

Lol, Hunter got 3.5 million from russia and Biden gave Putin a pipeline. Biden is an Russian asset.

How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business​

After his financial disasters two decades ago, no U.S. bank would touch him. Then foreign money began flowing in.​

Hunter just got 3.5 million and Putin got his pipeline while we get ours cut. Biden looking out for Russia not us.
View attachment 498238

When has oil never been imported to the USA? The Keystone XL is NOT an American oil pipline it is a Canadian pipeline-duh. Americans have 200,000 miles of oil and gas pipelines and it is always epanding, so go tell yer lies to someone dumb enough to believe them like another Trump supporter.

That's funny coming from someone who doesn't think pedo joe doesn't have dementia.

Are you a pedophile? Do people speculate that you are and make accusations?

Actually that is a well known fact. Plenty of pictures of him fondling little girls.

Well that's a lie.

Slander too.

View attachment 498608

Awfully old children.

He's just parroting the propaganda.

No propaganda, he is a pedophile.

You've reported him, right? If not....why are you enabling a pedophile?
Slurred words, no real connection to reality, 2.5 hours late.

Your party in one picture, you have no credibility to say anything. View attachment 497919

Nope, that's not Trump because that person knows how to apply make up that's not orange.

Thanks for making my point.

You think that Trump's make up is hideous also?

No I think Trump lives in your head rent free, 24/7. Also you're an idiot if you criticize anyone else about their mental health. After you claim Biden doesn't have dementia.

Not really, that is your condition, this is a thread about Trump is it not?

Questioning Trump's mental capacity, when your choice of president doesn't have any. Like I said, you loons stick together. Lol

Trump has far more mental health issues than his low IQ or dyslexia.

Trump's IQ is higher than Obama's.

Lol, maybe he leaves the papers on a tall shelf.... That's gonna be the only way his IQ is higher that President Obama's.

Remember Obama did not outsmart the intelligence agencies, he corrupted them.

Trump sold out our intelligence agencies and sided with Putin

Lol, Hunter got 3.5 million from russia and Biden gave Putin a pipeline. Biden is an Russian asset.

How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business​

After his financial disasters two decades ago, no U.S. bank would touch him. Then foreign money began flowing in.​

Hunter just got 3.5 million and Putin got his pipeline while we get ours cut. Biden looking out for Russia not us.
View attachment 498238

When has oil never been imported to the USA? The Keystone XL is NOT an American oil pipline it is a Canadian pipeline-duh. Americans have 200,000 miles of oil and gas pipelines and it is always epanding, so go tell yer lies to someone dumb enough to believe them like another Trump supporter.

That's funny coming from someone who doesn't think pedo joe doesn't have dementia.

Are you a pedophile? Do people speculate that you are and make accusations?

Actually that is a well known fact. Plenty of pictures of him fondling little girls.

Well that's a lie.

Slander too.

View attachment 498608

Awfully old children.

not the bottom two, keep sticking up for a pedophile.

the lower left is over puberty age and pedophilia is an attraction to prepubescent children. Your ignorance doesn't signify any support from me.

Lol, they are under 18, and there are plenty more. Send your granddaughter to spend the weekend alone with him. I bet you wouldn't.

I don't have any grandkids and I doubt he would let them hang like you fantasize. Seek counseling or drugs if need be.

If that dirty old man touched my kid the way he did others I'd knock the shit out of him.

Be my guest, you be all talk and no walk.
I want Trump to run for president it is the easiest solution to keeping him out of office....
2/3 of the American people don’t want him to run again. Why are Rs so frightened?
Because trump fluffers are inherently violent and the Republican members of Con-gress fear for their safety and that of their families.
Trump fluffers are all sporting a new mullet:
Culture wars up front - Insurrectionist authoritarian in the back!

Slurred words, no real connection to reality, 2.5 hours late.

Your party in one picture, you have no credibility to say anything. View attachment 497919

Nope, that's not Trump because that person knows how to apply make up that's not orange.

Thanks for making my point.

You think that Trump's make up is hideous also?

No I think Trump lives in your head rent free, 24/7. Also you're an idiot if you criticize anyone else about their mental health. After you claim Biden doesn't have dementia.

Not really, that is your condition, this is a thread about Trump is it not?

Questioning Trump's mental capacity, when your choice of president doesn't have any. Like I said, you loons stick together. Lol

Trump has far more mental health issues than his low IQ or dyslexia.

Trump's IQ is higher than Obama's.

Lol, maybe he leaves the papers on a tall shelf.... That's gonna be the only way his IQ is higher that President Obama's.

Remember Obama did not outsmart the intelligence agencies, he corrupted them.

Trump sold out our intelligence agencies and sided with Putin

Lol, Hunter got 3.5 million from russia and Biden gave Putin a pipeline. Biden is an Russian asset.

How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business​

After his financial disasters two decades ago, no U.S. bank would touch him. Then foreign money began flowing in.​

Hunter just got 3.5 million and Putin got his pipeline while we get ours cut. Biden looking out for Russia not us.
View attachment 498238

When has oil never been imported to the USA? The Keystone XL is NOT an American oil pipline it is a Canadian pipeline-duh. Americans have 200,000 miles of oil and gas pipelines and it is always epanding, so go tell yer lies to someone dumb enough to believe them like another Trump supporter.

That's funny coming from someone who doesn't think pedo joe doesn't have dementia.

Are you a pedophile? Do people speculate that you are and make accusations?

Actually that is a well known fact. Plenty of pictures of him fondling little girls.

You mean hugging children? Maybe YOU are the dirty old man.

But I bet he's cool with this: View attachment 498698 View attachment 498699 View attachment 498700 View attachment 498701 View attachment 498702

A father with his daughter, my son sat in my lap many times. Lol Biden's daughters diary she states Biden took showers with her and molested her.

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