Trump looked really bad at his rally.

Crepitus said:
Slurred words, no real connection to reality, 2.5 hours late.
What was good to see is that the Cry Baby Loser has not lost his capacity for self-pity. His inveterate whining, flailing his "victim card" and his lashing out in petty tirades should keep the GOP mired in what it is desperate to move beyond. There is no delousing station on the horizon.

Withe Trump having lost his Party the House, Senate, and Executive in a single term, his civil and criminal prosecutions in the offing, his financial crises coming to a head, his "Trumpiest Congressman"'s sex-trafficking escapades, and his goons who attacked the Capitol facing justice and blaming him, there is no escaping Trumpery for the Republican Party.

Mitch McConnell could lead the caucus's theme song:

Lots there for trump cultists to pretend to be proud of.
At least slurring beats this crazy pedo racist crap from Xiden

At least, Biden knows how to put on a pair of pants.

I don't think they're pants.
I think they're pullups.
Like little kids and old people use when they can't work a zipper
I mean, dumb as he is Trump or the people helping him wipe could figure out the pants are on backward
What's the other explanation?

With the pull up Depends underneath to prevent accidents like this one: View attachment 498683

At least slurring beats this crazy pedo racist crap from Xiden

At least, Biden knows how to put on a pair of pants.

I don't think they're pants.
I think they're pullups.
Like little kids and old people use when they can't work a zipper
I mean, dumb as he is Trump or the people helping him wipe could figure out the pants are on backward
What's the other explanation?

It was photoshopped. Not the creases--the flylessness.

SNOPES didn't say it was photoshopped.
You do believe SNOPES don't you?

I didn't read snoops.

I looked at the photo.

I've been using Photoshop since it's first version. There isn't much about that program I don't know. I'm an expert with that program.

The photo looks fine when it's small. However when enlarged even a little, the obvious alteration popped out. It's unmistakable.

Someone put the shot through photoshop. They used the eyedropper tool to copy color but they didn't do it close to the zipper to get an exact color match. The color they used is just slightly lighter than the color on the pants where the zipper is supposed to be. Then they used the paint brush tool to paint over the zipper.

Yes to an untrained eye in the small version, the alteration can't be seen.

My opinion is that whoever did this did a very bad job and if they were one of my students would have failed the assignment. Seriously, it was a really bad photoshop job. They even painted over some of the wrinkles in his pants.

I enlarged it and the alteration popped right out as you can see below.

I'm not a trump fan but I hate lies and deception. I will call out any and all lies and deception I see. This one is just so bad it's sad.

View attachment 498684

Your "opinion" is that, an opinion.
Your claim to expertise is just that, a claim.

Reasonably certain that SNOPES would have pointed out the false rendering if there was one.

They called it an illusion based on angle and lighting.


Since you guys don't believe SNOPES then the only other answer is


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