Trump looked really bad at his rally.

Crepitus said:
Slurred words, no real connection to reality, 2.5 hours late.
What was good to see is that the Cry Baby Loser has not lost his capacity for self-pity. His inveterate whining, flailing his "victim card" and his lashing out in petty tirades should keep the GOP mired in what it is desperate to move beyond. There is no delousing station on the horizon.

Withe Trump having lost his Party the House, Senate, and Executive in a single term, his civil and criminal prosecutions in the offing, his financial crises coming to a head, his "Trumpiest Congressman"'s sex-trafficking escapades, and his goons who attacked the Capitol facing justice and blaming him, there is no escaping Trumpery for the Republican Party.

Mitch McConnell could lead the caucus's theme song:

Slurred words, no real connection to reality, 2.5 hours late.

Your party in one picture, you have no credibility to say anything. View attachment 497919

Nope, that's not Trump because that person knows how to apply make up that's not orange.

Thanks for making my point.

You think that Trump's make up is hideous also?

No I think Trump lives in your head rent free, 24/7. Also you're an idiot if you criticize anyone else about their mental health. After you claim Biden doesn't have dementia.

Not really, that is your condition, this is a thread about Trump is it not?

Questioning Trump's mental capacity, when your choice of president doesn't have any. Like I said, you loons stick together. Lol

Trump has far more mental health issues than his low IQ or dyslexia.

Trump's IQ is higher than Obama's.

Lol, maybe he leaves the papers on a tall shelf.... That's gonna be the only way his IQ is higher that President Obama's.

Remember Obama did not outsmart the intelligence agencies, he corrupted them.

Trump sold out our intelligence agencies and sided with Putin

Lol, Hunter got 3.5 million from russia and Biden gave Putin a pipeline. Biden is an Russian asset.

How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business​

After his financial disasters two decades ago, no U.S. bank would touch him. Then foreign money began flowing in.​

Hunter just got 3.5 million and Putin got his pipeline while we get ours cut. Biden looking out for Russia not us.
View attachment 498238

When has oil never been imported to the USA? The Keystone XL is NOT an American oil pipline it is a Canadian pipeline-duh. Americans have 200,000 miles of oil and gas pipelines and it is always epanding, so go tell yer lies to someone dumb enough to believe them like another Trump supporter.

That's funny coming from someone who doesn't think pedo joe doesn't have dementia.

Are you a pedophile? Do people speculate that you are and make accusations?

Actually that is a well known fact. Plenty of pictures of him fondling little girls.

You mean hugging children? Maybe YOU are the dirty old man.

But I bet he's cool with this: View attachment 498698 View attachment 498699 View attachment 498700 View attachment 498701 View attachment 498702

A father with his daughter, my son sat in my lap many times. Lol Biden's daughters diary she states Biden took showers with her and molested her.

You pervert..Is what you would say..

What that Biden’s daughter claims he molested her? You say move along nothing to see here.

Oh really? You can link to that claim, right? In the meantime, have you reported Biden for pedophilia to the Authorities with your evidence? Or are you an enabler?

Google it, and you are the enabler for saying it isn't true. A daughter sitting on her dads lap has been happening since the beginning of time.

There's nothing to Google -- you lied.

The headline, go ahead and defend it.
View attachment 498738

That's easy to defend. Not only is "not appropriate" not molesting her, your headline lies like you do by misquoting her. She actually said, "probably not appropriate." That doesn't sound like molesting her to any normal person.

Yeah, normal person wouldn't shower with their daughter the president you voted for did.


Screeches the sick freak who thinks molesting young girls is "probably not appropriate."
Slurred words, no real connection to reality, 2.5 hours late.

Your party in one picture, you have no credibility to say anything. View attachment 497919

Nope, that's not Trump because that person knows how to apply make up that's not orange.

Thanks for making my point.

You think that Trump's make up is hideous also?

No I think Trump lives in your head rent free, 24/7. Also you're an idiot if you criticize anyone else about their mental health. After you claim Biden doesn't have dementia.

Not really, that is your condition, this is a thread about Trump is it not?

Questioning Trump's mental capacity, when your choice of president doesn't have any. Like I said, you loons stick together. Lol

Trump has far more mental health issues than his low IQ or dyslexia.

Trump's IQ is higher than Obama's.

Lol, maybe he leaves the papers on a tall shelf.... That's gonna be the only way his IQ is higher that President Obama's.

Remember Obama did not outsmart the intelligence agencies, he corrupted them.

Trump sold out our intelligence agencies and sided with Putin

Lol, Hunter got 3.5 million from russia and Biden gave Putin a pipeline. Biden is an Russian asset.

How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business​

After his financial disasters two decades ago, no U.S. bank would touch him. Then foreign money began flowing in.​

Hunter just got 3.5 million and Putin got his pipeline while we get ours cut. Biden looking out for Russia not us.
View attachment 498238

When has oil never been imported to the USA? The Keystone XL is NOT an American oil pipline it is a Canadian pipeline-duh. Americans have 200,000 miles of oil and gas pipelines and it is always epanding, so go tell yer lies to someone dumb enough to believe them like another Trump supporter.

That's funny coming from someone who doesn't think pedo joe doesn't have dementia.

Are you a pedophile? Do people speculate that you are and make accusations?

Actually that is a well known fact. Plenty of pictures of him fondling little girls.

You mean hugging children? Maybe YOU are the dirty old man.

But I bet he's cool with this: View attachment 498698 View attachment 498699 View attachment 498700 View attachment 498701 View attachment 498702

A father with his daughter, my son sat in my lap many times. Lol Biden's daughters diary she states Biden took showers with her and molested her.

Of are just fine with that. Creepy indeed.

Does she claimed that Trump molested her. Bidens daughters dairy says Biden did. Of course you are fine with that.


No, his daughter's diary said no such thing. She said it was "probably not appropriate" that she showered with her dad at a "young age." You must be utterly brain-dead to think molesting little girls is "probably not appropriate." It's absolutely abhorrent.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to post.

So in a liberals mind sitting on your dads lap is inappropriate, but showering with your daughter is perfectly ok? Thanks for proving no matter what Biden does, you will turn your head. Hypocrite.

Fuckstick, it's not molestation. You lied. Deal with it. Your obsession with Biden is your problem.

Actually in it it does say he potentially molested her. You defending Biden taking showers with his daughter, is sick. That poor girl is screwed up in the head over what Biden did. Hunter is just as sick, that is one screwed up family.

Sick freak, I've not defended him for taking a shower with his daughter. I defended him from your like that he molested her.
Slurred words, no real connection to reality, 2.5 hours late.

Your party in one picture, you have no credibility to say anything. View attachment 497919

Nope, that's not Trump because that person knows how to apply make up that's not orange.

Thanks for making my point.

You think that Trump's make up is hideous also?

No I think Trump lives in your head rent free, 24/7. Also you're an idiot if you criticize anyone else about their mental health. After you claim Biden doesn't have dementia.

Not really, that is your condition, this is a thread about Trump is it not?

Questioning Trump's mental capacity, when your choice of president doesn't have any. Like I said, you loons stick together. Lol

Trump has far more mental health issues than his low IQ or dyslexia.

Trump's IQ is higher than Obama's.

Lol, maybe he leaves the papers on a tall shelf.... That's gonna be the only way his IQ is higher that President Obama's.

Remember Obama did not outsmart the intelligence agencies, he corrupted them.

Trump sold out our intelligence agencies and sided with Putin

Lol, Hunter got 3.5 million from russia and Biden gave Putin a pipeline. Biden is an Russian asset.

How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business​

After his financial disasters two decades ago, no U.S. bank would touch him. Then foreign money began flowing in.​

Hunter just got 3.5 million and Putin got his pipeline while we get ours cut. Biden looking out for Russia not us.
View attachment 498238

When has oil never been imported to the USA? The Keystone XL is NOT an American oil pipline it is a Canadian pipeline-duh. Americans have 200,000 miles of oil and gas pipelines and it is always epanding, so go tell yer lies to someone dumb enough to believe them like another Trump supporter.

That's funny coming from someone who doesn't think pedo joe doesn't have dementia.

Are you a pedophile? Do people speculate that you are and make accusations?

Actually that is a well known fact. Plenty of pictures of him fondling little girls.

You mean hugging children? Maybe YOU are the dirty old man.

But I bet he's cool with this: View attachment 498698 View attachment 498699 View attachment 498700 View attachment 498701 View attachment 498702

A father with his daughter, my son sat in my lap many times. Lol Biden's daughters diary she states Biden took showers with her and molested her.

You pervert..Is what you would say..

What that Biden’s daughter claims he molested her? You say move along nothing to see here.

Oh really? You can link to that claim, right? In the meantime, have you reported Biden for pedophilia to the Authorities with your evidence? Or are you an enabler?

Google it, and you are the enabler for saying it isn't true. A daughter sitting on her dads lap has been happening since the beginning of time.

There's nothing to Google -- you lied.

How do you think I found it, so you lied about it not being there.

It's not there since there's no evidence Biden ever molested his daughter. Your idiotic claim wasn't that Biden showered with her when she was young -- you read that and it was your twisted brain that translated that into Biden's daughter claimed he molested her. You're a sick freak.

It's in the diary, but what's abusing a little girl by your president got to do with anything. Right, as long there is a d next to his name he can do anything.

Liar. Again, you said she accused him of molesting her. That is not in her diary -- it's in your head, ya sick freak.
Slurred words, no real connection to reality, 2.5 hours late.

Your party in one picture, you have no credibility to say anything. View attachment 497919

Nope, that's not Trump because that person knows how to apply make up that's not orange.

Thanks for making my point.

You think that Trump's make up is hideous also?

No I think Trump lives in your head rent free, 24/7. Also you're an idiot if you criticize anyone else about their mental health. After you claim Biden doesn't have dementia.

Not really, that is your condition, this is a thread about Trump is it not?

Questioning Trump's mental capacity, when your choice of president doesn't have any. Like I said, you loons stick together. Lol

Trump has far more mental health issues than his low IQ or dyslexia.

Trump's IQ is higher than Obama's.

Lol, maybe he leaves the papers on a tall shelf.... That's gonna be the only way his IQ is higher that President Obama's.

Remember Obama did not outsmart the intelligence agencies, he corrupted them.

Trump sold out our intelligence agencies and sided with Putin

Lol, Hunter got 3.5 million from russia and Biden gave Putin a pipeline. Biden is an Russian asset.

How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business​

After his financial disasters two decades ago, no U.S. bank would touch him. Then foreign money began flowing in.​

Hunter just got 3.5 million and Putin got his pipeline while we get ours cut. Biden looking out for Russia not us.
View attachment 498238

When has oil never been imported to the USA? The Keystone XL is NOT an American oil pipline it is a Canadian pipeline-duh. Americans have 200,000 miles of oil and gas pipelines and it is always epanding, so go tell yer lies to someone dumb enough to believe them like another Trump supporter.

That's funny coming from someone who doesn't think pedo joe doesn't have dementia.

Are you a pedophile? Do people speculate that you are and make accusations?

Actually that is a well known fact. Plenty of pictures of him fondling little girls.

You mean hugging children? Maybe YOU are the dirty old man.

But I bet he's cool with this: View attachment 498698 View attachment 498699 View attachment 498700 View attachment 498701 View attachment 498702

A father with his daughter, my son sat in my lap many times. Lol Biden's daughters diary she states Biden took showers with her and molested her.

You pervert..Is what you would say..

What that Biden’s daughter claims he molested her? You say move along nothing to see here.

Oh really? You can link to that claim, right? In the meantime, have you reported Biden for pedophilia to the Authorities with your evidence? Or are you an enabler?

Google it, and you are the enabler for saying it isn't true. A daughter sitting on her dads lap has been happening since the beginning of time.

There's nothing to Google -- you lied.

How do you think I found it, so you lied about it not being there.

It's not there since there's no evidence Biden ever molested his daughter. Your idiotic claim wasn't that Biden showered with her when she was young -- you read that and it was your twisted brain that translated that into Biden's daughter claimed he molested her. You're a sick freak.

It's in the diary, but what's abusing a little girl by your president got to do with anything. Right, as long there is a d next to his name he can do anything.

Liar. Again, you said she accused him of molesting her. That is not in her diary -- it's in your head, ya sick freak.

It's in the fucking diary you stupid idiot.
Slurred words, no real connection to reality, 2.5 hours late.

Your party in one picture, you have no credibility to say anything. View attachment 497919

Nope, that's not Trump because that person knows how to apply make up that's not orange.

Thanks for making my point.

You think that Trump's make up is hideous also?

No I think Trump lives in your head rent free, 24/7. Also you're an idiot if you criticize anyone else about their mental health. After you claim Biden doesn't have dementia.

Not really, that is your condition, this is a thread about Trump is it not?

Questioning Trump's mental capacity, when your choice of president doesn't have any. Like I said, you loons stick together. Lol

Trump has far more mental health issues than his low IQ or dyslexia.

Trump's IQ is higher than Obama's.

Lol, maybe he leaves the papers on a tall shelf.... That's gonna be the only way his IQ is higher that President Obama's.

Remember Obama did not outsmart the intelligence agencies, he corrupted them.

Trump sold out our intelligence agencies and sided with Putin

Lol, Hunter got 3.5 million from russia and Biden gave Putin a pipeline. Biden is an Russian asset.

How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business​

After his financial disasters two decades ago, no U.S. bank would touch him. Then foreign money began flowing in.​

Hunter just got 3.5 million and Putin got his pipeline while we get ours cut. Biden looking out for Russia not us.
View attachment 498238

When has oil never been imported to the USA? The Keystone XL is NOT an American oil pipline it is a Canadian pipeline-duh. Americans have 200,000 miles of oil and gas pipelines and it is always epanding, so go tell yer lies to someone dumb enough to believe them like another Trump supporter.

That's funny coming from someone who doesn't think pedo joe doesn't have dementia.

Are you a pedophile? Do people speculate that you are and make accusations?

Actually that is a well known fact. Plenty of pictures of him fondling little girls.

You mean hugging children? Maybe YOU are the dirty old man.

But I bet he's cool with this: View attachment 498698 View attachment 498699 View attachment 498700 View attachment 498701 View attachment 498702

A father with his daughter, my son sat in my lap many times. Lol Biden's daughters diary she states Biden took showers with her and molested her.

You pervert..Is what you would say..

What that Biden’s daughter claims he molested her? You say move along nothing to see here.

Oh really? You can link to that claim, right? In the meantime, have you reported Biden for pedophilia to the Authorities with your evidence? Or are you an enabler?

Google it, and you are the enabler for saying it isn't true. A daughter sitting on her dads lap has been happening since the beginning of time.

There's nothing to Google -- you lied.

How do you think I found it, so you lied about it not being there.

It's not there since there's no evidence Biden ever molested his daughter. Your idiotic claim wasn't that Biden showered with her when she was young -- you read that and it was your twisted brain that translated that into Biden's daughter claimed he molested her. You're a sick freak.

It's in the diary, but what's abusing a little girl by your president got to do with anything. Right, as long there is a d next to his name he can do anything.

Liar. Again, you said she accused him of molesting her. That is not in her diary -- it's in your head, ya sick freak.

The shower is there.
Slurred words, no real connection to reality, 2.5 hours late.

Your party in one picture, you have no credibility to say anything. View attachment 497919

Nope, that's not Trump because that person knows how to apply make up that's not orange.

Thanks for making my point.

You think that Trump's make up is hideous also?

No I think Trump lives in your head rent free, 24/7. Also you're an idiot if you criticize anyone else about their mental health. After you claim Biden doesn't have dementia.

Not really, that is your condition, this is a thread about Trump is it not?

Questioning Trump's mental capacity, when your choice of president doesn't have any. Like I said, you loons stick together. Lol

Trump has far more mental health issues than his low IQ or dyslexia.

Trump's IQ is higher than Obama's.

Lol, maybe he leaves the papers on a tall shelf.... That's gonna be the only way his IQ is higher that President Obama's.

Remember Obama did not outsmart the intelligence agencies, he corrupted them.

Trump sold out our intelligence agencies and sided with Putin

Lol, Hunter got 3.5 million from russia and Biden gave Putin a pipeline. Biden is an Russian asset.

How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business​

After his financial disasters two decades ago, no U.S. bank would touch him. Then foreign money began flowing in.​

Hunter just got 3.5 million and Putin got his pipeline while we get ours cut. Biden looking out for Russia not us.
View attachment 498238

When has oil never been imported to the USA? The Keystone XL is NOT an American oil pipline it is a Canadian pipeline-duh. Americans have 200,000 miles of oil and gas pipelines and it is always epanding, so go tell yer lies to someone dumb enough to believe them like another Trump supporter.

That's funny coming from someone who doesn't think pedo joe doesn't have dementia.

Are you a pedophile? Do people speculate that you are and make accusations?

Actually that is a well known fact. Plenty of pictures of him fondling little girls.

You mean hugging children? Maybe YOU are the dirty old man.

But I bet he's cool with this: View attachment 498698 View attachment 498699 View attachment 498700 View attachment 498701 View attachment 498702

A father with his daughter, my son sat in my lap many times. Lol Biden's daughters diary she states Biden took showers with her and molested her.

You pervert..Is what you would say..

What that Biden’s daughter claims he molested her? You say move along nothing to see here.

Oh really? You can link to that claim, right? In the meantime, have you reported Biden for pedophilia to the Authorities with your evidence? Or are you an enabler?

Google it, and you are the enabler for saying it isn't true. A daughter sitting on her dads lap has been happening since the beginning of time.

There's nothing to Google -- you lied.

How do you think I found it, so you lied about it not being there.

It's not there since there's no evidence Biden ever molested his daughter. Your idiotic claim wasn't that Biden showered with her when she was young -- you read that and it was your twisted brain that translated that into Biden's daughter claimed he molested her. You're a sick freak.

It's in the diary, but what's abusing a little girl by your president got to do with anything. Right, as long there is a d next to his name he can do anything.

Liar. Again, you said she accused him of molesting her. That is not in her diary -- it's in your head, ya sick freak.

It's in the fucking diary you stupid idiot.

You're still lying, ya sick freak. All she said about her dad is that they showered together when she was young and that it was "probably not appropriate." "Probably not appropriate" is not how anybody describes being molested.
Slurred words, no real connection to reality, 2.5 hours late.

Your party in one picture, you have no credibility to say anything. View attachment 497919

Nope, that's not Trump because that person knows how to apply make up that's not orange.

Thanks for making my point.

You think that Trump's make up is hideous also?

No I think Trump lives in your head rent free, 24/7. Also you're an idiot if you criticize anyone else about their mental health. After you claim Biden doesn't have dementia.

Not really, that is your condition, this is a thread about Trump is it not?

Questioning Trump's mental capacity, when your choice of president doesn't have any. Like I said, you loons stick together. Lol

Trump has far more mental health issues than his low IQ or dyslexia.

Trump's IQ is higher than Obama's.

Lol, maybe he leaves the papers on a tall shelf.... That's gonna be the only way his IQ is higher that President Obama's.

Remember Obama did not outsmart the intelligence agencies, he corrupted them.

Trump sold out our intelligence agencies and sided with Putin

Lol, Hunter got 3.5 million from russia and Biden gave Putin a pipeline. Biden is an Russian asset.

How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business​

After his financial disasters two decades ago, no U.S. bank would touch him. Then foreign money began flowing in.​

Hunter just got 3.5 million and Putin got his pipeline while we get ours cut. Biden looking out for Russia not us.
View attachment 498238

When has oil never been imported to the USA? The Keystone XL is NOT an American oil pipline it is a Canadian pipeline-duh. Americans have 200,000 miles of oil and gas pipelines and it is always epanding, so go tell yer lies to someone dumb enough to believe them like another Trump supporter.

That's funny coming from someone who doesn't think pedo joe doesn't have dementia.

Are you a pedophile? Do people speculate that you are and make accusations?

Actually that is a well known fact. Plenty of pictures of him fondling little girls.

You mean hugging children? Maybe YOU are the dirty old man.

But I bet he's cool with this: View attachment 498698 View attachment 498699 View attachment 498700 View attachment 498701 View attachment 498702

A father with his daughter, my son sat in my lap many times. Lol Biden's daughters diary she states Biden took showers with her and molested her.

You pervert..Is what you would say..

What that Biden’s daughter claims he molested her? You say move along nothing to see here.

Oh really? You can link to that claim, right? In the meantime, have you reported Biden for pedophilia to the Authorities with your evidence? Or are you an enabler?

Google it, and you are the enabler for saying it isn't true. A daughter sitting on her dads lap has been happening since the beginning of time.

There's nothing to Google -- you lied.

How do you think I found it, so you lied about it not being there.

It's not there since there's no evidence Biden ever molested his daughter. Your idiotic claim wasn't that Biden showered with her when she was young -- you read that and it was your twisted brain that translated that into Biden's daughter claimed he molested her. You're a sick freak.

It's in the diary, but what's abusing a little girl by your president got to do with anything. Right, as long there is a d next to his name he can do anything.

Liar. Again, you said she accused him of molesting her. That is not in her diary -- it's in your head, ya sick freak.

The shower is there.

The shower is where?
Slurred words, no real connection to reality, 2.5 hours late.

Your party in one picture, you have no credibility to say anything. View attachment 497919

Nope, that's not Trump because that person knows how to apply make up that's not orange.

Thanks for making my point.

You think that Trump's make up is hideous also?

No I think Trump lives in your head rent free, 24/7. Also you're an idiot if you criticize anyone else about their mental health. After you claim Biden doesn't have dementia.

Not really, that is your condition, this is a thread about Trump is it not?

Questioning Trump's mental capacity, when your choice of president doesn't have any. Like I said, you loons stick together. Lol

Trump has far more mental health issues than his low IQ or dyslexia.

Trump's IQ is higher than Obama's.

Lol, maybe he leaves the papers on a tall shelf.... That's gonna be the only way his IQ is higher that President Obama's.

Remember Obama did not outsmart the intelligence agencies, he corrupted them.

Trump sold out our intelligence agencies and sided with Putin

Lol, Hunter got 3.5 million from russia and Biden gave Putin a pipeline. Biden is an Russian asset.

How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business​

After his financial disasters two decades ago, no U.S. bank would touch him. Then foreign money began flowing in.​

Hunter just got 3.5 million and Putin got his pipeline while we get ours cut. Biden looking out for Russia not us.
View attachment 498238

When has oil never been imported to the USA? The Keystone XL is NOT an American oil pipline it is a Canadian pipeline-duh. Americans have 200,000 miles of oil and gas pipelines and it is always epanding, so go tell yer lies to someone dumb enough to believe them like another Trump supporter.

That's funny coming from someone who doesn't think pedo joe doesn't have dementia.

Are you a pedophile? Do people speculate that you are and make accusations?

Actually that is a well known fact. Plenty of pictures of him fondling little girls.

You mean hugging children? Maybe YOU are the dirty old man.

But I bet he's cool with this: View attachment 498698 View attachment 498699 View attachment 498700 View attachment 498701 View attachment 498702

A father with his daughter, my son sat in my lap many times. Lol Biden's daughters diary she states Biden took showers with her and molested her.

You pervert..Is what you would say..

What that Biden’s daughter claims he molested her? You say move along nothing to see here.

Oh really? You can link to that claim, right? In the meantime, have you reported Biden for pedophilia to the Authorities with your evidence? Or are you an enabler?

Google it, and you are the enabler for saying it isn't true. A daughter sitting on her dads lap has been happening since the beginning of time.

There's nothing to Google -- you lied.

How do you think I found it, so you lied about it not being there.

It's not there since there's no evidence Biden ever molested his daughter. Your idiotic claim wasn't that Biden showered with her when she was young -- you read that and it was your twisted brain that translated that into Biden's daughter claimed he molested her. You're a sick freak.

It's in the diary, but what's abusing a little girl by your president got to do with anything. Right, as long there is a d next to his name he can do anything.

Liar. Again, you said she accused him of molesting her. That is not in her diary -- it's in your head, ya sick freak.

It's in the fucking diary you stupid idiot.

You're still lying, ya sick freak. All she said about her dad is that they showered together when she was young and that it was "probably not appropriate." "Probably not appropriate" is not how anybody describes being molested.

Lol, earlier you said it didn't exist.
Slurred words, no real connection to reality, 2.5 hours late.

Your party in one picture, you have no credibility to say anything. View attachment 497919

Nope, that's not Trump because that person knows how to apply make up that's not orange.

Thanks for making my point.

You think that Trump's make up is hideous also?

No I think Trump lives in your head rent free, 24/7. Also you're an idiot if you criticize anyone else about their mental health. After you claim Biden doesn't have dementia.

Not really, that is your condition, this is a thread about Trump is it not?

Questioning Trump's mental capacity, when your choice of president doesn't have any. Like I said, you loons stick together. Lol

Trump has far more mental health issues than his low IQ or dyslexia.

Trump's IQ is higher than Obama's.

Lol, maybe he leaves the papers on a tall shelf.... That's gonna be the only way his IQ is higher that President Obama's.

Remember Obama did not outsmart the intelligence agencies, he corrupted them.

Trump sold out our intelligence agencies and sided with Putin

Lol, Hunter got 3.5 million from russia and Biden gave Putin a pipeline. Biden is an Russian asset.

How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business​

After his financial disasters two decades ago, no U.S. bank would touch him. Then foreign money began flowing in.​

Hunter just got 3.5 million and Putin got his pipeline while we get ours cut. Biden looking out for Russia not us.
View attachment 498238

When has oil never been imported to the USA? The Keystone XL is NOT an American oil pipline it is a Canadian pipeline-duh. Americans have 200,000 miles of oil and gas pipelines and it is always epanding, so go tell yer lies to someone dumb enough to believe them like another Trump supporter.

That's funny coming from someone who doesn't think pedo joe doesn't have dementia.

Are you a pedophile? Do people speculate that you are and make accusations?

Actually that is a well known fact. Plenty of pictures of him fondling little girls.

You mean hugging children? Maybe YOU are the dirty old man.

But I bet he's cool with this: View attachment 498698 View attachment 498699 View attachment 498700 View attachment 498701 View attachment 498702

A father with his daughter, my son sat in my lap many times. Lol Biden's daughters diary she states Biden took showers with her and molested her.

You pervert..Is what you would say..

What that Biden’s daughter claims he molested her? You say move along nothing to see here.

Oh really? You can link to that claim, right? In the meantime, have you reported Biden for pedophilia to the Authorities with your evidence? Or are you an enabler?

Google it, and you are the enabler for saying it isn't true. A daughter sitting on her dads lap has been happening since the beginning of time.

There's nothing to Google -- you lied.

How do you think I found it, so you lied about it not being there.

It's not there since there's no evidence Biden ever molested his daughter. Your idiotic claim wasn't that Biden showered with her when she was young -- you read that and it was your twisted brain that translated that into Biden's daughter claimed he molested her. You're a sick freak.

It's in the diary, but what's abusing a little girl by your president got to do with anything. Right, as long there is a d next to his name he can do anything.

Liar. Again, you said she accused him of molesting her. That is not in her diary -- it's in your head, ya sick freak.

It's in the fucking diary you stupid idiot.

You're still lying, ya sick freak. All she said about her dad is that they showered together when she was young and that it was "probably not appropriate." "Probably not appropriate" is not how anybody describes being molested.

Lol, earlier you said it didn't exist.

You're lying again, sick freak. I said your claim that she accused him of molesting her doesn't exist in her diary.

Even you know that since you changed your claim from he molested her to he potentially molested her.
Slurred words, no real connection to reality, 2.5 hours late.

Your party in one picture, you have no credibility to say anything. View attachment 497919

Nope, that's not Trump because that person knows how to apply make up that's not orange.

Thanks for making my point.

You think that Trump's make up is hideous also?

No I think Trump lives in your head rent free, 24/7. Also you're an idiot if you criticize anyone else about their mental health. After you claim Biden doesn't have dementia.

Not really, that is your condition, this is a thread about Trump is it not?

Questioning Trump's mental capacity, when your choice of president doesn't have any. Like I said, you loons stick together. Lol

Trump has far more mental health issues than his low IQ or dyslexia.

Trump's IQ is higher than Obama's.

Lol, maybe he leaves the papers on a tall shelf.... That's gonna be the only way his IQ is higher that President Obama's.

Remember Obama did not outsmart the intelligence agencies, he corrupted them.

Trump sold out our intelligence agencies and sided with Putin

Lol, Hunter got 3.5 million from russia and Biden gave Putin a pipeline. Biden is an Russian asset.

How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business​

After his financial disasters two decades ago, no U.S. bank would touch him. Then foreign money began flowing in.​

Hunter just got 3.5 million and Putin got his pipeline while we get ours cut. Biden looking out for Russia not us.
View attachment 498238

When has oil never been imported to the USA? The Keystone XL is NOT an American oil pipline it is a Canadian pipeline-duh. Americans have 200,000 miles of oil and gas pipelines and it is always epanding, so go tell yer lies to someone dumb enough to believe them like another Trump supporter.

That's funny coming from someone who doesn't think pedo joe doesn't have dementia.

Are you a pedophile? Do people speculate that you are and make accusations?

Actually that is a well known fact. Plenty of pictures of him fondling little girls.

You mean hugging children? Maybe YOU are the dirty old man.

But I bet he's cool with this: View attachment 498698 View attachment 498699 View attachment 498700 View attachment 498701 View attachment 498702

A father with his daughter, my son sat in my lap many times. Lol Biden's daughters diary she states Biden took showers with her and molested her.

You pervert..Is what you would say..

What that Biden’s daughter claims he molested her? You say move along nothing to see here.

Oh really? You can link to that claim, right? In the meantime, have you reported Biden for pedophilia to the Authorities with your evidence? Or are you an enabler?

Google it, and you are the enabler for saying it isn't true. A daughter sitting on her dads lap has been happening since the beginning of time.

There's nothing to Google -- you lied.

How do you think I found it, so you lied about it not being there.

It's not there since there's no evidence Biden ever molested his daughter. Your idiotic claim wasn't that Biden showered with her when she was young -- you read that and it was your twisted brain that translated that into Biden's daughter claimed he molested her. You're a sick freak.

It's in the diary, but what's abusing a little girl by your president got to do with anything. Right, as long there is a d next to his name he can do anything.

Liar. Again, you said she accused him of molesting her. That is not in her diary -- it's in your head, ya sick freak.

It's in the fucking diary you stupid idiot.

She doesn’t know what that is. It’s obvious
Trump is starting to look a little more chubby than usual.

He must have increased his daily ration of Big Macs
Slurred words, no real connection to reality, 2.5 hours late.

Your party in one picture, you have no credibility to say anything. View attachment 497919

Nope, that's not Trump because that person knows how to apply make up that's not orange.

Thanks for making my point.

You think that Trump's make up is hideous also?

No I think Trump lives in your head rent free, 24/7. Also you're an idiot if you criticize anyone else about their mental health. After you claim Biden doesn't have dementia.

Not really, that is your condition, this is a thread about Trump is it not?

Questioning Trump's mental capacity, when your choice of president doesn't have any. Like I said, you loons stick together. Lol

Trump has far more mental health issues than his low IQ or dyslexia.

Trump's IQ is higher than Obama's.

Lol, maybe he leaves the papers on a tall shelf.... That's gonna be the only way his IQ is higher that President Obama's.

Remember Obama did not outsmart the intelligence agencies, he corrupted them.

Trump sold out our intelligence agencies and sided with Putin

Lol, Hunter got 3.5 million from russia and Biden gave Putin a pipeline. Biden is an Russian asset.

How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business​

After his financial disasters two decades ago, no U.S. bank would touch him. Then foreign money began flowing in.​

Hunter just got 3.5 million and Putin got his pipeline while we get ours cut. Biden looking out for Russia not us.
View attachment 498238

When has oil never been imported to the USA? The Keystone XL is NOT an American oil pipline it is a Canadian pipeline-duh. Americans have 200,000 miles of oil and gas pipelines and it is always epanding, so go tell yer lies to someone dumb enough to believe them like another Trump supporter.

That's funny coming from someone who doesn't think pedo joe doesn't have dementia.

Are you a pedophile? Do people speculate that you are and make accusations?

Actually that is a well known fact. Plenty of pictures of him fondling little girls.

You mean hugging children? Maybe YOU are the dirty old man.

But I bet he's cool with this: View attachment 498698 View attachment 498699 View attachment 498700 View attachment 498701 View attachment 498702

A father with his daughter, my son sat in my lap many times. Lol Biden's daughters diary she states Biden took showers with her and molested her.

You pervert..Is what you would say..

What that Biden’s daughter claims he molested her? You say move along nothing to see here.

Oh really? You can link to that claim, right? In the meantime, have you reported Biden for pedophilia to the Authorities with your evidence? Or are you an enabler?

Google it, and you are the enabler for saying it isn't true. A daughter sitting on her dads lap has been happening since the beginning of time.

There's nothing to Google -- you lied.

How do you think I found it, so you lied about it not being there.

It's not there since there's no evidence Biden ever molested his daughter. Your idiotic claim wasn't that Biden showered with her when she was young -- you read that and it was your twisted brain that translated that into Biden's daughter claimed he molested her. You're a sick freak.

It's in the diary, but what's abusing a little girl by your president got to do with anything. Right, as long there is a d next to his name he can do anything.

Liar. Again, you said she accused him of molesting her. That is not in her diary -- it's in your head, ya sick freak.

It's in the fucking diary you stupid idiot.

You're still lying, ya sick freak. All she said about her dad is that they showered together when she was young and that it was "probably not appropriate." "Probably not appropriate" is not how anybody describes being molested.

Lol, earlier you said it didn't exist.

You're lying again, sick freak. I said your claim that she accused him of molesting her doesn't exist in her diary.

Even you know that since you changed your claim from he molested her to he potentially molested her.

You obviously haven't read it, but that's okay. We know you will just.make excuses for him.
Slurred words, no real connection to reality, 2.5 hours late.

Your party in one picture, you have no credibility to say anything. View attachment 497919

Nope, that's not Trump because that person knows how to apply make up that's not orange.

Thanks for making my point.

You think that Trump's make up is hideous also?

No I think Trump lives in your head rent free, 24/7. Also you're an idiot if you criticize anyone else about their mental health. After you claim Biden doesn't have dementia.

Not really, that is your condition, this is a thread about Trump is it not?

Questioning Trump's mental capacity, when your choice of president doesn't have any. Like I said, you loons stick together. Lol

Trump has far more mental health issues than his low IQ or dyslexia.

Trump's IQ is higher than Obama's.

Lol, maybe he leaves the papers on a tall shelf.... That's gonna be the only way his IQ is higher that President Obama's.

Remember Obama did not outsmart the intelligence agencies, he corrupted them.

Trump sold out our intelligence agencies and sided with Putin

Lol, Hunter got 3.5 million from russia and Biden gave Putin a pipeline. Biden is an Russian asset.

How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business​

After his financial disasters two decades ago, no U.S. bank would touch him. Then foreign money began flowing in.​

Hunter just got 3.5 million and Putin got his pipeline while we get ours cut. Biden looking out for Russia not us.
View attachment 498238

When has oil never been imported to the USA? The Keystone XL is NOT an American oil pipline it is a Canadian pipeline-duh. Americans have 200,000 miles of oil and gas pipelines and it is always epanding, so go tell yer lies to someone dumb enough to believe them like another Trump supporter.

That's funny coming from someone who doesn't think pedo joe doesn't have dementia.

Are you a pedophile? Do people speculate that you are and make accusations?

Actually that is a well known fact. Plenty of pictures of him fondling little girls.

You mean hugging children? Maybe YOU are the dirty old man.

But I bet he's cool with this: View attachment 498698 View attachment 498699 View attachment 498700 View attachment 498701 View attachment 498702

A father with his daughter, my son sat in my lap many times. Lol Biden's daughters diary she states Biden took showers with her and molested her.

You pervert..Is what you would say..

What that Biden’s daughter claims he molested her? You say move along nothing to see here.

Oh really? You can link to that claim, right? In the meantime, have you reported Biden for pedophilia to the Authorities with your evidence? Or are you an enabler?

Google it, and you are the enabler for saying it isn't true. A daughter sitting on her dads lap has been happening since the beginning of time.

There's nothing to Google -- you lied.

How do you think I found it, so you lied about it not being there.

It's not there since there's no evidence Biden ever molested his daughter. Your idiotic claim wasn't that Biden showered with her when she was young -- you read that and it was your twisted brain that translated that into Biden's daughter claimed he molested her. You're a sick freak.

It's in the diary, but what's abusing a little girl by your president got to do with anything. Right, as long there is a d next to his name he can do anything.

Liar. Again, you said she accused him of molesting her. That is not in her diary -- it's in your head, ya sick freak.

It's in the fucking diary you stupid idiot.

You're still lying, ya sick freak. All she said about her dad is that they showered together when she was young and that it was "probably not appropriate." "Probably not appropriate" is not how anybody describes being molested.

Lol, earlier you said it didn't exist.

You're lying again, sick freak. I said your claim that she accused him of molesting her doesn't exist in her diary.

Even you know that since you changed your claim from he molested her to he potentially molested her.

You obviously haven't read it, but that's okay. We know you will just.make excuses for him.

She be a joneser
Slurred words, no real connection to reality, 2.5 hours late.

Your party in one picture, you have no credibility to say anything. View attachment 497919

Nope, that's not Trump because that person knows how to apply make up that's not orange.

Thanks for making my point.

You think that Trump's make up is hideous also?

No I think Trump lives in your head rent free, 24/7. Also you're an idiot if you criticize anyone else about their mental health. After you claim Biden doesn't have dementia.

Not really, that is your condition, this is a thread about Trump is it not?

Questioning Trump's mental capacity, when your choice of president doesn't have any. Like I said, you loons stick together. Lol

Trump has far more mental health issues than his low IQ or dyslexia.

Trump's IQ is higher than Obama's.

Lol, maybe he leaves the papers on a tall shelf.... That's gonna be the only way his IQ is higher that President Obama's.

Remember Obama did not outsmart the intelligence agencies, he corrupted them.

Trump sold out our intelligence agencies and sided with Putin

Lol, Hunter got 3.5 million from russia and Biden gave Putin a pipeline. Biden is an Russian asset.

How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business​

After his financial disasters two decades ago, no U.S. bank would touch him. Then foreign money began flowing in.​

Hunter just got 3.5 million and Putin got his pipeline while we get ours cut. Biden looking out for Russia not us.
View attachment 498238

When has oil never been imported to the USA? The Keystone XL is NOT an American oil pipline it is a Canadian pipeline-duh. Americans have 200,000 miles of oil and gas pipelines and it is always epanding, so go tell yer lies to someone dumb enough to believe them like another Trump supporter.

That's funny coming from someone who doesn't think pedo joe doesn't have dementia.

Are you a pedophile? Do people speculate that you are and make accusations?

Actually that is a well known fact. Plenty of pictures of him fondling little girls.

You mean hugging children? Maybe YOU are the dirty old man.

But I bet he's cool with this: View attachment 498698 View attachment 498699 View attachment 498700 View attachment 498701 View attachment 498702

A father with his daughter, my son sat in my lap many times. Lol Biden's daughters diary she states Biden took showers with her and molested her.

You pervert..Is what you would say..

What that Biden’s daughter claims he molested her? You say move along nothing to see here.

Oh really? You can link to that claim, right? In the meantime, have you reported Biden for pedophilia to the Authorities with your evidence? Or are you an enabler?

Google it, and you are the enabler for saying it isn't true. A daughter sitting on her dads lap has been happening since the beginning of time.

There's nothing to Google -- you lied.

How do you think I found it, so you lied about it not being there.

It's not there since there's no evidence Biden ever molested his daughter. Your idiotic claim wasn't that Biden showered with her when she was young -- you read that and it was your twisted brain that translated that into Biden's daughter claimed he molested her. You're a sick freak.

It's in the diary, but what's abusing a little girl by your president got to do with anything. Right, as long there is a d next to his name he can do anything.

Liar. Again, you said she accused him of molesting her. That is not in her diary -- it's in your head, ya sick freak.

It's in the fucking diary you stupid idiot.

You're still lying, ya sick freak. All she said about her dad is that they showered together when she was young and that it was "probably not appropriate." "Probably not appropriate" is not how anybody describes being molested.

Lol, earlier you said it didn't exist.

You're lying again, sick freak. I said your claim that she accused him of molesting her doesn't exist in her diary.

Even you know that since you changed your claim from he molested her to he potentially molested her.

You obviously haven't read it, but that's okay. We know you will just.make excuses for him.

Of course I have. That's how I knew she never accused him of molesting her.

Deep down, you know it too, that's why you changed your claim that she accused him of molesting her ... to him "potentially" molesting her.

Slurred words, no real connection to reality, 2.5 hours late.

Your party in one picture, you have no credibility to say anything. View attachment 497919

Nope, that's not Trump because that person knows how to apply make up that's not orange.

Thanks for making my point.

You think that Trump's make up is hideous also?

No I think Trump lives in your head rent free, 24/7. Also you're an idiot if you criticize anyone else about their mental health. After you claim Biden doesn't have dementia.

Not really, that is your condition, this is a thread about Trump is it not?

Questioning Trump's mental capacity, when your choice of president doesn't have any. Like I said, you loons stick together. Lol

Trump has far more mental health issues than his low IQ or dyslexia.

Trump's IQ is higher than Obama's.

Lol, maybe he leaves the papers on a tall shelf.... That's gonna be the only way his IQ is higher that President Obama's.

Remember Obama did not outsmart the intelligence agencies, he corrupted them.

Trump sold out our intelligence agencies and sided with Putin

Lol, Hunter got 3.5 million from russia and Biden gave Putin a pipeline. Biden is an Russian asset.

How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business​

After his financial disasters two decades ago, no U.S. bank would touch him. Then foreign money began flowing in.​

Hunter just got 3.5 million and Putin got his pipeline while we get ours cut. Biden looking out for Russia not us.
View attachment 498238

When has oil never been imported to the USA? The Keystone XL is NOT an American oil pipline it is a Canadian pipeline-duh. Americans have 200,000 miles of oil and gas pipelines and it is always epanding, so go tell yer lies to someone dumb enough to believe them like another Trump supporter.

That's funny coming from someone who doesn't think pedo joe doesn't have dementia.

Are you a pedophile? Do people speculate that you are and make accusations?

Actually that is a well known fact. Plenty of pictures of him fondling little girls.

Well that's a lie.

Slander too.

View attachment 498608

Still a lie.

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