Trump looked really bad at his rally.

Slurred words, no real connection to reality, 2.5 hours late.

Your party in one picture, you have no credibility to say anything. View attachment 497919

Nope, that's not Trump because that person knows how to apply make up that's not orange.

Thanks for making my point.

You think that Trump's make up is hideous also?

No I think Trump lives in your head rent free, 24/7. Also you're an idiot if you criticize anyone else about their mental health. After you claim Biden doesn't have dementia.

Not really, that is your condition, this is a thread about Trump is it not?

Questioning Trump's mental capacity, when your choice of president doesn't have any. Like I said, you loons stick together. Lol

Trump has far more mental health issues than his low IQ or dyslexia.

Trump's IQ is higher than Obama's.

Lol, maybe he leaves the papers on a tall shelf.... That's gonna be the only way his IQ is higher that President Obama's.

Remember Obama did not outsmart the intelligence agencies, he corrupted them.

Trump sold out our intelligence agencies and sided with Putin

Lol, Hunter got 3.5 million from russia and Biden gave Putin a pipeline. Biden is an Russian asset.

How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business​

After his financial disasters two decades ago, no U.S. bank would touch him. Then foreign money began flowing in.​

Hunter just got 3.5 million and Putin got his pipeline while we get ours cut. Biden looking out for Russia not us.
View attachment 498238

When has oil never been imported to the USA? The Keystone XL is NOT an American oil pipline it is a Canadian pipeline-duh. Americans have 200,000 miles of oil and gas pipelines and it is always epanding, so go tell yer lies to someone dumb enough to believe them like another Trump supporter.

That's funny coming from someone who doesn't think pedo joe doesn't have dementia.

Are you a pedophile? Do people speculate that you are and make accusations?

Actually that is a well known fact. Plenty of pictures of him fondling little girls.

Well that's a lie.

Slander too.

View attachment 498608

Awfully old children.

He's just parroting the propaganda.

And he does it poorly.
Slurred words, no real connection to reality, 2.5 hours late.

Your party in one picture, you have no credibility to say anything. View attachment 497919

Nope, that's not Trump because that person knows how to apply make up that's not orange.

Thanks for making my point.

You think that Trump's make up is hideous also?

No I think Trump lives in your head rent free, 24/7. Also you're an idiot if you criticize anyone else about their mental health. After you claim Biden doesn't have dementia.

Not really, that is your condition, this is a thread about Trump is it not?

Questioning Trump's mental capacity, when your choice of president doesn't have any. Like I said, you loons stick together. Lol

Trump has far more mental health issues than his low IQ or dyslexia.

Trump's IQ is higher than Obama's.

Lol, maybe he leaves the papers on a tall shelf.... That's gonna be the only way his IQ is higher that President Obama's.

Remember Obama did not outsmart the intelligence agencies, he corrupted them.

Trump sold out our intelligence agencies and sided with Putin

Lol, Hunter got 3.5 million from russia and Biden gave Putin a pipeline. Biden is an Russian asset.

How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business​

After his financial disasters two decades ago, no U.S. bank would touch him. Then foreign money began flowing in.​

Hunter just got 3.5 million and Putin got his pipeline while we get ours cut. Biden looking out for Russia not us.
View attachment 498238

When has oil never been imported to the USA? The Keystone XL is NOT an American oil pipline it is a Canadian pipeline-duh. Americans have 200,000 miles of oil and gas pipelines and it is always epanding, so go tell yer lies to someone dumb enough to believe them like another Trump supporter.

That's funny coming from someone who doesn't think pedo joe doesn't have dementia.

Are you a pedophile? Do people speculate that you are and make accusations?

Actually that is a well known fact. Plenty of pictures of him fondling little girls.

Well that's a lie.

Slander too.

View attachment 498608

Awfully old children.

not the bottom two, keep sticking up for a pedophile.

the lower left is over puberty age and pedophilia is an attraction to prepubescent children. Your ignorance doesn't signify any support from me.

Lol, they are under 18, and there are plenty more. Send your granddaughter to spend the weekend alone with him. I bet you wouldn't.

I don't have any grandkids and I doubt he would let them hang like you fantasize. Seek counseling or drugs if need be.
Slurred words, no real connection to reality, 2.5 hours late.

Your party in one picture, you have no credibility to say anything. View attachment 497919

Nope, that's not Trump because that person knows how to apply make up that's not orange.

Thanks for making my point.

You think that Trump's make up is hideous also?

No I think Trump lives in your head rent free, 24/7. Also you're an idiot if you criticize anyone else about their mental health. After you claim Biden doesn't have dementia.

Not really, that is your condition, this is a thread about Trump is it not?

Questioning Trump's mental capacity, when your choice of president doesn't have any. Like I said, you loons stick together. Lol

Trump has far more mental health issues than his low IQ or dyslexia.

Trump's IQ is higher than Obama's.

Lol, maybe he leaves the papers on a tall shelf.... That's gonna be the only way his IQ is higher that President Obama's.

Remember Obama did not outsmart the intelligence agencies, he corrupted them.

Trump sold out our intelligence agencies and sided with Putin

Lol, Hunter got 3.5 million from russia and Biden gave Putin a pipeline. Biden is an Russian asset.

How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business​

After his financial disasters two decades ago, no U.S. bank would touch him. Then foreign money began flowing in.​

Hunter just got 3.5 million and Putin got his pipeline while we get ours cut. Biden looking out for Russia not us.
View attachment 498238

When has oil never been imported to the USA? The Keystone XL is NOT an American oil pipline it is a Canadian pipeline-duh. Americans have 200,000 miles of oil and gas pipelines and it is always epanding, so go tell yer lies to someone dumb enough to believe them like another Trump supporter.

That's funny coming from someone who doesn't think pedo joe doesn't have dementia.

Are you a pedophile? Do people speculate that you are and make accusations?

Actually that is a well known fact. Plenty of pictures of him fondling little girls.

Well that's a lie.

Slander too.

View attachment 498608

Awfully old children.

He's just parroting the propaganda.

No propaganda, he is a pedophile.
Slurred words, no real connection to reality, 2.5 hours late.

Your party in one picture, you have no credibility to say anything. View attachment 497919

Nope, that's not Trump because that person knows how to apply make up that's not orange.

Thanks for making my point.

You think that Trump's make up is hideous also?

No I think Trump lives in your head rent free, 24/7. Also you're an idiot if you criticize anyone else about their mental health. After you claim Biden doesn't have dementia.

Not really, that is your condition, this is a thread about Trump is it not?

Questioning Trump's mental capacity, when your choice of president doesn't have any. Like I said, you loons stick together. Lol

Trump has far more mental health issues than his low IQ or dyslexia.

Trump's IQ is higher than Obama's.

Lol, maybe he leaves the papers on a tall shelf.... That's gonna be the only way his IQ is higher that President Obama's.

Remember Obama did not outsmart the intelligence agencies, he corrupted them.

Trump sold out our intelligence agencies and sided with Putin

Lol, Hunter got 3.5 million from russia and Biden gave Putin a pipeline. Biden is an Russian asset.

How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business​

After his financial disasters two decades ago, no U.S. bank would touch him. Then foreign money began flowing in.​

Hunter just got 3.5 million and Putin got his pipeline while we get ours cut. Biden looking out for Russia not us.
View attachment 498238

When has oil never been imported to the USA? The Keystone XL is NOT an American oil pipline it is a Canadian pipeline-duh. Americans have 200,000 miles of oil and gas pipelines and it is always epanding, so go tell yer lies to someone dumb enough to believe them like another Trump supporter.

That's funny coming from someone who doesn't think pedo joe doesn't have dementia.

Are you a pedophile? Do people speculate that you are and make accusations?

Actually that is a well known fact. Plenty of pictures of him fondling little girls.

Well that's a lie.

Slander too.

View attachment 498608

Awfully old children.

not the bottom two, keep sticking up for a pedophile.

the lower left is over puberty age and pedophilia is an attraction to prepubescent children. Your ignorance doesn't signify any support from me.

Lol, they are under 18, and there are plenty more. Send your granddaughter to spend the weekend alone with him. I bet you wouldn't.

I don't have any grandkids and I doubt he would let them hang like you fantasize. Seek counseling or drugs if need be.

If that dirty old man touched my kid the way he did others I'd knock the shit out of him.
Slurred words, no real connection to reality, 2.5 hours late.

Your party in one picture, you have no credibility to say anything. View attachment 497919

Nope, that's not Trump because that person knows how to apply make up that's not orange.

Thanks for making my point.

You think that Trump's make up is hideous also?

No I think Trump lives in your head rent free, 24/7. Also you're an idiot if you criticize anyone else about their mental health. After you claim Biden doesn't have dementia.

Not really, that is your condition, this is a thread about Trump is it not?

Questioning Trump's mental capacity, when your choice of president doesn't have any. Like I said, you loons stick together. Lol

Trump has far more mental health issues than his low IQ or dyslexia.

Trump's IQ is higher than Obama's.

Lol, maybe he leaves the papers on a tall shelf.... That's gonna be the only way his IQ is higher that President Obama's.

Remember Obama did not outsmart the intelligence agencies, he corrupted them.

Trump sold out our intelligence agencies and sided with Putin

Lol, Hunter got 3.5 million from russia and Biden gave Putin a pipeline. Biden is an Russian asset.

How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business​

After his financial disasters two decades ago, no U.S. bank would touch him. Then foreign money began flowing in.​

Hunter just got 3.5 million and Putin got his pipeline while we get ours cut. Biden looking out for Russia not us.
View attachment 498238

When has oil never been imported to the USA? The Keystone XL is NOT an American oil pipline it is a Canadian pipeline-duh. Americans have 200,000 miles of oil and gas pipelines and it is always epanding, so go tell yer lies to someone dumb enough to believe them like another Trump supporter.

That's funny coming from someone who doesn't think pedo joe doesn't have dementia.

Are you a pedophile? Do people speculate that you are and make accusations?

Actually that is a well known fact. Plenty of pictures of him fondling little girls.

Well that's a lie.

Slander too.

View attachment 498608

Awfully old children.

He's just parroting the propaganda.

No propaganda, he is a pedophile.

And his conviction dates are?
Slurred words, no real connection to reality, 2.5 hours late.

Your party in one picture, you have no credibility to say anything. View attachment 497919

Nope, that's not Trump because that person knows how to apply make up that's not orange.

Thanks for making my point.

You think that Trump's make up is hideous also?

No I think Trump lives in your head rent free, 24/7. Also you're an idiot if you criticize anyone else about their mental health. After you claim Biden doesn't have dementia.

Not really, that is your condition, this is a thread about Trump is it not?

Questioning Trump's mental capacity, when your choice of president doesn't have any. Like I said, you loons stick together. Lol

Trump has far more mental health issues than his low IQ or dyslexia.

Trump's IQ is higher than Obama's.

Lol, maybe he leaves the papers on a tall shelf.... That's gonna be the only way his IQ is higher that President Obama's.

Remember Obama did not outsmart the intelligence agencies, he corrupted them.

Trump sold out our intelligence agencies and sided with Putin

Lol, Hunter got 3.5 million from russia and Biden gave Putin a pipeline. Biden is an Russian asset.

How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business​

After his financial disasters two decades ago, no U.S. bank would touch him. Then foreign money began flowing in.​

Hunter just got 3.5 million and Putin got his pipeline while we get ours cut. Biden looking out for Russia not us.
View attachment 498238

When has oil never been imported to the USA? The Keystone XL is NOT an American oil pipline it is a Canadian pipeline-duh. Americans have 200,000 miles of oil and gas pipelines and it is always epanding, so go tell yer lies to someone dumb enough to believe them like another Trump supporter.

That's funny coming from someone who doesn't think pedo joe doesn't have dementia.

Are you a pedophile? Do people speculate that you are and make accusations?

Actually that is a well known fact. Plenty of pictures of him fondling little girls.

Well that's a lie.

Slander too.

View attachment 498608

Awfully old children.

not the bottom two, keep sticking up for a pedophile.

the lower left is over puberty age and pedophilia is an attraction to prepubescent children. Your ignorance doesn't signify any support from me.

Lol, they are under 18, and there are plenty more. Send your granddaughter to spend the weekend alone with him. I bet you wouldn't.

I don't have any grandkids and I doubt he would let them hang like you fantasize. Seek counseling or drugs if need be.

If that dirty old man touched my kid the way he did others I'd knock the shit out of him.

Good for you. Another fantasy.
Slurred words, no real connection to reality, 2.5 hours late.

Your party in one picture, you have no credibility to say anything. View attachment 497919

Nope, that's not Trump because that person knows how to apply make up that's not orange.

Thanks for making my point.

You think that Trump's make up is hideous also?

No I think Trump lives in your head rent free, 24/7. Also you're an idiot if you criticize anyone else about their mental health. After you claim Biden doesn't have dementia.

Biden doesn't have dementia. For someone to say that he does only proves they are an idiot.

It's the trump fluffers trying so hard to find something to hang their "" hat on. Not working with the American public tho.
I want Trump to run for president it is the easiest solution to keeping him out of office....
2/3 of the American people don’t want him to run again. Why are Rs so frightened?
Because trump fluffers are inherently violent and the Republican members of Con-gress fear for their safety and that of their families.
Slurred words, no real connection to reality, 2.5 hours late.

Trump just pursed his lips and repeated all his old lies, conspiracy theories and brags..

I can’t believe these people waited two and a half hours for THAT!

Your Islamic buddy at a gay club took less then two and a half minutes to kill 50 and send another 50 to a hospital.

"your Islamic buddy"............way to stay on topic there, hun.
Slurred words, no real connection to reality, 2.5 hours late.

Trump just pursed his lips and repeated all his old lies, conspiracy theories and brags..

I can’t believe these people waited two and a half hours for THAT!

Your Islamic buddy at a gay club took less then two and a half minutes to kill 50 and send another 50 to a hospital.

Redundant reiterate which has nothing to do with the subject at hand.

True enough. But things happen that changes other things.

Such as? (or is this another sly hint at violence?)
Slurred words, no real connection to reality, 2.5 hours late.

Trump just pursed his lips and repeated all his old lies, conspiracy theories and brags..

I can’t believe these people waited two and a half hours for THAT!

Your Islamic buddy at a gay club took less then two and a half minutes to kill 50 and send another 50 to a hospital.

Redundant reiterate which has nothing to do with the subject at hand.

True enough. But things happen that changes other things.

Such as? (or is this another sly hint at violence?)

Depends on how much courage they imbibe
Slurred words, no real connection to reality, 2.5 hours late.

Your party in one picture, you have no credibility to say anything. View attachment 497919

Nope, that's not Trump because that person knows how to apply make up that's not orange.

Thanks for making my point.

You think that Trump's make up is hideous also?

No I think Trump lives in your head rent free, 24/7. Also you're an idiot if you criticize anyone else about their mental health. After you claim Biden doesn't have dementia.

Not really, that is your condition, this is a thread about Trump is it not?

Questioning Trump's mental capacity, when your choice of president doesn't have any. Like I said, you loons stick together. Lol

Trump has far more mental health issues than his low IQ or dyslexia.

Trump's IQ is higher than Obama's.

Lol, maybe he leaves the papers on a tall shelf.... That's gonna be the only way his IQ is higher that President Obama's.

Remember Obama did not outsmart the intelligence agencies, he corrupted them.

Trump sold out our intelligence agencies and sided with Putin

Lol, Hunter got 3.5 million from russia and Biden gave Putin a pipeline. Biden is an Russian asset.

How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business​

After his financial disasters two decades ago, no U.S. bank would touch him. Then foreign money began flowing in.​

Hunter just got 3.5 million and Putin got his pipeline while we get ours cut. Biden looking out for Russia not us.
View attachment 498238

When has oil never been imported to the USA? The Keystone XL is NOT an American oil pipline it is a Canadian pipeline-duh. Americans have 200,000 miles of oil and gas pipelines and it is always epanding, so go tell yer lies to someone dumb enough to believe them like another Trump supporter.

That's funny coming from someone who doesn't think pedo joe doesn't have dementia.

Are you a pedophile? Do people speculate that you are and make accusations?

Actually that is a well known fact. Plenty of pictures of him fondling little girls.

Well that's a lie.

Slander too.

View attachment 498608

Awfully old children.

He's just parroting the propaganda.

No propaganda, he is a pedophile.

And his conviction dates are?

when he dies and wakes up in hell for doing it. I'm positive there could be pictures of him fondling a naked girl and you loons would cover for him.
Maybe he is trying to get to the level of Joe Biden dementia so the voters will find him so intoxicating they will be forced to vote for him.
Just one problem there...the only people who make the idiotic claim that Biden has dementia are Trump cultists already.
It's their attempt to turn the American public against President Biden.....and it just isn't working except for their fellow trump cultists.

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