Trump looked really bad at his rally.

Slurred words, no real connection to reality, 2.5 hours late.

Your party in one picture, you have no credibility to say anything. View attachment 497919

Nope, that's not Trump because that person knows how to apply make up that's not orange.

Thanks for making my point.

You think that Trump's make up is hideous also?

No I think Trump lives in your head rent free, 24/7. Also you're an idiot if you criticize anyone else about their mental health. After you claim Biden doesn't have dementia.

Not really, that is your condition, this is a thread about Trump is it not?

Questioning Trump's mental capacity, when your choice of president doesn't have any. Like I said, you loons stick together. Lol

Trump has far more mental health issues than his low IQ or dyslexia.

Trump's IQ is higher than Obama's.

Lol, maybe he leaves the papers on a tall shelf.... That's gonna be the only way his IQ is higher that President Obama's.

Remember Obama did not outsmart the intelligence agencies, he corrupted them.

Trump sold out our intelligence agencies and sided with Putin

Lol, Hunter got 3.5 million from russia and Biden gave Putin a pipeline. Biden is an Russian asset.

How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business​

After his financial disasters two decades ago, no U.S. bank would touch him. Then foreign money began flowing in.​

Hunter just got 3.5 million and Putin got his pipeline while we get ours cut. Biden looking out for Russia not us.
View attachment 498238

How did Biden happen to “give” Putin a Pipeline?

Trump has more business dealings with Russia than Hunter ever did. Russia was the only ones who would loan him money. They also helped him launder money

But Hunter is no business man and he didn't pay taxes on that money. Biden is putin's bitch.

Drunk this early in the morning already...
Slurred words, no real connection to reality, 2.5 hours late.

Your party in one picture, you have no credibility to say anything. View attachment 497919

Nope, that's not Trump because that person knows how to apply make up that's not orange.

Thanks for making my point.

You think that Trump's make up is hideous also?

No I think Trump lives in your head rent free, 24/7. Also you're an idiot if you criticize anyone else about their mental health. After you claim Biden doesn't have dementia.

Not really, that is your condition, this is a thread about Trump is it not?

Questioning Trump's mental capacity, when your choice of president doesn't have any. Like I said, you loons stick together. Lol

Trump has far more mental health issues than his low IQ or dyslexia.

Trump's IQ is higher than Obama's.

Lol, maybe he leaves the papers on a tall shelf.... That's gonna be the only way his IQ is higher that President Obama's.

Remember Obama did not outsmart the intelligence agencies, he corrupted them.

Trump sold out our intelligence agencies and sided with Putin

Lol, Hunter got 3.5 million from russia and Biden gave Putin a pipeline. Biden is an Russian asset.

How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business​

After his financial disasters two decades ago, no U.S. bank would touch him. Then foreign money began flowing in.​

Hunter just got 3.5 million and Putin got his pipeline while we get ours cut. Biden looking out for Russia not us.
View attachment 498238

When has oil never been imported to the USA? The Keystone XL is NOT a American oil pipline it is a Canadian pipeline-duh.

Trump made us energy independent, Biden is reversing that.

LOLOL.. Trump did no such thing.. YOU are a moron.

You hate for one man has made you incredibly stupid. Yes Trump made us energy independent.

No he didn't.. US oil prouction increased under Obama .. Rig count was the highest its been in 44 years. The REASON was NOT because of Obama.. It was because the ppb went thru the roof and the oil companies could invest and make money.

Trump had NOTHING to do with it.. He's so much like Gaddafi. Bragging and taking credit for things he didn't do or even understand.

The sad part is that you're also so stupid you are fooled by Trum['s ignorant lies.
Slurred words, no real connection to reality, 2.5 hours late.

Your party in one picture, you have no credibility to say anything. View attachment 497919

Nope, that's not Trump because that person knows how to apply make up that's not orange.

Thanks for making my point.

You think that Trump's make up is hideous also?

No I think Trump lives in your head rent free, 24/7. Also you're an idiot if you criticize anyone else about their mental health. After you claim Biden doesn't have dementia.

Not really, that is your condition, this is a thread about Trump is it not?

Questioning Trump's mental capacity, when your choice of president doesn't have any. Like I said, you loons stick together. Lol

Trump has far more mental health issues than his low IQ or dyslexia.

Trump's IQ is higher than Obama's.

Lol, maybe he leaves the papers on a tall shelf.... That's gonna be the only way his IQ is higher that President Obama's.

Remember Obama did not outsmart the intelligence agencies, he corrupted them.

Trump sold out our intelligence agencies and sided with Putin

Lol, Hunter got 3.5 million from russia and Biden gave Putin a pipeline. Biden is an Russian asset.

How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business​

After his financial disasters two decades ago, no U.S. bank would touch him. Then foreign money began flowing in.​

Hunter just got 3.5 million and Putin got his pipeline while we get ours cut. Biden looking out for Russia not us.
View attachment 498238

When has oil never been imported to the USA? The Keystone XL is NOT a American oil pipline it is a Canadian pipeline-duh.

Trump made us energy independent, Biden is reversing that.

LOLOL.. Trump did no such thing.. YOU are a moron.

You hate for one man has made you incredibly stupid. Yes Trump made us energy independent.

No he didn't.. US oil prouction increased under Obama .. Rig count was the highest its been in 44 years. The REASON was NOT because of Obama.. It was because the ppb went thru the roof and the oil companies could invest and make money.

Trump had NOTHING to do with it.. He's so much like Gaddafi. Bragging and taking credit for things he didn't do or even understand.

The sad part is that you're also so stupid you are fooled by Trum['s ignorant lies.

We can rest assured that Trump never ever stretched something similar to the truth..
Slurred words, no real connection to reality, 2.5 hours late.

Your party in one picture, you have no credibility to say anything. View attachment 497919

Nope, that's not Trump because that person knows how to apply make up that's not orange.

Thanks for making my point.

You think that Trump's make up is hideous also?

No I think Trump lives in your head rent free, 24/7. Also you're an idiot if you criticize anyone else about their mental health. After you claim Biden doesn't have dementia.

Not really, that is your condition, this is a thread about Trump is it not?

Questioning Trump's mental capacity, when your choice of president doesn't have any. Like I said, you loons stick together. Lol

Trump has far more mental health issues than his low IQ or dyslexia.

Trump's IQ is higher than Obama's.

Lol, maybe he leaves the papers on a tall shelf.... That's gonna be the only way his IQ is higher that President Obama's.

Remember Obama did not outsmart the intelligence agencies, he corrupted them.

Trump sold out our intelligence agencies and sided with Putin

Lol, Hunter got 3.5 million from russia and Biden gave Putin a pipeline. Biden is an Russian asset.

How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business​

After his financial disasters two decades ago, no U.S. bank would touch him. Then foreign money began flowing in.​

Hunter just got 3.5 million and Putin got his pipeline while we get ours cut. Biden looking out for Russia not us.
View attachment 498238

When has oil never been imported to the USA? The Keystone XL is NOT a American oil pipline it is a Canadian pipeline-duh.

Trump made us energy independent, Biden is reversing that.

LOLOL.. Trump did no such thing.. YOU are a moron.

You hate for one man has made you incredibly stupid. Yes Trump made us energy independent.

No he didn't.. US oil prouction increased under Obama .. Rig count was the highest its been in 44 years. The REASON was NOT because of Obama.. It was because the ppb went thru the roof and the oil companies could invest and make money.

Trump had NOTHING to do with it.. He's so much like Gaddafi. Bragging and taking credit for things he didn't do or even understand.

The sad part is that you're also so stupid you are fooled by Trum['s ignorant lies.

We can rest assured that Trump never ever stretched something similar to the truth..

Trump knows that he is in severe legal jeopardy. His speech over the weekend revealed a diminished, eroded, stressed out Trump, who at nearly 75 years of age is facing a challenge he cannot ignore or be bailed out from for the very first time.

The odds are better than even that he will either be in jail or be on a direct path to prison by January 2023. This is why he did not attempt to pardon himself or his immediate associates; such a move would be used as evidence against him at the state level, and his lawyers talked him out of it.
Slurred words, no real connection to reality, 2.5 hours late.

Your party in one picture, you have no credibility to say anything. View attachment 497919

Nope, that's not Trump because that person knows how to apply make up that's not orange.

Thanks for making my point.

You think that Trump's make up is hideous also?

No I think Trump lives in your head rent free, 24/7. Also you're an idiot if you criticize anyone else about their mental health. After you claim Biden doesn't have dementia.

Not really, that is your condition, this is a thread about Trump is it not?

Questioning Trump's mental capacity, when your choice of president doesn't have any. Like I said, you loons stick together. Lol

Trump has far more mental health issues than his low IQ or dyslexia.

Trump's IQ is higher than Obama's.

Lol, maybe he leaves the papers on a tall shelf.... That's gonna be the only way his IQ is higher that President Obama's.

Remember Obama did not outsmart the intelligence agencies, he corrupted them.

Trump sold out our intelligence agencies and sided with Putin

Lol, Hunter got 3.5 million from russia and Biden gave Putin a pipeline. Biden is an Russian asset.

How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business​

After his financial disasters two decades ago, no U.S. bank would touch him. Then foreign money began flowing in.​

Hunter just got 3.5 million and Putin got his pipeline while we get ours cut. Biden looking out for Russia not us.
View attachment 498238

When has oil never been imported to the USA? The Keystone XL is NOT a American oil pipline it is a Canadian pipeline-duh.

Trump made us energy independent, Biden is reversing that.

There is no such thing as being energy independent because trade agreements have the US buying products from oil producing nations...You have no idea wtf is going on.

Actually you don't, but remain ignorant. By the end of harris's term even you will beg for Trump to come back.

I hope the sloppy bastard kicks the bucket. We don't need another Dotard dynasty in office.

Lol, Biden has already about doubled the price on everything and inflation is through the roof. He hasn't been in office 6 months yet.

Biden doesn't control the means of production or distribution.

Lol, your party is in complete control and everything is going to shit as predicted. You own this fuck up!
Lol, your party is in complete control and everything is going to shit as predicted. You own this fuck up!
Bullshit. Because of Mancin and the filibuster (and of course GOP obstruction), very little is getting through the Senate.

If it doesn't get passed the Senate it doesn't happen
Lol, your party is in complete control and everything is going to shit as predicted. You own this fuck up!

We will gladly take the Amazing Biden and will re-elect him in 2024.

Biden has freed us from the COVID epidemic, has the highest Stock Market in history, a booming Real Estate market, added 400,000 jobs last month

The best is yet to come

Lol, your party is in complete control and everything is going to shit as predicted. You own this fuck up!

We will gladly take the Amazing Biden and will re-elect him in 2024.

Biden has freed us from the COVID epidemic, has the highest Stock Market in history, a booming Real Estate market, added 400,000 jobs last month

The best is yet to come

And unemployment is at 5.8% and in Sept when schools will open and free money runs out folks will be running back to their jobs Yellen says inflation could be 3% for the year and higher rates are good for America America is in good if not great hands ,,and the repub traitors weep and bash TS
"Trump made us energy independent."
"Trump did no such thing."
"Yes Trump made us energy independent."

Methinks poor poster 'knowgood' should have left well enough alone....and stuck to his f-bombs.

'Wrong' bad enough.
'Wrong x2' worse.

From Politifact:
One definition of energy independence says it occurs when domestic production outpaces domestic consumption. For the U.S., the gap between production and consumption has been narrowing for some time, and the two figures have been running neck and neck.

Some experts prefer another sense of the phrase, which defines energy independence as total disengagement from the global energy market, or zero imports. By that definition, the U.S. is even farther from achieving energy independence."
Lol, your party is in complete control and everything is going to shit as predicted. You own this fuck up!

We will gladly take the Amazing Biden and will re-elect him in 2024.

Biden has freed us from the COVID epidemic, has the highest Stock Market in history, a booming Real Estate market, added 400,000 jobs last month

The best is yet to come

And unemployment is at 5.8% and in Sept when schools will open and free money runs out folks will be running back to their jobs Yellen says inflation could be 3% for the year and higher rates are good for America America is in good if not great hands ,,and the repub traitors weep and bash TS
The Amazing Biden is just getting started

Watch the economy skyrocket once Biden passes his infrastructure bill.
He is a crack head riding on his daddy's coattails.

You can’t make this up after Republicans ran Bush 43, McCain, Romney and Trump and complain about Daddy’s coattails
So let me get this straight, you sticking up for a proven crackhead. That got kicked out of the navy for it. That was screwing his dead brothers wife. Then knocking up a stripper and fighting in court trying not to support his own child. While being a millonare.
Lol, your party is in complete control and everything is going to shit as predicted. You own this fuck up!

We will gladly take the Amazing Biden and will re-elect him in 2024.

Biden has freed us from the COVID epidemic, has the highest Stock Market in history, a booming Real Estate market, added 400,000 jobs last month

The best is yet to come

And unemployment is at 5.8% and in Sept when schools will open and free money runs out folks will be running back to their jobs Yellen says inflation could be 3% for the year and higher rates are good for America America is in good if not great hands ,,and the repub traitors weep and bash TS
The Amazing Biden is just getting started

Watch the economy skyrocket once Biden passes his infrastructure bill.
Lol, yeah it's doing great.
Lol, your party is in complete control and everything is going to shit as predicted. You own this fuck up!
Bullshit. Because of Mancin and the filibuster (and of course GOP obstruction), very little is getting through the Senate.

If it doesn't get passed the Senate it doesn't happen
Nope you own whatever happens, by the time Biden is done. Your party will be too!
Lol, your party is in complete control and everything is going to shit as predicted. You own this fuck up!

We will gladly take the Amazing Biden and will re-elect him in 2024.

Biden has freed us from the COVID epidemic, has the highest Stock Market in history, a booming Real Estate market, added 400,000 jobs last month

The best is yet to come


Biden's America.
Slurred words, no real connection to reality, 2.5 hours late.

Your party in one picture, you have no credibility to say anything. View attachment 497919

Nope, that's not Trump because that person knows how to apply make up that's not orange.

Thanks for making my point.

You think that Trump's make up is hideous also?

No I think Trump lives in your head rent free, 24/7. Also you're an idiot if you criticize anyone else about their mental health. After you claim Biden doesn't have dementia.

Not really, that is your condition, this is a thread about Trump is it not?

Questioning Trump's mental capacity, when your choice of president doesn't have any. Like I said, you loons stick together. Lol

Trump has far more mental health issues than his low IQ or dyslexia.

Trump's IQ is higher than Obama's.

Lol, maybe he leaves the papers on a tall shelf.... That's gonna be the only way his IQ is higher that President Obama's.

Remember Obama did not outsmart the intelligence agencies, he corrupted them.

Trump sold out our intelligence agencies and sided with Putin

Lol, Hunter got 3.5 million from russia and Biden gave Putin a pipeline. Biden is an Russian asset.

How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business​

After his financial disasters two decades ago, no U.S. bank would touch him. Then foreign money began flowing in.​

Hunter just got 3.5 million and Putin got his pipeline while we get ours cut. Biden looking out for Russia not us.
View attachment 498238

When has oil never been imported to the USA? The Keystone XL is NOT an American oil pipline it is a Canadian pipeline-duh. Americans have 200,000 miles of oil and gas pipelines and it is always epanding, so go tell yer lies to someone dumb enough to believe them like another Trump supporter.

That's funny coming from someone who doesn't think pedo joe doesn't have dementia.

Are you a pedophile? Do people speculate that you are and make accusations?
"Trump made us energy independent."
"Trump did no such thing."
"Yes Trump made us energy independent."

Methinks poor poster 'knowgood' should have left well enough alone....and stuck to his f-bombs.

'Wrong' bad enough.
'Wrong x2' worse.


From Politifact:
One definition of energy independence says it occurs when domestic production outpaces domestic consumption. For the U.S., the gap between production and consumption has been narrowing for some time, and the two figures have been running neck and neck.

Some experts prefer another sense of the phrase, which defines energy independence as total disengagement from the global energy market, or zero imports. By that definition, the U.S. is even farther from achieving energy independence."
Politifact? Lol

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