Trump looks at silencing 2nd amendment

You guncrazies still don't get it. But it doesn't matter any more if you do or if you don't. People are tired of hearing about loved ones being mowed down. The fact remains that the suppressor enabled him to go on longer without raising an alarm than if he was not using a suppressed weapon.

You were there?

I have experience with suppressors. More than most. And they aren't used for hunting nor sport shooting unless clansdine killing of enemy combatants can be called sport. The last time I checked, the louder you are when defending your home the better it is. So, Yes, I have been there. US Military where the Silencer belongs.
You guncrazies still don't get it. But it doesn't matter any more if you do or if you don't. People are tired of hearing about loved ones being mowed down. The fact remains that the suppressor enabled him to go on longer without raising an alarm than if he was not using a suppressed weapon. A Suppressor or Silencer has not hunting value nor any home defense value.

Why does this one think Christians, Republicans and Conservatives are the gun "crazies", when allL the gun violence is in Democrat strongholds and commited by Democrats, Progressives, Leftists? Chicago, LosAngeles, Detroit, Baltimore etc etc etc

If you eliminate the factor of Leftists and Democrats with guns, you eliminate the so called gun violence problem.'d almost think they have some kind of agenda or something?

The last time I checked, a nutcase doing a murder really isn't thinking about who they are going to vote for in the next election. You keep lumping these nutcases into a political group. There is normally nothing political about their actions nor their emotions. Yes, in a very small part of the time, there may be, but mostly, they are doing it because.....well....mostly, because they can. If it's done as a criminal act, the Political Party is the Criminal Political Party, not the Dem or the Rep. If they are doing it because of Domestic Dispute Reasons, it's the party of Passion. Using any of this so that you can cover up for your Fruitcake in Charge doesn't cut it any more.
Trump Looks at Silencing 2nd Amendment
Another shooting, another gun control rule by executive order?

After a silencer was found on one of the guns used in the Virginia Beach shooting, Trump said he doesn’t like them and is looking at a ban.

But are suppressors “silent?”

Also, after an executive order banning “bump stocks”, is Trump setting dangerous precedents

Not many happy about this one ........ wtf u doing Trump first bump stocks just like we told you dumbasses first they start with one thing then it spills into other areas of life.

like last time he did something similar the white house is about to be bombarded with angry emails
by his supporters


it made him flip last time
Trump Looks at Silencing 2nd Amendment
Another shooting, another gun control rule by executive order?

After a silencer was found on one of the guns used in the Virginia Beach shooting, Trump said he doesn’t like them and is looking at a ban.

But are suppressors “silent?”

Also, after an executive order banning “bump stocks”, is Trump setting dangerous precedents

Not many happy about this one ........ wtf u doing Trump first bump stocks just like we told you dumbasses first they start with one thing then it spills into other areas of life.

like last time he did something similar the white house is about to be bombarded with angry emails
by his supporters


it made him flip last time

And I suppose you are talking for the majority of the people in the United States. How magnanimous of you.
You guncrazies still don't get it. But it doesn't matter any more if you do or if you don't. People are tired of hearing about loved ones being mowed down. The fact remains that the suppressor enabled him to go on longer without raising an alarm than if he was not using a suppressed weapon. A Suppressor or Silencer has not hunting value nor any home defense value.

Why does this one think Christians, Republicans and Conservatives are the gun "crazies", when allL the gun violence is in Democrat strongholds and commited by Democrats, Progressives, Leftists? Chicago, LosAngeles, Detroit, Baltimore etc etc etc

If you eliminate the factor of Leftists and Democrats with guns, you eliminate the so called gun violence problem.'d almost think they have some kind of agenda or something?
Please prove that people in those large cities that commit gun crimes vote for Democrats.
Please prove that people in those large cities that commit gun crimes vote for Democrats.

Please prove that the large cities with the most gun violence are NOT Democrat.

If they voted Republican consistently, I GUARANTEE you there would not be a gun violence problem.

If only you could think.
The last time I checked, a nutcase doing a murder really isn't thinking about who they are going to vote for in the next election. You keep lumping these nutcases into a political group. There is normally nothing political about their actions nor their emotions. Yes, in a very small part of the time, there may be, but mostly, they are doing it because.....well....mostly, because they can. If it's done as a criminal act, the Political Party is the Criminal Political Party, not the Dem or the Rep. If they are doing it because of Domestic Dispute Reasons, it's the party of Passion. Using any of this so that you can cover up for your Fruitcake in Charge doesn't cut it any more.

And you keep ignoring FACTS

FACT: the vast majority of gun violence occurs in places where the LEFT is in firm control.

PROVE ME WRONG (or post more lies trying)
Please prove that people in those large cities that commit gun crimes vote for Democrats.

Please prove that the large cities with the most gun violence are NOT Democrat.

If they voted Republican consistently, I GUARANTEE you there would not be a gun violence problem.

If only you could think.

And you would be wrong. Criminals will criminal regardless who is in charge. Their political party is the Political part of Crime neither Dem nor Rep. You flatter yourself way too much.
You guncrazies still don't get it. But it doesn't matter any more if you do or if you don't. People are tired of hearing about loved ones being mowed down. The fact remains that the suppressor enabled him to go on longer without raising an alarm than if he was not using a suppressed weapon. A Suppressor or Silencer has not hunting value nor any home defense value.

Moron....more people die in car accidents than by mass public shooters....a total of 93 people killed by mass public shooters in 2018, and over 38,000 killed by cars.....

Only uninformed people want to ban guns....they have no clue about the facts, the truth and the reality.....and you are one of the useful idiots pushing the lies....

Americans can use supressors especially in home a .357, 9mm, .45 in your enclosed living room or bed room and your hearing is gone.........maybe damaged permanently.....but use a supressor and you have a chance of being able to hear moron.
Why is it when a democratic person gets some sensible gun safety laws passed or even proposed, the far right radical extremists scream that they are coming for their guns and violating the constitution.

Yet trump does it but by EO not through the congress, and it's ok for him. I don't see any far right wing radical extremist screaming that trump is coming for their guns.

The hypocrisy is disgusting but typical.

There is no sensible gun control that they have passed.....nothing they have passed would stop criminals or mass shooters. All their new gun laws do is UnConstitutionally increase the taxes, fees, and legal hurdles for normal people to own guns....with no effect on criminals.....that is not sensible, that is emotional b.s. from people who hate guns.
You guncrazies still don't get it. But it doesn't matter any more if you do or if you don't. People are tired of hearing about loved ones being mowed down. The fact remains that the suppressor enabled him to go on longer without raising an alarm than if he was not using a suppressed weapon. A Suppressor or Silencer has not hunting value nor any home defense value.
Moron....more people die in car accidents than by mass public shooters....a total of 93 people killed by mass public shooters in 2018, and over 38,000 killed by cars.....
Don't feed the troll.
Trump Looks at Silencing 2nd Amendment
Another shooting, another gun control rule by executive order?

After a silencer was found on one of the guns used in the Virginia Beach shooting, Trump said he doesn’t like them and is looking at a ban.

But are suppressors “silent?”

Also, after an executive order banning “bump stocks”, is Trump setting dangerous precedents

Not many happy about this one ........ wtf u doing Trump first bump stocks just like we told you dumbasses first they start with one thing then it spills into other areas of life.

You morons elected a pro-gun control Democrat. I don't know how many times you silly idiots have to be told. Cult45 will fall in line and support these measures to try and 'own da libs'.

Between Trump and Hilary there was no choice......he doesn't care about guns....she had a plan in place to sue gun makers through the Department of Justice to get gun control Trump was the best option.
Trump Looks at Silencing 2nd Amendment
Another shooting, another gun control rule by executive order?

After a silencer was found on one of the guns used in the Virginia Beach shooting, Trump said he doesn’t like them and is looking at a ban.

But are suppressors “silent?”

Also, after an executive order banning “bump stocks”, is Trump setting dangerous precedents

Not many happy about this one ........ wtf u doing Trump first bump stocks just like we told you dumbasses first they start with one thing then it spills into other areas of life.

When the founding fathers created the second amendment, silencers were not even around. The idea that banning silencers violates the second amendment is ludicrous.

You don't know what you are talking about....

Some have made the argument, bordering on the frivolous, that only those arms in existence in the 18th century are protected by the Second Amendment.

We do not interpret constitutional rights that way. Just as the First Amendment protects modern forms of communications, e.g., Reno v. American Civil Liberties Union, 521 U. S. 844, 849 (1997), and the Fourth Amendment applies to modern forms of search, e.g., Kyllo v. United States, 533 U. S. 27, 35–36 (2001), the Second Amendment extends, prima facie, to all instruments that constitute bearable arms, even those that were not in existence at the time of the founding.

Why is it when a democratic person gets some sensible gun safety laws passed or even proposed....
When this actually happens, it will be the first time.
The anti-gun left cannot demonstrate the necessity for or the efficacy of any of the restrictions it seeks to lay on the law abiding
Thus, there can be no sense at all found in any of them.
the far right radical extremists scream that they are coming for their guns and violating the constitution.
We're not coming for your abortions, we just want 'common sense' abortion control.
Said otherwise:
We have no reason to trust you, and thus, we have no reason to give an inch..
You guncrazies still don't get it. But it doesn't matter any more if you do or if you don't. People are tired of hearing about loved ones being mowed down. The fact remains that the suppressor enabled him to go on longer without raising an alarm than if he was not using a suppressed weapon. A Suppressor or Silencer has not hunting value nor any home defense value.

Why does this one think Christians, Republicans and Conservatives are the gun "crazies", when allL the gun violence is in Democrat strongholds and commited by Democrats, Progressives, Leftists? Chicago, LosAngeles, Detroit, Baltimore etc etc etc

If you eliminate the factor of Leftists and Democrats with guns, you eliminate the so called gun violence problem.'d almost think they have some kind of agenda or something?
Please prove that people in those large cities that commit gun crimes vote for Democrats.

Challenge accepted...

Analysis | The surprising way gun violence is dividing America

In the most Democratic regions, gun violence is more often committed against another, crimes that probably generate more news coverage and fear. In the most Republican areas, it is more often committed against oneself, suicides that may not attract as much attention.


As the below charts show, Democratic areas (measured by the party that controls the congressional district) are far more likely to experience almost all forms of malicious gun violence than Republican areas.

Why Bernie Sanders’ idea to let felons vote probably wouldn’t change election results

I do think, on average, that Democrats would get more votes than Republicans if we nationwide all of a sudden got rid of felon disenfranchisement," he added, but cautioned that the effect is often vastly overestimated.
Challenge accepted...
Analysis | The surprising way gun violence is dividing America
In the most Democratic regions, gun violence is more often committed against another, crimes that probably generate more news coverage and fear. In the most Republican areas, it is more often committed against oneself, suicides that may not attract as much attention.

For those that need visual aids
Please note the correlation demonstrated below.


You guncrazies still don't get it. But it doesn't matter any more if you do or if you don't. People are tired of hearing about loved ones being mowed down. The fact remains that the suppressor enabled him to go on longer without raising an alarm than if he was not using a suppressed weapon. A Suppressor or Silencer has not hunting value nor any home defense value.
Moron....more people die in car accidents than by mass public shooters....a total of 93 people killed by mass public shooters in 2018, and over 38,000 killed by cars.....
Don't feed the troll.
He's no troll. We do not term someone a "troll" because we disagree with them.
Challenge accepted...
Analysis | The surprising way gun violence is dividing America
In the most Democratic regions, gun violence is more often committed against another, crimes that probably generate more news coverage and fear. In the most Republican areas, it is more often committed against oneself, suicides that may not attract as much attention.
For those that need visual aids
Please note the correlation demonstrated below.

View attachment 264310

Looks to me as if Southern California is the hot spot, not Chicago.

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