Trump lost ALL moral authority to be POTUS....

Honestly, when I see democrats, Nazis, and the KKK in the same place, I hope for high causalities.

Oh, I have NO doubt that fuck heads like you love any certified terrorist would love (maybe even some babies??)......LOL
I'm not sure if Trump ever had ANY moral compass, and these last few days have shown that he lacks any moral authority to lead the 2/3 of our population that disapprove of his actions.

Honestly I'm tired of hearing that "both sides" in Charlottesville are to blame......THERE IS NO MORAL EQUIVALENCY between both sides.....NONE !!!

We have one side of white supremacists, KKK and NAZI sympathizers, and on the other side we have folks who thinks that such a mindset of their opponents is the VERY definition of IMMORALITY.

Trump has chosen to elevate the side of immorality....probably because he inherently SHARES those same manifested feelings of superiority and, believe it or not, also self-doubt of your own worth.

It is time for thinking Americans regardless of party affiliation to ALSO choose a side and determine if your own feelings are more aligned with those of the KKK and neo-Nazism.

I don't know about Trump, but I can say that I do not EVER look to leftists to grant me moral authority to take a shit, let alone anything else. Why would I allow people who not only eschew all morality, but do so proudly, to designate themselves as moral arbiters?
Can anyone imagine where we'd be today if those American traitors whose statues we want down, have won instead of lost ? Southern white trash would never have to work again
I still don't see anything about the confederacy worth honoring

I see even less of you Khmer Rouge democrats worth honoring.

Let's face it, you're fucking evil.

projecting, psycho?

You know you are evil, you revel in it. Herr Himmler.

My grandparents fled Germany to escape Hitler, I won't flee you and your fascist party. Never again means I fight you.
UN as I'm a dem I feel sorry for you Stop blaming others for your fate in life Stay at the bottom of the barrel along with others of your ilk

You scum rose in Germany unopposed. This ain't Berlin circa 1924, Never again scumbag.
Honestly, when I see democrats, Nazis, and the KKK in the same place, I hope for high causalities.

Oh, I have NO doubt that fuck heads like you love any certified terrorist would love (maybe even some babies??)......LOL

When it is three groups of complete scum, you betcha. The world is a far better place without you vile Nazis in it.
Honestly, when I see democrats, Nazis, and the KKK in the same place, I hope for high causalities.

Oh, I have NO doubt that fuck heads like you love any certified terrorist would love (maybe even some babies??)......LOL

When it is three groups of complete scum, you betcha. The world is a far better place without you vile Nazis in it.
UN you don't mind me calling you that do you? Let me be the first to tell you ,you ,trump and the rest of your nitwit followers are nothing but a shitstain on America and the sooner you're out of here the better off we'll be
Well the shit he's pulling now is getting serious.

Not only has he come out and basically said that pigs blood bullets should be used on Muslims, so he's basically come out again and denounced all Muslims in the US, but he's come out and said the statues of Confederates were beautiful, so after trying to avoid denouncing people, then being forced to, then trying to avoid it again, he's literally come out and say "fuck you" to another huge swath of Americans.
At what point did he denounce muslims? The confederate statue isn't a racist thing. The civil war wasn't only over slavery. It was over many things. At what point has President Trump ever said something racist? If he's this big mean racist guy then why would he have people of other races working for his companies making just as much money as everyone else.

Actually many of the confederate statues ARE racist. The reason they were built was because of the Civil Rights movement, they did not commemorate anything at all, or because of other issues. They were built because of racism.

Really? So in the most violent times of t
Well the shit he's pulling now is getting serious.

Not only has he come out and basically said that pigs blood bullets should be used on Muslims, so he's basically come out again and denounced all Muslims in the US, but he's come out and said the statues of Confederates were beautiful, so after trying to avoid denouncing people, then being forced to, then trying to avoid it again, he's literally come out and say "fuck you" to another huge swath of Americans.
At what point did he denounce muslims? The confederate statue isn't a racist thing. The civil war wasn't only over slavery. It was over many things. At what point has President Trump ever said something racist? If he's this big mean racist guy then why would he have people of other races working for his companies making just as much money as everyone else.

Actually many of the confederate statues ARE racist. The reason they were built was because of the Civil Rights movement, they did not commemorate anything at all, or because of other issues. They were built because of racism.

Really? So they just said let's go build some racist statues? Do some more reading

Er... what? You might want to sort of add to your post so I can reply.
I asked if you ever built the statues was building them to be racist? Like it or not soldiers from the confederate army are American veterans. They fought for what they believed in. Yes slavery was what they wanted but the civil war had other things that was fought over. Now I'm pretty sure we can both agree that the civil war wasn't just over slavery. Just look it up sometime when you get a chance but read a lot of sorces and see what you think. Have a good day!

No, it wasn't. However I'm suggesting many of the statues weren't built to commemorate the war. They weren't statues for honoring those who fought for something. Many of them commemorate a person, and a person who stands for something in the modern times.

If you put a statue of Hitler up, how do you think people would react? Hitler stands for something. Statues that honor those who gave their lives in WW2 in Germany would not have a statue of Hitler to represent them. So why do Confederate statues have these well known people?
Call me a fascist ... but, I don't think ANY American should be beaten in the streets for his political views.


Even a Nazi.

We're better than that ... or we should be.

Sir you are 100% correct!
I'm torn on this Nazi punch. Part of me finds it hilarious, but I also know the punch does nothing to advance the conversation. Civility is crucial if we want to change hearts and minds.
Part of me finds it hilarious

Part of me finds it assault. If the law doesn't apply to everyone, then it's not the law.

The Nazis were evil men and women who enslaved people, conquered peaceful countries and exterminated millions. Fighting them was a mitzvah.

These morons are puny, little poseurs whose mentally deficient minds are consumed with hate and fear and their prancing around in their cosplay is no threat to anyone . You can't beat someone for their words, not even someone who claims to be a Nazi.
Part of me finds it hilarious

Part of me finds it assault. If the law doesn't apply to everyone, then it's not the law.

The Nazis were evil men and women who enslaved people, conquered peaceful countries and exterminated millions. Fighting them was a mitzvah.

These morons are puny, little poseurs whose mentally deficient minds are consumed with hate and fear and their prancing around in their cosplay is no threat to anyone . You can't beat someone for their words, not even someone who claims to be a Nazi.
I'm not saying the law shouldn't apply to him. He should face charges. That doesn't mean I don't find it hilarious and kind of justified. For the sake of law and order, however, my opinion on that is irrelevant.
I don't know about Trump

Well, since THIS thread IS about Trump......kindly go fuck yourself and your biases....No offense, I hope.....LOL

Well, since this thread is ACTUALLY about your eager desire to congratulate yourself for moral virtue you have never possessed, go fuck yourself, AND your fascist pretensions. And I would hope that offends you greatly, if you mattered in the slightest.
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention to you, because well you don't really matter anymore you don't control the House, Senate, or the White House deserve ALL the "praise' for the amazing job you're doing with all that "winning"

The Mexican wall stands.....fully paid by Mexico

The ACA is repealed and replaced by a wonderful HC plan as promised by the orange clown

An amazing tax reform bill is now law

Our bridges and roads stand fully refurbished and glistening in the morning light.

Ooooops, ....wait a minute......................LOL

You realize Trump's term is 4 years right LOL. Typical libwit declares victory in the 1st quarter. :laugh:
Start of your term is when you are supposed to have all your momentum

Trumps has ground to a halt

Obama is laughing at him as he struggles with the most simple things
Worse than Obama laughing at him Germany, Russia ,Canada ,Mexico , China are too But who needs them right little trumpettes? You have a world class ah on your side

I don't think Canada is laughing anymore. After declaring "Welcome, refugees that mean old Trump insulted," they are declaring they are a nation of laws. They are slamming the gates shut after a thousand refugees or so.
I'm not sure if Trump ever had ANY moral compass, and these last few days have shown that he lacks any moral authority to lead the 2/3 of our population that disapprove of his actions.

Honestly I'm tired of hearing that "both sides" in Charlottesville are to blame......THERE IS NO MORAL EQUIVALENCY between both sides.....NONE !!!

We have one side of white supremacists, KKK and NAZI sympathizers, and on the other side we have folks who thinks that such a mindset of their opponents is the VERY definition of IMMORALITY.

Trump has chosen to elevate the side of immorality....probably because he inherently SHARES those same manifested feelings of superiority and, believe it or not, also self-doubt of your own worth.

It is time for thinking Americans regardless of party affiliation to ALSO choose a side and determine if your own feelings are more aligned with those of the KKK and neo-Nazism.
Pardon me but I must leave Drump makes me vomit ,,,,,,,,, cu tomorrow
At what point did he denounce muslims? The confederate statue isn't a racist thing. The civil war wasn't only over slavery. It was over many things. At what point has President Trump ever said something racist? If he's this big mean racist guy then why would he have people of other races working for his companies making just as much money as everyone else.

Actually many of the confederate statues ARE racist. The reason they were built was because of the Civil Rights movement, they did not commemorate anything at all, or because of other issues. They were built because of racism.

Really? So in the most violent times of t
At what point did he denounce muslims? The confederate statue isn't a racist thing. The civil war wasn't only over slavery. It was over many things. At what point has President Trump ever said something racist? If he's this big mean racist guy then why would he have people of other races working for his companies making just as much money as everyone else.

Actually many of the confederate statues ARE racist. The reason they were built was because of the Civil Rights movement, they did not commemorate anything at all, or because of other issues. They were built because of racism.

Really? So they just said let's go build some racist statues? Do some more reading

Er... what? You might want to sort of add to your post so I can reply.
I asked if you ever built the statues was building them to be racist? Like it or not soldiers from the confederate army are American veterans. They fought for what they believed in. Yes slavery was what they wanted but the civil war had other things that was fought over. Now I'm pretty sure we can both agree that the civil war wasn't just over slavery. Just look it up sometime when you get a chance but read a lot of sorces and see what you think. Have a good day!

No, it wasn't. However I'm suggesting many of the statues weren't built to commemorate the war. They weren't statues for honoring those who fought for something. Many of them commemorate a person, and a person who stands for something in the modern times.

If you put a statue of Hitler up, how do you think people would react? Hitler stands for something. Statues that honor those who gave their lives in WW2 in Germany would not have a statue of Hitler to represent them. So why do Confederate statues have these well known people?
Ok. Idk where to start. So much I could attack on here. 1 question. How come you can have a Martian Luther king statue. There is people who want that statue taken down. Who are you to say someone can't have a statue stand. What happened to freedom of speech? Do they not have the right to let there statue stand? Just because someone doesn't like it. Like it or not the civil war wasn't a race war. Slavery was an economic issue. The slaves picked the crops in the farmers fields. If the slaves go then the crops would die and there would be shortages in areas. What they should have done was let them free if they wanted to go but also offer them a job picking the crops. Just because there's a statue of someone who fought for what they believed in doesn't mean it's racist.
I asked if you ever built the statues was building them to be racist? Like it or not soldiers from the confederate army are American veterans. They fought for what they believed in. Yes slavery was what they wanted but the civil war had other things that was fought over. Now I'm pretty sure we can both agree that the civil war wasn't just over slavery. Just look it up sometime when you get a chance but read a lot of sorces and see what you think. Have a good day!
Can anyone imagine where we'd be today if those American traitors whose statues we want down, have won instead of lost ? Southern white trash would never have to work again
I still don't see anything about the confederacy worth honoring

I see even less of you Khmer Rouge democrats worth honoring.

Let's face it, you're fucking evil.

projecting, psycho?

You know you are evil, you revel in it. Herr Himmler.

My grandparents fled Germany to escape Hitler, I won't flee you and your fascist party. Never again means I fight you.
Well congrats to your grandparents that was a hard time. I must ask you do you really feel that every republican is a bad person? I thought libtards stand for no steriotyping? It seems to me like your judging a book by its cover
Really? So in the most violent times of t
Really? So they just said let's go build some racist statues? Do some more reading

Er... what? You might want to sort of add to your post so I can reply.
I asked if you ever built the statues was building them to be racist? Like it or not soldiers from the confederate army are American veterans. They fought for what they believed in. Yes slavery was what they wanted but the civil war had other things that was fought over. Now I'm pretty sure we can both agree that the civil war wasn't just over slavery. Just look it up sometime when you get a chance but read a lot of sorces and see what you think. Have a good day!
Not everyone there was there to protest violently. Some people took it to far. Not everyone there was a mean terrible person.
You rub shoulders with scum instead of moving away it' sticks on you too
Can anyone imagine where we'd be today if those American traitors whose statues we want down, have won instead of lost ? Southern white trash would never have to work again
I still don't see anything about the confederacy worth honoring

I see even less of you Khmer Rouge democrats worth honoring.

Let's face it, you're fucking evil.
lol I'm evil? Man I don't even know how to comprehend that in my not evil mind. I'm sorry that the indoctrination has gotten to you. Dems are worth honoring? What have they done that's been so great for America. Run is in debt? Let illigals jump the border? I thought dems are for jobs? If we are letting all the illegal immigrants take the American jobs then quit complaining there's no jobs. Don't say that there doing jobs Americans won't do because if that's the case then every person that tries to sign up on welfare they can go do that job. Do you believe in stereotypeing? Most dems don't. Well guess what your steriotypeing me by calling me evil. Because let me tell you your wrong. I do many things for my community. Things that help people in need. So before you go saying stuff like that to someone make sure you know what your talking about!
I asked if you ever built the statues was building them to be racist? Like it or not soldiers from the confederate army are American veterans. They fought for what they believed in. Yes slavery was what they wanted but the civil war had other things that was fought over. Now I'm pretty sure we can both agree that the civil war wasn't just over slavery. Just look it up sometime when you get a chance but read a lot of sorces and see what you think. Have a good day!
Can anyone imagine where we'd be today if those American traitors whose statues we want down, have won instead of lost ? Southern white trash would never have to work again
I still don't see anything about the confederacy worth honoring
Doesn't your political party stand for standing up in what you believe in? Yea they might have some things you don't stand for but they gave there lives to stand for what they wanted. Just because you don't see something worth honoring doesn't mean the families of those veterans don't. Try to understand the other view. Try to see how they want the statues to stand and then you can say that you are being understanding and ask for the same thing. Usually the solution is in the middle. Have a good day!!
Why would anyone want those statues to stand that mock the struggles of the black race? and at the same time GLORIFY those who fought against the union and America?
/----/ Dems are desperate to erase their slave holding past.
Er... what? You might want to sort of add to your post so I can reply.
I asked if you ever built the statues was building them to be racist? Like it or not soldiers from the confederate army are American veterans. They fought for what they believed in. Yes slavery was what they wanted but the civil war had other things that was fought over. Now I'm pretty sure we can both agree that the civil war wasn't just over slavery. Just look it up sometime when you get a chance but read a lot of sorces and see what you think. Have a good day!
You rub shoulders with scum instead of moving away it' sticks on you too
Can anyone imagine where we'd be today if those American traitors whose statues we want down, have won instead of lost ? Southern white trash would never have to work again
I still don't see anything about the confederacy worth honoring
Doesn't your political party stand for standing up in what you believe in? Yea they might have some things you don't stand for but they gave there lives to stand for what they wanted. Just because you don't see something worth honoring doesn't mean the families of those veterans don't. Try to understand the other view. Try to see how they want the statues to stand and then you can say that you are being understanding and ask for the same thing. Usually the solution is in the middle. Have a good day!!
Why would anyone want those statues to stand that mock the struggles of the black race? and at the same time GLORIFY those who fought against the union and America?
Because there veterans of our nation. I'm pretty sure we don't stand around and enjoy talking about people's struggles. Do some more research!
Actually many of the confederate statues ARE racist. The reason they were built was because of the Civil Rights movement, they did not commemorate anything at all, or because of other issues. They were built because of racism.

Really? So in the most violent times of t
Actually many of the confederate statues ARE racist. The reason they were built was because of the Civil Rights movement, they did not commemorate anything at all, or because of other issues. They were built because of racism.

Really? So they just said let's go build some racist statues? Do some more reading

Er... what? You might want to sort of add to your post so I can reply.
I asked if you ever built the statues was building them to be racist? Like it or not soldiers from the confederate army are American veterans. They fought for what they believed in. Yes slavery was what they wanted but the civil war had other things that was fought over. Now I'm pretty sure we can both agree that the civil war wasn't just over slavery. Just look it up sometime when you get a chance but read a lot of sorces and see what you think. Have a good day!

No, it wasn't. However I'm suggesting many of the statues weren't built to commemorate the war. They weren't statues for honoring those who fought for something. Many of them commemorate a person, and a person who stands for something in the modern times.

If you put a statue of Hitler up, how do you think people would react? Hitler stands for something. Statues that honor those who gave their lives in WW2 in Germany would not have a statue of Hitler to represent them. So why do Confederate statues have these well known people?
Ok. Idk where to start. So much I could attack on here. 1 question. How come you can have a Martian Luther king statue. There is people who want that statue taken down. Who are you to say someone can't have a statue stand. What happened to freedom of speech? Do they not have the right to let there statue stand? Just because someone doesn't like it. Like it or not the civil war wasn't a race war. Slavery was an economic issue. The slaves picked the crops in the farmers fields. If the slaves go then the crops would die and there would be shortages in areas. What they should have done was let them free if they wanted to go but also offer them a job picking the crops. Just because there's a statue of someone who fought for what they believed in doesn't mean it's racist.
Let the statues stand in your back yard They fought against our Gov't Why glorify traitors?

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