Trump lost me, most insensitive ahole Covid remark

Oh no, a leftist thinks I'm not really a libertarian. I'm going to cry now ...


Sorry, I tried ...

BTW, you also don't know how to capitalize. I said I am NOT a member of the Libertarian Party. I am just libertarian. I know you don't know what that means with your going to government schools and all
You’re not a libertarian. You’re a Trumper, through and through.

And you're a Biden Humper. Did you have anything but name calling? LOL, I crack myself up. Like you have anything but name calling ....
Interesting that you think Trumper is the same as name-calling. You must associate it with something bad. But you were a teabagger, too, so...

Nope. Biden is irrelevant. I would vote for a turnip over Trump.

How long did it take you to stop opening your mouth as wide as you could every time someone mentioned teabagging?

And this is how stupid you are. Your standard is that to support Trump means you love him and agree with him on every issue, but you don't even have to like him to vote for Biden. It's just more of your brainless drivel
I’m voting to remove Trump from office.

Incorrect, you are voting for the democrat as you are told too.

as always.

is your candidate that bad?

Yes. Syndi would vote for any Democrat. So saying she has a specific reason is obviously a lie. Good call out there

It's actually a tell, she knows that biden is in cognitive crisis so she has to hedge her bets on why she or any democrat is voting for the candidate of thier party, when the wheels come off the bus and biden forgets who or what he is and has to resign they can all pretend it was a protest vote.
I voted for Biden in the 1988 primary over Dukakis and the 2008 primary over Obama, but not the 2020 primary (Bernie). So I’m perfectly happy with Joe Biden as president.

So that’s another FAIL for you. :)

So you're confirming he was right then calling it a fail, Syndi? I hope you're hot, you're not making a living unless it's on your back
No, fake libertarian - the claim was that I’ll vote for Biden because I’ll vote for any democrat. It’s a FAIL because I’ve voted for Biden in the 1980s and the 2000s. And I’ll vote for him again in 2020. And I’ll vote for the Democratic nominee in 2020. Because Republicans are traitors and criminals.

Um ... so you seriously think that you voted for Democrats contradicts that you'd vote for any Democrat?


I didn't think anyone could be dumber then the wench on your avatar, but wow, you prove me wrong
I already said I will vote for any Democrat! Against a Republican that is. I will vote for some Democrats over other Democrats. I will even vote some independents over some Democrats. But I will never vote for a Republican over a Democrat. I will never vote for a libertarian, who’s just an embarrassed Republican, over a Democrat.

I hope you can finally make sense of this in your addled brain.

I would have easily voted Johnson over Clinton or Trump but I thought Stein and even better candidate.
I thought Johnson would have been fun. A stoner in the Whitehouse.

Couldn't be worse than what we ended up with.
Libertarian policies are a disaster. That’s why zero countries in the world have libertarian governments.
Still would have been funny.
I would have easily voted Johnson over Clinton or Trump but I thought Stein and even better candidate.
I thought Johnson would have been fun. A stoner in the Whitehouse.

Couldn't be worse than what we ended up with.
Libertarian policies are a disaster. That’s why zero countries in the world have libertarian governments.
Still would have been funny.

True dat. Watching you idiots have to pay your own bills would be fun-ny
I would have easily voted Johnson over Clinton or Trump but I thought Stein and even better candidate.
I thought Johnson would have been fun. A stoner in the Whitehouse.

Couldn't be worse than what we ended up with.
Libertarian policies are a disaster. That’s why zero countries in the world have libertarian governments.
Still would have been funny.

True dat. Watching you idiots have to pay your own bills would be fun-ny
We always pay our own bills.

How about that tRump deficit, huh?
“Older people, vulnerable people are going to die from this virus. That is going to happen despite whatever you do. Because with all our progress as a society, we can’t keep everyone alive.”

Unreal, what a heartless fuck. Why not just reopen everything now?

So you have a problem with people who are honest with you, who treat you and talk to you like an adult instead of lying to you and treating you like a child?

Congratulation...your fragile, inability to handle reality has made you a SNOWFLAKE.

Just remember....

Being honest with you, & telling you some older, more vulnerable Americans will die...

...and acknowledging this to be the case then murdering over 8,000 Americans by ordering infected virus patients to be placed in nursing homes...

...are 2 completely different things.
Oh no, a leftist thinks I'm not really a libertarian. I'm going to cry now ...


Sorry, I tried ...

BTW, you also don't know how to capitalize. I said I am NOT a member of the Libertarian Party. I am just libertarian. I know you don't know what that means with your going to government schools and all
You’re not a libertarian. You’re a Trumper, through and through.

And you're a Biden Humper. Did you have anything but name calling? LOL, I crack myself up. Like you have anything but name calling ....
Interesting that you think Trumper is the same as name-calling. You must associate it with something bad. But you were a teabagger, too, so...

Nope. Biden is irrelevant. I would vote for a turnip over Trump.

How long did it take you to stop opening your mouth as wide as you could every time someone mentioned teabagging?

And this is how stupid you are. Your standard is that to support Trump means you love him and agree with him on every issue, but you don't even have to like him to vote for Biden. It's just more of your brainless drivel
I’m voting to remove Trump from office.

Incorrect, you are voting for the democrat as you are told too.

as always.

is your candidate that bad?

Yes. Syndi would vote for any Democrat. So saying she has a specific reason is obviously a lie. Good call out there

It's actually a tell, she knows that biden is in cognitive crisis so she has to hedge her bets on why she or any democrat is voting for the candidate of thier party, when the wheels come off the bus and biden forgets who or what he is and has to resign they can all pretend it was a protest vote.
I voted for Biden in the 1988 primary over Dukakis and the 2008 primary over Obama, but not the 2020 primary (Bernie). So I’m perfectly happy with Joe Biden as president.

So that’s another FAIL for you. :)

So you're confirming he was right then calling it a fail, Syndi? I hope you're hot, you're not making a living unless it's on your back
No, fake libertarian - the claim was that I’ll vote for Biden because I’ll vote for any democrat. It’s a FAIL because I’ve voted for Biden in the 1980s and the 2000s. And I’ll vote for him again in 2020. And I’ll vote for the Democratic nominee in 2020. Because Republicans are traitors and criminals.

Will you cry again if trump wins?

Trump is not going to win. He’s going to lose in a landslide.

You said that in 2016 cupcake

Saved! The mods aren’t going to be able to scrub everything after November. :lol:

Look at the polling from July 2016 and today.

an example, in Florida:

View attachment 366742

Yes, it's over. You won. You can relax now. I already tossed in the towel

Well, to be fair, me winning was a foregone conclusion.
Johnson was better than Trump or Hillary. That isn't saying much. A chimp was better than Trump or Hillary.

Stein was the only candidate willing to actually stand up for her beliefs when she went and protested with the Standing Rock protester. If that is a Russian asset, so be it.
That one singular incident isn’t what makes her a Russian asset.

If you have irrational hatred toward Hillary I can’t help you.

Holy shit, the stupidity on this forum.
LOL. This from one of the dumbest posters ever.

There's no reason to "irrationally" hate Hillary? Why be irrational when there are so many good reasons to do so?
There are plenty of made-up reasons. And plenty of superficial reasons. But nothing that you haven’t given a male politician a pass for and you haven’t developed vehement, irrational hatred toward any of them. It’s your misogyny, not Hillary’s qualifications.

I vote for Jill Stein. So it was Hillary.
Which state?
Johnson was better than Trump or Hillary. That isn't saying much. A chimp was better than Trump or Hillary.

Stein was the only candidate willing to actually stand up for her beliefs when she went and protested with the Standing Rock protester. If that is a Russian asset, so be it.
That one singular incident isn’t what makes her a Russian asset.

If you have irrational hatred toward Hillary I can’t help you.

Holy shit, the stupidity on this forum.
LOL. This from one of the dumbest posters ever.

There's no reason to "irrationally" hate Hillary? Why be irrational when there are so many good reasons to do so?
There are plenty of made-up reasons. And plenty of superficial reasons. But nothing that you haven’t given a male politician a pass for and you haven’t developed vehement, irrational hatred toward any of them. It’s your misogyny, not Hillary’s qualifications.

So you think a woman can't handle being treated like a man? Chuck Schumer, Harry Reid, John Kerry, Bill Clinton, Obama, Nadler, Al Gore ...

So why do you think women need to be treated easier than men? You worried they're going to cry?
None of those men have had to deal with the raging hatred that Hillary has.
You remember the apology tour. When you ask for links you know exist and could easily find yourself, you're obviously just planning to go into another round of no it isn't, no it isn't, no it isn't ...
There are no links because hannity made it up.

If you say so
If not you would have been able to come up with at least one example from a reliable source.

Instead, you fall back on the failed “look for it yourself” dodge, knowing it’s all a hannity talking point, just like him saying from 2008-2012 that Obama was the most liberal senator. Ludicrous, yet you wingnuts recited it as gospel.
I would have easily voted Johnson over Clinton or Trump but I thought Stein and even better candidate.
Gary Johnson? Jill Stein? Then you’re all over the place ideologically. Johnson is a joke. Stein is a Russian asset, if not agent.

A lot of us (libertarians) were really upset at the Libertarian Party in 2016 for taking such a great opportunity to field a great candidate and get a lot of national attention. But the Libertarian Party face planted and re-nominated Johnson, who isn't even a libertarian.

Voting for Stein would have made a lot of sense. She wasn't going to win, and it was a way to tell the LP we weren't happy with them either.

Then again now they turned around and picked the anarchist running mate of a performance artist who isn't libertarian at all for VP, so obviously their learning from their mistakes isn't on the menu right now
Which Stein policy proposals were libertarian?

Exactly. Fuck principles, right?

I guess in that tiny, empty head of yours that makes sense somehow, but there were no libertarians nominated to run for President in 2016 by any party. Pretty sad when there is a party called the "Libertarian" Party, huh?

I love the avatar for you BTW. She's as empty headed as you are, but a whole lot prettier
Rand Paul ran for president in 2016, only to be dismissed by trump over his hair. The irony. But that was enough for you folks.
Because with all our progress as a society, we can’t keep everyone alive.”

He's not wrong.

Statistics show that 98% of people will die at some point.
So is his dumbass talking about wearing masks being patriotic?

I just got you a mask. Made in America. Wear it with pride.

View attachment 366624
If it’s trump related, it’s made in China.

That must be why Xi and the CCP are all-in on the Biden Crime Family
Did Putin tell you to post that?
Did you forget Obammy's world apology tour?

View attachment 366465
No such thing.

You don't remember Obama's global apology tour? You're so lost in being partisan you have no physical body left, you're just a hovering mist of Democrat party politics
Still no link?

maybe it’s because you can’t link to a hannity fantasy. :lol:

Here sugar.

ask if you need more help and try to keep up
Are you a retard? I’m asking because you seem like a retard.

The first link is from the ultra-Rightwing Heritage.

The second link is an opinion piece written by....wait for it....a little longer...KARL ROVE.

Holy shit, you’re stupid. And I am still undefeated!

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Johnson was better than Trump or Hillary. That isn't saying much. A chimp was better than Trump or Hillary.

Stein was the only candidate willing to actually stand up for her beliefs when she went and protested with the Standing Rock protester. If that is a Russian asset, so be it.
That one singular incident isn’t what makes her a Russian asset.

If you have irrational hatred toward Hillary I can’t help you.

Holy shit, the stupidity on this forum.
LOL. This from one of the dumbest posters ever.

There's no reason to "irrationally" hate Hillary? Why be irrational when there are so many good reasons to do so?
There are plenty of made-up reasons. And plenty of superficial reasons. But nothing that you haven’t given a male politician a pass for and you haven’t developed vehement, irrational hatred toward any of them. It’s your misogyny, not Hillary’s qualifications.

So you think a woman can't handle being treated like a man? Chuck Schumer, Harry Reid, John Kerry, Bill Clinton, Obama, Nadler, Al Gore ...

So why do you think women need to be treated easier than men? You worried they're going to cry?
None of those men have had to deal with the raging hatred that Hillary has.
Trump has.No doubt you feel sorry for him and make exceptions for all his faults.
Johnson was better than Trump or Hillary. That isn't saying much. A chimp was better than Trump or Hillary.

Stein was the only candidate willing to actually stand up for her beliefs when she went and protested with the Standing Rock protester. If that is a Russian asset, so be it.
That one singular incident isn’t what makes her a Russian asset.

If you have irrational hatred toward Hillary I can’t help you.

Holy shit, the stupidity on this forum.
LOL. This from one of the dumbest posters ever.

There's no reason to "irrationally" hate Hillary? Why be irrational when there are so many good reasons to do so?
There are plenty of made-up reasons. And plenty of superficial reasons. But nothing that you haven’t given a male politician a pass for and you haven’t developed vehement, irrational hatred toward any of them. It’s your misogyny, not Hillary’s qualifications.

I vote for Jill Stein. So it was Hillary.
Which state?

New York covid death rates and infection rates are way down and under control. Those governors who listened to Trump are now seeing rampant infection rates, ER rooms filed to the max and death rates rising. Because of Trump’s ineptitude we have 140,000 dead and rising. Trump and Trumpers not content with 140,000 dead still want to continue with Trump’s failed strategy. Pitiful.
New York and two other New England states account for over 40% of the deaths and infections in the entire country.
Oh no, a leftist thinks I'm not really a libertarian. I'm going to cry now ...


Sorry, I tried ...

BTW, you also don't know how to capitalize. I said I am NOT a member of the Libertarian Party. I am just libertarian. I know you don't know what that means with your going to government schools and all
You’re not a libertarian. You’re a Trumper, through and through.

And you're a Biden Humper. Did you have anything but name calling? LOL, I crack myself up. Like you have anything but name calling ....
Interesting that you think Trumper is the same as name-calling. You must associate it with something bad. But you were a teabagger, too, so...

Nope. Biden is irrelevant. I would vote for a turnip over Trump.

How long did it take you to stop opening your mouth as wide as you could every time someone mentioned teabagging?

And this is how stupid you are. Your standard is that to support Trump means you love him and agree with him on every issue, but you don't even have to like him to vote for Biden. It's just more of your brainless drivel
I’m voting to remove Trump from office.

Incorrect, you are voting for the democrat as you are told too.

as always.

is your candidate that bad?

Yes. Syndi would vote for any Democrat. So saying she has a specific reason is obviously a lie. Good call out there

It's actually a tell, she knows that biden is in cognitive crisis so she has to hedge her bets on why she or any democrat is voting for the candidate of thier party, when the wheels come off the bus and biden forgets who or what he is and has to resign they can all pretend it was a protest vote.
I voted for Biden in the 1988 primary over Dukakis and the 2008 primary over Obama, but not the 2020 primary (Bernie). So I’m perfectly happy with Joe Biden as president.

So that’s another FAIL for you. :)

So you're confirming he was right then calling it a fail, Syndi? I hope you're hot, you're not making a living unless it's on your back
No, fake libertarian - the claim was that I’ll vote for Biden because I’ll vote for any democrat. It’s a FAIL because I’ve voted for Biden in the 1980s and the 2000s. And I’ll vote for him again in 2020. And I’ll vote for the Democratic nominee in 2020. Because Republicans are traitors and criminals.

Will you cry again if trump wins?

Trump is not going to win. He’s going to lose in a landslide.

You said that in 2016 cupcake

Saved! The mods aren’t going to be able to scrub everything after November. :lol:

Look at the polling from July 2016 and today.

an example, in Florida:

View attachment 366742

Yes, it's over. You won. You can relax now. I already tossed in the towel

Well, to be fair, me winning was a foregone conclusion.

How'd that work out for you in 2016?

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