Trump lost me, most insensitive ahole Covid remark

Incorrect, you are voting for the democrat as you are told too.

as always.

is your candidate that bad?
I’ve voted for Democrats my entire life. It’s the only correct choice.

Yes, if you're looking for handouts.

And that was the point. You said you were voting "against Trump." But that's not really true, you'd vote Democrat no matter who the candidates were
No, because Democrats win wars that Republicans start, clean up financial messes Republicans leave us with, and stand up to dictators around the world.

Did you forget Obammy's world apology tour?

View attachment 366465

I don't care much for Obama but we do have a lot to apologize for.

No, we don't. We have a few things at best. But most of what the US has done in the world, has been to the benefit of the entire world.

OK...a few. Should we not apologize for those?

Sure. Not one of things Obama apologized for, is in those few things. Obama basically apologized for us doing what was right.

Romney complained that Obama apologized for America dictating to other countries. The reason for Iraq and Syria was because they would not roll over and allow us to dictate to them.

Now if you want to call Obama a hypocrite, I'll not argue.

Syria we should have never been involved with ever. There was never a reason for it.

With Iraq, there was. And quite frankly, the Iraqis were glad we were there. Saddam was a psychotic murderer, with WMDs. And don't tell me he didn't, when we know for a fact he used them. There places in Iraq, that still to this day have nerve gas in lethal concentrations. BBC did a documentary on this.

There is nothing we need to apologize for in Iraq. Except for pulling out too early, and allowing ISIS to tear the country apart, which likely due to Obama.

As for Syria, the only thing we need to apologize for, is that Obama openly invited the Russians in, which basically doomed everyone to death who didn't side with WMD using Assad.

If Obama had gone around apologizing for his own incompetent actions, I'd have more respect for it.

We've been killing the same people in Iraq we condemned Saddam for killing. For some oddly it's OK when we do it. If they were so happy we did what we did we wouldn't still be there near 20 years later.

Never mind how we engaged in torture there.

We should not have released all the people who became ISIS. I would love to know who decided to release all the people we had locked up, but I wager it was Obama.

You can't just hold people forever without ever charging them with anything or even proving they should have been held in the first place. Is that really the kind of country you want us to be? Would we accept that out of another country?

The military in 2010, said that we had 80 or 90% of the entire leadership of Islamic State locked up in detainment facilities.

They should have stayed there. But someone screwed up. I can't pin it on Obama, because I can't find any orders that tie back to him. But it happened, and someone made the call.

That is why we are still there. We left too fast, and didn't manage the situation right, and we released people that hated us, so they could create more problems for us.

We left on the promises Bush gave Iraq. The mistake was going full back in because we never really fully left.

I have first hand accounts from soldiers that returned from Iraq, that the Iraqis were happier with US soldiers, than Americans are with the police. Which is why some have decided not to be police officers after coming back to the states.

Saddam was a nightmare for the Iraqis. There is no question they supported his removal by the US military.

They may initially been happy. Then they realized we were torturing their friends and relatives.

You can't just hold people forever without ever charging them with anything or even proving they should have been held in the first place. Is that really the kind of country you want us to be? Would we accept that out of another country?

We have. I don't know what you are talking about. We have several times in history.

If you are captured in combat, by military personnel, yeah... it's normal to hold those people for years on years without charging them with a crime in a court somewhere.

Most countries do not charge people caught in a war situation, in some court somewhere, and send out investigators to the front lines, dig for clues around land mines and artillery shells. What you are saying is absurd.

We left on the promises Bush gave Iraq. The mistake was going full back in because we never really fully left.

Your opinion.

They may initially been happy. Then they realized we were torturing their friends and relatives.

No, not true. Simply not true.
It's true tho....

We should re-open everything now, where masks inside, protect the at risk.

We were never supposed to NOT get it, we were supposed to flatten the curve. Ride the wave to herd immunity n shit.

Stay safe.
Is that what you think the other countries did? You know the ones who have no more deaths. Got everybody infected and killed it through herd immunity??

what a horrible idea you’ve been fed

What was the purpose for shutting down?
To social distance and slow the spread

Correct, but why?

why do we need to slow the spread?
So less people get sick, hospitals don’t get overwhelmed and less people die... I’m not seeing the point you’re trying to make

1. wrong, it was never to prevent you from getting sick.

2. Correct. the shut down and social distancing is to prevent the hospitals from being overwhelmed. That's it. it was never intended to prevent you from ever catching it.

See you agree with me and you didn't even know it. I know I know it feels good. ;)
I don’t agree with you. How do you think so many other countries have such a low case/death count right now? It’s not because they hit herd immunity... less people are getting sick and less people are dying.

that’s was obviously a major factor I don’t see how you can argue otherwise

You are confused, so you know that the reason we shut down was to not overwhelm the hospitals yet your arguing that its about not getting sick? which is it.

Cognitive dissonance is strong with you.

Other countries have lower death rates due to culture, and draconian governments. we have a culture of anti-authority and individualism in the US. we distrust government and when it starts hurting we have no problem defying such.

I opened up my building in defiance of cuomo. No problems here, why is that? Do you think New york and new jerseys flattening of the curve has anything to do with say masks, social distancing, etc?

why does FL have nearly the same number of cases but 1/5 the deaths?

Ask questions my friend, you are being lied to about this virus.
Reasons for the shut down can be BOTH to reduce the spread of the sickness and to not overwhelm hospitals. Both can be true and work hand in hand. It’s not one or the other

True, however the point was to not overwhelm the hospitals and yes reduce the spread does this. reduce the incident rate, not reduce the spread so you don't get it.
Please reread what you just wrote

I did whats up, reduce the spread incident rate to not overwhelm the hospitals.
Are you trying to draw a distinction between the “spread incident rate” and the spread? Also are you trying to say that social distancing doesn’t effect the death count? I just want to be clear

Social distancing and even n95 or better masks do work if done correctly, here in NYC and NJ people are ignoring social distancing rules and are using bandannas or at best surgical masks under thier noses.

Yet no spike, btw.
Didn’t this conversation start because you said we needed to be open for business because the shutdown does nothing to prevent the spread and deaths from the virus? It was only to not overwhelm hospitals.
Correct me if I’m wrong but I thought that was your whole premise that started the debate.

no, that's not how the conversation started.

I think we should open up, with n95 or surgical mask or better rules and let people take care of themselves. Open as much as we can with proper masks indoors, social distance, etc....

bandannas under your nose don't work.
Well then I don’t know what we are arguing about. We are Trying to open and due to sloppy messaging and poor guidelines and reckless behavior we do so too quickly and blew the months of shelter work that sacrificed so many businesses and now the problem is surging again.

I told you you agreed with me.

but here is where we disagree, we are surging, but only in areas where they never had their "Wave".

bonus is the death rate in these states is 1/5 that of new york.
The death rate is not an accurate number. We are testing many more people now than we did when NY was surging... also we are seeing more young people infected now as seniors are more prepared to social distance. But I do agree we are getting better at avoiding and treating the disease.

sure it is, it is clearly going down, it's below 1.3%

but you have to watch the hospitalization capacity rating, thats what flattening the curve is for.

young people should get infected, (no not on purpose) and they should do it at once, that would starve the virus. think about it.
That’s idiotic. Young people are still dying from it. Yes at a very low rate but to promote them getting infected is rediculous. Especially since many can be carrying and spreading it to old people without even knowing it.

young people are dying at such a low rate it's not even like a thing.

Most of those who died and young like 99% of them had underlying conditions.

I am no "promoting" them purposefully getting infected, what I am saying is that it should be expected and they should go about thier days with a mask, with social distancing, but everything open.
I hear what you are suggesting and that method will lead to more deaths and wider spread. We are seeing it happening now. If that’s what you want then fine you are entitled to that opinion. But don’t pretend that more carnage won’t be the result of your suggestions

its going to end uo saving lives in the end. Thats the oart you dont get.
False. The slower the spread the more lives get saved. That’s just how it works. I shouldn’t need to explain it. Use your brain and think about it for a second
“Older people, vulnerable people are going to die from this virus. That is going to happen despite whatever you do. Because with all our progress as a society, we can’t keep everyone alive.”

Unreal, what a heartless fuck. Why not just reopen everything now?

This is what we get when we elect a tactless narcissist with zero sense of decorum. He pisses people off. He just makes more and more enemies each day.
And in the process he just makes more and more friends and supporters. Wonder why.

Because Cult45 lives in alternative rat reality.
It's true tho....

We should re-open everything now, where masks inside, protect the at risk.

We were never supposed to NOT get it, we were supposed to flatten the curve. Ride the wave to herd immunity n shit.

Stay safe.
Is that what you think the other countries did? You know the ones who have no more deaths. Got everybody infected and killed it through herd immunity??

what a horrible idea you’ve been fed

What was the purpose for shutting down?
To social distance and slow the spread

Correct, but why?

why do we need to slow the spread?
So less people get sick, hospitals don’t get overwhelmed and less people die... I’m not seeing the point you’re trying to make

1. wrong, it was never to prevent you from getting sick.

2. Correct. the shut down and social distancing is to prevent the hospitals from being overwhelmed. That's it. it was never intended to prevent you from ever catching it.

See you agree with me and you didn't even know it. I know I know it feels good. ;)
I don’t agree with you. How do you think so many other countries have such a low case/death count right now? It’s not because they hit herd immunity... less people are getting sick and less people are dying.

that’s was obviously a major factor I don’t see how you can argue otherwise

You are confused, so you know that the reason we shut down was to not overwhelm the hospitals yet your arguing that its about not getting sick? which is it.

Cognitive dissonance is strong with you.

Other countries have lower death rates due to culture, and draconian governments. we have a culture of anti-authority and individualism in the US. we distrust government and when it starts hurting we have no problem defying such.

I opened up my building in defiance of cuomo. No problems here, why is that? Do you think New york and new jerseys flattening of the curve has anything to do with say masks, social distancing, etc?

why does FL have nearly the same number of cases but 1/5 the deaths?

Ask questions my friend, you are being lied to about this virus.
Reasons for the shut down can be BOTH to reduce the spread of the sickness and to not overwhelm hospitals. Both can be true and work hand in hand. It’s not one or the other

True, however the point was to not overwhelm the hospitals and yes reduce the spread does this. reduce the incident rate, not reduce the spread so you don't get it.
Please reread what you just wrote

I did whats up, reduce the spread incident rate to not overwhelm the hospitals.
Are you trying to draw a distinction between the “spread incident rate” and the spread? Also are you trying to say that social distancing doesn’t effect the death count? I just want to be clear

Social distancing and even n95 or better masks do work if done correctly, here in NYC and NJ people are ignoring social distancing rules and are using bandannas or at best surgical masks under thier noses.

Yet no spike, btw.
Didn’t this conversation start because you said we needed to be open for business because the shutdown does nothing to prevent the spread and deaths from the virus? It was only to not overwhelm hospitals.
Correct me if I’m wrong but I thought that was your whole premise that started the debate.

no, that's not how the conversation started.

I think we should open up, with n95 or surgical mask or better rules and let people take care of themselves. Open as much as we can with proper masks indoors, social distance, etc....

bandannas under your nose don't work.
Well then I don’t know what we are arguing about. We are Trying to open and due to sloppy messaging and poor guidelines and reckless behavior we do so too quickly and blew the months of shelter work that sacrificed so many businesses and now the problem is surging again.

I told you you agreed with me.

but here is where we disagree, we are surging, but only in areas where they never had their "Wave".

bonus is the death rate in these states is 1/5 that of new york.
The death rate is not an accurate number. We are testing many more people now than we did when NY was surging... also we are seeing more young people infected now as seniors are more prepared to social distance. But I do agree we are getting better at avoiding and treating the disease.

sure it is, it is clearly going down, it's below 1.3%

but you have to watch the hospitalization capacity rating, thats what flattening the curve is for.

young people should get infected, (no not on purpose) and they should do it at once, that would starve the virus. think about it.
That’s idiotic. Young people are still dying from it. Yes at a very low rate but to promote them getting infected is rediculous. Especially since many can be carrying and spreading it to old people without even knowing it.

young people are dying at such a low rate it's not even like a thing.

Most of those who died and young like 99% of them had underlying conditions.

I am no "promoting" them purposefully getting infected, what I am saying is that it should be expected and they should go about thier days with a mask, with social distancing, but everything open.
I hear what you are suggesting and that method will lead to more deaths and wider spread. We are seeing it happening now. If that’s what you want then fine you are entitled to that opinion. But don’t pretend that more carnage won’t be the result of your suggestions

its going to end uo saving lives in the end. Thats the oart you dont get.
False. The slower the spread the more lives get saved. That’s just how it works. I shouldn’t need to explain it. Use your brain and think about it for a second

that's true only in context of not overwhelming hospitals.
“Older people, vulnerable people are going to die from this virus. That is going to happen despite whatever you do. Because with all our progress as a society, we can’t keep everyone alive.”

Unreal, what a heartless fuck. Why not just reopen everything now?
Actually, Cuomo said that arguing he should not be held responsible for all the deaths in New York's nursing homes.
It's true tho....

We should re-open everything now, where masks inside, protect the at risk.

We were never supposed to NOT get it, we were supposed to flatten the curve. Ride the wave to herd immunity n shit.

Stay safe.
Is that what you think the other countries did? You know the ones who have no more deaths. Got everybody infected and killed it through herd immunity??

what a horrible idea you’ve been fed

What was the purpose for shutting down?
To social distance and slow the spread

Correct, but why?

why do we need to slow the spread?
So less people get sick, hospitals don’t get overwhelmed and less people die... I’m not seeing the point you’re trying to make

1. wrong, it was never to prevent you from getting sick.

2. Correct. the shut down and social distancing is to prevent the hospitals from being overwhelmed. That's it. it was never intended to prevent you from ever catching it.

See you agree with me and you didn't even know it. I know I know it feels good. ;)
I don’t agree with you. How do you think so many other countries have such a low case/death count right now? It’s not because they hit herd immunity... less people are getting sick and less people are dying.

that’s was obviously a major factor I don’t see how you can argue otherwise

You are confused, so you know that the reason we shut down was to not overwhelm the hospitals yet your arguing that its about not getting sick? which is it.

Cognitive dissonance is strong with you.

Other countries have lower death rates due to culture, and draconian governments. we have a culture of anti-authority and individualism in the US. we distrust government and when it starts hurting we have no problem defying such.

I opened up my building in defiance of cuomo. No problems here, why is that? Do you think New york and new jerseys flattening of the curve has anything to do with say masks, social distancing, etc?

why does FL have nearly the same number of cases but 1/5 the deaths?

Ask questions my friend, you are being lied to about this virus.
Reasons for the shut down can be BOTH to reduce the spread of the sickness and to not overwhelm hospitals. Both can be true and work hand in hand. It’s not one or the other

True, however the point was to not overwhelm the hospitals and yes reduce the spread does this. reduce the incident rate, not reduce the spread so you don't get it.
Please reread what you just wrote

I did whats up, reduce the spread incident rate to not overwhelm the hospitals.
Are you trying to draw a distinction between the “spread incident rate” and the spread? Also are you trying to say that social distancing doesn’t effect the death count? I just want to be clear

Social distancing and even n95 or better masks do work if done correctly, here in NYC and NJ people are ignoring social distancing rules and are using bandannas or at best surgical masks under thier noses.

Yet no spike, btw.
Didn’t this conversation start because you said we needed to be open for business because the shutdown does nothing to prevent the spread and deaths from the virus? It was only to not overwhelm hospitals.
Correct me if I’m wrong but I thought that was your whole premise that started the debate.

no, that's not how the conversation started.

I think we should open up, with n95 or surgical mask or better rules and let people take care of themselves. Open as much as we can with proper masks indoors, social distance, etc....

bandannas under your nose don't work.
Well then I don’t know what we are arguing about. We are Trying to open and due to sloppy messaging and poor guidelines and reckless behavior we do so too quickly and blew the months of shelter work that sacrificed so many businesses and now the problem is surging again.

I told you you agreed with me.

but here is where we disagree, we are surging, but only in areas where they never had their "Wave".

bonus is the death rate in these states is 1/5 that of new york.
The death rate is not an accurate number. We are testing many more people now than we did when NY was surging... also we are seeing more young people infected now as seniors are more prepared to social distance. But I do agree we are getting better at avoiding and treating the disease.

sure it is, it is clearly going down, it's below 1.3%

but you have to watch the hospitalization capacity rating, thats what flattening the curve is for.

young people should get infected, (no not on purpose) and they should do it at once, that would starve the virus. think about it.
That’s idiotic. Young people are still dying from it. Yes at a very low rate but to promote them getting infected is rediculous. Especially since many can be carrying and spreading it to old people without even knowing it.

young people are dying at such a low rate it's not even like a thing.

Most of those who died and young like 99% of them had underlying conditions.

I am no "promoting" them purposefully getting infected, what I am saying is that it should be expected and they should go about thier days with a mask, with social distancing, but everything open.
I hear what you are suggesting and that method will lead to more deaths and wider spread. We are seeing it happening now. If that’s what you want then fine you are entitled to that opinion. But don’t pretend that more carnage won’t be the result of your suggestions

its going to end uo saving lives in the end. Thats the oart you dont get.
False. The slower the spread the more lives get saved. That’s just how it works. I shouldn’t need to explain it. Use your brain and think about it for a second

that's true only in context of not overwhelming hospitals.
It’s also true in the actual number of body bags as you already admitted to. Let’s not go circular with this debate please.
It's true tho....

We should re-open everything now, where masks inside, protect the at risk.

We were never supposed to NOT get it, we were supposed to flatten the curve. Ride the wave to herd immunity n shit.

Stay safe.
Is that what you think the other countries did? You know the ones who have no more deaths. Got everybody infected and killed it through herd immunity??

what a horrible idea you’ve been fed

What was the purpose for shutting down?
To social distance and slow the spread

Correct, but why?

why do we need to slow the spread?
So less people get sick, hospitals don’t get overwhelmed and less people die... I’m not seeing the point you’re trying to make

1. wrong, it was never to prevent you from getting sick.

2. Correct. the shut down and social distancing is to prevent the hospitals from being overwhelmed. That's it. it was never intended to prevent you from ever catching it.

See you agree with me and you didn't even know it. I know I know it feels good. ;)
I don’t agree with you. How do you think so many other countries have such a low case/death count right now? It’s not because they hit herd immunity... less people are getting sick and less people are dying.

that’s was obviously a major factor I don’t see how you can argue otherwise

You are confused, so you know that the reason we shut down was to not overwhelm the hospitals yet your arguing that its about not getting sick? which is it.

Cognitive dissonance is strong with you.

Other countries have lower death rates due to culture, and draconian governments. we have a culture of anti-authority and individualism in the US. we distrust government and when it starts hurting we have no problem defying such.

I opened up my building in defiance of cuomo. No problems here, why is that? Do you think New york and new jerseys flattening of the curve has anything to do with say masks, social distancing, etc?

why does FL have nearly the same number of cases but 1/5 the deaths?

Ask questions my friend, you are being lied to about this virus.
Reasons for the shut down can be BOTH to reduce the spread of the sickness and to not overwhelm hospitals. Both can be true and work hand in hand. It’s not one or the other

True, however the point was to not overwhelm the hospitals and yes reduce the spread does this. reduce the incident rate, not reduce the spread so you don't get it.
Please reread what you just wrote

I did whats up, reduce the spread incident rate to not overwhelm the hospitals.
Are you trying to draw a distinction between the “spread incident rate” and the spread? Also are you trying to say that social distancing doesn’t effect the death count? I just want to be clear

Social distancing and even n95 or better masks do work if done correctly, here in NYC and NJ people are ignoring social distancing rules and are using bandannas or at best surgical masks under thier noses.

Yet no spike, btw.
Didn’t this conversation start because you said we needed to be open for business because the shutdown does nothing to prevent the spread and deaths from the virus? It was only to not overwhelm hospitals.
Correct me if I’m wrong but I thought that was your whole premise that started the debate.

no, that's not how the conversation started.

I think we should open up, with n95 or surgical mask or better rules and let people take care of themselves. Open as much as we can with proper masks indoors, social distance, etc....

bandannas under your nose don't work.
Well then I don’t know what we are arguing about. We are Trying to open and due to sloppy messaging and poor guidelines and reckless behavior we do so too quickly and blew the months of shelter work that sacrificed so many businesses and now the problem is surging again.

I told you you agreed with me.

but here is where we disagree, we are surging, but only in areas where they never had their "Wave".

bonus is the death rate in these states is 1/5 that of new york.
The death rate is not an accurate number. We are testing many more people now than we did when NY was surging... also we are seeing more young people infected now as seniors are more prepared to social distance. But I do agree we are getting better at avoiding and treating the disease.

sure it is, it is clearly going down, it's below 1.3%

but you have to watch the hospitalization capacity rating, thats what flattening the curve is for.

young people should get infected, (no not on purpose) and they should do it at once, that would starve the virus. think about it.
That’s idiotic. Young people are still dying from it. Yes at a very low rate but to promote them getting infected is rediculous. Especially since many can be carrying and spreading it to old people without even knowing it.

young people are dying at such a low rate it's not even like a thing.

Most of those who died and young like 99% of them had underlying conditions.

I am no "promoting" them purposefully getting infected, what I am saying is that it should be expected and they should go about thier days with a mask, with social distancing, but everything open.
I hear what you are suggesting and that method will lead to more deaths and wider spread. We are seeing it happening now. If that’s what you want then fine you are entitled to that opinion. But don’t pretend that more carnage won’t be the result of your suggestions

its going to end uo saving lives in the end. Thats the oart you dont get.
False. The slower the spread the more lives get saved. That’s just how it works. I shouldn’t need to explain it. Use your brain and think about it for a second

that's true only in context of not overwhelming hospitals.
It’s also true in the actual number of body bags as you already admitted to. Let’s not go circular with this debate please.

Please to explain.
I would have easily voted Johnson over Clinton or Trump but I thought Stein and even better candidate.
Gary Johnson? Jill Stein? Then you’re all over the place ideologically. Johnson is a joke. Stein is a Russian asset, if not agent.

A lot of us (libertarians) were really upset at the Libertarian Party in 2016 for taking such a great opportunity to field a great candidate and get a lot of national attention. But the Libertarian Party face planted and re-nominated Johnson, who isn't even a libertarian.

Voting for Stein would have made a lot of sense. She wasn't going to win, and it was a way to tell the LP we weren't happy with them either.

Then again now they turned around and picked the anarchist running mate of a performance artist who isn't libertarian at all for VP, so obviously their learning from their mistakes isn't on the menu right now

Johnson was ton better than Petersen.

No way, Peterson was way better. He had no personality, but then Johnson is massively weird
“Older people, vulnerable people are going to die from this virus. That is going to happen despite whatever you do. Because with all our progress as a society, we can’t keep everyone alive.”

Unreal, what a heartless fuck. Why not just reopen everything now?

Basically he didn't lie so now you hate him? It's a fact, for folks who aren't and older covid19 is a really huge deal made worse by all the stuff an average 75byear old person has. It's nature at work. The epitomy of "how it is". Did Trump say "they are dead anyway so let's send them all to soilent green? No, he stated a fact, one that has played out world wide and that fact is, old folks and sick people stand a real good chance of Covid ending them. It's life, and it's a fact. Grow up and deal with that.
They may initially been happy. Then they realized we were torturing their friends and relatives.

You can't just hold people forever without ever charging them with anything or even proving they should have been held in the first place. Is that really the kind of country you want us to be? Would we accept that out of another country?

We have. I don't know what you are talking about. We have several times in history.

If you are captured in combat, by military personnel, yeah... it's normal to hold those people for years on years without charging them with a crime in a court somewhere.

Most countries do not charge people caught in a war situation, in some court somewhere, and send out investigators to the front lines, dig for clues around land mines and artillery shells. What you are saying is absurd.

We left on the promises Bush gave Iraq. The mistake was going full back in because we never really fully left.

Your opinion.

They may initially been happy. Then they realized we were torturing their friends and relatives.

No, not true. Simply not true.

You think caging people in our homes is like capturing people on battlefields? That's pretty sick.

Whatever justifies locking down the economy to do as much damage as possible before the election, huh?
“Older people, vulnerable people are going to die from this virus. That is going to happen despite whatever you do. Because with all our progress as a society, we can’t keep everyone alive.”

Unreal, what a heartless fuck. Why not just reopen everything now?
Tell us when thats never been true.
Oh no, a leftist thinks I'm not really a libertarian. I'm going to cry now ...


Sorry, I tried ...

BTW, you also don't know how to capitalize. I said I am NOT a member of the Libertarian Party. I am just libertarian. I know you don't know what that means with your going to government schools and all
You’re not a libertarian. You’re a Trumper, through and through.

And you're a Biden Humper. Did you have anything but name calling? LOL, I crack myself up. Like you have anything but name calling ....
Interesting that you think Trumper is the same as name-calling. You must associate it with something bad. But you were a teabagger, too, so...

Nope. Biden is irrelevant. I would vote for a turnip over Trump.

How long did it take you to stop opening your mouth as wide as you could every time someone mentioned teabagging?

And this is how stupid you are. Your standard is that to support Trump means you love him and agree with him on every issue, but you don't even have to like him to vote for Biden. It's just more of your brainless drivel
I’m voting to remove Trump from office.

Incorrect, you are voting for the democrat as you are told too.

as always.

is your candidate that bad?

Yes. Syndi would vote for any Democrat. So saying she has a specific reason is obviously a lie. Good call out there

It's actually a tell, she knows that biden is in cognitive crisis so she has to hedge her bets on why she or any democrat is voting for the candidate of thier party, when the wheels come off the bus and biden forgets who or what he is and has to resign they can all pretend it was a protest vote.
I voted for Biden in the 1988 primary over Dukakis and the 2008 primary over Obama, but not the 2020 primary (Bernie). So I’m perfectly happy with Joe Biden as president.

So that’s another FAIL for you. :)

So you're confirming he was right then calling it a fail, Syndi? I hope you're hot, you're not making a living unless it's on your back
No, fake libertarian - the claim was that I’ll vote for Biden because I’ll vote for any democrat. It’s a FAIL because I’ve voted for Biden in the 1980s and the 2000s. And I’ll vote for him again in 2020. And I’ll vote for the Democratic nominee in 2020. Because Republicans are traitors and criminals.

Um ... so you seriously think that you voted for Democrats contradicts that you'd vote for any Democrat?


I didn't think anyone could be dumber then the wench on your avatar, but wow, you prove me wrong
I already said I will vote for any Democrat! Against a Republican that is. I will vote for some Democrats over other Democrats. I will even vote some independents over some Democrats. But I will never vote for a Republican over a Democrat. I will never vote for a libertarian, who’s just an embarrassed Republican, over a Democrat.

I hope you can finally make sense of this in your addled brain.

I would have easily voted Johnson over Clinton or Trump but I thought Stein and even better candidate.
I thought Johnson would have been fun. A stoner in the Whitehouse.

Couldn't be worse than what we ended up with.
Libertarian policies are a disaster. That’s why zero countries in the world have libertarian governments.
I would have easily voted Johnson over Clinton or Trump but I thought Stein and even better candidate.
I thought Johnson would have been fun. A stoner in the Whitehouse.

Couldn't be worse than what we ended up with.
Libertarian policies are a disaster. That’s why zero countries in the world have libertarian governments.

Yes, government taking your feed bag away. Just awful
Oh no, a leftist thinks I'm not really a libertarian. I'm going to cry now ...


Sorry, I tried ...

BTW, you also don't know how to capitalize. I said I am NOT a member of the Libertarian Party. I am just libertarian. I know you don't know what that means with your going to government schools and all
You’re not a libertarian. You’re a Trumper, through and through.

And you're a Biden Humper. Did you have anything but name calling? LOL, I crack myself up. Like you have anything but name calling ....
Interesting that you think Trumper is the same as name-calling. You must associate it with something bad. But you were a teabagger, too, so...

Nope. Biden is irrelevant. I would vote for a turnip over Trump.

How long did it take you to stop opening your mouth as wide as you could every time someone mentioned teabagging?

And this is how stupid you are. Your standard is that to support Trump means you love him and agree with him on every issue, but you don't even have to like him to vote for Biden. It's just more of your brainless drivel
I’m voting to remove Trump from office.

Incorrect, you are voting for the democrat as you are told too.

as always.

is your candidate that bad?

Yes. Syndi would vote for any Democrat. So saying she has a specific reason is obviously a lie. Good call out there

It's actually a tell, she knows that biden is in cognitive crisis so she has to hedge her bets on why she or any democrat is voting for the candidate of thier party, when the wheels come off the bus and biden forgets who or what he is and has to resign they can all pretend it was a protest vote.
I voted for Biden in the 1988 primary over Dukakis and the 2008 primary over Obama, but not the 2020 primary (Bernie). So I’m perfectly happy with Joe Biden as president.

So that’s another FAIL for you. :)

So you're confirming he was right then calling it a fail, Syndi? I hope you're hot, you're not making a living unless it's on your back
No, fake libertarian - the claim was that I’ll vote for Biden because I’ll vote for any democrat. It’s a FAIL because I’ve voted for Biden in the 1980s and the 2000s. And I’ll vote for him again in 2020. And I’ll vote for the Democratic nominee in 2020. Because Republicans are traitors and criminals.

Will you cry again if trump wins?

Trump is not going to win. He’s going to lose in a landslide.

You said that in 2016 cupcake

Saved! The mods aren’t going to be able to scrub everything after November. :lol:

Look at the polling from July 2016 and today.

an example, in Florida:

I would have easily voted Johnson over Clinton or Trump but I thought Stein and even better candidate.
Gary Johnson? Jill Stein? Then you’re all over the place ideologically. Johnson is a joke. Stein is a Russian asset, if not agent.

A lot of us (libertarians) were really upset at the Libertarian Party in 2016 for taking such a great opportunity to field a great candidate and get a lot of national attention. But the Libertarian Party face planted and re-nominated Johnson, who isn't even a libertarian.

Voting for Stein would have made a lot of sense. She wasn't going to win, and it was a way to tell the LP we weren't happy with them either.

Then again now they turned around and picked the anarchist running mate of a performance artist who isn't libertarian at all for VP, so obviously their learning from their mistakes isn't on the menu right now
Which Stein policy proposals were libertarian?
Oh no, a leftist thinks I'm not really a libertarian. I'm going to cry now ...


Sorry, I tried ...

BTW, you also don't know how to capitalize. I said I am NOT a member of the Libertarian Party. I am just libertarian. I know you don't know what that means with your going to government schools and all
You’re not a libertarian. You’re a Trumper, through and through.

And you're a Biden Humper. Did you have anything but name calling? LOL, I crack myself up. Like you have anything but name calling ....
Interesting that you think Trumper is the same as name-calling. You must associate it with something bad. But you were a teabagger, too, so...

Nope. Biden is irrelevant. I would vote for a turnip over Trump.

How long did it take you to stop opening your mouth as wide as you could every time someone mentioned teabagging?

And this is how stupid you are. Your standard is that to support Trump means you love him and agree with him on every issue, but you don't even have to like him to vote for Biden. It's just more of your brainless drivel
I’m voting to remove Trump from office.

Incorrect, you are voting for the democrat as you are told too.

as always.

is your candidate that bad?

Yes. Syndi would vote for any Democrat. So saying she has a specific reason is obviously a lie. Good call out there

It's actually a tell, she knows that biden is in cognitive crisis so she has to hedge her bets on why she or any democrat is voting for the candidate of thier party, when the wheels come off the bus and biden forgets who or what he is and has to resign they can all pretend it was a protest vote.
I voted for Biden in the 1988 primary over Dukakis and the 2008 primary over Obama, but not the 2020 primary (Bernie). So I’m perfectly happy with Joe Biden as president.

So that’s another FAIL for you. :)

So you're confirming he was right then calling it a fail, Syndi? I hope you're hot, you're not making a living unless it's on your back
No, fake libertarian - the claim was that I’ll vote for Biden because I’ll vote for any democrat. It’s a FAIL because I’ve voted for Biden in the 1980s and the 2000s. And I’ll vote for him again in 2020. And I’ll vote for the Democratic nominee in 2020. Because Republicans are traitors and criminals.

Will you cry again if trump wins?

Trump is not going to win. He’s going to lose in a landslide.

You said that in 2016 cupcake

Saved! The mods aren’t going to be able to scrub everything after November. :lol:

Look at the polling from July 2016 and today.

an example, in Florida:

View attachment 366742

Yes, it's over. You won. You can relax now. I already tossed in the towel
Incorrect, you are voting for the democrat as you are told too.

as always.

is your candidate that bad?
I’ve voted for Democrats my entire life. It’s the only correct choice.

Yes, if you're looking for handouts.

And that was the point. You said you were voting "against Trump." But that's not really true, you'd vote Democrat no matter who the candidates were
No, because Democrats win wars that Republicans start, clean up financial messes Republicans leave us with, and stand up to dictators around the world.

Did you forget Obammy's world apology tour?

View attachment 366465

I don't care much for Obama but we do have a lot to apologize for.

No, we don't. We have a few things at best. But most of what the US has done in the world, has been to the benefit of the entire world.

OK...a few. Should we not apologize for those?

Sure. Not one of things Obama apologized for, is in those few things. Obama basically apologized for us doing what was right.

Romney complained that Obama apologized for America dictating to other countries. The reason for Iraq and Syria was because they would not roll over and allow us to dictate to them.

Now if you want to call Obama a hypocrite, I'll not argue.

Syria we should have never been involved with ever. There was never a reason for it.

With Iraq, there was. And quite frankly, the Iraqis were glad we were there. Saddam was a psychotic murderer, with WMDs. And don't tell me he didn't, when we know for a fact he used them. There places in Iraq, that still to this day have nerve gas in lethal concentrations. BBC did a documentary on this.

There is nothing we need to apologize for in Iraq. Except for pulling out too early, and allowing ISIS to tear the country apart, which likely due to Obama.

As for Syria, the only thing we need to apologize for, is that Obama openly invited the Russians in, which basically doomed everyone to death who didn't side with WMD using Assad.

If Obama had gone around apologizing for his own incompetent actions, I'd have more respect for it.

We've been killing the same people in Iraq we condemned Saddam for killing. For some oddly it's OK when we do it. If they were so happy we did what we did we wouldn't still be there near 20 years later.

Never mind how we engaged in torture there.

We should not have released all the people who became ISIS. I would love to know who decided to release all the people we had locked up, but I wager it was Obama.

You can't just hold people forever without ever charging them with anything or even proving they should have been held in the first place. Is that really the kind of country you want us to be? Would we accept that out of another country?

The military in 2010, said that we had 80 or 90% of the entire leadership of Islamic State locked up in detainment facilities.

They should have stayed there. But someone screwed up. I can't pin it on Obama, because I can't find any orders that tie back to him. But it happened, and someone made the call.

That is why we are still there. We left too fast, and didn't manage the situation right, and we released people that hated us, so they could create more problems for us.

We left on the promises Bush gave Iraq. The mistake was going full back in because we never really fully left.

I have first hand accounts from soldiers that returned from Iraq, that the Iraqis were happier with US soldiers, than Americans are with the police. Which is why some have decided not to be police officers after coming back to the states.

Saddam was a nightmare for the Iraqis. There is no question they supported his removal by the US military.

They may initially been happy. Then they realized we were torturing their friends and relatives.

You can't just hold people forever without ever charging them with anything or even proving they should have been held in the first place. Is that really the kind of country you want us to be? Would we accept that out of another country?

We have. I don't know what you are talking about. We have several times in history.

If you are captured in combat, by military personnel, yeah... it's normal to hold those people for years on years without charging them with a crime in a court somewhere.

Most countries do not charge people caught in a war situation, in some court somewhere, and send out investigators to the front lines, dig for clues around land mines and artillery shells. What you are saying is absurd.

We left on the promises Bush gave Iraq. The mistake was going full back in because we never really fully left.

Your opinion.

They may initially been happy. Then they realized we were torturing their friends and relatives.

No, not true. Simply not true.
I would have easily voted Johnson over Clinton or Trump but I thought Stein and even better candidate.
Gary Johnson? Jill Stein? Then you’re all over the place ideologically. Johnson is a joke. Stein is a Russian asset, if not agent.

A lot of us (libertarians) were really upset at the Libertarian Party in 2016 for taking such a great opportunity to field a great candidate and get a lot of national attention. But the Libertarian Party face planted and re-nominated Johnson, who isn't even a libertarian.

Voting for Stein would have made a lot of sense. She wasn't going to win, and it was a way to tell the LP we weren't happy with them either.

Then again now they turned around and picked the anarchist running mate of a performance artist who isn't libertarian at all for VP, so obviously their learning from their mistakes isn't on the menu right now
Which Stein policy proposals were libertarian?

Legalization would be one.
Johnson was better than Trump or Hillary. That isn't saying much. A chimp was better than Trump or Hillary.

Stein was the only candidate willing to actually stand up for her beliefs when she went and protested with the Standing Rock protester. If that is a Russian asset, so be it.
That one singular incident isn’t what makes her a Russian asset.

If you have irrational hatred toward Hillary I can’t help you.

Holy shit, the stupidity on this forum.
LOL. This from one of the dumbest posters ever.

There's no reason to "irrationally" hate Hillary? Why be irrational when there are so many good reasons to do so?
There are plenty of made-up reasons. And plenty of superficial reasons. But nothing that you haven’t given a male politician a pass for and you haven’t developed vehement, irrational hatred toward any of them. It’s your misogyny, not Hillary’s qualifications.

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