Trump-loving tow truck driver leaves handicapped motorist stranded over Bernie Sanders support

A South Carolina tow truck driver who supports Donald Trump for president refused to help a motorist stranded on the side of Interstate 26 Monday because of her Bernie Sanders bumper sticker.

“Something came over me, I think the Lord came to me, and he just said get in the truck and leave,” Mr. Shupe said. “And when I got in my truck, you know, I was so proud, because I felt like I finally drew a line in the sand and stood up for what I believed.”

Ms. McWade, 25, has psoriatic arthritis, fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and early-stage Crohns, making her time on the road without a bathroom nearby a “terrifying” experience, she told ABC News. She is legally disabled and said her handicapped placard was hanging from her rearview mirror.

Mr. Shupe said he didn’t know that Ms. McWade was disabled, but he said it wouldn’t have changed his mind not to tow her.
“I stand by my decision, and I would do it again today if the opportunity presented itself.”

Trump-loving tow truck driver leaves handicapped motorist stranded over Bernie Sanders support


This is why the GOP base loves and supports Trump. Republicans are a mean and dirty people. They didn't used to be that way but they have been building towards that for years. The Lord told you to mistreat a disabled women? Really? Makes one wonder what else the "Lord" tells Republicans what to do.

By your standards mother trucker ALL DEMOCRATS love to pepper spray children.
A South Carolina tow truck driver who supports Donald Trump for president refused to help a motorist stranded on the side of Interstate 26 Monday because of her Bernie Sanders bumper sticker.

“Something came over me, I think the Lord came to me, and he just said get in the truck and leave,” Mr. Shupe said. “And when I got in my truck, you know, I was so proud, because I felt like I finally drew a line in the sand and stood up for what I believed.”

Ms. McWade, 25, has psoriatic arthritis, fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and early-stage Crohns, making her time on the road without a bathroom nearby a “terrifying” experience, she told ABC News. She is legally disabled and said her handicapped placard was hanging from her rearview mirror.

Mr. Shupe said he didn’t know that Ms. McWade was disabled, but he said it wouldn’t have changed his mind not to tow her.
“I stand by my decision, and I would do it again today if the opportunity presented itself.”

Trump-loving tow truck driver leaves handicapped motorist stranded over Bernie Sanders support


This is why the GOP base loves and supports Trump. Republicans are a mean and dirty people. They didn't used to be that way but they have been building towards that for years. The Lord told you to mistreat a disabled women? Really? Makes one wonder what else the "Lord" tells Republicans what to do.

I've said this over and over. They enjoy just being mean for no reason and take joy in it for some reason

I've said it before. The GOP has to decide if they want to win elections or just be mean. Currently they just go with a finger in the eye of most people then wonder why no one sees them as an option

Illegal mexicans favor dems 8-1 over repubs
Yeah, in part:

Trump is a d!ck...

Obama is an Islamic Extremist Sympathizing Narcissist...

Hillary is a lying, self-serving b!tch...

Politicians lie...

Water is wet...
You are either a dick, a pussy or an asshole. Which are you? Trump is going to take it to all those pussy's and assholes in Washington DC. That is why liberals are afraid of him.

By your standards mother trucker ALL DEMOCRATS love to pepper spray children.
Hmmmm... you say that like it's a BAD thing. Pretty much the only thing I like about Democrats; they keep all the little rugrats in line.
A South Carolina tow truck driver who supports Donald Trump for president refused to help a motorist stranded on the side of Interstate 26 Monday because of her Bernie Sanders bumper sticker.

“Something came over me, I think the Lord came to me, and he just said get in the truck and leave,” Mr. Shupe said. “And when I got in my truck, you know, I was so proud, because I felt like I finally drew a line in the sand and stood up for what I believed.”

Ms. McWade, 25, has psoriatic arthritis, fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and early-stage Crohns, making her time on the road without a bathroom nearby a “terrifying” experience, she told ABC News. She is legally disabled and said her handicapped placard was hanging from her rearview mirror.

Mr. Shupe said he didn’t know that Ms. McWade was disabled, but he said it wouldn’t have changed his mind not to tow her.
“I stand by my decision, and I would do it again today if the opportunity presented itself.”

Trump-loving tow truck driver leaves handicapped motorist stranded over Bernie Sanders support


This is why the GOP base loves and supports Trump. Republicans are a mean and dirty people. They didn't used to be that way but they have been building towards that for years. The Lord told you to mistreat a disabled women? Really? Makes one wonder what else the "Lord" tells Republicans what to do.

I've said this over and over. They enjoy just being mean for no reason and take joy in it for some reason

I've said it before. The GOP has to decide if they want to win elections or just be mean. Currently they just go with a finger in the eye of most people then wonder why no one sees them as an option

Illegal mexicans favor dems 8-1 over repubs
Notice the first word of your 8-1 quote. Illegal may be for the vagina candidate, but 90% of Legal Hispanics are for Trump. ROTFLMAO on how stupid liberals are.
It's NO different. Discrimination is discrimination fool.

It's not discrimination to refuse to provide services to a state. You entitled liberal fools think that businesses owe it to you to make ourselves available. You're wrong.

By the way in fact, many customers had already paid for tickets to see Bruce where he had previously agreed to play.

And from what I've heard they received a refund.

I , of course, support the right of everyone to discriminate as they see fit. Others are free to make fun of the bigots as they see fit.

Freedom is a great thing, too bad you are against it.

Yeah, that's why I said we should let people discriminate.

what Bruce did IS discrimination, look the word up in a dictionary and get back to me. Glad to see that we agree that the government shouldn't be allowed to outlaw discrimination though.
A South Carolina tow truck driver who supports Donald Trump for president refused to help a motorist stranded on the side of Interstate 26 Monday because of her Bernie Sanders bumper sticker.

“Something came over me, I think the Lord came to me, and he just said get in the truck and leave,” Mr. Shupe said. “And when I got in my truck, you know, I was so proud, because I felt like I finally drew a line in the sand and stood up for what I believed.”

Ms. McWade, 25, has psoriatic arthritis, fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and early-stage Crohns, making her time on the road without a bathroom nearby a “terrifying” experience, she told ABC News. She is legally disabled and said her handicapped placard was hanging from her rearview mirror.

Mr. Shupe said he didn’t know that Ms. McWade was disabled, but he said it wouldn’t have changed his mind not to tow her.
“I stand by my decision, and I would do it again today if the opportunity presented itself.”

Trump-loving tow truck driver leaves handicapped motorist stranded over Bernie Sanders support


This is why the GOP base loves and supports Trump. Republicans are a mean and dirty people. They didn't used to be that way but they have been building towards that for years. The Lord told you to mistreat a disabled women? Really? Makes one wonder what else the "Lord" tells Republicans what to do.

they're as disgusting as their patron saint, drumpf

Not as disgusting as your side who would do this. Pepper spraying a baby.

See I can broad brush too!


Pepper spray flies during Trump protest clash in California
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A South Carolina tow truck driver who supports Donald Trump for president refused to help a motorist stranded on the side of Interstate 26 Monday because of her Bernie Sanders bumper sticker.

“Something came over me, I think the Lord came to me, and he just said get in the truck and leave,” Mr. Shupe said. “And when I got in my truck, you know, I was so proud, because I felt like I finally drew a line in the sand and stood up for what I believed.”

Ms. McWade, 25, has psoriatic arthritis, fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and early-stage Crohns, making her time on the road without a bathroom nearby a “terrifying” experience, she told ABC News. She is legally disabled and said her handicapped placard was hanging from her rearview mirror.

Mr. Shupe said he didn’t know that Ms. McWade was disabled, but he said it wouldn’t have changed his mind not to tow her.
“I stand by my decision, and I would do it again today if the opportunity presented itself.”

Trump-loving tow truck driver leaves handicapped motorist stranded over Bernie Sanders support


This is why the GOP base loves and supports Trump. Republicans are a mean and dirty people. They didn't used to be that way but they have been building towards that for years. The Lord told you to mistreat a disabled women? Really? Makes one wonder what else the "Lord" tells Republicans what to do.
The beauty of owning your own business is having the freedom to make your own decisions of who you want to do business with.
The beauty of being a customer is having the freedom to make your own decisions of who you want to do business with.
A South Carolina tow truck driver who supports Donald Trump for president refused to help a motorist stranded on the side of Interstate 26 Monday because of her Bernie Sanders bumper sticker.

“Something came over me, I think the Lord came to me, and he just said get in the truck and leave,” Mr. Shupe said. “And when I got in my truck, you know, I was so proud, because I felt like I finally drew a line in the sand and stood up for what I believed.”

Ms. McWade, 25, has psoriatic arthritis, fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and early-stage Crohns, making her time on the road without a bathroom nearby a “terrifying” experience, she told ABC News. She is legally disabled and said her handicapped placard was hanging from her rearview mirror.

Mr. Shupe said he didn’t know that Ms. McWade was disabled, but he said it wouldn’t have changed his mind not to tow her.
“I stand by my decision, and I would do it again today if the opportunity presented itself.”

Trump-loving tow truck driver leaves handicapped motorist stranded over Bernie Sanders support


This is why the GOP base loves and supports Trump. Republicans are a mean and dirty people. They didn't used to be that way but they have been building towards that for years. The Lord told you to mistreat a disabled women? Really? Makes one wonder what else the "Lord" tells Republicans what to do.

I've said this over and over. They enjoy just being mean for no reason and take joy in it for some reason

I've said it before. The GOP has to decide if they want to win elections or just be mean. Currently they just go with a finger in the eye of most people then wonder why no one sees them as an option

Illegal mexicans favor dems 8-1 over repubs
Notice the first word of your 8-1 quote. Illegal may be for the vagina candidate, but 90% of Legal Hispanics are for Trump. ROTFLMAO on how stupid liberals are.

100% of your statistics are made up so...
Had a tow truck driver refused to take a vehicle with a rebel flag sticker the left would be celebrating.
Notice how the left use the handicapped nature of the driver as ammunition? As if it had anything to do with the drivers decision. That's what liberals do, use people.
Next thing we know there will be a case before scotus on the "rights" of stranded motorists.
A South Carolina tow truck driver who supports Donald Trump for president refused to help a motorist stranded on the side of Interstate 26 Monday because of her Bernie Sanders bumper sticker.

“Something came over me, I think the Lord came to me, and he just said get in the truck and leave,” Mr. Shupe said. “And when I got in my truck, you know, I was so proud, because I felt like I finally drew a line in the sand and stood up for what I believed.”

Ms. McWade, 25, has psoriatic arthritis, fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and early-stage Crohns, making her time on the road without a bathroom nearby a “terrifying” experience, she told ABC News. She is legally disabled and said her handicapped placard was hanging from her rearview mirror.

Mr. Shupe said he didn’t know that Ms. McWade was disabled, but he said it wouldn’t have changed his mind not to tow her.
“I stand by my decision, and I would do it again today if the opportunity presented itself.”

Trump-loving tow truck driver leaves handicapped motorist stranded over Bernie Sanders support


This is why the GOP base loves and supports Trump. Republicans are a mean and dirty people. They didn't used to be that way but they have been building towards that for years. The Lord told you to mistreat a disabled women? Really? Makes one wonder what else the "Lord" tells Republicans what to do.

I've said this over and over. They enjoy just being mean for no reason and take joy in it for some reason

I've said it before. The GOP has to decide if they want to win elections or just be mean. Currently they just go with a finger in the eye of most people then wonder why no one sees them as an option

Illegal mexicans favor dems 8-1 over repubs
Notice the first word of your 8-1 quote. Illegal may be for the vagina candidate, but 90% of Legal Hispanics are for Trump. ROTFLMAO on how stupid liberals are.

100% of your statistics are made up so...
BREAKING: Trump Gets STUNNING News From Hispanic Voters… Changes...
recent poll shows.

Trump recorded a 34% favorability rating among Hispanics in a national poll conducted by Public Policy Polling (PPP) among 1,087 registered voters between July 20-21.
Now if 8 - 1 latinos are illegal, then that would mean almost 90% of the rest of legal Hispanics like Trump. It is simple math, not statistics that liberals sway liberal to make Trump look bad. Maybe go back to higher education so you can do math.
Hey, if Bruce can refuse service to paying customers so can the tow truck driver. What comes around goes around. NOW do you liberals understand why Bruce was wrong to cancel his concert?
Yes..they both can do it...and people can react to both....didn't we have people here say they were never going to another Springsteen concert or buying any of his music anymore? Same for this tow truck's the same. :D

(However, it doesn't appear that the court of public opinion is hurting Springsteen quite as much....maybe the court of opinion doesn't jive with your feelings?)
A South Carolina tow truck driver who supports Donald Trump for president refused to help a motorist stranded on the side of Interstate 26 Monday because of her Bernie Sanders bumper sticker.

“Something came over me, I think the Lord came to me, and he just said get in the truck and leave,” Mr. Shupe said. “And when I got in my truck, you know, I was so proud, because I felt like I finally drew a line in the sand and stood up for what I believed.”

Ms. McWade, 25, has psoriatic arthritis, fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and early-stage Crohns, making her time on the road without a bathroom nearby a “terrifying” experience, she told ABC News. She is legally disabled and said her handicapped placard was hanging from her rearview mirror.

Mr. Shupe said he didn’t know that Ms. McWade was disabled, but he said it wouldn’t have changed his mind not to tow her.
“I stand by my decision, and I would do it again today if the opportunity presented itself.”

Trump-loving tow truck driver leaves handicapped motorist stranded over Bernie Sanders support


This is why the GOP base loves and supports Trump. Republicans are a mean and dirty people. They didn't used to be that way but they have been building towards that for years. The Lord told you to mistreat a disabled women? Really? Makes one wonder what else the "Lord" tells Republicans what to do.

I've said this over and over. They enjoy just being mean for no reason and take joy in it for some reason

I've said it before. The GOP has to decide if they want to win elections or just be mean. Currently they just go with a finger in the eye of most people then wonder why no one sees them as an option

Illegal mexicans favor dems 8-1 over repubs
Notice the first word of your 8-1 quote. Illegal may be for the vagina candidate, but 90% of Legal Hispanics are for Trump. ROTFLMAO on how stupid liberals are.

100% of your statistics are made up so...
BREAKING: Trump Gets STUNNING News From Hispanic Voters… Changes...
recent poll shows.

Trump recorded a 34% favorability rating among Hispanics in a national poll conducted by Public Policy Polling (PPP) among 1,087 registered voters between July 20-21.
Now if 8 - 1 latinos are illegal, then that would mean almost 90% of the rest of legal Hispanics like Trump. It is simple math, not statistics that liberals sway liberal to make Trump look bad. Maybe go back to higher education so you can do math.
If 8 - 1 latinos are illegal that means that 8 - 1 latinos are illegal.

That stat has nothing to do with what someone likes or doesnt like. I say that means that 90% of them like Bar-b-que.
Now that I've had my say on the broad brushing of all conservatives being mean and nasty in typical rdean "Republicans have poopy pants" thread fashion....

Lets get down to the truth of the matter. It was about business. The bumper sticker to him was just a signal that he might not get paid.

Now that being said, all he had to do was to ask for payment up front.

"Shupe , who supports presumptive Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, said his decision on the side of the interstate this week was more about business than politics.

He believes Bernie Sanders supporters are socialists, and says he’s had problems with two customers over the last six months who supported Bernie Sanders. He said they caused him problems over paying their bills.

“I’ve had some horrible experiences in the last six months with towing cars for this mindset individuals, in that I don’t get paid. They want to argue about a $50 tow bill, and it turns into just a drama and a fuss. And I said, you know, I’m not going to associate with them, and I’m not going to do any business with them,” Shupe said."

Tow Truck Driver Refuses Service to Woman With Bernie Sanders Sticker - Then Explains Why (VIDEO)
Had a tow truck driver refused to take a vehicle with a rebel flag sticker the left would be celebrating.
Notice how the left use the handicapped nature of the driver as ammunition? As if it had anything to do with the drivers decision. That's what liberals do, use people.
Next thing we know there will be a case before scotus on the "rights" of stranded motorists.

They actually lie to the point where half of what they say is not believable. I know he didn't tow her because she was handicapped because he admitted the real reason which was she was a bernie supporter. It just seems like they are getting there just deserts because I have seen them do this to conservatives for years and get away with it. College campuses are a good example.
HOW dare he refuse service to some punk who is supposedly a freaking Sanders supporter.
Punk? She was a legally disabled, handicapped 25 year-old woman who was involved in a car accident, you freaking retard.
To make fun of the handicapped is the Drumpf supporter thing to do.
And? It wasn't the drivers fault for her overweight handicap. Once again, the liberals boycotted Chic Fil A because they didn't like what was said, from the CEO. The truck driver boycotted the liberal driver because he didn't like what she said. Liberals hate it when their own argument comes back and bites them in the ASS. ROTFLAO when I saw this, too funny.

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