Trump-loving tow truck driver leaves handicapped motorist stranded over Bernie Sanders support

Andar, thanks for the personal back to the discussion...

I am neither a Trump supporter or detractor, so I am unbiased enought to be able to say sometimes Trump can come across as a 'd!ck'. I did not say that is who he is, just how he can be sometimes.

Sorta like I am sure you can come across as an 'ass' at times. I am not saying that is who you are or that you are one. We all have our moments.

Have a nice day...
Hey, if Bruce can refuse service to paying customers so can the tow truck driver. What comes around goes around. NOW do you liberals understand why Bruce was wrong to cancel his concert?
Yes..they both can do it...and people can react to both....didn't we have people here say they were never going to another Springsteen concert or buying any of his music anymore? Same for this tow truck's the same. :D

(However, it doesn't appear that the court of public opinion is hurting Springsteen quite as much....maybe the court of opinion doesn't jive with your feelings?)
Maybe Bruce can tow the Bernie Supporter?
Andar, thanks for the personal back to the discussion...

I am neither a Trump supporter or detractor, so I am unbiased enought to be able to say sometimes Trump can come across as a 'd!ck'. I did not say that is who he is, just how he can be sometimes.

Sorta like I am sure you can come across as an 'ass' at times. I am not saying that is who you are or that you are one. We all have our moments.

Have a nice day...
All I did was ask a question that was in humor. Most conservatives find satire as a way to bring across a point, but to a liberal they get offended. Are you telling me you were offended by my satire?
A South Carolina tow truck driver who supports Donald Trump for president refused to help a motorist stranded on the side of Interstate 26 Monday because of her Bernie Sanders bumper sticker.

“Something came over me, I think the Lord came to me, and he just said get in the truck and leave,” Mr. Shupe said. “And when I got in my truck, you know, I was so proud, because I felt like I finally drew a line in the sand and stood up for what I believed.”

Ms. McWade, 25, has psoriatic arthritis, fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and early-stage Crohns, making her time on the road without a bathroom nearby a “terrifying” experience, she told ABC News. She is legally disabled and said her handicapped placard was hanging from her rearview mirror.

Mr. Shupe said he didn’t know that Ms. McWade was disabled, but he said it wouldn’t have changed his mind not to tow her.
“I stand by my decision, and I would do it again today if the opportunity presented itself.”

Trump-loving tow truck driver leaves handicapped motorist stranded over Bernie Sanders support


This is why the GOP base loves and supports Trump. Republicans are a mean and dirty people. They didn't used to be that way but they have been building towards that for years. The Lord told you to mistreat a disabled women? Really? Makes one wonder what else the "Lord" tells Republicans what to do.

they're as disgusting as their patron saint, drumpf

Not as disgusting as your side who would do this. Pepper spraying a baby.

See I can broad brush too!


Pepper spray flies during Trump protest clash in California
If you bothered to watch the video, the ONLY one seen with pepper spray was a Drumpf supporter....she was waving it around threatening to use it. So......why aren't you condemning her for pepperspraying those poor kids?
Now 'liberals' know how conservative students and teachers feel like on SOME college campuses. I have seen this kind of thing happen before but when it liberals doing it to their political rivals. The difference is that 'liberals' are smart enough not to come out and say it directly. The tow truck driver was being honest about it. That was the only difference.
I can see from this thread that the tow truck driver is not the only petty Drumpf supporter.
A South Carolina tow truck driver who supports Donald Trump for president refused to help a motorist stranded on the side of Interstate 26 Monday because of her Bernie Sanders bumper sticker.

“Something came over me, I think the Lord came to me, and he just said get in the truck and leave,” Mr. Shupe said. “And when I got in my truck, you know, I was so proud, because I felt like I finally drew a line in the sand and stood up for what I believed.”

Ms. McWade, 25, has psoriatic arthritis, fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and early-stage Crohns, making her time on the road without a bathroom nearby a “terrifying” experience, she told ABC News. She is legally disabled and said her handicapped placard was hanging from her rearview mirror.

Mr. Shupe said he didn’t know that Ms. McWade was disabled, but he said it wouldn’t have changed his mind not to tow her.
“I stand by my decision, and I would do it again today if the opportunity presented itself.”

Trump-loving tow truck driver leaves handicapped motorist stranded over Bernie Sanders support


This is why the GOP base loves and supports Trump. Republicans are a mean and dirty people. They didn't used to be that way but they have been building towards that for years. The Lord told you to mistreat a disabled women? Really? Makes one wonder what else the "Lord" tells Republicans what to do.

they're as disgusting as their patron saint, drumpf

Not as disgusting as your side who would do this. Pepper spraying a baby.

See I can broad brush too!


Pepper spray flies during Trump protest clash in California
If you bothered to watch the video, the ONLY one seen with pepper spray was a Drumpf supporter....she was waving it around threatening to use it. So......why aren't you condemning her for pepperspraying those poor kids?

I don't think pepperspray hurts that much.
Had a tow truck driver refused to take a vehicle with a rebel flag sticker the left would be celebrating.
Notice how the left use the handicapped nature of the driver as ammunition? As if it had anything to do with the drivers decision. That's what liberals do, use people.
Next thing we know there will be a case before scotus on the "rights" of stranded motorists.

A South Carolina tow truck driver who supports Donald Trump for president refused to help a motorist stranded on the side of Interstate 26 Monday because of her Bernie Sanders bumper sticker.

“Something came over me, I think the Lord came to me, and he just said get in the truck and leave,” Mr. Shupe said. “And when I got in my truck, you know, I was so proud, because I felt like I finally drew a line in the sand and stood up for what I believed.”

Ms. McWade, 25, has psoriatic arthritis, fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and early-stage Crohns, making her time on the road without a bathroom nearby a “terrifying” experience, she told ABC News. She is legally disabled and said her handicapped placard was hanging from her rearview mirror.

Mr. Shupe said he didn’t know that Ms. McWade was disabled, but he said it wouldn’t have changed his mind not to tow her.
“I stand by my decision, and I would do it again today if the opportunity presented itself.”

Trump-loving tow truck driver leaves handicapped motorist stranded over Bernie Sanders support


This is why the GOP base loves and supports Trump. Republicans are a mean and dirty people. They didn't used to be that way but they have been building towards that for years. The Lord told you to mistreat a disabled women? Really? Makes one wonder what else the "Lord" tells Republicans what to do.

they're as disgusting as their patron saint, drumpf
Get off your high horse Jill! This guy did an awful thing, but it is far worse what liberals do to conservatives. What about all the people that get stuck on the road for hours because dimwit BLM criminals block highways?

What about all the lazy socialist Sanders supporters that assault Trump supporters at rallies. What about the Sanders supporters that try to eliminate the right's freedom of speech and assembly? What about all the Sanders supporters that prevent the fed from enforcing immigration laws? What about the Sander supporters than vandalism property, businesses or cars that have Trump signs on them? A business couldn't even put a Trump sign in their window, because liberal would vandalize their building, prevent customers from entering their buildings, slander and harass the business online and at social media sites and they would try to end their ability to run the business

The list goes on and on and on. Sanders is so clueless that he would make running any business nearly impossible, esp a small business. So I can 100% see why a small business owner would not want to help a clueless Sanders supporter.

And the woman wasn't abandoned by any means. 2 months ago my alternator broke. I was in the sticks. With Allstate I get free towing. I called the first guy and he said 10 mins, so 30 mins later a no show. I called to see where they were at and I got no answer. So I called a second place, a competitor. He said 15-20mins. He got there in roughly 18 mins. I got towed to my repair shop. Funny thing is 2 hours after I called the first tow company he finally called back. He said he was there but couldn't find me. I told him it was over 2 hours ago and I got someone else. He told me I owe him for his time. Exact words, "how about this, blow me!" Point of the store, it is the same bullshit with the Christian bakers, in America we have so many choices so why cry over refused service. Give them poor reviews online and move on.
A South Carolina tow truck driver who supports Donald Trump for president refused to help a motorist stranded on the side of Interstate 26 Monday because of her Bernie Sanders bumper sticker.

“Something came over me, I think the Lord came to me, and he just said get in the truck and leave,” Mr. Shupe said. “And when I got in my truck, you know, I was so proud, because I felt like I finally drew a line in the sand and stood up for what I believed.”

Ms. McWade, 25, has psoriatic arthritis, fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and early-stage Crohns, making her time on the road without a bathroom nearby a “terrifying” experience, she told ABC News. She is legally disabled and said her handicapped placard was hanging from her rearview mirror.

Mr. Shupe said he didn’t know that Ms. McWade was disabled, but he said it wouldn’t have changed his mind not to tow her.
“I stand by my decision, and I would do it again today if the opportunity presented itself.”

Trump-loving tow truck driver leaves handicapped motorist stranded over Bernie Sanders support


This is why the GOP base loves and supports Trump. Republicans are a mean and dirty people. They didn't used to be that way but they have been building towards that for years. The Lord told you to mistreat a disabled women? Really? Makes one wonder what else the "Lord" tells Republicans what to do.
Great idea, I hope it spreads.
All I did was ask a question that was in humor. Most conservatives find satire as a way to bring across a point, but to a liberal they get offended. Are you telling me you were offended by my satire?

"You are either a dick, a pussy or an asshole. Which are you?"

Oh, sorry - my bad. I didn't recognize this as your attempt at humor. I actually took it as a personal attack. How silly of me.
how is this different than Bruce refusing to play in NC?

There is actually a difference. Springsteen is refusing to provide services as a whole. This guy is singling out people for discrimination, based on political expression.

It's much different to the way I refuse to offer my services in the state of Virginia, but will travel to Delaware, which is much farther from me.
Bullshit he is punishing the state based on politics and the people who might support his stance that he is hurting is just collateral damage.
how is this different than Bruce refusing to play in NC?

There is actually a difference. Springsteen is refusing to provide services as a whole. This guy is singling out people for discrimination, based on political expression.

It's much different to the way I refuse to offer my services in the state of Virginia, but will travel to Delaware, which is much farther from me.
Bullshit he is punishing the state based on politics and the people who might support his stance that he is hurting is just collateral damage.

Punishing? Sounds more like a reward to me.
how is this different than Bruce refusing to play in NC?

There is actually a difference. Springsteen is refusing to provide services as a whole. This guy is singling out people for discrimination, based on political expression.

It's much different to the way I refuse to offer my services in the state of Virginia, but will travel to Delaware, which is much farther from me.
Bullshit he is punishing the state based on politics and the people who might support his stance that he is hurting is just collateral damage.

Well then, the tow truck driver was merely punishing that woman for supporting Bernie.

Do you idiots even realize how foolish your arguments are?
All I did was ask a question that was in humor. Most conservatives find satire as a way to bring across a point, but to a liberal they get offended. Are you telling me you were offended by my satire?

"You are either a dick, a pussy or an asshole. Which are you?"

Oh, sorry - my bad. I didn't recognize this as your attempt at humor. I actually took it as a personal attack. How silly of me.
Did you not watch the video? Nevermind, it probably insulted you. Back in the day, someone could tell a joke and didn't have to have a lawyer there to explain it.
It's exactly what Jesus would have done.
I love it when a liberal who is so against religion then uses religion when someone uses the Rules for Radicals on a liberal.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
4. "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules. You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity."
When panhandlers come up to me looking for money, I tell them that Obama has 7 million dollars and I don't, go see him for change. The more people understand who is causing their misery the more people will go against them. This is why Trump will be the next President.

View attachment 73945

I'm a liberal who hates religion? News to me. Who the hell are you anyways? :dunno:
It's exactly what Jesus would have done.
I love it when a liberal who is so against religion then uses religion when someone uses the Rules for Radicals on a liberal.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
4. "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules. You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity."
When panhandlers come up to me looking for money, I tell them that Obama has 7 million dollars and I don't, go see him for change. The more people understand who is causing their misery the more people will go against them. This is why Trump will be the next President.

View attachment 73945

I'm a liberal who hates religion? News to me. Who the hell are you anyways? :dunno:
Your showing your FAUX indignation again, when it was pointed out about your hypocrisy.
A South Carolina tow truck driver who supports Donald Trump for president refused to help a motorist stranded on the side of Interstate 26 Monday because of her Bernie Sanders bumper sticker.

“Something came over me, I think the Lord came to me, and he just said get in the truck and leave,” Mr. Shupe said. “And when I got in my truck, you know, I was so proud, because I felt like I finally drew a line in the sand and stood up for what I believed.”

Ms. McWade, 25, has psoriatic arthritis, fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and early-stage Crohns, making her time on the road without a bathroom nearby a “terrifying” experience, she told ABC News. She is legally disabled and said her handicapped placard was hanging from her rearview mirror.

Mr. Shupe said he didn’t know that Ms. McWade was disabled, but he said it wouldn’t have changed his mind not to tow her.
“I stand by my decision, and I would do it again today if the opportunity presented itself.”

Trump-loving tow truck driver leaves handicapped motorist stranded over Bernie Sanders support


This is why the GOP base loves and supports Trump. Republicans are a mean and dirty people. They didn't used to be that way but they have been building towards that for years. The Lord told you to mistreat a disabled women? Really? Makes one wonder what else the "Lord" tells Republicans what to do.
Great idea, I hope it spreads.
We know.

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