Trump Lying About 9/11

The picture is useless without the source.

Right click on it and you can get the source.

The source says the photo was NOT taken on 9/11.
Try to lie again.

Hey ignorant commie, feel free to point out the lie. I simply pointed out how to find the source. I made no claims about it. I'm sure an apology will soon follow, RIGHT?

Trump was the first man in history to be in three places at once. On 9/11, Donald was downtown being a first responder WHILE he was in NJ watching Muslims celebrate WHILE he was in Trump Tower calling TV stations to brag about his building now being the tallest and watching people jump!

So you're not man enough to admit you were WRONG, TYPICAL COMMIE!

The photo was NOT taken on 9/11, so Tramp was lying, not me.
This was 2 days later, but Trump had already been down there on 9/11-13 arranging for his hotel construction workers to pitch in to do the heavy lifting of the buildings. I understand one of his crews helped lift stuff off 5 firefighters who were still alive.

Where do you get this bullshit from? Do you just make it up or what?
Actually that is another of Tramp's many 9/11 lies mindlessly parroted by Tramp SUCKERS. There is a video of Tramp claiming his crew saved 5 firefighters.
No, and the only time I would write a president would be to support the ending of painful asphyxiation and head severing deaths of unborn human beings, OKFine. No, I am not related to President Dubya, but I adore his family's service to the United States of America and have since I read his Father's biography that shared his WWII experience in the Pacific where he nearly died, but was the lone survivor of a plane crash under heavy fire by the Kamikazie pilots of Japan. I loved Laura Bush's effort to eliminate illiteracy, too. Dubya did a lot of good to clean up oilfield messes with incentives. I didn't love the way the press beat him up all the time, though. ;)
What about the "swamp?" Bush 1 and his cohorts are responsible for jihad and some are surrounding Trump as I type.
Look, I don't mind answering a question about a relevant topic, but if you want to get deeper into the Bush wrongs and rights, start another thread, please.
You brought up the SWAMP and 9-11 is TOTALLY relevant to the topic. If it wasn't for the Bush's, 9-11 would never have happened.
Cop out. Plain and simple.

You spelled "Clinton's" wrong, dumbass!
Yeah, and fuck you too.

Why, such a witty retort!
No wonder
No, and the only time I would write a president would be to support the ending of painful asphyxiation and head severing deaths of unborn human beings, OKFine. No, I am not related to President Dubya, but I adore his family's service to the United States of America and have since I read his Father's biography that shared his WWII experience in the Pacific where he nearly died, but was the lone survivor of a plane crash under heavy fire by the Kamikazie pilots of Japan. I loved Laura Bush's effort to eliminate illiteracy, too. Dubya did a lot of good to clean up oilfield messes with incentives. I didn't love the way the press beat him up all the time, though. ;)
What about the "swamp?" Bush 1 and his cohorts are responsible for jihad and some are surrounding Trump as I type.
Look, I don't mind answering a question about a relevant topic, but if you want to get deeper into the Bush wrongs and rights, start another thread, please.
You brought up the SWAMP and 9-11 is TOTALLY relevant to the topic. If it wasn't for the Bush's, 9-11 would never have happened.
Cop out. Plain and simple.

You spelled "Clinton's" wrong, dumbass!
And you praise John Wayne, he's just like Pvt. Bone Spurs:

"According to Gary Wills’ book “John Wayne’s America,” the man who portrayed the archetypal, battle-hardened Marine, Sgt. Stryker, in 1949’s “The Sands of Iwo Jima,” actually avoided the draft during WWII. Wills contends that the Duke did not reply to letters from the Selective Service system, and applied for deferments. Apparently, Wayne — who had sought stardom during years of B-pictures following Raoul Walsh’s 1930 frontier drama “The Big Trail” — got his big break during the struggle against fascism when many Hollywood action heroes like Tyrone Power enlisted and shipped out overseas."

"Wayne was, in reality, a draft dodger. America’s archetypal soldier was in fact a chicken hawk. He was a cheerleader and champion of militaristic patriotism and combat he had never experienced. Wayne had “other priorities” during WWII — achieving superstardom (and saving his neck) was more important than defeating fascism. Much like Vice President Dick Cheney, who sought numerous deferments during the Vietnam War, Wayne was the quintessential war wimp."

Memorializing the Deadly Myth of John Wayne


John Wayne's service should never be questioned. He was 34 years old in 1941, was married and had small children. and that qualified him for a deferment. His move studio threatened to sue him for breach of contract if he volunteered.

I don't know why Mr. Will's decided to write such lies, but his status is documented in countless biographies which I have read. I guess this just proves that fake news has existed for years.

Now, get back on topic, dumbass!
here is the evidence that the OP and the libs are a lying pack of shit.....

Old interview of Donald Trump in 9/11 aftermath is inspiring | Metro News
Another Trumpian lie from your link!
"I have hundreds of men working inside right now and we’re bringing down another 125 in a little while."

Timothy O’Brien, the author of “TrumpNation: The Art of Being the Donald,” said the size of the Trump Organization at the time was “a little bit over a dozen people,” which would have made it impossible to send hundreds of people to participate in the relief effort. At the time, Mr. Trump had a large number of casino workers based in Atlantic City, but there is no documented effort of him marshaling his resources to aid in the relief effort.
He had the iron workers union employees that were working on his project dummy...
Prove it liar.
I already did with the link of Trump being interviewed I posted dumb guys are swinging at you know how idiotic you dems sound?....
There is NO mention in your link of the iron workers union, or even being paid by Tramp to remove 9/11 debris. the pathological liar claimed that HIS men saved 5 firemen that day.
Show the actual contract or admit you are a worthless lying scum POS.
I don't need a link jackass...I was alive and I remember it...I remember gaining respect for businessman Trump when I had none the week libs are liars....never before have I seen so many lies from the media and you disgust me....Our nation would be so much better off without you fucks...why don't you all pack up and go to China....their nation will suit you commie fucks better...
God is in his Heaven, and he picked President Trump

Hahahaha, no she isn't, she's all around you, she doesn't care that "Garbage Mouth" Trump is president.
The omnipotent will not like your version of who he is. You better issue an apology in your next prayer.

Apologies are useless to her. She's a cold heart'ed bitch who will eat your babies while you're not looking.
We'll see how much laughing do when you face off with Saint Peter at the gate, doll. I had to rewrite this post because I thought you were talking about me.
Since you play by your own rules and are not guided by the real world, Boo, I'm putting you off my reading list for 24 hours. And I probably won't be engaging in conversation by the little girl inside your thick skull, either. You are confused, and I'm not jumping into your mucky swamp.

Ah yes, the final face off with one of Christianities supernatural beings immortalized by sainthood.

Yes it was mother earth I was talking about. She just doesn't care about the affairs of mankind. Including that a lying low class POS is our President.
Maybe, someday, we will have a US President who does NOT LIE about 911, since every single one has.... except Jimmy Carter.
here is the evidence that the OP and the libs are a lying pack of shit.....

Old interview of Donald Trump in 9/11 aftermath is inspiring | Metro News
Another Trumpian lie from your link!
"I have hundreds of men working inside right now and we’re bringing down another 125 in a little while."

Timothy O’Brien, the author of “TrumpNation: The Art of Being the Donald,” said the size of the Trump Organization at the time was “a little bit over a dozen people,” which would have made it impossible to send hundreds of people to participate in the relief effort. At the time, Mr. Trump had a large number of casino workers based in Atlantic City, but there is no documented effort of him marshaling his resources to aid in the relief effort.
He had the iron workers union employees that were working on his project dummy...

The Unions directed their efforts, not Trumpybear. Access to the site was limited and workers were issued official badges to get into the site to work. No one remembers any group of Trump construction workers among the Unions at the site.
This was 2 days later, but Trump had already been down there on 9/11-13 arranging for his hotel construction workers to pitch in to do the heavy lifting of the buildings. I understand one of his crews helped lift stuff off 5 firefighters who were still alive.

Where do you get this bullshit from? Do you just make it up or what?

Well come on, he did mention the 5 during his self-promotion spiel. So naturally SuperTrumpy was Jim Dandy to the Rescue.
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The NAZI never won more than 34% of the electorate. Hitler, like a typical tyrant, seized power with lies, threats and intimidation, not at the ballot box.

Show us the RAW VOTE TOTAL from the IOWA CAUCUS of 2016....

talk about Nazis stealing elections....

Your party disenfranchised THE ENTIRE STATE OF IOWA....
The German people put Hitler in power

The NAZI never won more than 34% of the electorate. Hitler, like a typical tyrant, seized power with lies, threats and intimidation, not at the ballot box.
Let me ask you something you fucking loser.

How many nazis have train stations and developments named after them in Israel?

You pathetic fucking illiterate god damn loser!!!

Blindboo is deranged ignorant fucking loser.
The NAZI never won more than 34% of the electorate. Hitler, like a typical tyrant, seized power with lies, threats and intimidation, not at the ballot box.

Show us the RAW VOTE TOTAL from the IOWA CAUCUS of 2016....

talk about Nazis stealing elections....

Your party disenfranchised THE ENTIRE STATE OF IOWA....

WTF? The NAZI stole the entire government, lock stock and barrel.

But you want to compare the NAZI's Coup ( a real one!) to 1 state out 50 states in a Caucus vote by one political party?


Trump Lies To First Reponders About Being At Ground Zero On 9/11

No Donald. You were NOT there. Don't lie about that of all things
Trump was there...when Bush spoke from the pile of debris Trump was with him that day...and morons.....His office is in NY...dummies....
Bush was not there with the First Responders either
He was reading My Pet Goat
So the pile of debris Bush was standing on was what?...was where?...a street in Baltimore?...
Trump said he was there right after the towers came down
He wasn’t.

He was watching Muslims dance on rooftops
I watched him as he said it and you have it wrong...he said he was there not he was there while the trade center crashed to the ground...this is what you guys can find a lie in everything Trump says...but 99% of the time its not a lie...this time you libs are the are out and out lying about what he and the media do this all the time...people are smart enough to see the truth...look at CNN's ratings...

“And I was down there also. But I'm not considering myself a first responder. But I was down there. I spent a lot of time down there with you."

A lie
At best, he was there for a photo op wearing a suit

He did not spend a lot of time and he did not help
He did not spend a lot of time and he did not help

At least he wasn't staying at home per an email from the Rabbi, counting his profits on

oil futures
gold futures
long bond futures
defense stocks

like you and the rest of Zionism were doing....
At best, he was there for a photo op wearing a suit
Or tooling around in his golf cart!
Right next to the piece of yellow hot steel....

Funny, that steel is hotter than 600,. much hotter. How'd it get THAT HOT???

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