Trump Lying About 9/11

The point is that the President didn't lie. Media Matters and the angry TDS wanted the "lie" issue but they were wrong. Now the crazy left has shifted to something they called "injecting himself". Sad that the crazy left doesn't know the truth from a lie anymore.
So "injected himself" is the left wing whacko nom du jour? OH, bwahahahaha! Good one!
You do get why everyone thinks you're low life, right?

Yep, because I refuse to worship your god in the White House.
You're confused. God is in his Heaven, and he picked President Trump to drain the swamp you helped create. And since you're neither a leader nor a follower, get out of the way.
Picked? I've heard it all now.

You're confused. God is in his Heaven, and he picked President Trump to drain the swamp you helped create. And since you're neither a leader nor a follower, get out of the way.
Picked? I've heard it all now.
Oh, I thought it was another word for chosen. God has this sense of humor. He turned a shepherd from the poorest family in the country into King David, the father of Solomon the wise.

And he put Hitler in power to kill more than 6 million of his chosen people. He is such a kidder!
That's not true. The German people put Hitler in power because After WWI, the world shunned Germany. It was political, not spiritual. In fact, the Nazis played God, but they weren't the real deal, Saul.

The bible tells us god puts all leaders into power. do you not believe the bible?

Please share the chapter and verse that claims God puts ALL leaders into power and how that is the same as a majority of the people of a country electing a leader.
Time to put lying gator back on ignore. TDS at its finest. Lying and then denying you lied.

bye bye. enjoy your safe space.

Fuck you you lying leftist shill. You've gotten beaten so badly today somebody better call a doctor. Multiple threads and multiple beatings. You'll need the safe space when Trump wins 4 more years.

yet you are the one running away to your safe space (aka "ignore")

Boy, I would laugh at you, not run from you. Ignore is for people who lie and the.n deny lying and are afflicted with such severe TDS that they tell people to die. I laugh at you again snowflake.:21::21::21:
The point is that the President didn't lie. Media Matters and the angry TDS wanted the "lie" issue but they were wrong. Now the crazy left has shifted to something they called "injecting himself". Sad that the crazy left doesn't know the truth from a lie anymore.
So "injected himself" is the left wing whacko nom du jour? OH, bwahahahaha! Good one!
Yep, because I refuse to worship your god in the White House.
You're confused. God is in his Heaven, and he picked President Trump to drain the swamp you helped create. And since you're neither a leader nor a follower, get out of the way.
Picked? I've heard it all now.

Picked? I've heard it all now.
Oh, I thought it was another word for chosen. God has this sense of humor. He turned a shepherd from the poorest family in the country into King David, the father of Solomon the wise.

And he put Hitler in power to kill more than 6 million of his chosen people. He is such a kidder!
That's not true. The German people put Hitler in power because After WWI, the world shunned Germany. It was political, not spiritual. In fact, the Nazis played God, but they weren't the real deal, Saul.

The bible tells us god puts all leaders into power. do you not believe the bible?

Please share the chapter and verse that claims God puts ALL leaders into power and how that is the same as a majority of the people of a country electing a leader.

Romans 13:1

Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.
Time to put lying gator back on ignore. TDS at its finest. Lying and then denying you lied.

bye bye. enjoy your safe space.

Fuck you you lying leftist shill. You've gotten beaten so badly today somebody better call a doctor. Multiple threads and multiple beatings. You'll need the safe space when Trump wins 4 more years.

yet you are the one running away to your safe space (aka "ignore")

Boy, I would laugh at you, not run from you. Ignore is for people who lie and the.n deny lying and are afflicted with such severe TDS that they tell people to die. I laugh at you again snowflake.:21::21::21:

Ignore is the forum's version of a safe space...hidden away from the mean people that you cannot handle.
The point is that the President didn't lie. Media Matters and the angry TDS wanted the "lie" issue but they were wrong. Now the crazy left has shifted to something they called "injecting himself". Sad that the crazy left doesn't know the truth from a lie anymore.
So "injected himself" is the left wing whacko nom du jour? OH, bwahahahaha! Good one!
You're confused. God is in his Heaven, and he picked President Trump to drain the swamp you helped create. And since you're neither a leader nor a follower, get out of the way.
Picked? I've heard it all now.

Oh, I thought it was another word for chosen. God has this sense of humor. He turned a shepherd from the poorest family in the country into King David, the father of Solomon the wise.

And he put Hitler in power to kill more than 6 million of his chosen people. He is such a kidder!
That's not true. The German people put Hitler in power because After WWI, the world shunned Germany. It was political, not spiritual. In fact, the Nazis played God, but they weren't the real deal, Saul.

The bible tells us god puts all leaders into power. do you not believe the bible?

Please share the chapter and verse that claims God puts ALL leaders into power and how that is the same as a majority of the people of a country electing a leader.

Romans 13:1

Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
What a dirt bag.

But his worshipers will be here soon to defend him
You do get why everyone thinks you're low life, right?

Yep, because I refuse to worship your god in the White House.
You're confused. God is in his Heaven, and he picked President Trump to drain the swamp you helped create. And since you're neither a leader nor a follower, get out of the way.
Picked? I've heard it all now.
Oh, I thought it was another word for chosen. God has this sense of humor. He turned a shepherd from the poorest family in the country into King David, the father of Solomon the wise.
Are you related to GW Bush? Maybe you can convince Trump to give more than $60 billion to religious charities (ala taxpayer $$$) than Bush did. Trump likes to do more.
You do get why everyone thinks you're low life, right?

Yep, because I refuse to worship your god in the White House.
You're confused. God is in his Heaven, and he picked President Trump to drain the swamp you helped create. And since you're neither a leader nor a follower, get out of the way.
Picked? I've heard it all now.
Oh, I thought it was another word for chosen. God has this sense of humor. He turned a shepherd from the poorest family in the country into King David, the father of Solomon the wise.
Are you related to GW Bush? Maybe you can convince Trump to give more than $60 billion to religious charities (ala taxpayer $$$) than Bush did. Trump likes to do more.
No, and the only time I would write a president would be to support the ending of painful asphyxiation and head severing deaths of unborn human beings, OKFine. No, I am not related to President Dubya, but I adore his family's service to the United States of America and have since I read his Father's biography that shared his WWII experience in the Pacific where he nearly died, but was the lone survivor of a plane crash under heavy fire by the Kamikazie pilots of Japan. I loved Laura Bush's effort to eliminate illiteracy, too. Dubya did a lot of good to clean up oilfield messes with incentives. I didn't love the way the press beat him up all the time, though. ;)
As far as the Mueller investigation I'm 100% with Trump, but then he turns around and
does something like this and I feel like John Gotti's defense attorney. President Trump is somewhat of a conundrum for me, a word I've never used before in a sentence.

That's the one thing for me Trump and Obama have in common. I want to like them but they always give me a reason not to.
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Yep, because I refuse to worship your god in the White House.
You're confused. God is in his Heaven, and he picked President Trump to drain the swamp you helped create. And since you're neither a leader nor a follower, get out of the way.
Picked? I've heard it all now.
Oh, I thought it was another word for chosen. God has this sense of humor. He turned a shepherd from the poorest family in the country into King David, the father of Solomon the wise.
Are you related to GW Bush? Maybe you can convince Trump to give more than $60 billion to religious charities (ala taxpayer $$$) than Bush did. Trump likes to do more.
No, and the only time I would write a president would be to support the ending of painful asphyxiation and head severing deaths of unborn human beings, OKFine. No, I am not related to President Dubya, but I adore his family's service to the United States of America and have since I read his Father's biography that shared his WWII experience in the Pacific where he nearly died, but was the lone survivor of a plane crash under heavy fire by the Kamikazie pilots of Japan. I loved Laura Bush's effort to eliminate illiteracy, too. Dubya did a lot of good to clean up oilfield messes with incentives. I didn't love the way the press beat him up all the time, though. ;)
What about the "swamp?" Bush 1 and his cohorts are responsible for jihad and some are surrounding Trump as I type.
As far as the Mueller investigation I'm 100% with Trump, but then he turns around and
does something like this and I feel like John Gotti's defense attorney. President Trump is somewhat of a conundrum for me, a word I've never used before in a sentence.

That's the one thing for me Trump and Obama have in common. I want to like them but they always give me a reason not to.

This was 2 days later, but Trump had already been down there on 9/11-13 arranging for his hotel construction workers to pitch in to do the heavy lifting of the buildings. I understand one of his crews helped lift stuff off 5 firefighters who were still alive. The claims made on no pictures showing him were bogus, because not only do First Responders have to have headgear and gas masks on, not to mention flame-retardant suits that can keep the heat off the fireman, construction investigator, and authorized community leaders and helpers to do their jobs. That's probably why no pictures appeared of him the first day, because as a businessman, he's not gonna just walk in there like some hayseed when he knows the requirement, which was probably provided by the Mayor's people in NYC. Lies get started against good men who happen to be Republican. I believe President Trump knows where he was when 9/11 struck, and what he said was likely very close to the truth, even if the event occurred 18 years ago. That's a long time, but I knew where I was the day Kennedy got shot in Dallas. President Trump loves the people of New York very much, and he did all he could on 9/11 and the weeks following that to furnish help to that horrific situation, and the loss of all those people's lives in and around the WTC.
You're confused. God is in his Heaven, and he picked President Trump to drain the swamp you helped create. And since you're neither a leader nor a follower, get out of the way.
Picked? I've heard it all now.
Oh, I thought it was another word for chosen. God has this sense of humor. He turned a shepherd from the poorest family in the country into King David, the father of Solomon the wise.
Are you related to GW Bush? Maybe you can convince Trump to give more than $60 billion to religious charities (ala taxpayer $$$) than Bush did. Trump likes to do more.
No, and the only time I would write a president would be to support the ending of painful asphyxiation and head severing deaths of unborn human beings, OKFine. No, I am not related to President Dubya, but I adore his family's service to the United States of America and have since I read his Father's biography that shared his WWII experience in the Pacific where he nearly died, but was the lone survivor of a plane crash under heavy fire by the Kamikazie pilots of Japan. I loved Laura Bush's effort to eliminate illiteracy, too. Dubya did a lot of good to clean up oilfield messes with incentives. I didn't love the way the press beat him up all the time, though. ;)
What about the "swamp?" Bush 1 and his cohorts are responsible for jihad and some are surrounding Trump as I type.
Look, I don't mind answering a question about a relevant topic, but if you want to get deeper into the Bush wrongs and rights, start another thread, please.
As far as the Mueller investigation I'm 100% with Trump, but then he turns around and
does something like this and I feel like John Gotti's defense attorney. President Trump is somewhat of a conundrum for me, a word I've never used before in a sentence.

That's the one thing for me Trump and Obama have in common. I want to like them but they always give me a reason not to.

This was 2 days later, but Trump had already been down there on 9/11-13 arranging for his hotel construction workers to pitch in to do the heavy lifting of the buildings. I understand one of his crews helped lift stuff off 5 firefighters who were still alive. The claims made on no pictures showing him were bogus, because not only do First Responders have to have headgear and gas masks on, not to mention flame-retardant suits that can keep the heat off the fireman, construction investigator, and authorized community leaders and helpers to do their jobs. That's probably why no pictures appeared of him the first day, because as a businessman, he's not gonna just walk in there like some hayseed when he knows the requirement, which was probably provided by the Mayor's people in NYC. Lies get started against good men who happen to be Republican. I believe President Trump knows where he was when 9/11 struck, and what he said was likely very close to the truth, even if the event occurred 18 years ago. That's a long time, but I knew where I was the day Kennedy got shot in Dallas. President Trump loves the people of New York very much, and he did all he could on 9/11 and the weeks following that to furnish help to that horrific situation, and the loss of all those people's lives in and around the WTC.

He still lied about witnessing the jumpers.
As far as the Mueller investigation I'm 100% with Trump, but then he turns around and
does something like this and I feel like John Gotti's defense attorney. President Trump is somewhat of a conundrum for me, a word I've never used before in a sentence.

That's the one thing for me Trump and Obama have in common. I want to like them but they always give me a reason not to.

This was 2 days later, but Trump had already been down there on 9/11-13 arranging for his hotel construction workers to pitch in to do the heavy lifting of the buildings. I understand one of his crews helped lift stuff off 5 firefighters who were still alive. The claims made on no pictures showing him were bogus, because not only do First Responders have to have headgear and gas masks on, not to mention flame-retardant suits that can keep the heat off the fireman, construction investigator, and authorized community leaders and helpers to do their jobs. That's probably why no pictures appeared of him the first day, because as a businessman, he's not gonna just walk in there like some hayseed when he knows the requirement, which was probably provided by the Mayor's people in NYC. Lies get started against good men who happen to be Republican. I believe President Trump knows where he was when 9/11 struck, and what he said was likely very close to the truth, even if the event occurred 18 years ago. That's a long time, but I knew where I was the day Kennedy got shot in Dallas. President Trump loves the people of New York very much, and he did all he could on 9/11 and the weeks following that to furnish help to that horrific situation, and the loss of all those people's lives in and around the WTC.

And isn't jihad directly related to 9-11? And Trump rubs elbows with those f'n saudi's?
And isn't jihad directly related to 9-11? And Trump rubs elbows with those f'n saudi's?
Our connection to the Saudis right now aside from oil is Israel, mainly because
if Saudi Arabia were to align itself with Iran, Russia and China-- it would mean big trouble for the US dollar first of all, and really the whole balance of power. Nothing to do with Trump that wasn't already in play.
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As far as the Mueller investigation I'm 100% with Trump, but then he turns around and
does something like this and I feel like John Gotti's defense attorney. President Trump is somewhat of a conundrum for me, a word I've never used before in a sentence.

That's the one thing for me Trump and Obama have in common. I want to like them but they always give me a reason not to.

This was 2 days later, but Trump had already been down there on 9/11-13 arranging for his hotel construction workers to pitch in to do the heavy lifting of the buildings. I understand one of his crews helped lift stuff off 5 firefighters who were still alive. The claims made on no pictures showing him were bogus, because not only do First Responders have to have headgear and gas masks on, not to mention flame-retardant suits that can keep the heat off the fireman, construction investigator, and authorized community leaders and helpers to do their jobs. That's probably why no pictures appeared of him the first day, because as a businessman, he's not gonna just walk in there like some hayseed when he knows the requirement, which was probably provided by the Mayor's people in NYC. Lies get started against good men who happen to be Republican. I believe President Trump knows where he was when 9/11 struck, and what he said was likely very close to the truth, even if the event occurred 18 years ago. That's a long time, but I knew where I was the day Kennedy got shot in Dallas. President Trump loves the people of New York very much, and he did all he could on 9/11 and the weeks following that to furnish help to that horrific situation, and the loss of all those people's lives in and around the WTC.

He still lied about witnessing the jumpers.

No, I don't think so. I witnessed the jumpers on live photo cams from Casper Wyoming, where I was on the computer when one of my pals said "Hey, turn your tv on. Someone just crashed a plane into a building in New York City." So I did, and less than a minute after I turned the TV on, a second airplane was seen hitting the adjacent building. I saw those things as they happened and was glued to the television set for the rest of the day, weeping, and watching as people jumped off those buildings. President Trump was likely there and may definitely have seen them jumping off, and not just vicariously, either. Another poster who lived in New York may have joined that same forum shortly thereafter saying he was going to join the Army because his aunt was killed. He went to Afghanistan first, then to Iraq. He posted occasionally, then we didn't hear from him again. A few years later, a poster with the same story arrived here shortly after I joined in 2011. He said yes, it was him at one point. He posted about a year, then disappeared again. I don't know what happened to him, but he sure was unhappy about losing his mother's sister, his aunt. I can't remember his avatar and name now, because that was 7 or 8 years ago.

I don't care how much a person has in his portfolio or bank, everybody in New York was having the same crying about someone in their circle of friends being there that day, and how they missed them, or if they escaped, how upset they were at losing friends in the building who just didn't get to a staircase going down fast enough. Those 167 First Responders we lost were all up in the building hustling all kinds of people to safety. All New Yorkers were in indescribable pain. So any idiot that comes on this thread and squeals inanities about bad Trump is three bricks short of a load, imho.
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As far as the Mueller investigation I'm 100% with Trump, but then he turns around and
does something like this and I feel like John Gotti's defense attorney. President Trump is somewhat of a conundrum for me, a word I've never used before in a sentence.

That's the one thing for me Trump and Obama have in common. I want to like them but they always give me a reason not to.

This was 2 days later, but Trump had already been down there on 9/11-13 arranging for his hotel construction workers to pitch in to do the heavy lifting of the buildings. I understand one of his crews helped lift stuff off 5 firefighters who were still alive. The claims made on no pictures showing him were bogus, because not only do First Responders have to have headgear and gas masks on, not to mention flame-retardant suits that can keep the heat off the fireman, construction investigator, and authorized community leaders and helpers to do their jobs. That's probably why no pictures appeared of him the first day, because as a businessman, he's not gonna just walk in there like some hayseed when he knows the requirement, which was probably provided by the Mayor's people in NYC. Lies get started against good men who happen to be Republican. I believe President Trump knows where he was when 9/11 struck, and what he said was likely very close to the truth, even if the event occurred 18 years ago. That's a long time, but I knew where I was the day Kennedy got shot in Dallas. President Trump loves the people of New York very much, and he did all he could on 9/11 and the weeks following that to furnish help to that horrific situation, and the loss of all those people's lives in and around the WTC.

He still lied about witnessing the jumpers.

No, I don't think so. I witnessed the jumpers on live photo cams from Casper Wyoming, where I was on the computer when one of my pals said "Hey, turn your tv on. Someone just crashed a plane into a building in New York City." So I did, and less than a minute after I turned the TV on, a second airplane was seen hitting the adjacent building. I saw those things as they happened and was glued to the television set for the rest of the day, weeping, and watching as people jumped off those buildings. President Trump was likely there and may definitely have seen them jumping off, and not just vicariously, either. Another poster who lived in New York may have joined that same forum shortly thereafter saying he was going to join the Army because his aunt was killed. He went to Afghanistan first, then to Iraq. He posted occasionally, then we didn't hear from him again. A few years later, a poster with the same story arrived here shortly after I joined in 2011. He said yes, it was him at one point. He posted about a year, then disappeared again. I don't know what happened to him, but he sure was unhappy about losing his mother's sister, his aunt. I can't remember his avatar and name now, because that was 7 or 8 years ago.

I don't care how much a person has in his portfolio or bank, everybody in New York was having the same crying about someone in their circle of friends being there that day, and how they missed them, or if they escaped, how upset they were at losing friends in the building who just didn't get to a staircase going down fast enough. Those 167 First Responders we lost were all up in the building hustling all kinds of people to safety. All New Yorkers were in indescribable pain. So any idiot that comes on this thread and squeals inanities about bad Trump is three bricks short of a load, imho.

Have you ever been on top of the Empire State Building that's near Trump Tower and seen how far away the WTC is before 9/11 ? I have and I know for a fact that even on a clear day, and even through binoculars you would not have been able to see people jumping from the way.
And isn't jihad directly related to 9-11? And Trump rubs elbows with those f'n saudi's?
Our connection to the Saudis right now aside from oil is Israel, mainly because
if Saudi Arabia were to align itself with Iran, Russia and China-- it would mean big trouble for the US dollar first of all, and really the whole balance of power. Nothing to do with Trump that wasn't already in play.
Talk is about 9-11, right? Fuck SA. Barbaric assholes.
Trump Lies To First Reponders About Being At Ground Zero On 9/11

No Donald. You were NOT there. Don't lie about that of all things
Can you quote the alleged lie and prove it is a lie?

That he was at ground zero.

There is not one single picture of him there with thousands of pictures taken and thousands of hours of videos. Yet he is in none of them
And people whowere actually there and would know if the pathological lying scum Tramp was there, saythey NEVER saw him.

"According to Richard Alles, a retired deputy chief with the New York Fire Department, Mr. Trump was not a presence at ground zero.

“I spent many months there myself, and I never witnessed him,” Mr. Alles, who was at the Rose Garden event on Monday, said in an interview."

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