Trump Lying About 9/11

No wonder
What about the "swamp?" Bush 1 and his cohorts are responsible for jihad and some are surrounding Trump as I type.
Look, I don't mind answering a question about a relevant topic, but if you want to get deeper into the Bush wrongs and rights, start another thread, please.
You brought up the SWAMP and 9-11 is TOTALLY relevant to the topic. If it wasn't for the Bush's, 9-11 would never have happened.
Cop out. Plain and simple.

You spelled "Clinton's" wrong, dumbass!
And you praise John Wayne, he's just like Pvt. Bone Spurs:

"According to Gary Wills’ book “John Wayne’s America,” the man who portrayed the archetypal, battle-hardened Marine, Sgt. Stryker, in 1949’s “The Sands of Iwo Jima,” actually avoided the draft during WWII. Wills contends that the Duke did not reply to letters from the Selective Service system, and applied for deferments. Apparently, Wayne — who had sought stardom during years of B-pictures following Raoul Walsh’s 1930 frontier drama “The Big Trail” — got his big break during the struggle against fascism when many Hollywood action heroes like Tyrone Power enlisted and shipped out overseas."

"Wayne was, in reality, a draft dodger. America’s archetypal soldier was in fact a chicken hawk. He was a cheerleader and champion of militaristic patriotism and combat he had never experienced. Wayne had “other priorities” during WWII — achieving superstardom (and saving his neck) was more important than defeating fascism. Much like Vice President Dick Cheney, who sought numerous deferments during the Vietnam War, Wayne was the quintessential war wimp."

Memorializing the Deadly Myth of John Wayne


John Wayne's service should never be questioned. He was 34 years old in 1941, was married and had small children. and that qualified him for a deferment. His move studio threatened to sue him for breach of contract if he volunteered.

I don't know why Mr. Will's decided to write such lies, but his status is documented in countless biographies which I have read. I guess this just proves that fake news has existed for years.

Now, get back on topic, dumbass!
No hero there and no service either. An actor only. 3-A all the way.
The source says the photo was NOT taken on 9/11.
Try to lie again.

Hey ignorant commie, feel free to point out the lie. I simply pointed out how to find the source. I made no claims about it. I'm sure an apology will soon follow, RIGHT?

Trump was the first man in history to be in three places at once. On 9/11, Donald was downtown being a first responder WHILE he was in NJ watching Muslims celebrate WHILE he was in Trump Tower calling TV stations to brag about his building now being the tallest and watching people jump!

So you're not man enough to admit you were WRONG, TYPICAL COMMIE!

The photo was NOT taken on 9/11, so Tramp was lying, not me.

Did you bother to read the link you lying commie? He didn't say he was there the day of the attack. Here's the quote from the link in the OP to remedy your stupidity.

"Many of those affected were firefighters, police officers and other first responders," Trump said.

He continued, "And I was down there also. But I'm not considering myself a first responder. But I was down there. I spent a lot of time down there with you."

Now feel free to point to exactly what day/s he said he was there.

Here's a hint you lying sack of shit, he never claimed he was there on any particular day, he just said he was there, and he was.

Now you can keep pushing the commie LIE or man up and admit you're WRONG.

He was talking about 9/11 at the 9/11 signing and not some other day. What do you think he meant by referencing "first responder." Clearly he is claiming he was there with the first responders on 9/11, but he just would not CONSIDER himself a first responder in spite of being there.
Here is a pix of him there on 9/11:
He paid their salaries dumbass....jeeze!...they were on his project...he pulled them off and asked for volunteers to go down to ground zero on his nickle...not one of them refused....
Then prove it, show their pay stubs!
Even you know Tramp is lying.
Richard Alles, a retired deputy chief with the New York City Fire Department (FDNY), who now serves as director of 9/11 community affairs for the law firm Barasch McGarry Salzman and Penson, told us that in all the hours, days and months he spent at Ground Zero as an FDNY battalion chief starting 20 minutes after the buildings collapsed, he never witnessed a large group of workers hired by Trump at the site helping with search and rescue. “This is the first I’m hearing of it,” Alles told us by phone. “There would have been no need for that. Between police, fire and the construction crews, we had it all covered.”

Alles added that the construction crews he saw at Ground Zero who came to help rescue workers were from the trade unions and were not hired by Trump.

John Feal, founder of the 9/11 first responder health advocacy non-profit the FealGood Foundation, responded to Ground Zero on 12 September 2001 as a construction demolitions expert. He also told us he didn’t see evidence of hundreds of workers hired by Trump at the site, and added that by 15 September 2001 the area was on lock down. “There was no way anyone could get in and out of there without a [government-issued] badge,”
Then prove it, show their pay stubs!
Even you know Tramp is lying.
Show their pay stubs?????????????????? do you want me to tell you what they had for dinner too?....unreal....they never give up even after being proven wrong multiple times...
Then prove it, show their pay stubs!
Even you know Tramp is lying.
Show their pay stubs?????????????????? do you want me to tell you what they had for dinner too?....unreal....they never give up even after being proven wrong multiple times...
No, I want proof they were PAID by Tramp as you falsely claimed.

Richard Alles, a retired deputy chief with the New York City Fire Department (FDNY), who now serves as director of 9/11 community affairs for the law firm Barasch McGarry Salzman and Penson, told us that in all the hours, days and months he spent at Ground Zero as an FDNY battalion chief starting 20 minutes after the buildings collapsed, he never witnessed a large group of workers hired by Trump at the site helping with search and rescue. “This is the first I’m hearing of it,” Alles told us by phone. “There would have been no need for that. Between police, fire and the construction crews, we had it all covered.”

Alles added that the construction crews he saw at Ground Zero who came to help rescue workers were from the trade unions and were not hired by Trump.

John Feal, founder of the 9/11 first responder health advocacy non-profit the FealGood Foundation, responded to Ground Zero on 12 September 2001 as a construction demolitions expert. He also told us he didn’t see evidence of hundreds of workers hired by Trump at the site, and added that by 15 September 2001 the area was on lock down. “There was no way anyone could get in and out of there without a [government-issued] badge,”
Then prove it, show their pay stubs!
Even you know Tramp is lying.
Show their pay stubs?????????????????? do you want me to tell you what they had for dinner too?....unreal....they never give up even after being proven wrong multiple times...
No, I want proof they were PAID by Tramp as you falsely claimed.

Richard Alles, a retired deputy chief with the New York City Fire Department (FDNY), who now serves as director of 9/11 community affairs for the law firm Barasch McGarry Salzman and Penson, told us that in all the hours, days and months he spent at Ground Zero as an FDNY battalion chief starting 20 minutes after the buildings collapsed, he never witnessed a large group of workers hired by Trump at the site helping with search and rescue. “This is the first I’m hearing of it,” Alles told us by phone. “There would have been no need for that. Between police, fire and the construction crews, we had it all covered.”

Alles added that the construction crews he saw at Ground Zero who came to help rescue workers were from the trade unions and were not hired by Trump.

John Feal, founder of the 9/11 first responder health advocacy non-profit the FealGood Foundation, responded to Ground Zero on 12 September 2001 as a construction demolitions expert. He also told us he didn’t see evidence of hundreds of workers hired by Trump at the site, and added that by 15 September 2001 the area was on lock down. “There was no way anyone could get in and out of there without a [government-issued] badge,”
How about this you prove he didn't pay them...
Then prove it, show their pay stubs!
Even you know Tramp is lying.
Show their pay stubs?????????????????? do you want me to tell you what they had for dinner too?....unreal....they never give up even after being proven wrong multiple times...
No, I want proof they were PAID by Tramp as you falsely claimed.

Richard Alles, a retired deputy chief with the New York City Fire Department (FDNY), who now serves as director of 9/11 community affairs for the law firm Barasch McGarry Salzman and Penson, told us that in all the hours, days and months he spent at Ground Zero as an FDNY battalion chief starting 20 minutes after the buildings collapsed, he never witnessed a large group of workers hired by Trump at the site helping with search and rescue. “This is the first I’m hearing of it,” Alles told us by phone. “There would have been no need for that. Between police, fire and the construction crews, we had it all covered.”

Alles added that the construction crews he saw at Ground Zero who came to help rescue workers were from the trade unions and were not hired by Trump.

John Feal, founder of the 9/11 first responder health advocacy non-profit the FealGood Foundation, responded to Ground Zero on 12 September 2001 as a construction demolitions expert. He also told us he didn’t see evidence of hundreds of workers hired by Trump at the site, and added that by 15 September 2001 the area was on lock down. “There was no way anyone could get in and out of there without a [government-issued] badge,”
How about this you prove he didn't pay them...
He had no record of paying them when the media asked him to show proof.
Lefties just don't know when to quit do they? You lost another one, just let it go. The more you deny the nuttier you look.
He still lied about witnessing the jumpers.
No, I don't think so. I witnessed the jumpers on live photo cams from Casper Wyoming, where I was on the computer when one of my pals said "Hey, turn your tv on. Someone just crashed a plane into a building in New York City." So I did, and less than a minute after I turned the TV on, a second airplane was seen hitting the adjacent building. I saw those things as they happened and was glued to the television set for the rest of the day, weeping, and watching as people jumped off those buildings. President Trump was likely there and may definitely have seen them jumping off, and not just vicariously, either. Another poster who lived in New York may have joined that same forum shortly thereafter saying he was going to join the Army because his aunt was killed. He went to Afghanistan first, then to Iraq. He posted occasionally, then we didn't hear from him again. A few years later, a poster with the same story arrived here shortly after I joined in 2011. He said yes, it was him at one point. He posted about a year, then disappeared again. I don't know what happened to him, but he sure was unhappy about losing his mother's sister, his aunt. I can't remember his avatar and name now, because that was 7 or 8 years ago.

I don't care how much a person has in his portfolio or bank, everybody in New York was having the same crying about someone in their circle of friends being there that day, and how they missed them, or if they escaped, how upset they were at losing friends in the building who just didn't get to a staircase going down fast enough. Those 167 First Responders we lost were all up in the building hustling all kinds of people to safety. All New Yorkers were in indescribable pain. So any idiot that comes on this thread and squeals inanities about bad Trump is three bricks short of a load, imho.
Have you ever been on top of the Empire State Building that's near Trump Tower and seen how far away the WTC is before 9/11 ? I have and I know for a fact that even on a clear day, and even through binoculars you would not have been able to see people jumping from the way.
Yes, before and after, and no doubt you are correct. But the Donald has two feet and a big heart for his fellow New Yorkers (and decent American citizens), and what makes people think wealthy people don't care when there's an emergency just because they have a few dollars more in their bank accounts than the rest of us? Mr. Trump likely walked over to assess, address, and redress the architectural issues caused by those to jet planes used as weapons against America's financial sector.

I'm pretty sure he would have given all he had if those 3 thousand dead could be brought back, from his life savings. Any of us would have, no matter how much or how little or how much that all we had amounted to. I'm not sure what all this forever hatred of President Trump is all about, but I want no part of it, no matter how much I like someone as nice as you seem to be most of the time, Mr. Angelo. I'm not taking that low road, because it just keeps on going down even lower the more you take it.

We should be praying for President Trump's protection, and not biting down on his ankle like the venomously rabid Democrat Party has seen fit to do as seen in the nastiness of the 4 creepsisters, Pelosi, Nadler, Waters, Schumer, Booker, Warren, and Feinstein. Their House of Cards came tumbling down last week after three years of lying their asses off about alleged salacious and business wrongs committed by President Trump, none of which happened.

Hillary had her people writing false scenarios of salacious sexual activities on Trump that would make Americans mad, and had them put into a story that made her look like the sweet little victim she ain't. Then the Clintonista amoebas faked a story about Trump being tied in to some kind of conspiratorial joining with Russians to again, make pooooooooooooooooooor little miss Hillary the melodramatic victim of that lie, too. Three years of that lying, salacious, sicko scenario.

In the meanwhile Pelosi paraded back and forth in front of her House Seat about Donald Trump's alleged indecencies that never took place. They put almost 20 rabid, DNC fund-raising, hate-trump lawyers to prove that the Donald did all that and more, and it fizzled, while they took pot shots at his family (and still were as of yesterday), people he picked to do specific jobs in his administration, his wife, his sons, his daughters, people who had their picture taken with him at one time or another, and made up another salacious story about his indecent attentions to his daughter which is worthless as a three-dollar bill.

Did you buy into so much a word of that, by the way? I measured the door, and lies that fat just didn't fit through it! But boy howdy, did they ever fool a lot of their already-fooled and hypnotized Democrat pals.

Now, when President Trump expresses only the sincerest concern about 9/11, the DNC brainwashing of otherwise good folks is making a comeback by throwing more dirty-narrative-water President Trump's way on account of it being close to a year away from another election. Don't Democrats ever catch on? Not ever?

Seems so. :rolleyes:
With all due respect to Trump, the last honest president was Jimmy Carter.
The left will play the hate Trump hand any chance they get, but it doesn't help his cause being an apparently habitual 'exaggerator' ( nice way of saying pathological liar which many say he is ).
There is a large portion of the electorate that will never vote for Trump

Almost Half Of Voters Are Dead Set Against Voting For Trump
Yep. Those college professors who brainwash their pupils are affectedly effective. :muahaha:
:banghead: He must of lied he must have lied he must have lied.....whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh
Trump was there when the guy hit the button for a controlled demo


At least you are no longer denying that the Towers and #7 were demo-ed

Of course they were

Trump is heavily involved in NYC real estate development. While the towers were being built, Fred Trump had the towers wired for controlled demo so that his son Donnie could someday blow them up

By the way, WTC 7 was a throw in. Buy two, get one free

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