Trump Lying About 9/11

Which has zero to do with the thread title.
And you say you’re an analyst?!

True, but it has everything to do with the post I was responding to.

You always have such difficultly following the flow of a thread.

That is what having a low IQ does to a person, too much for them to take in.
Stop it...I'm losing respect for you with every lost stop digging...

Damn, that just crushes me. One more Trump worshiper that does not respect me. How will I ever be able to sleep at night?

Trump makes lots of false claims, I always assume he is lying till there is some evidence to show otherwise.

Look, just STFU. You got caught lying and now are just making yourself look like even more of a TDS suffering fool than usual.

fuck off and die. I can post any damn thing on here I want.

Go crawl off to your safe space and draw some unicorn pictures.

Go fuck yourself you lying asshole. Poor baby, got caught and now throwing a tantrum like a good little leftard. You need the safe space snowflake.:boo_hoo14: Another leftist internet tough guy who would run away if any of us looked at you funny. You still lose.
The video was not taken at ground zero.
Which has zero to do with the thread title.
And you say you’re an analyst?!

True, but it has everything to do with the post I was responding to.

You always have such difficultly following the flow of a thread.

That is what having a low IQ does to a person, too much for them to take in.
You lose.

You are the one that cannot follow the flow of a thread.
You saw Trump and didn’t read the Thread Title and I would never hire your subjective ass as an analyst.

I gave you screen shots of the title, not a damn thing in the title about Trump claiming to be a 1st responder. You just made that part up.
True, but it has everything to do with the post I was responding to.

You always have such difficultly following the flow of a thread.

That is what having a low IQ does to a person, too much for them to take in.
Stop it...I'm losing respect for you with every lost stop digging...

Damn, that just crushes me. One more Trump worshiper that does not respect me. How will I ever be able to sleep at night?

Trump makes lots of false claims, I always assume he is lying till there is some evidence to show otherwise.

Look, just STFU. You got caught lying and now are just making yourself look like even more of a TDS suffering fool than usual.

fuck off and die. I can post any damn thing on here I want.

Go crawl off to your safe space and draw some unicorn pictures.

Go fuck yourself you lying asshole. Poor baby, got caught and now throwing a tantrum like a good little leftard. You need the safe space snowflake.:boo_hoo14: Another leftist internet tough guy who would run away if any of us looked at you funny. You still lose.

Bite me little man. You are the pussy that started this ball rolling. If you think you have the power to shut me up, then go for it.

Till then you are just one more Trump worshiping pussy.
Trump Lies To First Reponders About Being At Ground Zero On 9/11

No Donald. You were NOT there. Don't lie about that of all things
Can you quote the alleged lie and prove it is a lie?

That he was at ground zero.

There is not one single picture of him there with thousands of pictures taken and thousands of hours of videos. Yet he is in none of them

Neither were any of the people John Stewart says are dying from illness related to 9/11. So going by your logic, you are saying they are all liars to?
Lesh was smart enough to slither off once he realized what a fool he made of himself. Gator doesn't posess even that much common sense. The little fag is halfway to China by now with all his digging
Which has zero to do with the thread title.
And you say you’re an analyst?!

True, but it has everything to do with the post I was responding to.

You always have such difficultly following the flow of a thread.

That is what having a low IQ does to a person, too much for them to take in.
You lose.

You are the one that cannot follow the flow of a thread.
You saw Trump and didn’t read the Thread Title and I would never hire your subjective ass as an analyst.

I gave you screen shots of the title, not a damn thing in the title about Trump claiming to be a 1st responder. You just made that part up.
You lose...
What a dirt bag.

But his worshipers will be here soon to defend him
Pointing out your fellow locksteppers' projected lies is a privilege of free speech, GG. If you lie your ass off to smear the President who is NOT lying, and you defend his detractors, that makes you part of the swamp you have entrenched this nation in. Go take a flyin' leap into the golf pond. Maybe you can wash off some of that slime you've been collecting in the DNC-made swamp you helped create. :cranky:
Trump Lies To First Reponders About Being At Ground Zero On 9/11

No Donald. You were NOT there. Don't lie about that of all things
Can you quote the alleged lie and prove it is a lie?

That he was at ground zero.

There is not one single picture of him there with thousands of pictures taken and thousands of hours of videos. Yet he is in none of them

Neither were any of the people John Stewart says are dying from illness related to 9/11. So going by your logic, you are saying they are all liars to?

I think they have a bit more proof than "because I said so".

They did not just let anyone onto the site.
Progs are real cocks aren't they? I stopped reading the article per the OP @ "Trump finally signed the 9/11 First Responders funding bill."

I's pure propaganda. The fucking bill passed congress last week and today is Monday. So here we have a prog-piece of propaganda intended to trick the reader into believing Trump neglected the bill. NO CREDIBILITY. If Trump cured cancer you people would complain.
What a dirt bag.

But his worshipers will be here soon to defend him
You do get why everyone thinks you're low life, right?

Yep, because I refuse to worship your god in the White House.
You're confused. God is in his Heaven, and he picked President Trump to drain the swamp you helped create. And since you're neither a leader nor a follower, get out of the way.

For a great many of you, god is sitting in the White House.

If God picked him to drain the swamp, God is going to be pissed off since Trump keeps putting more and more swamp critters into positions of power.
What a dirt bag.

But his worshipers will be here soon to defend him
Pointing out your fellow locksteppers' projected lies is a privilege of free speech, GG. If you lie your ass off to smear the President who is NOT lying, and you defend his detractors, that makes you part of the swamp you have entrenched this nation in. Go take a flyin' leap into the golf pond. Maybe you can wash off some of that slime you've been collecting in the DNC-made swamp you helped create. :cranky:

Don't blame me for the swamp, I do not vote for either party that lives in the swamp and have not since the 90s. This is all on you and your fellow partisan sheep on both sides.
Stop it...I'm losing respect for you with every lost stop digging...

Damn, that just crushes me. One more Trump worshiper that does not respect me. How will I ever be able to sleep at night?

Trump makes lots of false claims, I always assume he is lying till there is some evidence to show otherwise.

Look, just STFU. You got caught lying and now are just making yourself look like even more of a TDS suffering fool than usual.

fuck off and die. I can post any damn thing on here I want.

Go crawl off to your safe space and draw some unicorn pictures.

Go fuck yourself you lying asshole. Poor baby, got caught and now throwing a tantrum like a good little leftard. You need the safe space snowflake.:boo_hoo14: Another leftist internet tough guy who would run away if any of us looked at you funny. You still lose.

Bite me little man. You are the pussy that started this ball rolling. If you think you have the power to shut me up, then go for it.

Till then you are just one more Trump worshiping pussy.

No, YOU started it by lying. Go fuck yourself phony tough guy. I'd put a years salary you wouldn't last 30 seconds getting in my face you phony. By all means keep throwing your tantrum and showing how big a "man" you are. :21::bigboy:
No, YOU started it by lying. Go fuck yourself phony tough guy. I'd put a years salary you wouldn't last 30 seconds getting in my face you phony. By all means keep throwing your tantrum and showing how big a "man" you are. :21::bigboy:

I do not need another 12 grand, I am doing fine. Keep your salary.
No, YOU started it by lying. Go fuck yourself phony tough guy. I'd put a years salary you wouldn't last 30 seconds getting in my face you phony. By all means keep throwing your tantrum and showing how big a "man" you are. :21::bigboy:

I do not need another 12 grand, I am doing fine. Keep your salary.

Now lying about your "money" too? I don't need to make up stories about my money. My family and I are pretty well off. Way to show your cowardice. Now STFU. You lied, got called out and now are throwing an epic tantrum. :dig:
Trump Lies To First Reponders About Being At Ground Zero On 9/11

No Donald. You were NOT there. Don't lie about that of all things
Can you quote the alleged lie and prove it is a lie?

That he was at ground zero.

There is not one single picture of him there with thousands of pictures taken and thousands of hours of videos. Yet he is in none of them
Where he was was cordoned off from everybody else. He was there assessing what needed to be done to clean up the mess and assign people to do the delicate job of finding remains that might not be all in one piece to clean up around very dangerous areas subject to further collapse. He was likely wearing a gas mask and a hard hat worn by imposition of the NYC Fire Marshalls. Even I remember that. Those fire chiefs do not care to allow any more first responders and others who need to assess the damages get hurt. They dress them appropriately so that no further harm comes to them. You can't tell one from another who's all covered up.

Don't you democrats ever use your brains when everyone else knows protocols of safety? Well, NO not when there's political points to be made by lying your ass off.

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