Trump Made A Mistake

Where is the law where asking a favor of a foreign leader against the law or impeachable?
Where it involves the favor of a foreign leader interfering in an American election. DUH!

How is it interfering in an American election? Biden is simply running for the nomination of his party like the other 30 candidates. Maybe if Joe wasn't involved in corrupt dealings like getting his unqualified drug addict son a job in Ukraine, there would be nothing for Trump to look into.
How about he just follow the law, and keep his oath of office, and stop trying to cheat, and tell the truth all the time... then he would not have to be so paranoid....

BTW, his calls... are OUR CALLS, we the people's calls, and they will become public, some day...

(unless he hides them in above TOP SECRET compartmental files...) as he has done with his calls... :rolleyes:

How about Democrats stop trying to second guess our duly elected President!!! You know, the one that WE THE PEOPLE put in the Oval Office. Who the FUCK do they think THEY are? Oh yeah, they're 'much smarter' than YOU....You little POS with a VOTE.

You have a elected Pres only with the help of Russia.

You keep repeating that stupid lie! When are you going to tell us whose vote the Russians changed?
our duly elected President!!!
He wasn't duly elected, he cheated.

Sorry edthecrackpot, Cartoons are for children. Trump is as duly as they come. That's why Hillary conceded to him in 2016 and his legitimacy has never been contested and he took the Oath of Office officially sworn in Jan. 2017 with his hand on the Bible (unlike Obama). If you want to win too without cheating, all you need to do is get 270 or more Electoral votes next year. Or maybe you think the Russians have fixed that as well.

View attachment 295171
Trump is the biggest lying piece of shit. Ever.

Then don't vote for him, and STFU!
Where is the law where asking a favor of a foreign leader against the law or impeachable?
Where it involves the favor of a foreign leader interfering in an American election. DUH!

How is it interfering in an American election? Biden is simply running for the nomination of his party like the other 30 candidates. Maybe if Joe wasn't involved in corrupt dealings like getting his unqualified drug addict son a job in Ukraine, there would be nothing for Trump to look into.
IT wasn't, and even you know it.
His son was hired as a LAWER and guess what, he is a FULLY QUALIFIED lawyer!!!!!
How about he just follow the law, and keep his oath of office, and stop trying to cheat, and tell the truth all the time... then he would not have to be so paranoid....

BTW, his calls... are OUR CALLS, we the people's calls, and they will become public, some day...

(unless he hides them in above TOP SECRET compartmental files...) as he has done with his calls... :rolleyes:

How about Democrats stop trying to second guess our duly elected President!!! You know, the one that WE THE PEOPLE put in the Oval Office. Who the FUCK do they think THEY are? Oh yeah, they're 'much smarter' than YOU....You little POS with a VOTE.

You have a elected Pres only with the help of Russia.

You keep repeating that stupid lie! When are you going to tell us whose vote the Russians changed?
The votes in the 21 states' voter rolls the Russians hacked.
Where is the law where asking a favor of a foreign leader against the law or impeachable?
Where it involves the favor of a foreign leader interfering in an American election. DUH!

How is it interfering in an American election? Biden is simply running for the nomination of his party like the other 30 candidates. Maybe if Joe wasn't involved in corrupt dealings like getting his unqualified drug addict son a job in Ukraine, there would be nothing for Trump to look into.
IT wasn't, and even you know it.
His son was hired as a LAWER and guess what, he is a FULLY QUALIFIED lawyer!!!!!

A lawyer that never been to the country before. A lawyer that didn't know the language. A lawyer that never had any experience in the energy field before. But you expect us to believe that out of the 7.5 billion people on this planet, Hunter was the most qualified for this multi-million dollar job, and his father had nothing to do with it?

Shokin did an interview and said he was on Hunter's trail when he was fired. He was being investigated for money laundering. But nothing to see here folks.
How about he just follow the law, and keep his oath of office, and stop trying to cheat, and tell the truth all the time... then he would not have to be so paranoid....

BTW, his calls... are OUR CALLS, we the people's calls, and they will become public, some day...

(unless he hides them in above TOP SECRET compartmental files...) as he has done with his calls... :rolleyes:

How about Democrats stop trying to second guess our duly elected President!!! You know, the one that WE THE PEOPLE put in the Oval Office. Who the FUCK do they think THEY are? Oh yeah, they're 'much smarter' than YOU....You little POS with a VOTE.

You have a elected Pres only with the help of Russia.

You keep repeating that stupid lie! When are you going to tell us whose vote the Russians changed?
Why is advertising and marketing a billion dollar industry in the USA?

What made Zuckerman filthy rich by owning Facebook?

Why do Presidential candidates spend millions each on marketing their campaigns?
Can you show us ONE vote cast that was changed due to marketing or ads?

Billions are not spent hiring marketing and advertising companies each year...

because THEY HAVE NO INFLUENCE, or don't subliminally lure people in to doing something or buying something, they were not going to do or not going to buy....

Yet the advertisers and marketeers can't give you a specific persons name that their campaigns changed their minds on... can they??

Regardless, they know their campaigns TO INFLUENCE, worked...
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Where is the law where asking a favor of a foreign leader against the law or impeachable?
Where it involves the favor of a foreign leader interfering in an American election. DUH!

How is it interfering in an American election? Biden is simply running for the nomination of his party like the other 30 candidates. Maybe if Joe wasn't involved in corrupt dealings like getting his unqualified drug addict son a job in Ukraine, there would be nothing for Trump to look into.
IT wasn't, and even you know it.
His son was hired as a LAWER and guess what, he is a FULLY QUALIFIED lawyer!!!!!

A lawyer that never been to the country before. A lawyer that didn't know the language. A lawyer that never had any experience in the energy field before. But you expect us to believe that out of the 7.5 billion people on this planet, Hunter was the most qualified for this multi-million dollar job, and his father had nothing to do with it?

Shokin did an interview and said he was on Hunter's trail when he was fired. He was being investigated for money laundering. But nothing to see here folks.
He did have experience as a Board of Directors, this Burisma was his second gig... And they did not need him for his drilling natural gas expertise, they have engineers that do such.
A bunch of retards were -

And they were right, unfortunate for the Cult45 tards. Sad!

How is it unfortunate?

Their shitty *pResident earns a permanent black mark on the integrity of his shitty term, I suppose.

I guess there is that -

His permanent record will also show-

Defeated a coup attempt
Defeated a hoax impeachment
Served 2 spectacular terms
Changed the detrimental course that the nation had been on for generations.

In the end he will and will deserve to have his own Mt. Rushmore.

It sure doesn't hurt to hope. Seems you can't imagine it if none of that happens. That's called being brainwashed. I hope the Senate votes for removal. See? Doesn't hurt to hope.

Removal of who, a shit load of swamp dwellers and crooked bureaucrats?
Tell me. Specifically what law did Trump break? A question liberals cannot answer.
The Constitution, the highest LAW of the land. His Influence Peddling violates article 2 of the Constitution.
Lol, Biden broke the law you are talking about. Bragged about it, Trump asked Ukraine to look into it. Trump had every right to do it.
If Biden broke a law, why didn't the DoJ investigate him?
Obama's DOJ? That's funny.
No, Trump's DoJ.
Well silly, Trump has started an investigation into Biden. That's one of the reasons you want to investigate him. Also biden started this whole thing by bragging about it. Just think he is the one you want to be president. Lol
How about he just follow the law, and keep his oath of office, and stop trying to cheat, and tell the truth all the time... then he would not have to be so paranoid....

BTW, his calls... are OUR CALLS, we the people's calls, and they will become public, some day...

(unless he hides them in above TOP SECRET compartmental files...) as he has done with his calls... :rolleyes:

Or loses 30,000 of them and trashes his blackberries with a hammer.
do we get to read 30,000 of his personal and private correspondences?

comey testified that the blackberries and other devices were destroyed for security purposes AFTER THEY TRANSFERRED their files to the new upgraded phones. It was not done for nefarious reasons.

ALSO, her 30k of personal emails WERE NEVER SUBPOENAED.... she by law, could destroy them, could keep them, could bleach bit them, could save them to another server, or whatever the heck she wanted to do with them.... they were never the property of our gvt and never required to be turned in to the gvt archives.
She claimed those emails were personal and had nothing to do with state department business. We have only the word of a known lier. She claimed she had never had secret or classified information on her server. She claimed that Powell told her to do all of her emails on a separate server. Can you prove that all those deleted emails were private?

In reality everything is supposed to be archived for reasons of the freedom of information act.
Where is the law where asking a favor of a foreign leader against the law or impeachable?
Where it involves the favor of a foreign leader interfering in an American election. DUH!

How is it interfering in an American election? Biden is simply running for the nomination of his party like the other 30 candidates. Maybe if Joe wasn't involved in corrupt dealings like getting his unqualified drug addict son a job in Ukraine, there would be nothing for Trump to look into.
IT wasn't, and even you know it.
His son was hired as a LAWER and guess what, he is a FULLY QUALIFIED lawyer!!!!!

A lawyer that never been to the country before. A lawyer that didn't know the language. A lawyer that never had any experience in the energy field before. But you expect us to believe that out of the 7.5 billion people on this planet, Hunter was the most qualified for this multi-million dollar job, and his father had nothing to do with it?

Shokin did an interview and said he was on Hunter's trail when he was fired. He was being investigated for money laundering. But nothing to see here folks.
He did have experience as a Board of Directors, this Burisma was his second gig... And they did not need him for his drilling natural gas expertise, they have engineers that do such.

I never said that's the kind of experience he didn't have. But anybody sitting on a board likely has a lot of experience in the field of work in other ways.

Look at it logically. If you owned a company, and were going to pay somebody big bucks to sit on a board, wouldn't you want the best you could get for that money? Why would you choose a drug addict from another country, who had no experience in that field, and didn't even speak your language unless he had important connections you wanted to take advantage of?

So what we had here was Hunter mysteriously getting this job, Joe getting the prosecutor fired who was looking into that company, the testimony from the prosecutor that he was indeed looking into Hunter's activity, and Trump is just supposed to ignore it and hand over big US bucks to the country without question. And again.....he only asked Zelensky to look into it, not launch a Ukrainian investigation.
Impeaching this President is more than an indictment of one man’s actions, it is a protective shield around the most powerful democratic office on earth. History will harshly judge those who chose power over justice.

Blah,Blah,Blah......Thanks for parroting the Democrat false talking points. This is nothing but a Democrat-coup impeachment they have no evidence only hearsay from Trump haters. He will not be removed so buy some more Preparation H. In the meantime have fun with Pelosi's false impeachment.
Removed or not, it's on his record for history.

So is Clinton, is it hurting him?
Of course it hurt his ego and that legacy never goes away. You think Clinton wanted to go on national TV and grovel?
One thing this impeachment has done. It will get Trump reelected and give him a super majority in both houses. Pelosi already said they will do another impeachment instead of working for the people. So why vote to keep them in? Just think a conservative supreme court, thanks to the democrats!
Where is the law where asking a favor of a foreign leader against the law or impeachable?
Where it involves the favor of a foreign leader interfering in an American election. DUH!

How is it interfering in an American election? Biden is simply running for the nomination of his party like the other 30 candidates. Maybe if Joe wasn't involved in corrupt dealings like getting his unqualified drug addict son a job in Ukraine, there would be nothing for Trump to look into.
IT wasn't, and even you know it.
His son was hired as a LAWER and guess what, he is a FULLY QUALIFIED lawyer!!!!!

A lawyer that never been to the country before. A lawyer that didn't know the language. A lawyer that never had any experience in the energy field before. But you expect us to believe that out of the 7.5 billion people on this planet, Hunter was the most qualified for this multi-million dollar job, and his father had nothing to do with it?

Shokin did an interview and said he was on Hunter's trail when he was fired. He was being investigated for money laundering. But nothing to see here folks.
He did have experience as a Board of Directors, this Burisma was his second gig... And they did not need him for his drilling natural gas expertise, they have engineers that do such.
Be honest.....just what did they need a greenhorn for and why did they pay him such money as they did? Drug connections?
Where it involves the favor of a foreign leader interfering in an American election. DUH!

How is it interfering in an American election? Biden is simply running for the nomination of his party like the other 30 candidates. Maybe if Joe wasn't involved in corrupt dealings like getting his unqualified drug addict son a job in Ukraine, there would be nothing for Trump to look into.
IT wasn't, and even you know it.
His son was hired as a LAWER and guess what, he is a FULLY QUALIFIED lawyer!!!!!

A lawyer that never been to the country before. A lawyer that didn't know the language. A lawyer that never had any experience in the energy field before. But you expect us to believe that out of the 7.5 billion people on this planet, Hunter was the most qualified for this multi-million dollar job, and his father had nothing to do with it?

Shokin did an interview and said he was on Hunter's trail when he was fired. He was being investigated for money laundering. But nothing to see here folks.
He did have experience as a Board of Directors, this Burisma was his second gig... And they did not need him for his drilling natural gas expertise, they have engineers that do such.
Be honest.....just what did they need a greenhorn for and why did they pay him such money as they did? Drug connections?

Reminds me of those Mafia movies. They paid Hunter protection money.
LIAR! There are 3 (THREE) places in the transcript where it was undeniably edited as shown by the ellipsis (...).
He released the transcript, that's what blew the impeachment out the door. Notice Schiff couldn't used his prized witness after that. I'm just wondering if you will ever get tired of getting spanked by Trump.
The partial transcript exposed the Quid Pro Quo loud and clear "Do us a favor."

Yes, he did ask Zelensky to do him a favor. What does a favor mean?

something done or granted out of goodwill, rather than from justice or for remuneration; a kind act:

Definition of favor |

So now that we know the definition of favor, what was quid pro quo about a favor?
But your definition of favor, does not cover a person asking another person, for a favor....

your definition of favor, would be Zelensky doing something out of goodwill for Trump without being asked for it...

NOT trump asking for it...

Really trying to deflect here, aintcha?

Where is the law where asking a favor of a foreign leader against the law or impeachable?

I hope Trump stays in for two terms, but I almost can't wait for another commie President to get in under a Republican led House to see what phony charges they come up with. It will be comical.

And BTW, it's not "my" definition, it's the dictionary definition, and I even provided the link.

Corruption Laws, Charges & Statute of Limitations | Federal

Corruption Laws, Charges & Statute of Limitations
By Geoffrey Nathan, Esq. Views: 11504
Public corruption is a broad category of white-collar crime defined by a breach of public trust or an abuse of power enacted by public officials. Corruption can take place when the corrupt individual receives a bribe or solicits one. Although all states have laws pertaining to public corruption, federal corruption charges are made more likely when the alleged perpetrator is a member of the federal government or when a conspiracy exists to engage in public corruption that crosses state lines. Federal government corruption charges are considered to be among the most serious prosecuted by federal law enforcement officials.
Where is the law where asking a favor of a foreign leader against the law or impeachable?
Where it involves the favor of a foreign leader interfering in an American election. DUH!

How is it interfering in an American election? Biden is simply running for the nomination of his party like the other 30 candidates. Maybe if Joe wasn't involved in corrupt dealings like getting his unqualified drug addict son a job in Ukraine, there would be nothing for Trump to look into.
IT wasn't, and even you know it.
His son was hired as a LAWER and guess what, he is a FULLY QUALIFIED lawyer!!!!!
You'll note there was nary a peep from the rightards (including the impeached Trump) about any of this after Biden boasted about ousting a corrupt prosecutor... until ... Biden announced his candidacy for president.
Where is the law where asking a favor of a foreign leader against the law or impeachable?
Where it involves the favor of a foreign leader interfering in an American election. DUH!

How is it interfering in an American election? Biden is simply running for the nomination of his party like the other 30 candidates. Maybe if Joe wasn't involved in corrupt dealings like getting his unqualified drug addict son a job in Ukraine, there would be nothing for Trump to look into.
IT wasn't, and even you know it.
His son was hired as a LAWER and guess what, he is a FULLY QUALIFIED lawyer!!!!!

A lawyer that never been to the country before. A lawyer that didn't know the language. A lawyer that never had any experience in the energy field before. But you expect us to believe that out of the 7.5 billion people on this planet, Hunter was the most qualified for this multi-million dollar job, and his father had nothing to do with it?

Shokin did an interview and said he was on Hunter's trail when he was fired. He was being investigated for money laundering. But nothing to see here folks.
That's what he says now, con. And lying con, Hunter was never under investigation for money laundering.
Where is the law where asking a favor of a foreign leader against the law or impeachable?
Where it involves the favor of a foreign leader interfering in an American election. DUH!

How is it interfering in an American election? Biden is simply running for the nomination of his party like the other 30 candidates. Maybe if Joe wasn't involved in corrupt dealings like getting his unqualified drug addict son a job in Ukraine, there would be nothing for Trump to look into.
IT wasn't, and even you know it.
His son was hired as a LAWER and guess what, he is a FULLY QUALIFIED lawyer!!!!!

A lawyer that never been to the country before. A lawyer that didn't know the language. A lawyer that never had any experience in the energy field before. But you expect us to believe that out of the 7.5 billion people on this planet, Hunter was the most qualified for this multi-million dollar job, and his father had nothing to do with it?

Shokin did an interview and said he was on Hunter's trail when he was fired. He was being investigated for money laundering. But nothing to see here folks.
That's what he says now, con. And lying con, Hunter was never under investigation for money laundering.
I'm sure he is now.

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