Trump Made A Mistake

First off, look up the word extortion in the dictionary, and show me where that definition took place in that phone call. Secondly, I would be against the Republicans for impeaching DumBama for anything but a serious charge. Speaking of which, DumBama twice held back aid to foreign governments, and yes, that aid was also passed by Congress.

Which he did in the open, for stated reasons.

For years, Democrats have been telling us the Republican party is over; a bunch of old white men dying off. The new path to America is Socialism and Communism.

The problem with that is Democrats win elections and Republicans win elections. But the Democrat party cannot be honest with you about that. If they dare told the truth to their sheep, they would lose interest and stop coming to the polls.

No, guy, the problem is Democrats win elections and Republican cheat. Voter suppression, gerrymandering the Electoral Anachronism. If we had direct democracy, the Republicans would be DONE, even with angry old white guys complaining about the "Gummit" while you go off an collect your disability check.
When he trusted the protocol to listen in on his conversation. He should have insisted on a private line. I hope he understands that he is the target of the deep state nameless bureaucrats that will work tirelessly to protect their turfs.
The man has to be able to conduct business like every other President before him. Democrats are absolutely the greatest threat to our country.
Made a mistake? Hell, he is a mistake. The guys the biggest joke to ever get elected to office in this country.
The man has to be able to conduct business like every other President before him. Democrats are absolutely the greatest threat to our country.

He wasn't conducting business, he was carrying out a personal agenda.
Like all other Presidents before him? You no account liberal motherfuckers are the scum of the earth. You want to overturn 2016 election and have tried to on several occasions. Amateur hour in the House over the last 22 months even included 100 Democrats voting to impeach this democratically elected President over criticism of NFL players kneeling on the sidelines. What a bunch of juvenile motherfuckers. You are a piece of shit to. Run your goddamn mouth around me personally? I got news for you...I’m done with this Mickey Mouse bullshit.
Like all other Presidents before him? You no account liberal motherfuckers are the scum of the earth. You want to overturn 2016 election and have tried to on several occasions. Amateur hour in the House over the last 22 months even included 100 Democrats voting to impeach this democratically elected President over criticism of NFL players kneeling on the sidelines. What a bunch of juvenile motherfuckers. You are a piece of shit to. Run your goddamn mouth around me personally? I got news for you...I’m done with this Mickey Mouse bullshit.

Ahhhh... The whole, "Everyone does it" argument. This was the last, sad gasp of Nixon Supporters.
I was thinking - you know this dude comes across as a fucking idiot.
You have confirmed that.
When caught lying the Right make personal attacks to deflect from their lies!!!!!
Tell me. Specifically what law did Trump break? A question liberals cannot answer.
The Constitution, the highest LAW of the land. His Influence Peddling violates article 2 of the Constitution.
Lol, Biden broke the law you are talking about. Bragged about it, Trump asked Ukraine to look into it. Trump had every right to do it.
If Biden broke a law, why didn't the DoJ investigate him?
Obama's DOJ? That's funny.
Impeaching this President is more than an indictment of one man’s actions, it is a protective shield around the most powerful democratic office on earth. History will harshly judge those who chose power over justice.

Blah,Blah,Blah......Thanks for parroting the Democrat false talking points. This is nothing but a Democrat-coup impeachment they have no evidence only hearsay from Trump haters. He will not be removed so buy some more Preparation H. In the meantime have fun with Pelosi's false impeachment.
Removed or not, it's on his record for history.

So is Clinton, is it hurting him?
When caught lying the Right make personal attacks to deflect from their lies!!!!!
Tell me. Specifically what law did Trump break? A question liberals cannot answer.
The Constitution, the highest LAW of the land. His Influence Peddling violates article 2 of the Constitution.
Lol, Biden broke the law you are talking about. Bragged about it, Trump asked Ukraine to look into it. Trump had every right to do it.
If Biden broke a law, why didn't the DoJ investigate him?
Obama's DOJ? That's funny.
No, Trump's DoJ.
Impeaching this President is more than an indictment of one man’s actions, it is a protective shield around the most powerful democratic office on earth. History will harshly judge those who chose power over justice.

Blah,Blah,Blah......Thanks for parroting the Democrat false talking points. This is nothing but a Democrat-coup impeachment they have no evidence only hearsay from Trump haters. He will not be removed so buy some more Preparation H. In the meantime have fun with Pelosi's false impeachment.
Removed or not, it's on his record for history.

So is Clinton, is it hurting him?
Of course it hurt his ego and that legacy never goes away. You think Clinton wanted to go on national TV and grovel?
The man has to be able to conduct business like every other President before him. Democrats are absolutely the greatest threat to our country.

He wasn't conducting business, he was carrying out a personal agenda.
Like all other Presidents before him? You no account liberal motherfuckers are the scum of the earth. You want to overturn 2016 election and have tried to on several occasions. Amateur hour in the House over the last 22 months even included 100 Democrats voting to impeach this democratically elected President over criticism of NFL players kneeling on the sidelines. What a bunch of juvenile motherfuckers. You are a piece of shit to. Run your goddamn mouth around me personally? I got news for you...I’m done with this Mickey Mouse bullshit.

It's what Nazi's do.
When he trusted the protocol to listen in on his conversation. He should have insisted on a private line. I hope he understands that he is the target of the deep state nameless bureaucrats that will work tirelessly to protect their turfs.
The man has to be able to conduct business like every other President before him. Democrats are absolutely the greatest threat to our country.

That's what they're trying to stop. Every time Trump does something major, it ends up benefiting most people in the country. Of course they don't like that. They're trying to convince people that capitalism is the wrong way; that Socialism and Communism is what we need to embrace.
How about Democrats stop trying to second guess our duly elected President!!! You know, the one that WE THE PEOPLE put in the Oval Office. Who the FUCK do they think THEY are? Oh yeah, they're 'much smarter' than YOU....You little POS with a VOTE.


How about we just let Him do whatever the fuck He wants!

He is after all the greatest president of all time and the greatest person who ever lived.
Which he did in the open, for stated reasons.

And Trump the same. The difference is that when DumBama did it, nobody questioned it because a President does have the right to do it. With Trump, the Democrats said they know how to read minds, and therefore why Trump held aid is not to be believed. How can you argue words over mind reading? Only in a Communist led country. Orwell would be so proud......

No, guy, the problem is Democrats win elections and Republican cheat. Voter suppression, gerrymandering the Electoral Anachronism. If we had direct democracy, the Republicans would be DONE, even with angry old white guys complaining about the "Gummit" while you go off an collect your disability check.

Thanks for being the quint essential Democrat and proving my point with that comment.
Impeachment is SUPPOSED to be bipartisan
Again, quote the exact part of the REAL American Constitution that says that, not your "original intent" FAKE constitution.
Point out where it says impeachment should be a 1 party exercise. Please tell US what exactly Trump is being accused of other than the Democrat chant of.... 'abuse of power' or 'obstructing Congress.' Both of which are NOT crimes.
You are the one lying, it is up to you to prove YOUR false claim. DUH!

And both ARE misdemeanors, so you answered your own question..
He released the entire transcript of the phone call.
LIAR! There are 3 (THREE) places in the transcript where it was undeniably edited as shown by the ellipsis (...).
He released the transcript, that's what blew the impeachment out the door. Notice Schiff couldn't used his prized witness after that. I'm just wondering if you will ever get tired of getting spanked by Trump.
The partial transcript exposed the Quid Pro Quo loud and clear "Do us a favor."

Yes, he did ask Zelensky to do him a favor. What does a favor mean?

something done or granted out of goodwill, rather than from justice or for remuneration; a kind act:

Definition of favor |

So now that we know the definition of favor, what was quid pro quo about a favor?
But your definition of favor, does not cover a person asking another person, for a favor....

your definition of favor, would be Zelensky doing something out of goodwill for Trump without being asked for it...

NOT trump asking for it...

Really trying to deflect here, aintcha?

Where is the law where asking a favor of a foreign leader against the law or impeachable?

I hope Trump stays in for two terms, but I almost can't wait for another commie President to get in under a Republican led House to see what phony charges they come up with. It will be comical.

And BTW, it's not "my" definition, it's the dictionary definition, and I even provided the link.
How about he just follow the law, and keep his oath of office, and stop trying to cheat, and tell the truth all the time... then he would not have to be so paranoid....

BTW, his calls... are OUR CALLS, we the people's calls, and they will become public, some day...

(unless he hides them in above TOP SECRET compartmental files...) as he has done with his calls... :rolleyes:

Well then if you demand Trump to be honest and not do anything dirty then that would be impossible seeing no President in the History of this country has ever been fully honest!

If you proclaim Obama was then you lose...

Last President that was not a total ass in office with taint all over them might have been Jimmy Carter but he was an ass in other ways...

As for his phone calls did you feel the same way when Obama made calls or just with Trump?

No, some calls are none of your damn business and that goes for me also and remember the President was never suppose to be voted by us lower class and our voice is the House...

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