Trump Made A Mistake

He released the entire transcript of the phone call.
LIAR! There are 3 (THREE) places in the transcript where it was undeniably edited as shown by the ellipsis (...).
He released the transcript, that's what blew the impeachment out the door. Notice Schiff couldn't used his prized witness after that. I'm just wondering if you will ever get tired of getting spanked by Trump.
The partial transcript exposed the Quid Pro Quo loud and clear "Do us a favor."
Not sure how so many people can't follow simple stuff.

There is no transcript
Therefore there is no editing the transcript because - well there is no transcript.
Catch on, so far?

The release of what is generically known as "the transcript" is an amalgamation of the people who were listening writing down their section as they heard and understood it.

each time there is a (...) it signifges a change in "author"
a presidential BULLSHIT to you!
Learn to pronounce
  1. the omission from speech or writing of a word or words

I was thinking - you know this dude comes across as a fucking idiot.
You have confirmed that.
When caught lying the Right make personal attacks to deflect from their lies!!!!!
Tell me. Specifically what law did Trump break? A question liberals cannot answer.
The Constitution, the highest LAW of the land. His Influence Peddling violates article 2 of the Constitution.
Lol, Biden broke the law you are talking about. Bragged about it, Trump asked Ukraine to look into it. Trump had every right to do it.
Voter suppression.
Where is your proof of that? Link? Do you have the names of 5 people who wanted to vote against Reagan and couldn't? That should be rather easy for you to prove considering that 49 states all voted for Reagan over Mondale. That is an awful LOT of voter suppression!
Truer words were never spoken.
And yet you are unable to produce even one of the 18 million people whom you claim were suppressed! :cuckoo: :dance:
He still won't tell us how Putin got him to vote for Trump.
Putin hacked the voter roles of 21 states to support the GOP voter suppression of minority voters, as you well know.
Obama stated that no one could influence or meddle in our elections. Was he lying? Anyway minority voters can't even get an ID by what you loons say. How did Putin influence them?
He released the entire transcript of the phone call.
LIAR! There are 3 (THREE) places in the transcript where it was undeniably edited as shown by the ellipsis (...).
He released the transcript, that's what blew the impeachment out the door. Notice Schiff couldn't used his prized witness after that. I'm just wondering if you will ever get tired of getting spanked by Trump.
The partial transcript exposed the Quid Pro Quo loud and clear "Do us a favor."
Then why did Schiff stop with that defense? He started with it, but ended it quicky.
The PEOPLE represent the will of the people, NOT land mass!

That is an ignorant, simpleton POV. Some people live on larger plots of land and provide food, goods and services to the more densely populated areas. Why should their vote be any less important? Why should most of geographic America be ruled by NY and LA which are densely populated areas that are easily swayed by MSM propaganda? Not everyone across America agrees with the leftist political bent of a few cities. Why should they control who gets elected?
Where is your proof of that? Link? Do you have the names of 5 people who wanted to vote against Reagan and couldn't? That should be rather easy for you to prove considering that 49 states all voted for Reagan over Mondale. That is an awful LOT of voter suppression!
Truer words were never spoken.
And yet you are unable to produce even one of the 18 million people whom you claim were suppressed! :cuckoo: :dance:
He still won't tell us how Putin got him to vote for Trump.
Putin hacked the voter roles of 21 states to support the GOP voter suppression of minority voters, as you well know.
Obama stated that no one could influence or meddle in our elections. Was he lying? Anyway minority voters can't even get an ID by what you loons say. How did Putin influence them?

Aren't Liberals amazing liars and hypocrites?! Is it that they are that mentally ill, or do they really think we are that dumb?
First, Obama scoffed at the president worrying about a rigged election,

then before we have the actual election, they end up actually investigating Trump for what they claimed was impossible in the first place! And worse, for "whining" about it even though THEY were are ones who whined then and still to this day!


Obama HIMSELF says that a rigged election isn't even conceivable, now they have tried to charge Trump TWICE with supposedly trying to rig it!!! Obama himself called it a wild conspiracy theory!

Obama HIMSELF says there isn't even a hint of voter fraud to ever be found, and now we have the Left going apeshit saying Trump cheated the entire election and in fact, NO republican in history has ever won honestly!!!

Obama HIMSELF called rigging or defrauding an election laughable, IMPOSSIBLE, now the Leftist nitwit kooks literally see Russians under every rock, including here! So which is it, was Obama being a total liar? Obama even called such claims IRRESPONSIBLE! Now it is the rallying cry of their party! Trump stole the election! The Russians did it! And now he is trying to rig ANOTHER election in 2020 that he must be impeached for! Simply amazing. Apparently the Left are now calling their main political guru Obama both a LIAR and a FOOL.

Worse, not only did Obama LAUGH at Romney for saying Russia was a threat, but he even got it wrong, and neither the debate host nor Romney corrected him on that misstatement.

Obama says the cold war is long dead. Russia is a big fat zero in the geopolitical scene. Now here, a few years later, they are hanging Hillary's entire loss on the Russians! Which is it, Dudes?

If Barry Obumma could be SO WRONG THEN, how can we ever trust the Democrats to be RIGHT or honest about anything now???
Last edited:
a presidential BULLSHIT to you!
Learn to pronounce
  1. the omission from speech or writing of a word or words

I was thinking - you know this dude comes across as a fucking idiot.
You have confirmed that.
When caught lying the Right make personal attacks to deflect from their lies!!!!!
Tell me. Specifically what law did Trump break? A question liberals cannot answer.
The Constitution, the highest LAW of the land. His Influence Peddling violates article 2 of the Constitution.
Lol, Biden broke the law you are talking about. Bragged about it, Trump asked Ukraine to look into it. Trump had every right to do it.
If Biden broke a law, why didn't the DoJ investigate him?
The Constitution, the highest LAW of the land. His Influence Peddling violates article 2 of the Constitution.

Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats are clearly in violation of the Constitution with their impeachment clown show.
How about he just follow the law, and keep his oath of office, and stop trying to cheat, and tell the truth all the time... then he would not have to be so paranoid....

BTW, his calls... are OUR CALLS, we the people's calls, and they will become public, some day...

(unless he hides them in above TOP SECRET compartmental files...) as he has done with his calls... :rolleyes:

How about Democrats stop trying to second guess our duly elected President!!! You know, the one that WE THE PEOPLE put in the Oval Office. Who the FUCK do they think THEY are? Oh yeah, they're 'much smarter' than YOU....You little POS with a VOTE.
Did you know he was a deranged, self serving corrupt slimeball when you voted to put this louse in the W.H? Never mind. He's a Republican so anything goes.
He released the entire transcript of the phone call.
LIAR! There are 3 (THREE) places in the transcript where it was undeniably edited as shown by the ellipsis (...).
He released the transcript, that's what blew the impeachment out the door. Notice Schiff couldn't used his prized witness after that. I'm just wondering if you will ever get tired of getting spanked by Trump.
The partial transcript exposed the Quid Pro Quo loud and clear "Do us a favor."

Yes, he did ask Zelensky to do him a favor. What does a favor mean?

something done or granted out of goodwill, rather than from justice or for remuneration; a kind act:

Definition of favor |

So now that we know the definition of favor, what was quid pro quo about a favor?
He won most of the land mass but not most of the American PEOPLE and he does NOT represent THE WILL OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!!!!!

You guys seem to be oblivious of the fact that the founders did not think only densely populated areas represent the will of America that's why we have the electoral college. Either that or you're so fucking butt-hurt you're thinking like a bunch of lock-step group-thinkers in a "Orange man bad" circle jerk.
The PEOPLE represent the will of the people, NOT land mass!

That's why we live in a Republic and not a Democracy.

If we lived in a Democracy, then the city of New York alone would have more actual voters than the eight lowest populated states combined in our country. That would mean one city has control over 8 states which would make them powerless in the political process of nominating a President.

A US President is supposed to be concerned about everybody in the country, not just the most populated states. That's why the founders created the electoral college; so that those smaller states are not crapped on by the interests of the most populated states.
When he trusted the protocol to listen in on his conversation. He should have insisted on a private line. I hope he understands that he is the target of the deep state nameless bureaucrats that will work tirelessly to protect their turfs.

Donald failed to learn the lessons of Hillary: make all your calls in secret on a private phone and keep all your messages on a personal server that you can erase and destroy when the dogs get too close. But Trump's mistake is understandable: he wasn't doing anything crooked he thought he had to hide. You don't see any private call transcripts or whistleblowers for any of Hillary or Obama's calls because they didn't have 500 deep state creeps sneaking around behind every bush trying to sabotage them.
He didn’t make a mistake. The Zelensky call was a boomerang. He did it on purpose because he knew the dems would take it to this extreme and he could show the country how corrupt they are. He knew nothing would happen to him simply because of the fact that the call was totally normal. I’d say given the situation with dems walking away from the party and the polls shifting more and more in favor of trump everyday, that his plan worked exactly the way it was intended.
The call was not even a tenth of the Ukraine issue.....

It’s amazing to me that there’s still people hanging on to this trump did something wrong crap. You’re going to see for yourself just how much corruption there’s been in this government. I’m sorry that it’s trump exposing it and not a democrat but you’ll live

he's exposing it alright, unfortunately for him, it all involves him, or his ever changing corrupt wall street type administration that he keeps picking over and over again.... :p
He released the entire transcript of the phone call.
LIAR! There are 3 (THREE) places in the transcript where it was undeniably edited as shown by the ellipsis (...).
He released the transcript, that's what blew the impeachment out the door. Notice Schiff couldn't used his prized witness after that. I'm just wondering if you will ever get tired of getting spanked by Trump.
The partial transcript exposed the Quid Pro Quo loud and clear "Do us a favor."

Yes, he did ask Zelensky to do him a favor. What does a favor mean?

something done or granted out of goodwill, rather than from justice or for remuneration; a kind act:

Definition of favor |

So now that we know the definition of favor, what was quid pro quo about a favor?

"Us" a favor, actually.
He released the entire transcript of the phone call.
LIAR! There are 3 (THREE) places in the transcript where it was undeniably edited as shown by the ellipsis (...).
He released the transcript, that's what blew the impeachment out the door. Notice Schiff couldn't used his prized witness after that. I'm just wondering if you will ever get tired of getting spanked by Trump.
The partial transcript exposed the Quid Pro Quo loud and clear "Do us a favor."

Yes, he did ask Zelensky to do him a favor. What does a favor mean?

something done or granted out of goodwill, rather than from justice or for remuneration; a kind act:

Definition of favor |

So now that we know the definition of favor, what was quid pro quo about a favor?
the pro quo was being pushed by all of his goons like Giuliani and Sondland and Volker and even Pence in the background, telling the Ukrainian gvt, that favor of investigations asked of them to do in to Trump's political opponent and family, done by Zelensky...

had to be announced in public on world wide cable network CNN, mentioning the Bidens being investigated,

would grant to president Zelensky that white house meeting desired, or would release that military aid congressionally passed for them that they desperately needed...
He released the entire transcript of the phone call.
LIAR! There are 3 (THREE) places in the transcript where it was undeniably edited as shown by the ellipsis (...).
He released the transcript, that's what blew the impeachment out the door. Notice Schiff couldn't used his prized witness after that. I'm just wondering if you will ever get tired of getting spanked by Trump.
The partial transcript exposed the Quid Pro Quo loud and clear "Do us a favor."

Yes, he did ask Zelensky to do him a favor. What does a favor mean?

something done or granted out of goodwill, rather than from justice or for remuneration; a kind act:

Definition of favor |

So now that we know the definition of favor, what was quid pro quo about a favor?
the pro quo was being pushed by all of his goons like Giuliani and Sondland and Volker and even Pence in the background, telling the Ukrainian gvt, that favor of investigations asked of them to do in to Trump's political opponent and family, done by Zelensky...

had to be announced in public on world wide cable network CNN, mentioning the Bidens being investigated,

would grant to president Zelensky that white house meeting desired, or would release that military aid congressionally passed for them that they desperately needed...

And all explained already.

Trump wanted Zelensky to make that announcement because it would make it more binding. Since Trump did not and was not going to threaten to withhold aid until that time, an announcement would put pressure on Zelensky to actually do it.

All the Democrats involved post call knew Trump was not going to do a quid pro quo. If they really thought that, they would have never said a word until Trump actually withheld aid until Zelensky actually came up with something on Biden.
He released the entire transcript of the phone call.
LIAR! There are 3 (THREE) places in the transcript where it was undeniably edited as shown by the ellipsis (...).
He released the transcript, that's what blew the impeachment out the door. Notice Schiff couldn't used his prized witness after that. I'm just wondering if you will ever get tired of getting spanked by Trump.
The partial transcript exposed the Quid Pro Quo loud and clear "Do us a favor."

Yes, he did ask Zelensky to do him a favor. What does a favor mean?

something done or granted out of goodwill, rather than from justice or for remuneration; a kind act:

Definition of favor |

So now that we know the definition of favor, what was quid pro quo about a favor?

"Us" a favor, actually.
the ONLY 'us' in Trump's mind and world, is HIM.... you know that... his personality disorder of narcissism always boils down to himself...

he says such, all the time...

IF you are his opponent, you are are an enemy of the USA.... he equates himself, to being The Country, The Nation...

which is bat sh t crazy, in and of, itself.
LIAR! There are 3 (THREE) places in the transcript where it was undeniably edited as shown by the ellipsis (...).
He released the transcript, that's what blew the impeachment out the door. Notice Schiff couldn't used his prized witness after that. I'm just wondering if you will ever get tired of getting spanked by Trump.
The partial transcript exposed the Quid Pro Quo loud and clear "Do us a favor."

Yes, he did ask Zelensky to do him a favor. What does a favor mean?

something done or granted out of goodwill, rather than from justice or for remuneration; a kind act:

Definition of favor |

So now that we know the definition of favor, what was quid pro quo about a favor?

"Us" a favor, actually.
the ONLY 'us' in Trump's mind and world, is HIM.... you know that... his personality disorder of narcissism always boils down to himself...

he says such, all the time...

IF you are his opponent, you are are an enemy of the USA.... he equates himself, to being The Country, The Nation...

which is bat sh t crazy, in and of, itself.

So who was the last President that wasn't a narcissist? Only himself? He's doing this job for nothing. He donated his pay to various organizations since he took office. He lost a billion dollars of worth since he first announced his candidacy for President where he had less time to spend at his business, and after the election quit running them.

Going to live in the White House was a step down for him and his wife. Regardless when he's done with politics, he will have the SS following him and his wife around everywhere they go.

Sorry, but I don't see that as only being for himself. He gave up a lot of money, a lot of fun, and his freedom all for our country.
He released the entire transcript of the phone call.
LIAR! There are 3 (THREE) places in the transcript where it was undeniably edited as shown by the ellipsis (...).
He released the transcript, that's what blew the impeachment out the door. Notice Schiff couldn't used his prized witness after that. I'm just wondering if you will ever get tired of getting spanked by Trump.
The partial transcript exposed the Quid Pro Quo loud and clear "Do us a favor."

Yes, he did ask Zelensky to do him a favor. What does a favor mean?

something done or granted out of goodwill, rather than from justice or for remuneration; a kind act:

Definition of favor |

So now that we know the definition of favor, what was quid pro quo about a favor?

"Us" a favor, actually.
Turns out, Trump did us a favor -- he got himself impeached.

LIAR! There are 3 (THREE) places in the transcript where it was undeniably edited as shown by the ellipsis (...).
He released the transcript, that's what blew the impeachment out the door. Notice Schiff couldn't used his prized witness after that. I'm just wondering if you will ever get tired of getting spanked by Trump.
The partial transcript exposed the Quid Pro Quo loud and clear "Do us a favor."

Yes, he did ask Zelensky to do him a favor. What does a favor mean?

something done or granted out of goodwill, rather than from justice or for remuneration; a kind act:

Definition of favor |

So now that we know the definition of favor, what was quid pro quo about a favor?
the pro quo was being pushed by all of his goons like Giuliani and Sondland and Volker and even Pence in the background, telling the Ukrainian gvt, that favor of investigations asked of them to do in to Trump's political opponent and family, done by Zelensky...

had to be announced in public on world wide cable network CNN, mentioning the Bidens being investigated,

would grant to president Zelensky that white house meeting desired, or would release that military aid congressionally passed for them that they desperately needed...

And all explained already.

Trump wanted Zelensky to make that announcement because it would make it more binding. Since Trump did not and was not going to threaten to withhold aid until that time, an announcement would put pressure on Zelensky to actually do it.

All the Democrats involved post call knew Trump was not going to do a quid pro quo. If they really thought that, they would have never said a word until Trump actually withheld aid until Zelensky actually came up with something on Biden.

You're fucking deranged, con. :cuckoo:

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