Swish, no answer to the question:

"So what tax loss do you consider acceptable? How do you know a billion is too much? Would $100 million be OK? Half a billion? What is the process you're using to determine what to you is a reasonable tax loss?"

Hello again, stupid. You are tiresome.

Please note AGAIN that I have not said that Trump did anything illegal.

What he did was fuck up in the fucking casino business and claim a loss of nearly a BILLION DOLLARS.

We won't know the pertinent details until he releases his full returns. We don't know just how much of a loser he was because he won't tell us.

Now.....what was the LOL for? What are you questioning?

You say you understand business but you still don't understand the difference between losses and tax losses.

And again, you said a billion is too high a tax loss. I want to know what methodology you're using to determine that

Why do you think I don't know the difference? I've not said anything that would give you that impression.

It isn't a matter of "understanding" business with me, bro...it's a matter of practical experience. I own two successful businesses. I'm happy to pay my fair share.

I say you don't know the difference because you don't realize that Trump had to pay the money he's writing off as losses now. You also think it's operating losses and don't grasp the difference between that and tax losses.

As I asked Care4AllLiberals, if I pay $50 for a share of stock, then I sell it for $50, why do I need to pay taxes on the $50? I just got my money back?

If Trump spent billions on his business, why does he have to pay taxes to get the money back he put in that aren't even profits?

Let me ask you a question. Do you know that clause which allows Trump to carry over that incredible loss is called the NET OPERATING LOSS provision. And do you know why Trump benefits from it more than more traditional businesses owners ever could?

Do you even look at the released pages?

You likely know more about tax law than I do. Congratulations. But you need to grasp what TRUMP did here. It is not what you seem or think it is. It's shit that can only be taken advantage of by people who work the system in ways that exceed the normal businessman trying to reduce his tax burden.

Again you're proving you know ZERO about business.

Every tax loss in a business was from one of two things:

1) Money the owners put into the company which they paid taxes on when they earned it

2) Money the company made and the owners paid taxes on when they earned it

Money in a company can't come from nowhere. Honestly, your lie that you own two businesses is, wow, incredible given your lack of knowledge of even the basics of business.

The point is, taxes were paid on the money that became losses. The most common losses, particularly early in a business, are from the owner getting money back they put into the company, which is why I assumed that. But either way, the losses are against money that was taxed
Swish, no answer to the question:

"So what tax loss do you consider acceptable? How do you know a billion is too much? Would $100 million be OK? Half a billion? What is the process you're using to determine what to you is a reasonable tax loss?"

Hello again, stupid. You are tiresome.

Please note AGAIN that I have not said that Trump did anything illegal.

What he did was fuck up in the fucking casino business and claim a loss of nearly a BILLION DOLLARS.

We won't know the pertinent details until he releases his full returns. We don't know just how much of a loser he was because he won't tell us.

Now.....what was the LOL for? What are you questioning?

You say you understand business but you still don't understand the difference between losses and tax losses.

And again, you said a billion is too high a tax loss. I want to know what methodology you're using to determine that

Why do you think I don't know the difference? I've not said anything that would give you that impression.

It isn't a matter of "understanding" business with me, bro...it's a matter of practical experience. I own two successful businesses. I'm happy to pay my fair share.

I say you don't know the difference because you don't realize that Trump had to pay the money he's writing off as losses now. You also think it's operating losses and don't grasp the difference between that and tax losses.

As I asked Care4AllLiberals, if I pay $50 for a share of stock, then I sell it for $50, why do I need to pay taxes on the $50? I just got my money back?

If Trump spent billions on his business, why does he have to pay taxes to get the money back he put in that aren't even profits?
If you buy a stock for 50 then sell it for 50 you owe no tax as there is no profit to tax.

CONGRATULATIONS! You have, finally, successfully grasped the obvious. Well done, and here is a participation award.

No shit, that's my point, darling girl. You idiots want Trump to pay taxes again on money he invested in the business that aren't even earnings, there, to quote you, "is no profit to tax."

I can't make up the stupid that you people are.

Business owners put a bunch of money in businesses. We invest a bunch in the early years and generate tax losses but accumulate assets. If the business is successful, we make money later. Taxes just reflect those losses and gains along the way.

The idea we should not be able to realize our losses, just our gains, is taxing the same money repeatedly, there is no profit to tax
Hello again, stupid. You are tiresome.

Please note AGAIN that I have not said that Trump did anything illegal.

What he did was fuck up in the fucking casino business and claim a loss of nearly a BILLION DOLLARS.

We won't know the pertinent details until he releases his full returns. We don't know just how much of a loser he was because he won't tell us.

Now.....what was the LOL for? What are you questioning?

You say you understand business but you still don't understand the difference between losses and tax losses.

And again, you said a billion is too high a tax loss. I want to know what methodology you're using to determine that

Why do you think I don't know the difference? I've not said anything that would give you that impression.

It isn't a matter of "understanding" business with me, bro...it's a matter of practical experience. I own two successful businesses. I'm happy to pay my fair share.

I say you don't know the difference because you don't realize that Trump had to pay the money he's writing off as losses now. You also think it's operating losses and don't grasp the difference between that and tax losses.

As I asked Care4AllLiberals, if I pay $50 for a share of stock, then I sell it for $50, why do I need to pay taxes on the $50? I just got my money back?

If Trump spent billions on his business, why does he have to pay taxes to get the money back he put in that aren't even profits?

Let me ask you a question. Do you know that clause which allows Trump to carry over that incredible loss is called the NET OPERATING LOSS provision. Do you know why that is different from the losses that regular businesses are permitted to carry over?

Do you even look at the released pages?

You likely know more about tax law than I do. Congratulations. But you need to grasp what TRUMP did here. It is not what you seem or think it is. It's shit that can only be taken advantage of by people who work the system in ways that exceed the normal businessman trying to reduce his tax burden.

Do you realize that his message is that.... taking such advantage of the system should not be possible? I doubt he even does his own taxes, at that level it would make no sense at all. His accounting firm most likely does his taxes and as they always do... minimizes them.

My accountant does my taxes. That's not unusual. What is unusual is the complex array of holdings that this fucker has which allow him to play the game on a different field than the rest of us. That's all done intentionally to avoid paying what is considered a fair share of taxes.

Some people.....retards mostly...think taxes are unconstitutional and they think this shit is awesome. I'm not one of those people.
I see you gutless liberals are still trying to demonize Trump for taking legal tax deductions. What lowlife scum you are.

What's more important is that Trump had to take huge BUSINESS losses in REAL ESTATE to get those deductions...

...you know, the Trump who claims he's such a brilliant BUSINESSMAN in REAL ESTATE.

Speaking of idiots, you know nothing of business go bake your rainbow cookies.
Hello again, stupid. You are tiresome.

Please note AGAIN that I have not said that Trump did anything illegal.

What he did was fuck up in the fucking casino business and claim a loss of nearly a BILLION DOLLARS.

We won't know the pertinent details until he releases his full returns. We don't know just how much of a loser he was because he won't tell us.

Now.....what was the LOL for? What are you questioning?

You say you understand business but you still don't understand the difference between losses and tax losses.

And again, you said a billion is too high a tax loss. I want to know what methodology you're using to determine that

Why do you think I don't know the difference? I've not said anything that would give you that impression.

It isn't a matter of "understanding" business with me, bro...it's a matter of practical experience. I own two successful businesses. I'm happy to pay my fair share.

I say you don't know the difference because you don't realize that Trump had to pay the money he's writing off as losses now. You also think it's operating losses and don't grasp the difference between that and tax losses.

As I asked Care4AllLiberals, if I pay $50 for a share of stock, then I sell it for $50, why do I need to pay taxes on the $50? I just got my money back?

If Trump spent billions on his business, why does he have to pay taxes to get the money back he put in that aren't even profits?
If you buy a stock for 50 then sell it for 50 you owe no tax as there is no profit to tax.

CONGRATULATIONS! You have, finally, successfully grasped the obvious. Well done, and here is a participation award.

No shit, that's my point, darling girl. You idiots want Trump to pay taxes again on money he invested in the business that aren't even earnings, there, to quote you, "is no profit to tax."

I can't make up the stupid that you people are.

Business owners put a bunch of money in businesses. We invest a bunch in the early years and generate tax losses. If the business is successful, we make money later. Taxes just reflect those losses and gains along the way.

The idea we should not be able to realize our losses, just our gains, is taxing the same money repeatedly, there is no profit to tax
Aside from you being an asshole you assume a lot of things that aren't true.
You say you understand business but you still don't understand the difference between losses and tax losses.

And again, you said a billion is too high a tax loss. I want to know what methodology you're using to determine that

Why do you think I don't know the difference? I've not said anything that would give you that impression.

It isn't a matter of "understanding" business with me, bro...it's a matter of practical experience. I own two successful businesses. I'm happy to pay my fair share.

I say you don't know the difference because you don't realize that Trump had to pay the money he's writing off as losses now. You also think it's operating losses and don't grasp the difference between that and tax losses.

As I asked Care4AllLiberals, if I pay $50 for a share of stock, then I sell it for $50, why do I need to pay taxes on the $50? I just got my money back?

If Trump spent billions on his business, why does he have to pay taxes to get the money back he put in that aren't even profits?

Let me ask you a question. Do you know that clause which allows Trump to carry over that incredible loss is called the NET OPERATING LOSS provision. Do you know why that is different from the losses that regular businesses are permitted to carry over?

Do you even look at the released pages?

You likely know more about tax law than I do. Congratulations. But you need to grasp what TRUMP did here. It is not what you seem or think it is. It's shit that can only be taken advantage of by people who work the system in ways that exceed the normal businessman trying to reduce his tax burden.

Do you realize that his message is that.... taking such advantage of the system should not be possible? I doubt he even does his own taxes, at that level it would make no sense at all. His accounting firm most likely does his taxes and as they always do... minimizes them.

My accountant does my taxes. That's not unusual. What is unusual is the complex array of holdings that this fucker has which allow him to play the game on a different field than the rest of us. That's all done intentionally to avoid paying what is considered a fair share of taxes.

Some people.....retards mostly...think taxes are unconstitutional and they think this shit is awesome. I'm not one of those people.

Where is the actual statement?

Anyway, can't blame his accountant for doing a good job. I am sure he would close such a loop hole however... he's been speaking about that kind of gaming for 30 years now. It does seem like his accountants may have found some loop holes to close.

Trump's tax writeoff shows his 'genius' at business, advisers say

"I know our complex tax laws better than anyone who has ever run for president and am the only one who can fix them. #failing@nytimes," Trump wrote on Twitter on Sunday."

Good old Trump hyperbole, but he is right about fixing it.
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If this is the case, if there is any questions he has not paid taxes for even one year, he should not be running for president. How can someone lead the country who does not contribute to the cost of running the country?

Easy, because he did nothing wrong and followed all the rules setup by the US federal government. Why should he not be allowed to run for President just because he had substantial tax deductions?

This is kind of the same crap we went through with Bush when you leftists said that nobody should be allowed to run for President who didn't serve in war because no such person should be allowed to send other people to war; that was until DumBama came around and you changed your tune. Now it's nobody should be allowed to run for Prez because they didn't pay taxes.
There's also the paintings, football memorabilia, etc. It's just a hunch I have. I agree that we should be seeing more coverage on this kind of stuff. But it's 2016, the masses don't want information they want entertainment.
Sadly, that is the case. I think Trump was correct - he could have shot someone in front of the world and no one would have cared. What he didn't say is that everyone would have cared deeply if he made funny noises into a microphone while doing it.

The American electorate has become a sick joke.

Hillary did kill 4 people and no one cared.

Yes, the American electorate is a sick joke

Hillary didn't kill anyone.

That shit is why you don't get the benefit of the doubt from intelligent people. That's a retarded thing to say.

Since when did you get to speak for "intelligent people?" And yeah, leaving Stevens and his cohorts there when they were begging for help because it was politically inconvenient to provide it was killing them.

How about all the American troops she killed as well as Iranians, Syrians and Afghanis when she voted for the wars that were not for the defense of the American people?

You earn the mocking that I inevitably end up giving you. You say fucking retarded things. You actually have a brain....but you are just fucked up

You're an intellectual mediocrity
Hello again, stupid. You are tiresome.

Please note AGAIN that I have not said that Trump did anything illegal.

What he did was fuck up in the fucking casino business and claim a loss of nearly a BILLION DOLLARS.

We won't know the pertinent details until he releases his full returns. We don't know just how much of a loser he was because he won't tell us.

Now.....what was the LOL for? What are you questioning?

You say you understand business but you still don't understand the difference between losses and tax losses.

And again, you said a billion is too high a tax loss. I want to know what methodology you're using to determine that

Why do you think I don't know the difference? I've not said anything that would give you that impression.

It isn't a matter of "understanding" business with me, bro...it's a matter of practical experience. I own two successful businesses. I'm happy to pay my fair share.

I say you don't know the difference because you don't realize that Trump had to pay the money he's writing off as losses now. You also think it's operating losses and don't grasp the difference between that and tax losses.

As I asked Care4AllLiberals, if I pay $50 for a share of stock, then I sell it for $50, why do I need to pay taxes on the $50? I just got my money back?

If Trump spent billions on his business, why does he have to pay taxes to get the money back he put in that aren't even profits?

Let me ask you a question. Do you know that clause which allows Trump to carry over that incredible loss is called the NET OPERATING LOSS provision. And do you know why Trump benefits from it more than more traditional businesses owners ever could?

Do you even look at the released pages?

You likely know more about tax law than I do. Congratulations. But you need to grasp what TRUMP did here. It is not what you seem or think it is. It's shit that can only be taken advantage of by people who work the system in ways that exceed the normal businessman trying to reduce his tax burden.

Again you're proving you know ZERO about business.

Every tax loss in a business was from one of two things:

1) Money the owners put into the company which they paid taxes on when they earned it

2) Money the company made and the owners paid taxes on when they earned it

Money in a company can't come from nowhere. Honestly, your lie that you own two businesses is, wow, incredible given your lack of knowledge of even the basics of business.

The point is, taxes were paid on the money that became losses. The most common losses, particularly early in a business, are from the owner getting money back they put into the company, which is why I assumed that. But either way, the losses are against money that was taxed

You just called me a liar again. What's your problem. We've gone over this before. Why won't you admit your error?

You probably think capital gains taxes are bullshit, right? You are talking yourself into circles. The subject it Net Operating Losses and how owners of complex businesses can take max advantage of the provision.

And....this isn't a business discussion, douchebag....it's a tax discussion. I thought you knew something about taxes....but now I'm not so sure. Your numbers one and two above being the only losses that a business can claim is retarded.

Time for you to say something intelligent.
Sadly, that is the case. I think Trump was correct - he could have shot someone in front of the world and no one would have cared. What he didn't say is that everyone would have cared deeply if he made funny noises into a microphone while doing it.

The American electorate has become a sick joke.

Hillary did kill 4 people and no one cared.

Yes, the American electorate is a sick joke

Hillary didn't kill anyone.

That shit is why you don't get the benefit of the doubt from intelligent people. That's a retarded thing to say.

Since when did you get to speak for "intelligent people?" And yeah, leaving Stevens and his cohorts there when they were begging for help because it was politically inconvenient to provide it was killing them.

How about all the American troops she killed as well as Iranians, Syrians and Afghanis when she voted for the wars that were not for the defense of the American people?

You earn the mocking that I inevitably end up giving you. You say fucking retarded things. You actually have a brain....but you are just fucked up

You're an intellectual mediocrity

Yes. Which is how I get your goat with such ease.
You say you understand business but you still don't understand the difference between losses and tax losses.

And again, you said a billion is too high a tax loss. I want to know what methodology you're using to determine that

Why do you think I don't know the difference? I've not said anything that would give you that impression.

It isn't a matter of "understanding" business with me, bro...it's a matter of practical experience. I own two successful businesses. I'm happy to pay my fair share.

I say you don't know the difference because you don't realize that Trump had to pay the money he's writing off as losses now. You also think it's operating losses and don't grasp the difference between that and tax losses.

As I asked Care4AllLiberals, if I pay $50 for a share of stock, then I sell it for $50, why do I need to pay taxes on the $50? I just got my money back?

If Trump spent billions on his business, why does he have to pay taxes to get the money back he put in that aren't even profits?

Let me ask you a question. Do you know that clause which allows Trump to carry over that incredible loss is called the NET OPERATING LOSS provision. Do you know why that is different from the losses that regular businesses are permitted to carry over?

Do you even look at the released pages?

You likely know more about tax law than I do. Congratulations. But you need to grasp what TRUMP did here. It is not what you seem or think it is. It's shit that can only be taken advantage of by people who work the system in ways that exceed the normal businessman trying to reduce his tax burden.

Do you realize that his message is that.... taking such advantage of the system should not be possible? I doubt he even does his own taxes, at that level it would make no sense at all. His accounting firm most likely does his taxes and as they always do... minimizes them.

My accountant does my taxes. That's not unusual. What is unusual is the complex array of holdings that this fucker has which allow him to play the game on a different field than the rest of us. That's all done intentionally to avoid paying what is considered a fair share of taxes.

Some people.....retards mostly...think taxes are unconstitutional and they think this shit is awesome. I'm not one of those people.

His field is exactly what ours are.

The exact same fundamental basics, Holmes. More money, more investments make it harder to all figure out and more choices how to do it just because there are more pieces on the table. But there is no actual difference in the rules. Sorry, guy
You say you understand business but you still don't understand the difference between losses and tax losses.

And again, you said a billion is too high a tax loss. I want to know what methodology you're using to determine that

Why do you think I don't know the difference? I've not said anything that would give you that impression.

It isn't a matter of "understanding" business with me, bro...it's a matter of practical experience. I own two successful businesses. I'm happy to pay my fair share.

I say you don't know the difference because you don't realize that Trump had to pay the money he's writing off as losses now. You also think it's operating losses and don't grasp the difference between that and tax losses.

As I asked Care4AllLiberals, if I pay $50 for a share of stock, then I sell it for $50, why do I need to pay taxes on the $50? I just got my money back?

If Trump spent billions on his business, why does he have to pay taxes to get the money back he put in that aren't even profits?

Let me ask you a question. Do you know that clause which allows Trump to carry over that incredible loss is called the NET OPERATING LOSS provision. Do you know why that is different from the losses that regular businesses are permitted to carry over?

Do you even look at the released pages?

You likely know more about tax law than I do. Congratulations. But you need to grasp what TRUMP did here. It is not what you seem or think it is. It's shit that can only be taken advantage of by people who work the system in ways that exceed the normal businessman trying to reduce his tax burden.

Do you realize that his message is that.... taking such advantage of the system should not be possible? I doubt he even does his own taxes, at that level it would make no sense at all. His accounting firm most likely does his taxes and as they always do... minimizes them.

My accountant does my taxes. That's not unusual. What is unusual is the complex array of holdings that this fucker has which allow him to play the game on a different field than the rest of us. That's all done intentionally to avoid paying what is considered a fair share of taxes.

Some people.....retards mostly...think taxes are unconstitutional and they think this shit is awesome. I'm not one of those people.
Is it not true that Trump's "losses" were not his losses at all but his investors' losses?

If HE personally lost one billion that year, how much did he lose for his investors? And why did anyone ever invest in his companies again?
You are COMPLETELY missing the point and missing what I answered in my first response to your question in your post.

why is the max $3000 for the average joe who would never ever make ONLY $3000 in income a year....they would never ever be able to write off their entire livable earnings let alone in excess of that, while the wealthiest's cap is $50 million a year, which could easily cover their entire taxable income?

The tax code is unfair...and gives things to the wealthiest that they don't give to the average Joe.

Darn tooting!

… for tax year 2014, The New York Times paid no taxes and got an income tax refund of $3.5 million even though they had a pre-tax profit of $29.9 million in 2014. In other words, their post-tax profit was higher than their pre-tax profit. The explanation in their 2014 annual report is, “The effective tax rate for 2014 was favorably affected by approximately $21.1 million for the reversal of reserves for uncertain tax positions due to the lapse of applicable statutes of limitations.” If you don’t think it took fancy accountants and tax lawyers to make that happen, read the statement again.

The New York Times Paid No Taxes in 2014 - Breitbart
You say you understand business but you still don't understand the difference between losses and tax losses.

And again, you said a billion is too high a tax loss. I want to know what methodology you're using to determine that

Why do you think I don't know the difference? I've not said anything that would give you that impression.

It isn't a matter of "understanding" business with me, bro...it's a matter of practical experience. I own two successful businesses. I'm happy to pay my fair share.

I say you don't know the difference because you don't realize that Trump had to pay the money he's writing off as losses now. You also think it's operating losses and don't grasp the difference between that and tax losses.

As I asked Care4AllLiberals, if I pay $50 for a share of stock, then I sell it for $50, why do I need to pay taxes on the $50? I just got my money back?

If Trump spent billions on his business, why does he have to pay taxes to get the money back he put in that aren't even profits?
If you buy a stock for 50 then sell it for 50 you owe no tax as there is no profit to tax.

CONGRATULATIONS! You have, finally, successfully grasped the obvious. Well done, and here is a participation award.

No shit, that's my point, darling girl. You idiots want Trump to pay taxes again on money he invested in the business that aren't even earnings, there, to quote you, "is no profit to tax."

I can't make up the stupid that you people are.

Business owners put a bunch of money in businesses. We invest a bunch in the early years and generate tax losses. If the business is successful, we make money later. Taxes just reflect those losses and gains along the way.

The idea we should not be able to realize our losses, just our gains, is taxing the same money repeatedly, there is no profit to tax
Aside from you being an asshole you assume a lot of things that aren't true.

I've read your posts. That I am an asshole I assume is simply an observation since it's clearly not a standard to you
Why do you think I don't know the difference? I've not said anything that would give you that impression.

It isn't a matter of "understanding" business with me, bro...it's a matter of practical experience. I own two successful businesses. I'm happy to pay my fair share.

I say you don't know the difference because you don't realize that Trump had to pay the money he's writing off as losses now. You also think it's operating losses and don't grasp the difference between that and tax losses.

As I asked Care4AllLiberals, if I pay $50 for a share of stock, then I sell it for $50, why do I need to pay taxes on the $50? I just got my money back?

If Trump spent billions on his business, why does he have to pay taxes to get the money back he put in that aren't even profits?

Let me ask you a question. Do you know that clause which allows Trump to carry over that incredible loss is called the NET OPERATING LOSS provision. Do you know why that is different from the losses that regular businesses are permitted to carry over?

Do you even look at the released pages?

You likely know more about tax law than I do. Congratulations. But you need to grasp what TRUMP did here. It is not what you seem or think it is. It's shit that can only be taken advantage of by people who work the system in ways that exceed the normal businessman trying to reduce his tax burden.

Do you realize that his message is that.... taking such advantage of the system should not be possible? I doubt he even does his own taxes, at that level it would make no sense at all. His accounting firm most likely does his taxes and as they always do... minimizes them.

My accountant does my taxes. That's not unusual. What is unusual is the complex array of holdings that this fucker has which allow him to play the game on a different field than the rest of us. That's all done intentionally to avoid paying what is considered a fair share of taxes.

Some people.....retards mostly...think taxes are unconstitutional and they think this shit is awesome. I'm not one of those people.

His field is exactly what ours are.

The exact same fundamental basics, Holmes. More money, more investments make it harder to all figure out and more choices how to do it just because there are more pieces on the table. But there is no actual difference in the rules. Sorry, guy

Incorrect. I'm surprised that a libertarian would so vigorously defend a New York elitist who games the system.
Trump shouldn't have to pay taxes. He graces us with his twitters and speaches and rants. That should be enough.
. You mean like Hillary and Bill does with all their speeches and bull crap in which has netted them millions ??? Maybe they should check whether she and Bill has turned all that income in to the IRS over the years ??

Beagle, your ignorance is like a perpetual motion machine that just keeps right on giving...

Hillary Clinton's 2015 tax return shows $10.6 million in income, 31% rate -- and puts pressure on Donald Trump

Well, yeah, her bribe income is different than business income.

Speaking of which, I wonder if Trump wrote off the $25,000 bribe that he sent to the guy in Florida, as a business expense....

Political contributions aren't deductible.

Unless you make them to the Clinton Slush Fund, of course.
that's not true....the Clintons have not used a dime of their Charity donations for Hillary's campaign or for personal use....

and it is not true that political donations are NOT deductible...

And this is what Lois Learner was trying to fight...

All of these huge political money pacs are claiming to be charities, and money donations to these PACS ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE, as 501 C3;s...

these 501c3's don't have to declare who donated to them either, if memory serves...

As example Karl Rove set up his American Crossroads PAC as a 501c3, which is a charity and they need to spend the majority of their money donations on charity according to the law governing it, but a gazillion political PACS are not doing such and using all of their donations or near all, on political shenanigans....

Would you ever in a million years think Karl Rove's PAC is a charity and anything other than a political PAC....???

Lois Learner was trying to expose this by auditing these evident political groups.....but Republicans went after her to shut her down from exposing the corruption going on in these HUGE Super PACS....allowing these big donors like the Koch brothers, and maybe even Soros if the PAC he donates to is a 501c3 that does not do 50% or more in charity work....to write off their donations for political use, in their taxes as charities.
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Why do you think I don't know the difference? I've not said anything that would give you that impression.

It isn't a matter of "understanding" business with me, bro...it's a matter of practical experience. I own two successful businesses. I'm happy to pay my fair share.

I say you don't know the difference because you don't realize that Trump had to pay the money he's writing off as losses now. You also think it's operating losses and don't grasp the difference between that and tax losses.

As I asked Care4AllLiberals, if I pay $50 for a share of stock, then I sell it for $50, why do I need to pay taxes on the $50? I just got my money back?

If Trump spent billions on his business, why does he have to pay taxes to get the money back he put in that aren't even profits?

Let me ask you a question. Do you know that clause which allows Trump to carry over that incredible loss is called the NET OPERATING LOSS provision. Do you know why that is different from the losses that regular businesses are permitted to carry over?

Do you even look at the released pages?

You likely know more about tax law than I do. Congratulations. But you need to grasp what TRUMP did here. It is not what you seem or think it is. It's shit that can only be taken advantage of by people who work the system in ways that exceed the normal businessman trying to reduce his tax burden.

Do you realize that his message is that.... taking such advantage of the system should not be possible? I doubt he even does his own taxes, at that level it would make no sense at all. His accounting firm most likely does his taxes and as they always do... minimizes them.

My accountant does my taxes. That's not unusual. What is unusual is the complex array of holdings that this fucker has which allow him to play the game on a different field than the rest of us. That's all done intentionally to avoid paying what is considered a fair share of taxes.

Some people.....retards mostly...think taxes are unconstitutional and they think this shit is awesome. I'm not one of those people.

Where is the actual statement?

Anyway, can't blame his accountant for doing a good job. I am sure he would close such a loop hole however... he's been speaking about that kind of gaming for 30 years now. It does seem like his accountants may have found some loop holes to close.

Trump's tax writeoff shows his 'genius' at business, advisers say

"I know our complex tax laws better than anyone who has ever run for president and am the only one who can fix them. #failing@nytimes," Trump wrote on Twitter on Sunday."

Good old Trump hyperbole, but he is right about fixing it.

I find lawyers and accountants to be OK, but the best tax and acquisition strategies for the businesses I bought and sold I thought of and proposed to them, not the other way around
As we know, left wing business owners don't take available deductions, because then they wouldn't be paying their "fair share".

Warren Buffett and Bill Gates specifically instruct their accountants and CPAs to avoid using any deductions, credits or loopholes.

I think we all know this.
You say you understand business but you still don't understand the difference between losses and tax losses.

And again, you said a billion is too high a tax loss. I want to know what methodology you're using to determine that

Why do you think I don't know the difference? I've not said anything that would give you that impression.

It isn't a matter of "understanding" business with me, bro...it's a matter of practical experience. I own two successful businesses. I'm happy to pay my fair share.

I say you don't know the difference because you don't realize that Trump had to pay the money he's writing off as losses now. You also think it's operating losses and don't grasp the difference between that and tax losses.

As I asked Care4AllLiberals, if I pay $50 for a share of stock, then I sell it for $50, why do I need to pay taxes on the $50? I just got my money back?

If Trump spent billions on his business, why does he have to pay taxes to get the money back he put in that aren't even profits?

Let me ask you a question. Do you know that clause which allows Trump to carry over that incredible loss is called the NET OPERATING LOSS provision. And do you know why Trump benefits from it more than more traditional businesses owners ever could?

Do you even look at the released pages?

You likely know more about tax law than I do. Congratulations. But you need to grasp what TRUMP did here. It is not what you seem or think it is. It's shit that can only be taken advantage of by people who work the system in ways that exceed the normal businessman trying to reduce his tax burden.

Again you're proving you know ZERO about business.

Every tax loss in a business was from one of two things:

1) Money the owners put into the company which they paid taxes on when they earned it

2) Money the company made and the owners paid taxes on when they earned it

Money in a company can't come from nowhere. Honestly, your lie that you own two businesses is, wow, incredible given your lack of knowledge of even the basics of business.

The point is, taxes were paid on the money that became losses. The most common losses, particularly early in a business, are from the owner getting money back they put into the company, which is why I assumed that. But either way, the losses are against money that was taxed

You just called me a liar again. What's your problem. We've gone over this before. Why won't you admit your error?

You probably think capital gains taxes are bullshit, right? You are talking yourself into circles. The subject it Net Operating Losses and how owners of complex businesses can take max advantage of the provision.

And....this isn't a business discussion, douchebag....it's a tax discussion. I thought you knew something about taxes....but now I'm not so sure. Your numbers one and two above being the only losses that a business can claim is retarded.

Time for you to say something intelligent.

Yes, capital gains taxes are bullshit. And it's a business tax discussion. I can't believe someone who knows nothing about business taxes runs businesses. I have a CPA prepare my taxes, I don't prepare my own taxes. But I'm all over how they work. How can you not be and run your business effectively? And as I said, I've proposed strategies to him. CPAs fill out forms. Tax strategy is a business issue

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