Trump May Not be a White Supremacist but He is In Fact a Bigot

Because it is clear he was born in Canada, however he was born to two US citizens. It was a different question, but on a similar line.

No, it wasn't. Not at all. Not even close. It was never an issue with Cruz. In fact, Cruz' father was one of those pushing the birther nonsense.
Your screeds are not responses. I have replied to your every "point" and you refuse to even correct your mistakes.

Oh spare me your whiny little bitch bullshit. I most definitely respond to you, you're the one who chooses to not respond to me. Just because you are too lazy to take the time to read it, doesn't mean the responses aren't there. Grow up.

Again, you don't get to dictate how a person freely exercises their Religion, and government doesn't unless there is a compelling interest.

How is refusing to bake a wedding cake an "exercise of religion"? Don't understand. Explain.
Your screeds are not responses. I have replied to your every "point" and you refuse to even correct your mistakes.

Oh spare me your whiny little bitch bullshit. I most definitely respond to you, you're the one who chooses to not respond to me. Just because you are too lazy to take the time to read it, doesn't mean the responses aren't there. Grow up.

Again, you don't get to dictate how a person freely exercises their Religion, and government doesn't unless there is a compelling interest.

How is refusing to bake a wedding cake an "exercise of religion"? Don't understand. Explain.

Every time you have posted I have responded. That you do not like or cannot comprehend the response is your problem, not mine.

They would be participating in a ceremony they do not find morally right. It could be considered and endorsement, and as such they decline to provide a cake only for that specific occurence.

I really don't understand what you don't get about it.
To me most Asshole Atheists do believe they are their own personal God. It explains their arrogance and over inflated sense of self importance.

Again with the whiny little bitch moves. You create a straw man and then argue that straw man. This isn't about atheists, this is about you being unable to reconcile the massive, broad contradiction in your argument; that religion relies on the faith of God's forgiveness...after all, what did Jesus supposedly die for? So if that's the case, why not just ask for forgiveness for baking a cake? The Catholic Church was "forgiven" for protecting child rapists, so why wouldn't your silly magic cloud fairy forgive baking a cake?

Once again, it's not your place or mine to dictate how a person practices their Religion

Can you please show me where in the Bible it says anything about baking cakes as it relates to practicing religion? Because there doesn't appear to be any instruction from the magic cloud fairy when it comes to baking. So it's really just an invention of bigots that practicing religion entails not baking cakes. Because that shit isn't anywhere in your holy book, is it? You know what is in there, though? Love thy neighbor. God forgives everyone and everything. Jesus died for your sins so you can keep sinning and ask his father for forgiveness. Turn the other cheek. That stuff is instruction on how to practice religion, but nowhere does it say anything about not baking cakes.

Science cannot explain everything. hell they are still not quite sure the exact mechanics of lift, and we have had airplanes for a century now.

Ah, but science explains more than religion previously did. And religion doesn't bother to explain things other than saying "it's God's will" which lazy people like you take to mean "you can invent whatever standards you want to apply on others". Thing is, science is the constant search for answers, whereas religion discourages searching for answers because everything boils down to the simplistic explanation of "God's will". That's why all these religious liberty arguments are bullshit and the people pushing them are bullshitters.

No, you are a textbook narcissist. And a textbook asshole

Oh, I make no bones about the fact that I'm an asshole. And a narcissist? Do you even know what that word means? It's narcissism to say you have a personal relationship with God. Like out of the 7 billion people on the planet, you are special. That's what I think it's all about. You recognize there is nothing remarkable or special about you so you cling to this belief that some higher power listens to you. How fucking narcissistic is that shit????? But you can't explain how I'm a narcissist. You only throw that word out there because you think it makes you look smart. It doesn't. It makes you look like a whiny little bitch.

Again, lapsed Catholic at best, and most of these bakers are probably Evangelicals, so not my Religion. Unlike you I defend people's rights regardless of my own personal beliefs.

Ah, so here comes the part where you inexplicably say you aren't religious so you can avoid culpability. But the fact remains that you're a bigot, you're just using others to push your bigoted agenda. Talk about narcissism!
To me most Asshole Atheists do believe they are their own personal God. It explains their arrogance and over inflated sense of self importance.

Again with the whiny little bitch moves. You create a straw man and then argue that straw man. This isn't about atheists, this is about you being unable to reconcile the massive, broad contradiction in your argument; that religion relies on the faith of God's forgiveness...after all, what did Jesus supposedly die for? So if that's the case, why not just ask for forgiveness for baking a cake? The Catholic Church was "forgiven" for protecting child rapists, so why wouldn't your silly magic cloud fairy forgive baking a cake?

Once again, it's not your place or mine to dictate how a person practices their Religion

Can you please show me where in the Bible it says anything about baking cakes as it relates to practicing religion? Because there doesn't appear to be any instruction from the magic cloud fairy when it comes to baking. So it's really just an invention of bigots that practicing religion entails not baking cakes. Because that shit isn't anywhere in your holy book, is it? You know what is in there, though? Love thy neighbor. God forgives everyone and everything. Jesus died for your sins so you can keep sinning and ask his father for forgiveness. Turn the other cheek. That stuff is instruction on how to practice religion, but nowhere does it say anything about not baking cakes.

Science cannot explain everything. hell they are still not quite sure the exact mechanics of lift, and we have had airplanes for a century now.

Ah, but science explains more than religion previously did. And religion doesn't bother to explain things other than saying "it's God's will" which lazy people like you take to mean "you can invent whatever standards you want to apply on others". Thing is, science is the constant search for answers, whereas religion discourages searching for answers because everything boils down to the simplistic explanation of "God's will". That's why all these religious liberty arguments are bullshit and the people pushing them are bullshitters.

No, you are a textbook narcissist. And a textbook asshole

Oh, I make no bones about the fact that I'm an asshole. And a narcissist? Do you even know what that word means? It's narcissism to say you have a personal relationship with God. Like out of the 7 billion people on the planet, you are special. That's what I think it's all about. You recognize there is nothing remarkable or special about you so you cling to this belief that some higher power listens to you. How fucking narcissistic is that shit????? But you can't explain how I'm a narcissist. You only throw that word out there because you think it makes you look smart. It doesn't. It makes you look like a whiny little bitch.

Again, lapsed Catholic at best, and most of these bakers are probably Evangelicals, so not my Religion. Unlike you I defend people's rights regardless of my own personal beliefs.

Ah, so here comes the part where you inexplicably say you aren't religious so you can avoid culpability. But the fact remains that you're a bigot, you're just using others to push your bigoted agenda. Talk about narcissism!

No its my opinion of asshole atheists based on my interaction with them. You are case in point.

I don;t have to show anything, and neither do the bakers. The 1st amendment gives them the right to free exercise of their religion. And in any event discussing religious dogma and interpretations with an asshole atheist like you would be like discussing brisket recipes with PETA.

Science still can't explain what happens when we die. Religion doesn't explain it either, but it gives concepts and ideas about it. Science can't explain why the universe was created, and the how is only a theory we cannot prove.

Your self-congratulating tone in your writing shows your narcissism.
No, for McCain the question was about the Canal Zone being US territory, but like Cruz the point was moot because both his parents were US Citizens.

No one demanded to see either of their birth certificates, and Obama was born in Hawaii. You keep maintaining there is equivalence but there isn't. Of Cruz, McCain, and Obama, Obama was the only one physically born in the United States. Yet, he was the only one whose birth certificate you demanded to see because you didn't believe that he was an American. And why was that? Why was the question of his citizenship even raised? Because you're racist pieces of shit who couldn't bear the fact that a black man was elected to clean up after 8 years of your shitty policies.

So as usual, this comes down to you and your shitty little ego. An ego so fragile, it's basically a glass menagerie. Get over yourself.

This is not detailed oriented, it is a single point and then 4-5 lines of you being a dick.

Whiny little bitch. It's nothing but detail oriented, and the questions I'm asking you make you feel bad not because of my tone, but because you cannot answer them. And you know it. So you're the dick here, not me. You're the one avoiding the thread-pulling I'm doing because you can see the sweater unravel from a mile away. You know you cannot answer the question about God's forgiveness, so you just avoid it. What a coward and intellectual light-weight.

There were stories he was actually born in Kenya, and those stories were of course wrong, but people investigated it, as the press should.

Why should they investigate it? Why was it an issue? Because Obama is black and you are a racist. It's that simple. Obama was born in Hawaii, so why is any more "proof" required? Because you're racists who couldn't bear the fact that a black guy was elected to clean up the mess left behind by white Christians. And because your egos are so fragile, you had to discredit Obama by any means...those means included lying about his birth. You're the ones who made it an issue. So my quesiton is why? Why did you all make it an issue if not because Obama's black and we just suffered 8 years of shitty Conservative policies?

Of course, I don't expect you to answer that question...just like the question about God's forgiveness. Instead, I expect you to whine and call me names because you can't bear to admit that all this shit is just a way for you to justify bigotry for yourself. Fuck you.
Every time you have posted I have responded. That you do not like or cannot comprehend the response is your problem, not mine.

But you haven't responded. To any of it. What you've done, for example, when I've posed the question about God's forgiveness is to:

1. Whine like a little bitch
2. Call me a narcissist for challenging your religious beliefs
3. Ignore the obvious and fundamental questions that undermine the entire argument of faith and God and religious exercise

That's all you've done. You haven't even bothered to explain how baking a wedding cake is somehow a religious act. You've avoided it because you know you're wrong, but don't want to give me the satisfaction. Which means all this shit is in service of your fucking ego. Man, did your parents do a shitty job raising you. I bet they told you you could do anything and so long as you believe in yourself, you're right. Did they do that? That's how we get bullshit justifications for things like religious bigotry.

Get over yourself.

They would be participating in a ceremony they do not find morally right.'s what they perceive, not what God perceives. So how is it not then a justification for bigotry? Baking a wedding cake is part of a ceremony? What ceremony? Wedding cakes aren't even at the wedding ceremony...they're at the reception after the ceremony. So WTF?

So another bullshit argument gets flushed down the drain. That was easy.

Can you please show me where in the Bible it talks about wedding cakes being a part of a religious ceremony of marriage? Cause I don't see anything like that in there at all. Baking isn't even mentioned.

It could be considered and endorsement

Considered by whom? God? That's pretty narcissistic to think you know what God considers an endorsement and what God doesn't. Fuck man, you've just gone from accusing me of being a nbarcissist to saying, quite clearly, that those opposed to wedding cakes are of the narcissistic belief that they know what God does and doesn't consider an "endorsement".

Doesn't God forgive you for your sins? So what does it even matter? This is the shit I'm talking about when I say you avoid everything and are a sophist.

and as such they decline to provide a cake only for that specific occurence.

Because of their inherent bigotry and narcissism by pretending that they know what God does and doesn't like. How fucking narcissistic is that!? Wow man...I wasn't even setting out to prove narcissism among religion, but you left that door wide open for me. So how are they making the determination that baking a wedding cake for a reception after the wedding ceremony is somehow an endorsement of that ceremony? Please, explain and use sources they use from the Bible that they think gives them the ability to be bigots. I doubt you can because no such thing exists. Like most of what you post, it's an artificial, invented standard composed off the top of your heads, in the moment. Which proves you don't give any thought to it.
No, for McCain the question was about the Canal Zone being US territory, but like Cruz the point was moot because both his parents were US Citizens.

No one demanded to see either of their birth certificates, and Obama was born in Hawaii. You keep maintaining there is equivalence but there isn't. Of Cruz, McCain, and Obama, Obama was the only one physically born in the United States. Yet, he was the only one whose birth certificate you demanded to see because you didn't believe that he was an American. And why was that? Why was the question of his citizenship even raised? Because you're racist pieces of shit who couldn't bear the fact that a black man was elected to clean up after 8 years of your shitty policies.

So as usual, this comes down to you and your shitty little ego. An ego so fragile, it's basically a glass menagerie. Get over yourself.

This is not detailed oriented, it is a single point and then 4-5 lines of you being a dick.

Whiny little bitch. It's nothing but detail oriented, and the questions I'm asking you make you feel bad not because of my tone, but because you cannot answer them. And you know it. So you're the dick here, not me. You're the one avoiding the thread-pulling I'm doing because you can see the sweater unravel from a mile away. You know you cannot answer the question about God's forgiveness, so you just avoid it. What a coward and intellectual light-weight.

There were stories he was actually born in Kenya, and those stories were of course wrong, but people investigated it, as the press should.

Why should they investigate it? Why was it an issue? Because Obama is black and you are a racist. It's that simple. Obama was born in Hawaii, so why is any more "proof" required? Because you're racists who couldn't bear the fact that a black guy was elected to clean up the mess left behind by white Christians. And because your egos are so fragile, you had to discredit Obama by any means...those means included lying about his birth. You're the ones who made it an issue. So my quesiton is why? Why did you all make it an issue if not because Obama's black and we just suffered 8 years of shitty Conservative policies?

Of course, I don't expect you to answer that question...just like the question about God's forgiveness. Instead, I expect you to whine and call me names because you can't bear to admit that all this shit is just a way for you to justify bigotry for yourself. Fuck you.

The racists are the ones who are probably continuing with it. Again, I read into it, and i accepted the evidence.

Blah blah blah, i love the sound of my own voice in my head when I;m typing, blah blah blah.

No because only one of his parents was an american citizen, and a Kenyan Birth could have been a constitutional issue with his eligibility.

And you need to get some new insults, the ones you are using are getting a bit long in the tooth.
Every time you have posted I have responded. That you do not like or cannot comprehend the response is your problem, not mine.

But you haven't responded. To any of it. What you've done, for example, when I've posed the question about God's forgiveness is to:

1. Whine like a little bitch
2. Call me a narcissist for challenging your religious beliefs
3. Ignore the obvious and fundamental questions that undermine the entire argument of faith and God and religious exercise

That's all you've done. You haven't even bothered to explain how baking a wedding cake is somehow a religious act. You've avoided it because you know you're wrong, but don't want to give me the satisfaction. Which means all this shit is in service of your fucking ego. Man, did your parents do a shitty job raising you. I bet they told you you could do anything and so long as you believe in yourself, you're right. Did they do that? That's how we get bullshit justifications for things like religious bigotry.

Get over yourself.

They would be participating in a ceremony they do not find morally right.'s what they perceive, not what God perceives. So how is it not then a justification for bigotry? Baking a wedding cake is part of a ceremony? What ceremony? Wedding cakes aren't even at the wedding ceremony...they're at the reception after the ceremony. So WTF?

So another bullshit argument gets flushed down the drain. That was easy.

Can you please show me where in the Bible it talks about wedding cakes being a part of a religious ceremony of marriage? Cause I don't see anything like that in there at all. Baking isn't even mentioned.

It could be considered and endorsement

Considered by whom? God? That's pretty narcissistic to think you know what God considers an endorsement and what God doesn't. Fuck man, you've just gone from accusing me of being a nbarcissist to saying, quite clearly, that those opposed to wedding cakes are of the narcissistic belief that they know what God does and doesn't consider an "endorsement".

Doesn't God forgive you for your sins? So what does it even matter? This is the shit I'm talking about when I say you avoid everything and are a sophist.

and as such they decline to provide a cake only for that specific occurence.

Because of their inherent bigotry and narcissism by pretending that they know what God does and doesn't like. How fucking narcissistic is that!? Wow man...I wasn't even setting out to prove narcissism among religion, but you left that door wide open for me. So how are they making the determination that baking a wedding cake for a reception after the wedding ceremony is somehow an endorsement of that ceremony? Please, explain and use sources they use from the Bible that they think gives them the ability to be bigots. I doubt you can because no such thing exists. Like most of what you post, it's an artificial, invented standard composed off the top of your heads, in the moment. Which proves you don't give any thought to it.

No, I have responded, you just keep saying the same bullshit over and over again in response.

Again you do not get to decide one way or another. Free exercise is free exercise.

You have to have that argument with the people in Question. My concern is the constitution, and the constitution only

What is narcissistic is thinking using government to force a person to do something they don't want to isn't force because it only affects people you don't like or care for.
No its my opinion of asshole atheists based on my interaction with them. You are case in point.

Whiny. Little. Bitch. You're such a snowflake! Can't take the tough questions about your faith, so you play the victim. You're not the victim. The people you support discrimination against are the victims. You're a victimizer. You are a victim in some things, however, like being a victim of Conservative lies about everything from economics to religion...which is really just you being a victim of your own lightweight intellectualism and stupidity. After all, it takes a special kind of stupid to use faith as your governing ideology. So in that context, you would be a victim. But you're not in any other context and neither are the bigots.

I don;t have to show anything

Actually, if you want to prove harm to the bigots, ya do. You're saying that they perceive baking cakes as an "endorsement" of something they also perceive God would be against (though again, SSM isn't mentioned anywhere in the Bible). So what you're saying is that these people can justify their bigotry by just claiming it's religion, and they're not obligated to support that with anything because...because...why? If they're saying that it's an endorsement of SSM, then they should be able to point to where in the Bible they get that belief. But they don't, and neither do you. So we're left with basically "take my word for it"...and why the fuck should I? What have you done to prove I can simply take your word for it? Nothing. In fact, you've done the opposite. You've played the victim and you've cast the bigots as victims, then refuse to even support the argument you're making.

What a whiny little bitch.

The 1st amendment gives them the right to free exercise of their religion.

Yes, but those "Freedoms" end where Civil Rights begin. That's what you don't seem to understand. And the 1A doesn't say we have to abide by your shitty religious views. That's why I've said, time and again, that you can believe in a magic cloud fairy if you want, just don't push that shit on society. Is that so fucking hard for you?

You'd need these religious people to prove damage by baking cakes for gay weddings, and if you're telling me that they don't have to show anything that supports their beliefs, then they cannot prove harm. How are these bakeries to prove they are harmed by baking cakes for gay weddings? Oh right, you won't answer that. Because you can't. Because your argument and their arguments are piles of shit and you know it.

That's the real rub for me; not that these people are bigoted (that's expected of anyone of faith), but that they know they're full of shit yet make the arguments anyway.

And in any event discussing religious dogma and interpretations with an asshole atheist like you would be like discussing brisket recipes with PETA.

No, it sounds to me like you can't seem to figure out a way to justify the religious argument for bigotry, so you whine like a little bitch and play the victim while all this time saying you don't have to prove anything you're claiming about your interpretation of religion and the harm baking a cake would cause. Because short of calling God down to sit on the witness stand, you don't know what the fuck God thinks of gay weddings, and it's narcissism to think you do.

So in typical Conservative fashion you project your inadequacies on others in order to portray yourself as a victim of something. The only things you're a victim of are your own fucking stupidity and ego.

Science still can't explain what happens when we die.

So that gives religious people the license to play make-believe and construct concepts of the afterlife, then legislate based on that make-believe, why? Fuck off. That argument doesn't hold water.

Religion doesn't explain it either, but it gives concepts and ideas about it. Science can't explain why the universe was created, and the how is only a theory we cannot prove.

That's where you're fucking wrong (again). Religion does explain it away by putting it all on a higher power. That way, those adherents to religious dogma don't question things that undermine the concept of faith. That's why religious people threw scientists in prison during the Dark Ages. That's why religious people burn books. That's why religious people are the most bigoted among us. That's why religious people are the way they are. And religion doesn't even set out to prove the existence of God. It works within the concept that is inherent. But without proof of God, how can your position be inherently one that revolvs around God? Oh right, faith. In other words, make-believing and wishing upon a star.
I posted a link showing it was discussed.

Yeah, because it may be a legitimate issue. Obama was born in Hawaii, so there's no reason for his birth to have been an issue, yet it was.

There were stories that he wasn't.
Stories from white people. No one cares about what white people want to believe.

Go away, an adult and a moron are discussing, and you don't even qualify as a moron Like TheDerp does.
No its my opinion of asshole atheists based on my interaction with them. You are case in point.

Whiny. Little. Bitch. You're such a snowflake! Can't take the tough questions about your faith, so you play the victim. You're not the victim. The people you support discrimination against are the victims. You're a victimizer. You are a victim in some things, however, like being a victim of Conservative lies about everything from economics to religion...which is really just you being a victim of your own lightweight intellectualism and stupidity. After all, it takes a special kind of stupid to use faith as your governing ideology. So in that context, you would be a victim. But you're not in any other context and neither are the bigots.

I don;t have to show anything

Actually, if you want to prove harm to the bigots, ya do. You're saying that they perceive baking cakes as an "endorsement" of something they also perceive God would be against (though again, SSM isn't mentioned anywhere in the Bible). So what you're saying is that these people can justify their bigotry by just claiming it's religion, and they're not obligated to support that with anything because...because...why? If they're saying that it's an endorsement of SSM, then they should be able to point to where in the Bible they get that belief. But they don't, and neither do you. So we're left with basically "take my word for it"...and why the fuck should I? What have you done to prove I can simply take your word for it? Nothing. In fact, you've done the opposite. You've played the victim and you've cast the bigots as victims, then refuse to even support the argument you're making.

What a whiny little bitch.

The 1st amendment gives them the right to free exercise of their religion.

Yes, but those "Freedoms" end where Civil Rights begin. That's what you don't seem to understand. And the 1A doesn't say we have to abide by your shitty religious views. That's why I've said, time and again, that you can believe in a magic cloud fairy if you want, just don't push that shit on society. Is that so fucking hard for you?

You'd need these religious people to prove damage by baking cakes for gay weddings, and if you're telling me that they don't have to show anything that supports their beliefs, then they cannot prove harm. How are these bakeries to prove they are harmed by baking cakes for gay weddings? Oh right, you won't answer that. Because you can't. Because your argument and their arguments are piles of shit and you know it.

That's the real rub for me; not that these people are bigoted (that's expected of anyone of faith), but that they know they're full of shit yet make the arguments anyway.

And in any event discussing religious dogma and interpretations with an asshole atheist like you would be like discussing brisket recipes with PETA.

No, it sounds to me like you can't seem to figure out a way to justify the religious argument for bigotry, so you whine like a little bitch and play the victim while all this time saying you don't have to prove anything you're claiming about your interpretation of religion and the harm baking a cake would cause. Because short of calling God down to sit on the witness stand, you don't know what the fuck God thinks of gay weddings, and it's narcissism to think you do.

So in typical Conservative fashion you project your inadequacies on others in order to portray yourself as a victim of something. The only things you're a victim of are your own fucking stupidity and ego.

Science still can't explain what happens when we die.

So that gives religious people the license to play make-believe and construct concepts of the afterlife, then legislate based on that make-believe, why? Fuck off. That argument doesn't hold water.

Religion doesn't explain it either, but it gives concepts and ideas about it. Science can't explain why the universe was created, and the how is only a theory we cannot prove.

That's where you're fucking wrong (again). Religion does explain it away by putting it all on a higher power. That way, those adherents to religious dogma don't question things that undermine the concept of faith. That's why religious people threw scientists in prison during the Dark Ages. That's why religious people burn books. That's why religious people are the most bigoted among us. That's why religious people are the way they are. And religion doesn't even set out to prove the existence of God. It works within the concept that is inherent. But without proof of God, how can your position be inherently one that revolvs around God? Oh right, faith. In other words, make-believing and wishing upon a star.

Again, not my faith, it's me defending theirs because I support free exercise.

Again, unless there is actual harm, none of my business, and none of governments.

Their free exercise is a civil right, something you don't seem to grasp. and considering a wedding cake is a non point of sale, contracted non-essential and non-timely service, free exercise takes precedent.

Again, I don't have to justify anything, and neither do they because of free exercise.

The 1st amendment gives them that right, unless a compelling reason is found otherwise.

Plenty of them question things, Martin Luther Questioned, Calvin, Questioned, even MLK questioned due to the resistance of White Baptist Churches to the Civil Rights movement. It also doesn't want to or have to prove God's existence, because it requires faith in something other then oneself.

And Book burning more recently was due to ideology, not religion.
There were stories that he wasn't.

Stories from whom? Who were those pushing those stories out there? The same people who demanded to see his BC. The same people who supported Bush for 8 years. The same racist people who voted for Trump.

The "stories" came from people like you seeking to disqualify Obama because his election forced you to reconcile the uncomfortable facts that what you adhered to for 8 years of Bush was shit. And if the 8 years of Bush were shit, that means the 8 years of Reagan were also shit because Bush and Reagan had the same fucking failed policies, ideology, and world view. And if all that was shit, then it means that the underlying belief system is shit too. So the birther stuff came from you all having your egos bruised by the election of a black man after 8 years of Conservative, white, Christian policies produced nothing but failure.

So you and people like you, puhed this birther story. And you probably even identify the story was bullshit yet you are a racist egomaniac, so you pretend as if it was a legitimate "legal" issue because you lack the courage to admit you're a fucking racist crybaby moron and whiny little bitch, whose policies that you support were all failures, and who isn't half as clever, or smart, or capable as you think.

That's what I think is going on with you people.
I posted a link showing it was discussed.

Yeah, because it may be a legitimate issue. Obama was born in Hawaii, so there's no reason for his birth to have been an issue, yet it was.

There were stories that he wasn't.
Stories from white people. No one cares about what white people want to believe.

Go away, an adult and a moron are discussing, and you don't even qualify as a moron Like TheDerp does.
You must be the moron.
There were stories that he wasn't.

Stories from whom? Who were those pushing those stories out there? The same people who demanded to see his BC. The same people who supported Bush for 8 years. The same racist people who voted for Trump.

The "stories" came from people like you seeking to disqualify Obama because his election forced you to reconcile the uncomfortable facts that what you adhered to for 8 years of Bush was shit. And if the 8 years of Bush were shit, that means the 8 years of Reagan were also shit because Bush and Reagan had the same fucking failed policies, ideology, and world view. And if all that was shit, then it means that the underlying belief system is shit too. So the birther stuff came from you all having your egos bruised by the election of a black man after 8 years of Conservative, white, Christian policies produced nothing but failure.

So you and people like you, puhed this birther story. And you probably even identify the story was bullshit yet you are a racist egomaniac, so you pretend as if it was a legitimate "legal" issue because you lack the courage to admit you're a fucking racist crybaby moron and whiny little bitch, whose policies that you support were all failures, and who isn't half as clever, or smart, or capable as you think.

That's what I think is going on with you people.

Here are the origins from wikipedia

Conspiracy theories about Obama's religion appeared at least as early as his 2004 U.S. Senate campaign in a press release by Illinois political candidate Andy Martin,[29] and, according to a Los Angeles Times editorial, as Internet rumors.[30] These rumors about his religion expanded into his values, cultural, and national loyalty, and, by 2008, into conspiracy theories about his citizenship.[citation needed]

From the start of March 2008, rumors that Obama was born in Kenya before being flown to Hawaii were spread on conservative websites, with the suggestion that this would disqualify Obama from the presidency. In April of that year, anonymous e-mails from supporters of Hillary Clinton repeated the same rumor,[31] including a Clinton Iowa campaign worker, who was fired for sending the e-mail.[32][33] These and numerous other chain e-mails during the subsequent presidential election circulated false rumors about Obama's origin, religion, and birth certificate.[34][35]

On June 9, 2008, Jim Geraghty of the conservative website National Review Online asked that Obama release his birth certificate.[36][37] Geraghty wrote that releasing his birth certificate could debunk several false rumors circulating on the Internet, namely: that his middle name was originally Muhammad rather than Hussein; that his mother had originally named him "Barry" rather than "Barack"; and that Barack Obama Sr. was not his biological father, as well as the rumor that Barack Obama was not a natural-born citizen.[37][38][39]

In August 2008, Philip J. Berg, a former member of the Democratic State Committee of Pennsylvania, brought an unsuccessful lawsuit against Obama, which alleged "that Obama was born in Mombasa, Kenya."[40][41]

In October 2008, an NPR article referred to "Kenyan-born Sen. Barack Obama."[42] Also that month, anonymous e-mails circulated claiming that the Associated Press (AP) had reported Obama was "Kenyan-Born".[43] The claims were based on an AP story that had appeared five years earlier in a Kenyan publication, The Standard.[43][44] The rumor-checking website found that the headline and lead-in sentence describing Obama as born in Kenya and misspelling his first name had been added by the Kenyan newspaper, and did not appear in the story issued by the AP or in any other contemporary newspaper that picked up the AP story.[43][45]

In 2012, published a copy of a promotional booklet that Obama's literary agency, Acton & Dystel, printed in 1991 (and later posted to their website, in a biography in place until April 2007) which misidentified Obama's birthplace and states that Obama was "born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii." When this was posted by Breitbart, the booklet's editor said that this incorrect information had been her mistake, not based on anything provided to her agency by Obama.[46]

and this is the image everyone except the conspiracy nutters accepted:


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