Trump May Not be a White Supremacist but He is In Fact a Bigot

Time and time again, local Democrats elected officials or administrators, order police to stand down and let antifa attack people whom they wish to attack.


No it is not.

TThis was done at Charlottesville for example.

The Charlottesville police stood by the night of the march when the Conservatives surrounded counter protesters with tiki torches and assaulted them. Oh, and one of you guys drive his car through a crowd of people, killing 1. Where were the police there?[/QUOTE]

Exactly. The local dems knew that the pro-statues protesters would be outnumbered by the Antifa thugs, and ordered the cops to stand down to let their street thug allies attack them.

What part of that is confusing to you?

This has been extensively discussed on this site. It is not credible that this is the first time you have heard this.

Conservatives lie. Can't trust 'em. They lie about everything, from wearing breadbags on their feet, to trickle-down and WMDs.[/QUOTE]

So, you have heard it before, you just believed that "cons lie" so you respond by LYING and pretending to be unaware of the accusation.

You aren't big on self awareness are you?

You and yours are the modern day brown shirts.

Anti-fascism wouldn't exist without fascism.[/QUOTE]

Sure it would. It's called false accusations.

How many witches were hung at Salem?
It is likely that the bakers did not share your view on the RIght of others to demand they bake a cake.

It's not about baking the cake, it's about following the rule of law. Conservatives think they are above the law or that the law only applies when they deem it necessary, after first accounting for weirdo religious views. These bigots not baking a cake on religious grounds makes little sense for a variety of reasons, but three in particular:

1. Nowhere does the Bible mention baking cakes for weddings.

2. The entire point of their religion is that God forgives and Jesus died for your sins. So I don't see how they can't ask for forgiveness for making a cake they think their magic cloud fairy doesn't want them to bake.

3. Since their God apparently forgives the Catholic Church -and other religious institutions- for covering up decades (probably centuries) of institutionalized rape, it is hard to accept that same God won't forgive some baker for baking a cake.

So this isn't about my view, this is about your shitty, self-contradicting religious views that don't seem to take those self-contradictions into account, particularly when it comes to justifying bigotry.

And it is highly unlikely that that bakers shared your view on the law, and thus your standard for throwing people in jail is not meant, and your desire to jail people is just you being a bad person.

Also, as I said, I get that you don't like Christianity. That is irrelevant and boring. Stop wasting your time telling me about that. I don't care. I don't read those parts, I just skim to see if there is anything even close to relevant.

So far, not.

So, you excuse for your desire to throw your political enemies in jail is debunked.

You break the law, you pay the price. Don't want to pay the price? Don't break the law. It's that simple. If your God can't forgive you for baking a cake, why the fuck do you worship God in the first place!?!?!?!?!?!?

That's the eternal question that will never be answered by any of you asshats. Because that's the thread that you can pull at that unravels the entire business of "faith".[/QUOTE]

Like I said, got it, you hate Christianity. Don't care.

I'm not going to list all the ideological reasons that what you claimed in moronic, because you know that what you said is moronic.

There are no ideological differences between Nazis and the rest of the right-wing. None. Zip. Nada. Zilch. The only differences that do exist is that the Nazis are overt about their love for Nazis, whereas you all are so shady you have to twist yourself in pretzel logic to justify your own bigotry, most egregiously by hiding behind the skirt of religion. Pathetic.

Conservatives never have and never will accept responsibility for anything because their parents did a shit job raising them.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that's really stupid, what you said. Insanely so. Really fucking stupid.

I find it hard to believe that someone that can type is as stupid as you would have to be to believe what you claim to believe.

So, I think you are a liar.

Sure, that is why you are spending page after page telling marty what he said about Obama's birth certificate, because you are sooooo ready to debate real issues.

I posted exactly what he said...just because he lacks the courage to stand on his principles has no favorable bearing on my opinion of him and what he believes.[/QUOTE]

And your claim to desire to discuss issues, that seems to have faded away.
What it requires is for you to just ignore them and stop trying to use government to squash your political opponents.

So if we ignore Nazis, they will go away? How'd that work out for Europe in the 1920's and 30's? Not too well.

What have the white power idiots being doing the past few decades in the US?

They are a broken organization and the only connection to the Nazis from the 30's is in their addled minds, and yours.

But you have to use them as a link-attack on your political opponents, so they get to shine in the sunlight again, and think they are "relevant"
The Long List of Killings Committed by White Extremists Since the Oklahoma City Bombing

A few a year? Really? Chicago laughs at that.
No one laughs at you whites when you commit terrorists acts but I give you a D - for your ability to deflect from the point..
I'm an American of Polish heritage.

Go back to Poland.

IBut, It does seem like you're prejudiced against Russians, huh?

Russians worked with Donald Trump to undermine our democracy and hack our voting systems. Fuck Russia. Russia also employed hundreds of Eastern European (including Polish) trolls to spread fake news all over social media. Much like what you're doing right now. Until you prove otherwise, we must work from the assumption that anyone who is regurgitating right-wing rhetoric on message boards is a Russian or works for Russia.

You sound racist when it comes Eastern Europeans, and well like a paranoid retard.
. . . unless you don't like "pride parades," and you prefer to see Muslims and immigrants in internment camps? Because that is the road your logic will eventually take us down if you throw reasoned debate out the window in favor of emotion and violence. Remember, it was the supposed actions of the Communists that led to the Enabling Acts. So, yeah, your Popper's philosophy was used to great affect by the same Nazi's you seem to hate. Remember that, sauce for the goose if we go down that road. . . .

Yeaaaaahhhhhhhh...thing is Nazis don't give a shit about rational arguments because they're, you know, Nazis. That's why you punch and kill them. That's why you don't even allow them the "freedom" to express their Nazism. Because Nazism and fascism are incitement. And incitement isn't protected by the First Amendment. So it's perfectly justifiable and legal to assault (and even kill ) Nazis because Nazism is inherently incitement and threatening, and you're acting in self-defense of that. Which is why the guy who punched the Nazi in this video:


Faces no charges for doing so.

You sound like a violent savage.
Mussolini argued that Jews were in Italy since Roman times, and some of his biggest supporters were Jews, for example Jew Etorre Ovazza.

But you just saiud a post ago that he "probably" thought that way, so I'm a bit confused as to how you can definitively say something now when you were admitting to just speculating before. Probably because you're full of shit. Even Hitler had Sonderkomandos.

Furthermore, Mussolini argued with Hitler, that there were no pure, nor superior races.

No, he didn't. In fact, quite the opposite. Italy's occupation of Ethiopia and parts of Northern and Central Africa were justified as Italy's birthright from Rome, and the "lesser races" were to be cleansed or subjugated.

Like I said before, you people make shit up as you go.

Show me where Mussolini spoke of lesser races?
There is one reason and one reason only for Trump's election. That reason is....

Obama. Had he not been the worst president this country ever saw regarding mainstream American citizens Hillary could have walked into the White House. But when he became an awful president and Hillary said she would continue his legacy, America spoke very loud and clear, it was time for change. To quote Obama himself, "Hope and Change."
‘ESPN on Tuesday issued a statement disavowing host Jemele Hill’s tweets calling President Donald Trump “a white supremacist,” “a bigot” and “unqualified and unfit to be president.”’

ESPN disavows Jemele Hill's tweets calling Donald Trump a 'white supremacist'

Trump is in fact a bigot – and although ‘qualified’ per the Constitution, Trump is indeed unfit to be president.
The regime preceding This one was hardly fit to govern. Rarely did that POS follow our Constitution. If Obama was an example of how a black liberal governs, I pray no black liberal ever wins the presidency again. He nearly destroyed our nation pitting races against each other as he destroyed healthcare.
Again, a word spluge with no meaning. Try harder

Nah, you just don't want to reconcile the fact that your religious argument in favor of bigotry is tripped up by its own rhetoric. God forgives and Jesus died for your sins, yet God won't forgive some redneck baker for baking a cake for a gay wedding? That makes no fucking sense at all. Much like every Conservative belief there is.

Government getting involved denies free exercise

Free exercise of what? Because I'm pretty sure it doesn't say anything about baking cakes for gay weddings in the Bible. And I thought God forgives and Jesus died for your sins...sooooooooooo that's not true then? Someone should tell that to the billions of Christians who appear to have been hoodwinked.

the burden is on the government to prove a compelling interest, and then if it is found mitigate the situation in a manner that is least intrusive on the party losing said right.

Already done. 1964 Civil Rights Act. NEXT!

Not everything has to do with commerce, despite you idiots using it to get away with bullshit like denying free exercise.

This specific instance has everything to do with commerce, so here you are, exercising sophism to pretend that denying a wedding cake to gay people isn't a commerce issue, when it is nothing but that. And why wouldn't God just forgive the bakers for baking the cake anyway? What's the answer to that question? I thought God forgives. Apparently that forgiveness doesn't extend to baking which case, why would anyone worship a God who wouldn't forgive you for baking a cake? Seems pretty fucking stupid and bigoted, doesn't it?

The concept of State sovereignty in certain areas is the crux of federalism under our system. Again, if you want to change it, that's what the amendment process is for.

Ahhh, see here comes the goalpost shifting. So your argument moved from one of nothing but state sovereignty to one of sovereignty "in certain areas". What those "areas" are is unspoken, probably because you recognize you need to give yourself broad parameters in order to argue with someone who has a clear thought about this, where you do not. Whiny little bitch move, there.

Or you just realize a contracted service that is non time sensitive and non-essential isn't a PA and doesn't mandate government interference.

The CRA does not make such distinctions, nor should it. A public accommodation is a public accommodation regardless if it's contractual or not. And that's what the courts have all upheld.

Homosexuality is seen as sinful in most major religions. It is what it is, and these people are protected from government malice via the free exercise clause of the 1st amendment.

Well, good fucking thing we aren't a theocracy and thus, cannot legislate morality along religious lines. So it doesn't fucking matter what the child molesting-covering up religions do or think. None of that shit matters when it comes to the law. Your religion doesn't supersede the law no matter how much you want to make this a Sharia state.

Again, don't like it? Amend the constitution.

Reminder: you're the assholes who want to amend the Constitution to ban same-sex marriage.

My Religion has nothing to do with my argument, it has to do with the constitution.

You don't get to decide that, and neither does government until there is a compelling interest.

Nope, the Federal Civil rights act doesn't consider contracted sales a PA. try reading it.

It has to do with commerce in the State. That's why the issue is with State PA laws that overreach their intended scope.

The Constitution is clear on what it assigns to the feds, and what it assigns to the States, and what gets the things not listed. (hint, it's the States)

The CRA is again not being used in these cases.

No, your side is trying to legislate morality in general, which is just as bad, and can't be done due to the free exercise clause. The law cannot interfere with religion without a compelling interest, and even then it can only use the minimum method available to rectify the issue.
I post my views, you post drivel that goes on and on and on.
More non-response responses.
The other 50% being you are a lame JoeB wanna-be, which is probably worse.

I responded directly to your posts, even quoting each instance specifically. You're the one who refuses to have an honest debate about this. You won't even answer the question of God's forgiveness for baking a cake. God forgives and Jesus died for your sins, except when it comes to baking cakes. Apparently that's where God draws the line when it comes to forgiveness. Murder, rape, theft, child molestation, covering up child molestation, slavery, genocide are apparently all things God forgives...but not baking a cake. Nope. That's a bridge too far for the magic cloud fairy. LOL. Ridiculous.

Your screeds are not responses. I have replied to your every "point" and you refuse to even correct your mistakes.

Again, you don't get to dictate how a person freely exercises their Religion, and government doesn't unless there is a compelling interest.
it figures you are the type of person that attacks what you don't understand. It's part of your narcissism.

There is nothing more narcissistic than thinking you talk to God. Except for maybe thinking you are God. Thing is, I understand religion all too well. For me, it keeps boiling down to that question you haven't been able to answer:

If God forgives and Jesus died for you sins, why doesn't God forgive baking a cake? Isn't that the whole fucking point of this bullshit belief system?

"Science". No what you do is use science as a crutch for your political views, and only when it suits your muddled understanding of said science.

Science explains the things religion cannot; which means everything. As we've progressed scientifically, we've discovered that the things you troglodytes used to credit to "God's will" are in fact explained with science. Because science is fact and religion is fantasy.

See, you are a narcissistic prick, thanks for proving my point

Stop being a whiny little bitch. A narcissist would be someone with the arrogance to think an omnipotent being will take time out of its busy schedule to listen to you talk to yourself.

Free exercise doesn't mean it gets locked inside. Deal with it you whiny little snowflake.

Sure it does. Why would a God who supposedly forgives everything, whose "son" died for your sins, not forgive you for baking a cake? Stop being a whiny little bitch as you twist yourself into a pretzel to defend bigotry as "religious liberty" while pretending the big, huge, massive thing that religion relies upon (God's forgiveness) isn't even there when it comes to baking cakes.

What kind of God wouldn't forgive you for baking a cake, yet forgives the Catholic Church for institutionalized sexual assault of children?

Fuck you and fuck your religion.

To me most Asshole Atheists do believe they are their own personal God. It explains their arrogance and over inflated sense of self importance.

Once again, it's not your place or mine to dictate how a person practices their Religion

Science cannot explain everything. hell they are still not quite sure the exact mechanics of lift, and we have had airplanes for a century now.

No, you are a textbook narcissist. And a textbook asshole

Again, lapsed Catholic at best, and most of these bakers are probably Evangelicals, so not my Religion. Unlike you I defend people's rights regardless of my own personal beliefs.
The question was actually also brought up about McCain because he was born in the Panama Canal Zone. a review of law saw it was considered american soil, and thus he was eligible.

No one demanded to see McCain's birth certificate. Only Obama. Why? You keep avoiding that question and the reason is pretty obvious.

As for the rest, its just liking the sound of your own voice in your head as you type. There is a level of class in brevity that escapes you.

You're mistaken. I am writing these posts for you. This is me being nice. This is me being thorough and detail-oriented. Part of the reaosn why you suck so much is that you don't pay attention to detail, you don't drill down into the fundamentals. You have only a superficial understanding of things; that understanding seems to derive itself from what you glean on random message boards by (possibly) Russian trolls who we know come to places like this message board to spew their propaganda. We know they already do that...the question is; why are you falling for it? The answer is obvious; you're an idiot.

Trump was born in NYC, and there was never a question over it. Someone raised it about Obama and it was answered.

Obama was born in Hawaii, so why was there a question about him? Because he is black and you're a racist. It's the only answer that makes sense. "someone" didn't raise it about Obama, you shitgobblers did. My question is why did you shitsippers raise it? I think the answer is obvious; you're racist pieces of shit.

No, for McCain the question was about the Canal Zone being US territory, but like Cruz the point was moot because both his parents were US Citizens.

This is not detailed oriented, it is a single point and then 4-5 lines of you being a dick.

There were stories he was actually born in Kenya, and those stories were of course wrong, but people investigated it, as the press should. For most the proof was shown and that was the end of it. The remainder who still push it are mostly conspiracy nutters.
What it requires is for you to just ignore them and stop trying to use government to squash your political opponents.

So if we ignore Nazis, they will go away? How'd that work out for Europe in the 1920's and 30's? Not too well.

What have the white power idiots being doing the past few decades in the US?

They are a broken organization and the only connection to the Nazis from the 30's is in their addled minds, and yours.

But you have to use them as a link-attack on your political opponents, so they get to shine in the sunlight again, and think they are "relevant"
The Long List of Killings Committed by White Extremists Since the Oklahoma City Bombing

A few a year? Really? Chicago laughs at that.
No one laughs at you whites when you commit terrorists acts but I give you a D - for your ability to deflect from the point..

There is no point to deflect from. The # of killings you list are a dot on the list of killings overall.
And it is highly unlikely that that bakers shared your view on the law, and thus your standard for throwing people in jail is not meant, and your desire to jail people is just you being a bad person.

Well, the bakers don't even accept the law, so I don't know how you think we can have a discussion about how they view something they don't even accept. And it doesn't matter what they view the law as, the law is the law. They violated the law by invoking the squishy concept of "religious liberty" without even bothering to articulate how it's a religious liberty issue. Again, no mention of wedding cakes in the Bible. Again, God is supposed to forgive and Jesus died for your sins. Again, God seems to have forgiven the Catholic Church for institutional rape so why wouldn't God forgive someone for baking a cake? That question is one you all have avoided completely. Obviously because you recognize pulling at that thread unravels the whole sweater.

Also, as I said, I get that you don't like Christianity. That is irrelevant and boring. Stop wasting your time telling me about that. I don't care. I don't read those parts, I just skim to see if there is anything even close to relevant.

"Boring". Look man, if you're gonna jack from my posts, at least have the common decency to not look like a shitgobbling poseur plagairist as you do it. Try thinking of things on your own instead of stealing from others. Of course, that could just be a pie-in-the-sky request on my part. Being Conservative means you don't have to think for yourself. It's "God's will" after all, right?
Like I said, got it, you hate Christianity. Don't care.

Oh stop being a whiny little bitch. Christians are not victims and haven't been since the days the Romans would throw them to the lions. My point is that for a God who supposedly forgives and whose son died for everyone's sins, he sure seems to have a bug up his ass about wedding cakes and not things like institutionalized child rape. What kind of God is that, and who would worship a deity with those principles? That's why the whole "religious liberty" argument is bullshit. If that's the defense, then it means the God you love and worship isn't who you are pretending it is. If your God can't forgive you for baking a wedding cake, why the fuck do you have faith in it!?!?

Stupid and childish. And I think even you recognize that.

Yeah, that's really stupid, what you said. Insanely so. Really fucking stupid.

How so? Becuase your parents did such a shit job raising you, you crave an authoritarian hand in order to maintain control. These "religious liberty" arguments are just that; cover for the insecurity that you no longer have the dominant control over society you once had. "You" in this context being white Christian males. So because your grasp on power isn't nearly as strong as it was before (but make no mistake, is still strong and dominant nonetheless), you have to dress up your insecurity in the contradictory "faith" argument because there is no social, moral, or ethical argument for what you believe. Again, that's because your parents were shit, did a shit job raising you, and produced shit adults who use their shit belief system to pretend their discrimination isn't based in bigotry and hatred and shit. But we all know it is...I think even you know it is. But you fight against it because you're a whiny little bitch, with whiny little bitch arguments, who makes whiny little bitch moves to pretend to be a victim of your victimizing.

But Christians and Conservatives like to think of themselves as perpetual victims. And they're right in a sense. They are victims, only they're victims of their own delusion, bigotry, and gullibility...and of those who filled their head with empty promises about "Making America Great" and trickle-down prosperity and all that stupid shit.

And your claim to desire to discuss issues, that seems to have faded away.

I am all about discussing issues, but you all never want to do that. Because you all seek to make everything about yourselves and your egos. Get over yourself.
Show me where Mussolini spoke of lesser races?

Wow, dude. You don't know anything. You are pretending like you have knowledge in this subject, but you don't. It's sad. It's clear you're just making shit up as you go.

Mussolini spoke endlessly about race, most famously in the "Manifesto of Race" which was published in 1938 that maintained Italians are of aryan descent and brought forth racial laws, mostly against Jews but also any folks they occupied in Africa, in October of that year.
Obama. Had he not been the worst president this country ever saw regarding mainstream American citizens Hillary could have walked into the White House. But when he became an awful president and Hillary said she would continue his legacy, America spoke very loud and clear, it was time for change. To quote Obama himself, "Hope and Change."

Obama was far from the worst President, and among the rankings by Presidential Historians, is in the top 15.

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