Trump May Not be a White Supremacist but He is In Fact a Bigot

I posted a link showing it was discussed.

Yeah, because it may be a legitimate issue. Obama was born in Hawaii, so there's no reason for his birth to have been an issue, yet it was.

There were stories that he wasn't.
Stories from white people. No one cares about what white people want to believe.

Go away, an adult and a moron are discussing, and you don't even qualify as a moron Like TheDerp does.
You must be the moron.

Reading comprehension isn't your strong point, is it?
Yeah, because it may be a legitimate issue. Obama was born in Hawaii, so there's no reason for his birth to have been an issue, yet it was.

There were stories that he wasn't.
Stories from white people. No one cares about what white people want to believe.

Go away, an adult and a moron are discussing, and you don't even qualify as a moron Like TheDerp does.
You must be the moron.

Reading comprehension isn't your strong point, is it?
Being a moron is your strong point isnt it?
There were stories that he wasn't.
Stories from white people. No one cares about what white people want to believe.

Go away, an adult and a moron are discussing, and you don't even qualify as a moron Like TheDerp does.
You must be the moron.

Reading comprehension isn't your strong point, is it?
Being a moron is your strong point isnt it?

Shoo, racist asshole.
Stories from white people. No one cares about what white people want to believe.

Go away, an adult and a moron are discussing, and you don't even qualify as a moron Like TheDerp does.
You must be the moron.

Reading comprehension isn't your strong point, is it?
Being a moron is your strong point isnt it?

Shoo, racist asshole.
Youre not a moron because your white. Youre just stupid.
Go away, an adult and a moron are discussing, and you don't even qualify as a moron Like TheDerp does.
You must be the moron.

Reading comprehension isn't your strong point, is it?
Being a moron is your strong point isnt it?

Shoo, racist asshole.
Youre not a moron because your white. Youre just stupid.

I'll put my IQ up against your any day of the week.
Youre not a moron because your white. Youre just stupid.

His race has nothing to do with it. He's a moron because his parents did a shit job raising him and instilled him with unearned confidence and entitlement.

Those people need to fucking die off already. They don't contribute anything to society. They're all addicted to opiods and heroin, anwyay. Let 'em die. Society will be better off without them.

How little you know about anything. And since you just called my parents drug addicts, you are being reported.
The racists are the ones who are probably continuing with it. Again, I read into it, and i accepted the evidence.

The racists are the ones continuing it, and those who thought it was an issue in the first place of which you are one. We know because we read it from your 2010 post where you talk about the issue being "settled" to a level you deemed "sufficient", when that level of sufficiency comes from the very thought that you didn't believe he was born in Hawaii in the first place.

So you don't get to abrogate responsibility for your shitty racism just because you came to terms with reality sooner than many of your like-minded swine on this message board. That's not what being an adult means or is. That's not responsibility. That's being a whiny little bitch.

No because only one of his parents was an american citizen, and a Kenyan Birth could have been a constitutional issue with his eligibility..

Obama was born in Hawaii. Again, all this shit you're saying is bullshit pushed by racists to discredit the black President who was elected to clean up the mess your shitty policies left behind.

And you need to get some new insults, the ones you are using are getting a bit long in the tooth.

Whiny. Little. Bitch.
You must be the moron.

Reading comprehension isn't your strong point, is it?
Being a moron is your strong point isnt it?

Shoo, racist asshole.
Youre not a moron because your white. Youre just stupid.

I'll put my IQ up against your any day of the week.
No you wouldnt. Lets be honest. I would make you look weak in any contest of IQ even with a eurocentric IQ test.
The racists are the ones who are probably continuing with it. Again, I read into it, and i accepted the evidence.

The racists are the ones continuing it, and those who thought it was an issue in the first place of which you are one. We know because we read it from your 2010 post where you talk about the issue being "settled" to a level you deemed "sufficient", when that level of sufficiency comes from the very thought that you didn't believe he was born in Hawaii in the first place.

So you don't get to abrogate responsibility for your shitty racism just because you came to terms with reality sooner than many of your like-minded swine on this message board. That's not what being an adult means or is. That's not responsibility. That's being a whiny little bitch.

No because only one of his parents was an american citizen, and a Kenyan Birth could have been a constitutional issue with his eligibility..

Obama was born in Hawaii. Again, all this shit you're saying is bullshit pushed by racists to discredit the black President who was elected to clean up the mess your shitty policies left behind.

And you need to get some new insults, the ones you are using are getting a bit long in the tooth.

Whiny. Little. Bitch.

yes, he produced the birth certificate, and the matter was closed to me. Just like i read about the issue with McCain's Canal zone birth, and Cruz's Canadian birth location, and when I read some constitutional explanations, I was satisfied.

Unlike progressive lemmings such as yourself, I don't accept blank statements that things are acceptable.

I linked two of the issues that showed a potential Kenyan birth, and both were found to be mistakes made by the people publishing the information. Again, I accepted those explanations.

And where is there evidence of my racism? And don't link me calling a poster ****** or boy as evidence, I only use those to get rises out of racist assholes like Asssplicasss.
Again, not my faith, it's me defending theirs because I support free exercise.

How is baking, or not baking a cake an "exercise of religion"? Oh, refuse to answer that. Because you're a piece of shit and your argument is a piece of shit, and you know it. That's the part of this whole thing that gets me...the fact that you make false arguments knowingly and abrogate responsibility for doing so.

There's a word for people like you: Sophist.

Again, unless there is actual harm, none of my business, and none of governments.

So how are bakers harmed by baking a cake? Oh, refuse to answer that. Because you're a piece of shit and your argument is a piece of shit, and you know it. That's the part of this whole thing that gets me...the fact that you make false arguments knowingly and abrogate responsibility for doing so.

There's a word for that: Sophistry.

Their free exercise is a civil right

So how is baking, or not baking a cake an "exercise of religion"? Where in the Bible does it talk about that? Oh, refuse to answer that. Because you're a piece of shit and your argument is a piece of shit, and you know it.

There's a word for that type of behavior: Sophism.

something you don't seem to grasp. and considering a wedding cake is a non point of sale, contracted non-essential and non-timely service, free exercise takes precedent.

A wedding cake is most definitely a point of sale, and that's what the courts have uphold. So once again, you're making a rhetorical leap, then refusing to produce anything to support that leap and conclusion. So instead, you just repeat the false argument, knowing it's a false argument, for the sake of protecting your ego.

Now that's sophistry, but it's also narcissism.

Again, I don't have to justify anything, and neither do they because of free exercise.

You'll need to prove that baking a cake is a religious exercise in order for your sophist argument to make sense. But here, you're refusing to do that. So you're telling me that anyone can claim any action as a religious exercise, right? So if someone wanted to go and murder a church full of Christians, they could simply say that it is a religious exercise to do that, and not be held accountable. So you make a claim on behalf of them, then refuse to support that claim hoping that no one asks the question of how?

You are a sophist, plain and simple.

The 1st amendment gives them that right, unless a compelling reason is found otherwise.

But again, that's you working from the assumption that baking a cake is a religious exercise. It isn't. Baking cakes for weddings isn't mentioned in the Bible, so the only people claiming it's a religious exercise are the bigots. Me challenging your dogma that baking a cake is a religious exercise gives you the vapors, so you simply dismiss it as saying you don't have to prove anything. So if I went and fucked your wife, you can't get mad at me or her for doing so because I can just claim it's a religious exercise. If I went and stole your car, I could just claim it was a religious exercise. If I hacked into your computer and stole your e-mails or put a virus on your machine, I could just claim it's a religious exercise. Gee, this is fun!

Punching Nazis? Religious exercise.

Shooting Nazis? Religious exercise.

Murdering Nazis? Religious exercise.

Burning down a church? Religious exercise.

Insulting people on USMB? Religious exercise.

Plenty of them question things, Martin Luther Questioned, Calvin, Questioned, even MLK questioned due to the resistance of White Baptist Churches to the Civil Rights movement. It also doesn't want to or have to prove God's existence, because it requires faith in something other then oneself.

If you have to put faith in something besides yourself, then you're not a fully-developed adult. "Question things"? Like what"? What did they question? Did they question God's existence? No. So they worked from the inherent position that God exists. So right away, you're setting your argument up for a rhetorical failure because, again, it falls on faith to bridge the credibility and truth gap. In other words, refusing to provide or even search for truth and calling it "faith", means you're too lazy, ignorant, cowardly, or stupid to search for answers to those tough questions. So you can just dismiss it by saying "it's God's will".

Cop-out to the nth degree. And also wildly narcissistic.

And Book burning more recently was due to ideology, not religion.

Ideology and religion are the same thing.

Maybe in the classical sense I am a Sophist, but not by the current usage.

From the word σοφός (sophos) is derived the verb σοφίζω (sophizo), which means "to instruct or make learned", but which in the passive voice means "to become or be wise", or "to be clever or skilled in a thing". In turn, from this verb is derived the noun σοφιστής (sophistes), which originally meant "a master of one's craft" but later came to mean "a prudent man" or "wise man".[4] The word for "sophist" in various languages comes from sophistes.

They are being forced to do something they don't want to do because of their religious beliefs. Since there is no actual harm done by the refusal, their Civil Rights take precedent over the desire of the couple to buy that specific cake from them for that specific reason.

Point of sale is walk in, walk out, no knowledge of how the item will be used. This is a contracted service for a specific ceremony.

The harm is from being forced to choose between their beliefs and their livelihoods.

Again, it's not the cake, its the act of providing something for a ceremony solemnifying something their religion considers sinful.

Again, reported for involving family members.

As for you line by line, the first four result in actual CRIMINAL harm, assault, attempted murder, murder, and arson to be exact. The last one doesn't make any sense, because no one is stopping you from insulting people.

Your first statement proves you are a narcissist and a shallow shallow little man.
Again you do not get to decide one way or another. Free exercise is free exercise.

Actually, the courts have ruled that you and the bigots don't get to arbitrarily decide what is a religious exercise and what isn't. And unless you and the bigots can prove harm, which you've said you refuse to do, then your bigotry is just that, bigotry. So I get to call you a bigot. I get to call you a homophobe. I get to call you a whiny little bitch. And you have to sit there and take it like the whiny little bitch you are.

You have to have that argument with the people in Question. My concern is the constitution, and the constitution only

I'm having the debate with you because you're here defending those bigots along their shaky "religious exercise" terms. So you don't get to escape from the uncomfortable question posed to you because you are representing the defense of those people yourself. This is what being an adult is all about, something you don't seem like you are. What's ironic is that you're the childish one in all this, not me with my insults. I like to kick people when they're down, but only those who deserve it, like you.

What is narcissistic is thinking using government to force a person to do something they don't want to isn't force because it only affects people you don't like or care for.

You don't get to do whatever the fuck you want in this country. We have laws. You seem to want a theocracy, where bigots just make shit up as they go. Then play the victim when their improvisation is called out. That's because you're a whiny little bitch.
I'll put my IQ up against your any day of the week.

IQ measurements are bullshit that were designed to promote Eugenics. So it's no wonder Conservatives are so keen on IQs as a measurement of intelligence.

We don't need IQ measurements to tell us that people of faith are stupid, and many of them are racist shitbags.
Again you do not get to decide one way or another. Free exercise is free exercise.

Actually, the courts have ruled that you and the bigots don't get to arbitrarily decide what is a religious exercise and what isn't. And unless you and the bigots can prove harm, which you've said you refuse to do, then your bigotry is just that, bigotry. So I get to call you a bigot. I get to call you a homophobe. I get to call you a whiny little bitch. And you have to sit there and take it like the whiny little bitch you are.

You have to have that argument with the people in Question. My concern is the constitution, and the constitution only

I'm having the debate with you because you're here defending those bigots along their shaky "religious exercise" terms. So you don't get to escape from the uncomfortable question posed to you because you are representing the defense of those people yourself. This is what being an adult is all about, something you don't seem like you are. What's ironic is that you're the childish one in all this, not me with my insults. I like to kick people when they're down, but only those who deserve it, like you.

What is narcissistic is thinking using government to force a person to do something they don't want to isn't force because it only affects people you don't like or care for.

You don't get to do whatever the fuck you want in this country. We have laws. You seem to want a theocracy, where bigots just make shit up as they go. Then play the victim when their improvisation is called out. That's because you're a whiny little bitch.

The courts also ruled once that separate but equal was OK and Dred Scott was still a slave. your appeal to authority has no water with me.

You can call me whatever you want, the opinion of a jackass like you means as much to me as the opinion of a termite.

I am defending their right to free exercise only for contracted services. if they put a "gays not wanted" sign in front of their point of sale bakery I would not defend them at all. that would be a PA violation. And your insults just show how weak your argument is. I was much angrier in the past, hell even a few weeks ago. Things recently in life have shown me the best way to handle useless people like you is to just let you vent, and counter your bullshit with reality

Argumentum ad absurdum, equating limits on government to no laws whatsoever.
I'll put my IQ up against your any day of the week.

IQ measurements are bullshit that were designed to promote Eugenics. So it's no wonder Conservatives are so keen on IQs as a measurement of intelligence.

We don't need IQ measurements to tell us that people of faith are stupid, and many of them are racist shitbags.

I notice it's always the low IQ people who bitch about IQ. It ruins your view of your own self-importance. And since that is all you have in your quite pathetic life you have to attack it.

You calling anyone stupid is the dumb pot calling the kettle black.
yes, he produced the birth certificate, and the matter was closed to me.

AH! So you did believe that he wasn't born in America, then! So why are you arguing with me that you didn't believe that and that you're not a racist? Why did Obama have to produce a birth certificate to you in the first place? Obviously because you thought he wasn't born here. Which makes you a birther. Whether or not you accept that he was now, doesn't change the fact that you came to the doubt before. That doubt is what makes you a racist shitgoblin and why everything you're posting is a bunch of racist, walked-back bullshit.

Just like i read about the issue with McCain's Canal zone birth, and Cruz's Canadian birth location, and when I read some constitutional explanations, I was satisfied.

Bull-fucking-shit! I searched through your posts...not once did you mention McCain and Panama in 7 years until today. So fuck you, lying racist shitheel. Your lies don't work here.

Unlike progressive lemmings such as yourself, I don't accept blank statements that things are acceptable.

Ah, but you do. You accepted blindly and blankly the doubt of Obama's birth. Why did you accept that? Because you're a racist. At least have the fucking balls to admit it.

I linked two of the issues that showed a potential Kenyan birth, and both were found to be mistakes made by the people publishing the information. Again, I accepted those explanations.

Not once in the entire time you've been posting on USMB did you ever raise the issue of McCain's birth. We know this because we can search your posts. So now, in addition to make lying bullshit arguments on this thread, you fucking lie about your posts on the history of this message board. So since you lied about all that shit, why would you be telling the truth about anything else?????

And where is there evidence of my racism? And don't link me calling a poster ****** or boy as evidence, I only use those to get rises out of racist assholes like Asssplicasss.

Not once in the entirety of your presence on these message boards have you ever mentioned McCain/Panama until this thread. So why the fuck should any of us believe you when you say that the circumstances around his birth were given the same weight as your suspicions around Obama?
How little you know about anything. And since you just called my parents drug addicts, you are being reported.

Desperate to avoid the conversation, martybegan runs like a whiny little bitch to the moderators.


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